Haven’t played Yu-Gi-Oh in years but game caught my interest

>Haven’t played Yu-Gi-Oh in years but game caught my interest
>Buy it and enjoy it even with its lackluster presentation
>Has all the cards I remember and than some
>Finally get all the cards I want to build the deck I’ve wanted after grinding for packs
>Go online
>Instantly get wrecked by people who summon three monsters in turn one with one of them having 2400 attack somehow while attacking three times

Is there any point to this game online for people like me? Is there no way to separate people who want to play up until a certain archetype was added?

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Other urls found in this thread:


play against the AI like the simp you are

Just play again the CPU on easy. You won't last a second with the big boys.

Try sealed? It only matches you with an opponent with the same sealed deck, I think.

Have sex

B-but I just wanna play against other people with my Dark Scorpion and Paper Airplane decks ;_;

Switch to Venom

yugioh is the most toxicly designed game just because it has one format where any old bullshit can fly, and the autists playing it freak out if everyone isnt racing to OTK each other

Why would they freak out when their opponent is playing a shit tier deck?

i mean konami cant ban that shit out and change the meta or they all flip shit

Tried the story mode in this game. Won against Seto by pulling Exodia and lost to Weevil because I kept pulling these fucking terrain cards.

Konami bans and unbans shit all the time

>story mode is literal talking jpeg heads
I'm glad I didn't buy this shit .YGO with an actual story mode again when? Red Hat was a cool dude and the DS games were absolutely nuts.

>Use an illegal OTK deck to clear story mode
>It's fine because ban lists don't apply
Pretty fun

Man, I just want more Tag Force games, or hell even Spirit Caller/Reshesh of Destruction..

Basically I just want another RPG kind of game.

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Is the AI good in this game? I usually do AI battles in YGO Pro, but they make some really dumb decisions a lot of the time.

I've been playing for a day or so, going through the story, the AI seems okay but definately makes some questionable decisions. I play Amazonesses and had a situation where the AI could kill any one of my cards because they were low attack, rather than going for the princess and causing me some trouble he went for the baby tiger instead, presumably just to do a little more LP damage to me. I just summoned that shit back out the graveyard though.

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What's the difference between this and Legacy of Duelist? I wanted some YGO action on my PC but if this is blatantly better I might get it on Switch and play it in bed.

You're a second rate duelist with a third rate deck faggot

Attached: ThrowsCardInUrGun.gif (230x173, 993K)

It has Vrains shit, and is updated to the new format with a special summon zone? I've never played the new format, nor do I know anything about link summoning

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Last time I paid attention to yugioh was when they introduced xyz summon and it is even more broken than synchro. There is probably something newer and worse now.

>Stalk people
>Give weird gift to children
Yes, He was

>August 2019
>STILL no freeroam YGO game that lets you go around cities/Duelist Kingdom as either an MC or OC, dueling NPCs and earning cash for more cards

git gud

None of the games with an "actual story mode" have remotely close to the content of this game.

Konami hate that kind of shit

Yes it uses the new rules and the new format.

That's not an argument. YGOpro has the most content and is free.

They kind of did this with YGO online, before the milked it for every sheckel they could and it ended up as a Duelingbook tier lobby where you had to pay to play a game so you could earn point and use those points to get the privilege to pay for more booster packs.

Does it have a campaign mode that covers every single anime arc up to the currently airing episodes?
That's basically the appeal here.

Konami hate video games.

The "campaign mode" is an embarrassment. It's nothing more than lower than visual novel tier portraits talking to each other with some duels in between.

New Duelists of the Roses when?

Attached: Yu-Gi-Oh!_The_Duelists_of_the_Roses_Cover.png (265x376, 267K)

I love how the tagforce game was raped

This doesn't look as fun as Tag Force. Gotta have them waifus man

Adds all the LotD dlc into the base game, extends the single player to the newer arcs, added the cards that came out between LotD and about aprilish of this year, and updated the banlist

Those weren't good even when they came out. Some of you people have nostalgia for a game nobody played, I swear. Nobody's local game shop had Dark Scorpion players or other dumb shit like that.

>>Instantly get wrecked by people who summon three monsters in turn one with one of them having 2400 attack somehow while attacking three times
5Dshota-poster-kun needs to be here. I don't have the whole pasta

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Jp or Localised?

See me in a duel and not online zoomie, we'll see who's laughing when I sacrifice my beloved Summoned Skull to summon the Gran Maju Garzett, and I also play not one, but TWO Axe of Despairs

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I just want to make a deck with those dragon maid cards.

That GBA game where Kaiba used Cyber-Stein with Megamorph only to attack into a Magic Cylinder almost every time was great.

>flip summoning Penguin Soldier and sending your opponents strongest monster as well as your own Penguin Soldier back to their hands

Attached: yup manuals were great.jpg (380x349, 35K)

>playing a Konami game in 2019

I'm replaying tag force on my phone

Link summoning is pretty simple, each Link monster has a cost and you can sacrifice that many monsters or Link Monsters with costs that add up to it to put it either in one of the two special summon zones or in one of the zones on your side of the field a Link Monster points at.
All Link Monsters have X amount of arrows that you can special summon monsters into where they point and they usually have effects that involve whatever may be on those zones

Does anyobdy know if the US version has the original/uncensored card art if you change your system language to Japanese? The JP version had full English, but the altered art if playing English. It's stupid to lock it to the system language and not just have it as an option in the game.

>Instantly get wrecked by people who summon three monsters in turn one with one of them having 2400 attack somehow while attacking three times
>losing to cyber dragons in 2019

Yu-gi-oh forbidden memories is my favorite one
Did they make a game as kino as this one?

Learn to play or stick to singleplayer, same as every other online game

Is there an option to turn off extra monster zones for older duels? Because unless they redesigned some of them to include links in the extra monster deck you wouldn’t be able to do the things the original deck was meant to do, and I just assumed they’re too lazy to change that from the original.

Post better yugioh song than this

maasaki endouh is king, that one and freedom cant be topped

Kingu's theme is my favorite.
Reji's also also fucking great, it's too good to be used for anything but an antagonist.
I'm still mad about ARC-V and how hard they dropped the ball

That's C L E A R M I N D bro

>give best theme to best girl
>barely used it because crowfag stole her spotlight

why are you buying that souless cashgrab shit you retard asshole. stop giving your money to kon*mi

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Can I make a deck with only cute female monster cards and not be entirely shit online?

Why the FUCK isn't there an option to disable link format in the older campaigns?

Sky Striker

>buy the game for $40 dollars
>you have to either grind the NPCs to get the cards you want or literally buy card packs like you do in real life
how is this permitted? just build your decks with real cards at this point

I think Sky bitches are top tier now. You could make a traptrix deck if you don't care about all that tho
Because they don't want you to play older formats. There's no other explanation since even ygopro can do that.

Attached: SkyStrikerAceRaye-DASA-EN-SR-1E.png (478x696, 737K)

Playing any card game online is dumb, everyone runs some bullshit meta abuse netdeck

Maybe not the majority of them but Don Zaloog was a god tier card at one point, dude. Discard on battle damage was insanely powerful at one point in the game.

>gets 2nd in YCS

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Does this game have a wiki yet? I am looking for something that outlines the meta decks, and what you need to do to acquire said decks. Personally i was planning on beating single player and then trying online after i had acquired enough cards.

>wanna get this game
>isn't like tag force
>its full story duels only

tag force is better. all this has is more cards going for it

Grinding to get cards was fun in the old yugioh games. It gave you the sense of adventure of slowly crawling your way into the top, and getting a new powerful card to add into your deck felt glorious. I think the only game where I hated grinding for cards was the xbox game because it only gave you 3 random shitty cards per duel.
I can see why it sucks in new games with so many cards tho

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Is Ice Barrier stuff in this game? Also how useful is that these days? I used to break through everything with those cards back in the day.

>tfw you'll never be able to romance Yuzu and give her the ending she deserves

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Duelingnetwork from the 2011-2013 era was pretty fun because there was a lot of variety in which kind of decks people used.

Assuming this game has the same rewards structure as the old LotD game, you can pretty easily grind most cards because they drop from any character than uses them plus you get bulk points for boosters

ygopro is made by people who care about the game.

Those won't be good even when they come out.

Eh, mix em up with guadragons and its fine.

How is Atem still the cover boy of yugioh?

Ruri is better. But she is pure so it's good you can't romance her. Her brother would beat you up.

>There's no other explanation since even ygopro can do that.
There is. LotD is developed by underpaid indie devs who have no idea what they're doing.

That and this were my fucking teenage years. Who's dick do I suck for Konami to make games as soulful as these two?

Attached: Yu-Gi-Oh!_The_Falsebound_Kingdom_Cover.png (220x312, 173K)

That's a nice boss monster, shame if nothing happens to it.

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does the switch version have the enormous LEGACY OF THE DUELIST watermark on the artwork of all the cards?

Attached: sakuraswitch.jpg (788x1200, 128K)

>I think the only game where I hated grinding for cards was the xbox game because it only gave you 3 random shitty cards per duel.
That's not the worst part. They made you duel 3 characters in a row, using the same LP, against decks with 3 rings of destruction...for the opportunity to get...MAYBE...3 good cards

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So has anyone tried this?

Doesn't seem like it.

>cover boy of yugioh
at this point, Kaiba is

>doesn't let artist to put their signature on their artwork
>doesn't let artist post their artwork on any page or even claim that they did the artwork itself

Attached: genzoman2_320x180.jpg (320x180, 48K)

>This delusion
nigga, Atem is on the cover of every game, not Kaiba.

i mean, to my knowledge, you only need this card and another Xyz or Link CD in extra deck to nuke entire monster In extra zone

does this game have a tutorial that teaches you how to play? if so, how in-depth is it?
i'm no stranger to tcg/ccgs (played a lot of star wars ccg and pokermans tcg back in high school) but i have no idea how to play yugioh. it looks kind of fun and having it on switch handheld interests me. also, are people still playing this online? does anyone here have the switch version? the graphics dont look amazing, so is it 60fps? not a huge deal for a card game but no input lag on menus would be nice.
do you have brain damage?

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What's happening to my nigga Condorito in this pic?

Not even that, just one CD and one monster in the extra deck monster zone is all you need, even if it's your opponents.

Left: soul
Right: soulless

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How do I get paid by Kaibacorp to post on Yea Forums?

What's a good masked hero deck for this links format?

Explain his story
Why except frog the jam?

Is this game worth it for the singleplayer? I don't like playing card games with randoms for various reasons I won't list, but I enjoy playing with the computer with my shitty, gimmicky decks.

>Konami NA decided to change the name, because why not
>Konami Japan decided to make Frogs an actual archetype
>They only recognize OCG names for effects (which is why Summoned Skull can be used on archfiend support)

Basically, he's not a "Frog" archetype monster so they changed the name. In Japanese, he's called Toad Slime. I don't see anything bad with him being part of it for the pure hell of it. Reminds me of when the Guardian cards came out and everyone started summoning Gate Guardian back in the day

Yugi is the cover boy
BEWD is the cover monster

Pls tell me they have madolche here

Yes, that have most cards released

the fault is on the card game for not making tribes a separate tag on the cards, instead of this stupid clusterfuck it has become

Tutorial was tedious for me, but that's probably a good thing if you're completely new

Same reason why Summoned Skull is an Archfiend.

Rei won a YCS again!

Unfortunately that's just the state of modern yugioh. It's aids and has been aids since MR3

Crashtown arc was surprisingly good,even though it had no bearing on the plot and also gave Kiryu this sweet ass tune

Attached: when you beat Jaiden.png (1096x742, 1.06M)

We've been living in a strange Precure/Kamen Rider hybrid show for the past year

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Injection fairy Lilly seems to almost brick the AI for some reason. Pretty hilarious. Causes the game to lag and everything

28 year old boomer here. Is this game a good way to learn the later meta of this game? I played a little bit of the game back in the day, but I know the game has changed pretty radically.

just download percy

You mean Satisfying, right?

Is Ai mode back? They dropped it when Link monsters came out and I dropped the game as a result.

ES version has AI.

>Team "Satisfaction"
so was Kiryu aware of the implication or..?

Attached: Team.Satisfaction.jpg (2000x1017, 1.54M)

Why do Konami have against Yusei's Mark?

You achieve true MANZOKU when you do the 3 week Infernity loop.

How's Nekroz nowadays?

Playable, but not competitive. Still is, and probably will be gimmped by the banlist for a good while.

Impcantations have made every Ritual deck better by virtue of them existing, and that's without taking into consideration Shurit being at 2 now. They're not tier 1 or anything, but they're pretty alright. They still do all the stuff they're known for pretty well and some madman just topped a YCS with them.

You haven't tried the story decks, have you.

>He didn't summon exodia against seto kaiba in the first match

Play the story decks, they are really good

>Drop game after elemental heroes
>Pick up duel links
>Every card has a fucking thesis in its effect/xyz/bullshit
What the fuck were they thinking? What happened to the days where you could just have a card that had decent atk/def and nothing else?

They got top 16 at a YCS this weekend. they would've made top 8 or better but he made a really stupid mistake and lost

they saw that a few creatures with effects were very popular, then they started printing more effects, then more and more and more, each time trying to one-up themselves in how broken something is.

>Cards do shit and deck building matters

>Topologic Gumblar Dragon is fucking legal
That's a yikes from me. I'm not paying full price for an online rock paper scissors simulator.

Those days never happened. Old Yugioh wasn't about monsters with decent atk/def. It was about having powerful staples.

>a card that had decent atk/def and nothing else
That hasn't been a thing since 2004/5

The problem with a non rotating card list is that the next set needs to be better than the previous set or else people won't buy the new cards. Do this for long enough and you get modern YGO.

I heard this game broke the story mode by forcing MR4 but not rebalancing the decks around how that fucks with special summoning from the extra deck

Is there a card list for this game? Kinda wanna get it to play my petdeck but not if it's missing a piece or two.

So did she kill god?

Actually 2003 since hand control ran gemini elf and that was mostly because there were hardly any more cards worth running and still mostly ran monsters with just good effects

Attached: darklord.png (494x730, 1011K)

Wait you can use the enemys monster for that? God im stupid. The lack of nachster tho means CD is shit in this

Did she kill God for real?

I was a genwunner or whatever the equivalent was until I played the original LOTD and the impression I got was that Synchros were the efficient kinda fun (even if they forced you to load a deck with tuners or tuner searchers), XYZs were the gimmicky kinda fun and Pendulums kinda took things too far in the "dude just drop your entire hand lmao" direction.


>>losing to cyber dragons in 2019
>he doesnt know

this fucking thing put cyber dragons back on the meta

Attached: file.png (407x593, 542K)

IIRC it should have all cards up to Soul Fusion and Hidden Summoners, but the banlist is some unholy fusion of the OCG/TCG ones.


They deserve it. Cyber Dragon was the best archetype of the GX era.

It's your fault for playing online against meta autists

You dont need to read
You just play and just play until you get used to it
Machine already handle ruiling for you
Remember, Yugioh player dont read card isn't meme



Is ALO.dek playable in low tiers nowadays?

cydra are based so well-deserved support.

Can I play as my brickbois in this game

Attached: Deskbot003-MP15-EN-C-1E.png (310x450, 321K)

>links absolute killed this card
so long old friend you will be missed

Attached: file.png (477x695, 692K)

Synchros are really fun and personally are my cut off point for me. They expand the game but don't break it at all, to the point where a no synchro deck can still win against one.

XYZ already killed it.

I love the idea of Deskbots and getting a gorillion ATK points, but the one above 004 are just absolute shit.

That card hadn't been good even before xyz made it completely useless

Now imagine if you actually had bought a lot of TCG cards out of nostalgia to play solitaire with then went to a local card shop.

Attached: 300px-Wilford_Brimley.jpg (300x304, 15K)

You are a Xyz chad like Yugi, right?

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They don't know to play around cards with "once per turn negates"

>konami makign games as fun and decently budgeted as those

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Remake when?

Attached: file.png (640x639, 924K)

5 (or 6, forget off the top of my head) is good as a quick and dirty MST and really 5-8 are mostly just for pendulum summoning anyway. 9's kinda situational but definitely worth running at 1, assuming you're doing a deskbot deck outright and not just using 2/3/4 as an engine in something else. only one I consider outright bad is 7.

Post favourite Card

Attached: NeedleBurrower-DR2-EN-R-UE.png (358x520, 477K)

Attached: MatazatheZapper-BP02-EN-C-1E.png (376x550, 488K)

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>Have Dark Magician deck from years ago (like, 2008)
>friends tell me to get back into it again
>Say no because it's all weird and shit (synchros were already weird and left bad taste in my mouth)
>Friends tell me that Dark Magician has a fuckton of support
>Buy and trade the cards I need for a modern magician deck
>Learn about this fucker and how Xyz work
>End up summoning copies of him left and right and removing shit from play willy nilly with every attack
Was fun as hell, shame that Links truly killed the game and Master Rule 4 has to be created just to tame the mess of a game Yu-Gi-Oh has become

>trying to pull a 2nd ash blossom from the packs after spending ages grinding DP
>get every fucking card in the pack except ash
>over and over again
Grinding for three impermanence was pretty fucking bad already (and going for multifaker was even worse). Going for staples has meant that the only decent decks I can build are altergays and a crappy cyberse/saryuja turbo deck with knightmares that is incredibly repetitive to use.

>no FE Three Heroes style game based on GX with duels instead of battles

What’s the quickest way to do that? I made a rudimentary BEWD deck out of a bunch of Kaiba packs and it’s working pretty well for clearing story mode

Nobody know?

I just played all the story battles (and the reverse duels) with the story decks and built my shitbrews afterwards, at least in original LOTD

was definitely a grind to get them all but I don't think I ever had to stop midway through to get more coin or anything

Links will die next year. Dark Magician will live forever

Attached: yugioh-ebon-high-magician-ultra-ct13-en004-D_NQ_NP_252525-MLM25446954485_032017-F.jpg (837x1200, 192K)

So is the game good if I just wanna dick around making random decks and playing the AI for practice?

The problem is that each pack has >300 cards as opposed to the ~200 that was in the original LotD. Also, the original LotD had more 'usable' decks since it was MR3 and so every game doesn't have to be link spam. At least a couple of staples (like solemn strike) are easily farmable outside of packs though which is a relief.

Fuck I love this circle thing, it's so cool looking

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>tfw i got back into ygo and learned about Eternal Soul

It doesnt have to be t1 but im glad DM isnt the worst archetype in the game


Yes, very good for that

Just posting the top 3 openings of the franchise.


Attached: Band.jpg (1800x900, 765K)

You're such a scrub user, holy shit.

try fur hires

>Anything that outplays my shitty deck from 2007 is meta

Think this is missing the new chick but shouldn't change that much

Game is pretty fun. Convinced all my friends to buy it, so this game will live for a little bit.

Are there any viable CUTE girl monster decks

>Link-2 with 1600 ATK
Unless that effect is nutty, she ain't killing shit.

Enjoy getting dogpiled by the same meta for 2 years until Konami decides to update it one last time.

Should I get this. I haven’t played yugioh in forever but I did enjoy them back in the day and the video games too

>White Aura Whale
what did konami mean by this

It means konami has never given a shit about water types and who to give fish, who to give aqua, and who to give sea serpent.

I got this game at the discretion of my friend
the "campaign" just makes me want to watch the anime, geez.

Attached: genkigenki1.gif (384x396, 87K)


I'm glad this thread is still up
Can you just host and No banlist duel?

Sky Striker has been top tier for like a year and a half at this point.

Badass but not cute

Attached: Mat-RubberDuelField-Madolche.png (599x347, 504K)

>I'm glad this thread is still up
I'm glad too.
Are Six Samurais still relevant?

Attached: Jannies_BTFO.jpg (661x1024, 87K)

Now this a deck I can understand

>Are Six Samurais still relevant?
no fuck you
i hope you die

It wasn’t a Cyber Dragon deck. I was playing maybe a little after Cyber Dragons and I get the gist of the deck. It was these K-Pop looking fairies, then it was some weird ass looking toys, then it was Lolis and at some point it WAS this Cyber Dragon fuck It’s not like it’s one type of deck that has done this to me. It’s every duel I come across is a 10 minute turn two summon palooza

>Links will die next year

why do you think this

eat shit faggot

>Are Six Samurais still relevant?
They will be once this thing gets imported.

Attached: 74752631.jpg (421x614, 68K)

fuck you
go play with the swords of 6 diferent man

>no fuck you
>i hope you die
user Six Sams rekt my ass back then too

they still do today
fucking duel links man

not him but the anime's about to end and whenever the new one starts they're gonna have to shill a new card type again, and considering how MR4 went they'll probably nerf Links into unusability.

A-at least gateway is still banned.
>It's limited

I downloaded all of the OP/ED themes a while back and goddamn Yugioh has some good themes.

>searches pic related
>pic related got unbanned in OCG and now is up to 3
Jesuschrist. This thing shouldn't exist.

Attached: yugioh-gateway-of-the-six-samurai-super-D_NQ_NP_758501-MLM29519555897_022019-F.jpg (837x1200, 238K)

Most people who play like OP's opponent just follow meta decks online, they don't do the thinking themselves. At least OP is trying to come up with their own stuff. It's just that YGO is so hugely imbalanced that you won't ever naturally stumble across anything that can scratch the meta.

Konami should implement a classic YGO format.
There YGO is fixed.

>just follow the meta
Sorry user, decently constructed decks that curbstomp shitbrews from eras long gone are not meta.

Classic YGO was shit bro

like most things in life, the answer to "what's the best [x] song" is "the one Psychic Lover did."


That's what Speed Duels is.

It doesnt help i mostly play ygopro with a friend that comes over every weekend. But in the few hours we play im trying alots of decks to spice it up.

For example i love fluffals but playing against ai would help me learn how people spam out a link+3 fusions in a single turn

Oh yeah I heard they are the current meta in tha game

DM is good
GX is trash
5Ds is the GOAT
Zexal is trash
ARC-V is wasted potential
VRAINs is boring

>DM is good
Not the anime

I remember that I used to solely battle the AI‘s in the old DS games because for some weird reason they had a bunch of real characters and then you could also battle some card characters, so like actual monsters.
That was actually a lot of fun since you had a huge variety of enemies with different playstyles and decks and you could never really tell what you’d be up against before you battled them.
I assume you can only battle characters from the story arcs in this game, right?


Attached: 1531364401072 2.jpg (614x726, 58K)

six sams aren't doing anything in the OCG even with triple gateway


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Synchron Quasar is the best pet deck.
too bad konami killed it in real life

Attached: NPJH00142_00037.jpg (1920x1080, 450K)


Has the online died already? I was hoping to pick this up but it might be too late

>It's just that YGO is so hugely imbalanced that you won't ever naturally stumble across anything that can scratch the meta.
you know there's nothing wrong with saying new players suck at deckbuilding.

quasar has been a pet for almost a deck, user. with the amount of handtrap play we got during late pendulum era. only a idiot would not sack formula synchron/librarian/jet synchron/quickdraw/accel synchron.
even in when Quasar.pet was in the meta a the end of 5Ds using the blackwing or plant synchro engines to force a grind was a better plan then beating everything on quasar

Attached: NPJH00142_00030.jpg (1920x1080, 407K)

If it's anything like LOTD the online is slow and shit. get this if you really want to do the singleplayer content or just want a way to test your brews against an AI but if you're only in it for multi then download YGOPro


Attached: SUPERDORA.png (463x695, 729K)

>slow as fuck animation
>slow as fuck everything
>grind in the game is tedious because the single player is worse than the GBA games
because of those factors I listed.
meanwhile look at the options of tag force. even the DS games were faster and had better gamplay design

Attached: NPJH00142_00044.jpg (1920x1080, 366K)

>even the DS games were faster and had better gamplay design
>Let's keep any of the good cards away from the player until the end
>The stealth section and boss rush of 09
>The "I didn't get to summon my boss monster, so the duel didn't count!" Of 10
>The loton duel of 11

I never played Yugioh before. I've been playing Magic since 1999 and still play Arena. Would I be able to pick this up on the Switch and enjoy it? Pokemon TCG on the Gameboy is still to this day one of my all time favorite games.

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Try YGOPro first

legacy of the duelist-link evolution is it good?

Anyone ?

the DS games were basically sequels to the rpgs of the gba games. if you wanted easy cards and online competition tag force was always there. it is why they released the games close to each other.
metafaggotry and date sim while expanding shit from the anime? tag force
original stories with exploration and duels? DM on GBA, WC on DS

yes. you locked to anime duels in legacy of the duelist.
in link evolution it's worse since the dev couldn't add different rule sets. so everything was changed to fit the master rule 4. so even the fact that you are supposed to play the anime duels. you will forced to use links which goes against the main selling point of this game

If the switch version is like the PC version, then the story mode starts with the first gen of cards so go for it

play tag force and date a 11 year old girl

Attached: yugioh-tag-force-6-ruka-ending.jpg (480x272, 52K)

You should instead emulate the best Yugioh game.

Attached: yu-gi-oh-gx-duel-academy.jpg (640x640, 111K)

Thanks man.
Thought I’d never find out. I bought this steam yugioh and figured out there are only battles against the anime characters and then returned it.
Thought something might have changed for the switch game.
Kinda sad but what can you do, anyway thanks again for your reply!

This is bait right? You know Amazoness tiger and baby tiger have psudeobattle protection?

Ice Barrier has never been good.

>not a single GX OP
>no Believe x Believe
Irredeemably shit taste fampachi.

Is a shame that this was the first and only game that implement the dormitories ranks.

Peak shit taste

On the plus side, it's a great way to understand how links work as long as you're actually willing to use them. I went from not wanting to touch links to spamming saryuja/borrelsword and understanding how to link climb. Although that is in large part because playmaker's pack with all the link spam shit unlocks incredibly early and your starter deck is complete shit.

Hi Rata

>Dark Magician
Dark Magician has always been fucking awful nostalgiabait.


Anons I played the last game but haven’t played since links was introduced, are any of my fav decks still viable?
Ghost tricks, fluffles/frightfurs, and toons, if they aren’t I’ll probably skip this one.

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The deal breaker with this game is the ass restrictions they place on you. Either play Links or don't, can't switch to other formats, can't make your own custom ban lists or rules, gotta play the current YGO or go broke

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06 was better

Arc-V may have been the worst series, but that doesn't change the fact that Believe x Believe was a good OP.

>Ghost tricks,
links can't be set nor go into defense mode
let that sink in ghost nigger. fluffal is one of the most popular fusion decks since they arrived and you can use super poly. toons should be playable since they don't rely on extra deck.

How do duplicates work when opening packs in this game?

Arc-V had good music though. That's like the one positive thing that stood out to me when I watched it recently.

do super quants have anything going for them any more?

Completely fucked by MR4 and links in particular since links can't be flipped face down
A deck that is mostly unaffected by MR4 since sabretooth can be summoned into the EMZ and just spit out the material (tiger, sheep etc.) just like before although it is a little more difficult to go into wolf otk.
About as viable this game as last game (I.e complete pet deck tier) with a couple more tools such as toon dark magician although this game also has a few stronger S/T removal tools like cosmic cyclone that can get rid of toon kingdom easier.

I beat link zoomers all day with my blue eyes deck

The tutorials pretty good and the story goes through each version of the game so yeah

Thanks anons, I’ll give it a shot. Maybe I’ll find a new archetype to play around and have fun with. I’m not super competitive and like the fun builds.

>I used to break through everything with those cards back in the day
No you didn't. Ice barriers have been a complete joke since day 1 of their introduction

I like this Zoomer

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Where is the best place to buy this game for PC?
I see on Steam the game is $20 but there is an assload of additional content for $80+/
Is there a version that includes all this at a good price, are they even worth adding ?

You don't buy it on the PC. Ever.
You just download YGOPro like everyone else or if you absolutely must play against A.I., you pirate it instead.

The Steam version is the old version that doesn't have MR4 or Link monsters. Link Evolution is only on Switch and comes with all of the DLC content, but will undoubtedly have more in the future.

I honestly can't believe it took this long for Hexe Treude to see some results.

PC has the same version as PS4/Xbox and that's the old game with dlc. The switch version has all of that overpriced dlc included and is updated to MR4 (and has links). So if you want to play the newest version of the game on steam you'll have to wait until konami can be bothered to port it over.

you can pirate the first legacy pf duelist on pc that is MR3 without links with all the dlc.
but if you want actual multiplayer download YGOPro. you can choose which format you want to play and it is gets update lightning fast since it is community driven
but if you want actual single player content play PS1, PS2, GBA, DS, and PSP games

Can you actually do that in the game.?

Konami hates itself.

Anybody interested in critiquing my retarded preformpal/odd-eyes/pend-magician deck?


Can I introduce you to my Lord and savior Blue Angle and her Trickstars?

Attached: BlueAngelBeingCute.gif (500x281, 2.07M)

cute jobber

Wasn't that what the DS games were or am I remembering incorrectly?

>Instantly get wrecked by people who summon three monsters in turn one with one of them having 2400 attack somehow while attacking three times
Welcome to the magical world of Yu-Gi-Oh post Synchro.

It's "Friendship" but I heard Tag Force 6 lays it on pretty thick, but unfortunately that is the only one untranslated.

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Is the only reason ygopro doesnt add ai because konami would never be able to sell a game again?

>Zexal is trash
pleb filtered.

Nah, they were just too lazy/busy to do it. Before MR4, their client supported AI, but they didn't port it over to the new one. It was a huge controversy, because for a good while they didn't want to update their client to MR4 until they got AI to work with MR4 properly.
I'm still pretty sure YGOPRO 2 still has AI.

I tried it but it's shit. I like the Duelinx Nexus better.

>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "holds up summoned skull let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate extra links" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaughtering my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>its another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>its another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>its another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" "w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>its another "flips Despell you activated my trap card!" thread

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what? ygopro isn't made by konami and the percy team doesn't care, and the old version did have ai they just never bothered to make a new one because it was too hard for them. There are other ygopro versions that have ai but are lacking in other ways

is it just me or does this run slower than LOTD? I don't mean like AI buggin out or anything, just feels like playing cards, attacking, taking turns etc. takes even longer than it already did in the original. Kinda a shame since the UI, while still basic as fuck, seems more efficiently handled now.

>defeats you in a single move
nothing personnel kid.

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>I usually do AI battles in YGO Pro
retard that has not played for a long time here
i thought they removed ai battles at some point did they reinstated them now?

>>Haven’t played Yu-Gi-Oh in
This was your first mistake. You left the series and now the series has left you.

YgoproES has AI, percy still does not

reminder to join /dng/ discord's tournament. you dont have to join the discord, just pm the organizer.

In tag force 5 at the end of her storyline she tells you that there's someone she wants to be with in the future and she wouldn't tell anyone who this person is, especially you.

In tag force 6, at the very end, there's a timeskip and she tells you that you are the one she wants to be with

So, no, you can't date her but you definitely groom her.

What did they mean by this? What were they thinking? Why?

Anybody got Toadally Awesome from a pack? Been opening Misawa for a long time and got all the frog shit I need aside from TA

Believe it or not, appealing the pedo audience.

Does anybody want to help me with my Cyber Dragon highlander list? The rule is I can only run 1 (one) of each card and the deck has to be 60 cards exact. What would you recommend? What would you take out and replace?

Attached: CDhighlander.png (1173x919, 1.61M)

Dude what the hell? You are destinied to fail with that deck

>durr why don’t my shitty decks that weren’t even relevant 10+ years ago not working online
Get with the times

Are you the same little bitch that keeps sperging out at anyony who dislikes him playing some brainless metadeck?

Well it's for playing against other people who are using the same 1 of every card restrictions. It'd be stupid to take this to an actual tournament. But I'm more than willing to hear what you have to say about it not being right.

>brainless metadeck
>when his deck hasn't got more than 3 plays
>when his deck can't take into account disruptions and ways to play around it or comeback from it
>when his deck dies to a single negation instead of being able to with pick apart boards with specific sequences of plays
>when his deck doesn't have finely tuned ratios
most of the times on ygpro you don't even come across meta

How do I build a good link deck? I’m only spending my duel points on playmaker packs

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Meta doesn't actually mean meta, but every thing past 2013 that can special summon more than twice a turn

>past 2013
Try 2008, there are still people up in arms about muh white card boogyman.

>bitching about your opponent spamming strong monsters when the format of that game is purely Sky Strikers
lol you don't know what hell is

60 cards decks are always slow. Also the are some outdated cards, like Raigeki or Mirror force (it's ok if you play classic themed duels tho). And I know it's a self imposed rule, but if you put a card that is good, why would you use just one?

It's based off an mtg format. I know it is very autistic but that's sort of the point.

Highlander is a casual constructed variant of Magic which allows only one copy of each card in the deck, with the exception of basic lands.[1] The name Highlander is a reference to the movie of the same name, whose tag line was "There can be only one"

>has and always plays Dark Magician
>go online
>set turn time limit to 30 seconds
>opposing meta decks can't set up within time limit and are forced to give up their turn

Feels good.

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>can only win by trying to cheat out the opponent

>I am a pussy

>can't even do bnb combos under 30s
They deserve to lose.