Subtitles is under Audio

>subtitles is under Audio

Attached: 1475877318999.jpg (480x360, 14K)

>Graphics settings only contains one "effects" option

>music at %100
>still not loud enough
>if I turn speakers up I'll forget and get earraped when launching another game

Attached: 1566702186399.jpg (480x542, 42K)

The hunt for the subtitle option is a ritual I must suffer everytime I play a new game.

Okay? And? Did it ruin your experience?

yes, thanks for asking

>voice is lumped into the same slider as effects

Attached: 1489368111018.jpg (592x448, 27K)

>no voice settings

Attached: leslie-jones-591x560.png (591x560, 459K)

>Default video options
>Depth of field: ON
>Motion blur: ON
>Chromatic aberration: ON
>Vignette: ON

>controls are under game settings
>the only thing under the actual controls settings is sensitivity

>game has no option to limit framerate
>game runs at 1000 fps

>not the gif

Attached: 2005.gif (200x147, 1.95M)

>he forgot the v-sync option

>we should ignore bad things because things around them are good

>Film Grain: ON

>Game has no FOV slider

Attached: 1557715784195.png (751x684, 683K)

So what happened to this guy? I thought this was one of those meta threads

>cutscene audio is tied to a single slider
>and it's way quieter than the rest of the audio tied to the same slider

Attached: 1503643742608.gif (263x239, 351K)

I dont know I managed to quit bb

I, too, struggle with critical thinking user

>Go to audio options
>See this

What do?

Attached: 287700_20190826055213_1.png (1920x1080, 3.01M)

i wish they made it this easy

usually you have to go on a .ini hunt, or just turn effecs down to low but that disables all the good shader effects too

he now spends his life shitposting on Yea Forums, just like before

no i dont know, someone should hunt him down on social media

>Graphics: On/Off

>can't change graphical settings in game
>can change graphical settings in game, but you need to restart
>game forces you to start playing with shitty default graphical settings before you can change them

...what does off do..?

nintendo switch setting

>Game lets you change SOME graphics settings in-game, but not all
>SOME of the graphics settings you can change in-game require a restart
Fucking Oblivion, man.

The game becomes a text adventure.

>Yea Forums fucking won Big Brother
It will never seem real to me no matter how much time passes.

>you have to go into the .ini files to get the FOV you want
>game has a patch and fucks up one of the keybinds and you have to guess how to fix it by changing some lines in the .ini files, and you are apparently the only one with this problem since nothing comes up on either forums or Google

Attached: retard.jpg (773x935, 47K)