Anyone been keeping tabs on Ulillillia?

Anyone been keeping tabs on Ulillillia?

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uli has

>a regular job
>gotten over his fear of the ocean
>is actually taking swimming lessons
>still hangs out with his buddies

good on ya m8

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he's got a job and gf now, he decided to stop being so autistic

he is still super autistic he's just autistic about swimming instead of video games
a downgrade in my opinion

Regular job doing what?

>Ulillillia has friends and I don't

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Walmart if memory serves me right.

Can he stand in front of mirrors?

He has permanently immersed himself in that wet stuff ever since he overcame his fear of the ocean

he went from degreasing pizza to degreasing pussy

The Virgin Ulillillia

The Chad Uli

You didn't do anything to change. If you're under 25 there's still hope. Otherwise you'll end up like me. 35, no friends, and working from home. I haven't spoken in person to another human being that wasn't food delivery for about four years.

>working from home

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>working from home
And you make enough to support yourself? What do you do?

So he makes girls dry whenever they see him?

Theres always still chance. Im 32, i spent several years at home sometimes finding work online sometimes not and couldn't see myself surviving past 35. I have been working for the last 4 months in a quite respectable mobile-cancer gaming company doing what i like, with great company. Honestly i feel like i have a chance to grow into a proper person again. The only difference is that i actually tried to get to work outside, which i had great anxiety fear of for years. It was a stressfull and almost panic inducing to change the status quo comfort of no one bothering me, but very quickly adaptation happened and the new feels quite normal. Still not completely adjusted to smaller amount of free time of wage-slaving, but getting there. Filtering out time-wasting habits i developed and focusing more on spending that time on fullfilling hobbies.

>one of the most powerful autists on earth got a job and a gf and i still can't wipe my ass correctly
well what the fuck

You've been had, user. There's no correct way to wipe your ass

>working from home
How do you do it? I hate my warehouse job, too many black people trying to get me to help them with their website and rapping career.

>tfw 26soon 27 still in school

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>is actually taking swimming lessons
dude is already out there swimming in like the middle of the ocean or someshit, doesn't look like he needs any lesson at all to me

Once you get to college it will get better, don't worry user. It will be a new chance.

it is college

Just jump in the shower or by a bidet, it's not that hard.

>and I still can't wipe my ass correctly
Pull your nuts aside, reach under and don't be afraid to dig in a knuckle deep
Haven't had a shit stain in my undies in years

ulililia grew out of bing bing wahoos and Yea Forums didn't


Whats the problem then? Finish it and move on.

>wiping from the front
fucking burgers

Don't be absurd, burgers are far to fat to accomplish such a thing

>wiping back to front

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I handle work orders and billing for an HVAC company. I used my severe social anxiety and faked back problems to get set up at home. My employer hates me for it but I do a fine job. He just despises the idea that somebody is able to perform but not be under his thumb in an office shaped prison.

This, you gotta dig in some - a few times, until paper is clean. Then you're good to go, you'll never worry about shit again.

The first big step is to get out of your parents' house. The world opens up after that.

Just use the three sea shells.

first saviour story of a famous autist on Yea Forums.


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>uli thread giving out advice on wiping your ass correctly
But seriously hearing that he's doing well warms my heart, what a lad.

fucking based

meanwhile Chris chan now genuinely believes he's a girl from Neptunia

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there's still hope for you too user, you can always make what's left of your life better

>he doesn't wipe one way then the other

seriously it's not fucking rocket appliances

>girl from Neptunia

Why neptunia?

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if you wipe back to front you'll get shit all over your balls and then you'll have to go out back and hose them off

Chrischan's actively going schizophrenic now. it's weird.

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And if you wipe front to back you'll gonna get shit all over your back ass, like a little brown tail sticking yout of your pantaloons.

It isn't so much a wipe as a gouging motion to get the shit out of every nook and cranny of your pucker
You can follow up with a standard wipe to catch any that might be on your cheeks if it was a particularly messy shit

Maybe if you're a spastic

I follow him and I'm impressed that he can swim in middle of lakes, it scares me.

So coming from someone who feared mirrors, that's impressive.

He still works at Walmart, and often meet some friend, so he is almost a normie I guess.

He outgrew vidya for all of us who won't make it.

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they have employment programs at places like walmart where they employ people who are actually retarded, like with downs syndrome
he's far from normal


>you will never play The Platform Master
Not fair, bros.

Uli is the Yin to Chris Chan's Yang. Exact opposites. If they ever touched, they'd explode like matter and antimatter.

I'd rather shit on my balls than my back. Alteast no one will know. Enjoy your tiger stripes.
>uli now has a super hot gf

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Ever wonder what ODB stood for?
ol durty back

I really wanted to play Platform Masters, I'm kinda pissed he became normal desu.

definitive proof that videogames are holding a generation of men back.

Can someone give me a quick run down on him seen him a bunch but never bothered to learn what’s he all about

not everyone can live in japan you know

I need my true parallax scrolling, I absolutely NEED it

.. and instead you've created your own. Well done based retard

insane mega NEET who eventually turned his life around and is now an almost-normie. He has/had a ton of videos on his youtube channel dedicated to grinding characters to the max level in starting areas of RPGs, or him using a bunch of software he made himself to listen to the same Final Fantasy song thousands of times in a row. He also had a few videos of him "degreasing" pizza, where he'd use paper towels to dab the top of his store-bought pizzas for like 10 minutes before he'd actually eat them to get all the grease off.

He had a fear of "blue water" for a long time because in video games water mostly killed you. He also had a fear of walking up stairs, so in high school he would literally get down on his belly and climb stairs like he was climbing a mountain. It really is a wonder he turned into a functioning human.

I'm 28, can't swim and will never learn

Is Uli even autistic? Seemed more like severe OCD to me.

Either way he knew he had a problem and didn't try to fool himself that he was fine.. Glad he's doing okay though because his m,other was actually a bit abusive (IIRC she used to put a mirror outside his door so he couldn't leave his room)

>(IIRC she used to put a mirror outside his door so he couldn't leave his room)


He's fine, don't worry

>she used to put a mirror outside his door so he couldn't leave his room

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i hope its an engineering degree and not some meme liberal arts/business degree

Based thank you for the spoon feed user I’m glad he has turned his way life around in such a mega way and not being a Chris chan

Imagine that there exists a parallel world where UIililililia became a batshit insane autist and Chris-chan actually got help and didn't become who he is today.

He was the type of guy who grinded to level 99 in the tutorial level of a Final Fantasy game because he enjoys numbers and calculations and accurately calculated the rate he would need of xp gain and fights to hit max level. Guy is also a Disgaea genius since there's NUMBERS GALORE in that game for the damage.

>not learning how to swim when the fucking planet is 90% water

I remember him saying he spent like 2000 hours grinding in the starter zone of ff12, or disgaea, I don't remember

I used to watch his 40 viewer streams with Yea Forums peak comfy

>Ulillillia actually made it
I'm so fucking proud of him.

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sauce me bad boy

I'm not sharing the same water as dozens of loud literal whos, most of them fat. My autism doesn't allow it

Every breath of air you take has been inside someone else, every surface you touch is covered in shit, every square-inch of your body is crawling with microscopic life

Ulillillia Archive
Ulillillia Archive
2 months ago
@Naphaster Jones I am not sure where that rumour came from, but he definitely hasn't lost the source code for Platform Masters. He actually just posted on facebook today that he is working on the game again! Still, I wouldn't get too excited, progress is very slow and he may just get tired of it and quit again after a short time.

his website/blog was fucking hilarious. this is 14 years ago btw.

chris is too slow to catch up on trends, it took him a while to actually start liking FiM even though he was the first ponyfag ever. he's gonna start shipping steven universe characters in about 4 years

Uli was one of those things you had to be there for. Kinda before "lolcows" or whatever they call them.

Someone storytimed all of sonichu on Yea Forums a few weeks back and I couldn't even really start on the idea guy stuff
Classic chris stuff was least off the wall and entertaining but that shit was unreadable nonsense without even very many images to look at

>Uli got a job and a girlfriend and has slowly but surely made progress overcoming some of the worst parts of his severe OCD (not autism) as he moves away from video games
>Chris Chan once sliced his taint open with a knife and listens to ASMR thinking it will turn him into a woman as he begs his white knights for money that immediately goes to toys and video games
There are two paths

did he get a girlfriend?