Who fell for the Symphonia / Vesperia best tales meme?

Who fell for the Symphonia / Vesperia best tales meme?

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Me desu. Guess i'm still early (just finished that ghost ship) in Vesperia but i'd still choose Abyss or Berseria over it.

Gameplay wise Vesperia is one of the best. Story wise, it's actually quite weak. Still a great game.

I've only played Abyss, Graces F, and Xilia 1. Abyss overall is my favorite, but I really enjoyed Graces combat the most.

Me. Symphonia wasn't even half as good as Abyss.

Me too. Phenominal combat system. On par with Xillia 2's.

Tales of the Abyss is my favorite jrpg of all time and I've played a fuck ton, everything from Nocturne to Suikoden to Live A Live.
It's actually a little depressing to know I'll never experience TotA for the first time again.

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Tales of Hearts R is actually a lot of fun. I had heard bad things for it but it's pretty decent so far.

Eh, I'm leaning more towards Graces, but Symphonia is the one that started the Tales hype, and Vesperia still has the best protag in the franchise.

Abyss is a pretty awful game all-around. Shitty characters, bland designs, an u derdeveloped combat gimmick, and mostly forgettable music. I feel like it only subsists off of being darker than Symphonia and not having the clunky blocky pseudo-chibi models Symphonia cursed itself with.

If anyone has anything they want to know about Arise, Bamco put up a question submission form on the official site and they'll be answering some of them at TGS.
Throw your questions into google translate and maybe they'll read them out there.

Symphonia was ok

Tales of Graces is my favorite

I fell for the "at least rent it if you dont want to buy it" meme back in 2005. I think it was the last game I rented too *barf*

Abyss was my first and made me get into the series, so I love it, but Vesperia ended up my favorite.

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All Tales are fun.
Xillia 2 was my favourite though.

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meh when I got to the krityan city I just felt I was dragging my feet through the game too hard

when the fuck are they gonna port the ps3 tales games and when the fuck are they gonna port abyss?

I can see why people don't think those games are the best or even especially good games, but there's no way in hell that abyss is the best of the team symphonia games, it's the red headed middle child where they came up with a bunch of new ideas to replace TOS being a deliberate retro throwback but without the time to actually fully flesh them out until vesperia did them properly.

The game is full of bugs, the story is full of plotholes, the gameplay is broken as shit and the only viable strategy on difficulties above normal is having the enemy chase you with free run (which makes you invincible in this game) while they get pelted by spells until they die.

Having the party members act rude to eachother for a bit doesn't make up for this games many flaws, even if I still have a soft spot for it

I'm playing DE right now and the enemy AI is dogshit.
>every single enemy is hard aggroed on me, forcing me to free run around them and take potshots until my teammates kill one or two or my combos get interrupted
>they will randomly start "running away" wasting time for no reason
Still having fun with the game, especially now that I have manual cancel down but the AI is irritating.

it's the games counterbalance to how overpowered you are. if it didn't have AI that worked this way you would juggle everyone with no effort like more recent games. you just need to work more on lumping enemies together.

another thing, are you letting them hit you or are you just free running in circles? generally if you aren't actively attacking an enemy if you block some of their hits they'll start to run off after someone who's actively doing damage to someone else

the bird enemies running away is pretty stupid though.

I'm playing on hard if that matters. Mainly cause I liked the enemies having more HP so I could fuck around with the combos.

It does seem to be worse with certain mobs. I've started throwing out an azure edge and then freerunning to hit an enemy in the back, got my squad to target different enemies etc. But its mildly annoying to have to get rid of aggro every battle or be forced to sit in block.

reminder vans entire plan would be seriously thrown for a loop if not completely ruined if asch just showed up before his parents and/or the king and started talking

Vesperia is better than Abyss in every single way except locations

I haven't played any of the newer ones but for me Hearts R gameplay is definitely up there with along with graces. I guess the cast is nothing but one note characters but I don't know what else you would expect from aTales game, Hisui is entertaining at least

good thing van knew asch was fucking retarded.

Too much of Vesperia's problems are because they took the limiter off the player. Every boss fight is fucking awful because all the copy paste dragons and dogs are just punching bags and the human enemies all cheating fucks because it's the only way they can fight back.

>overlimit halfway through combo
>instant full screen nuke super
>heal themselves back to full
Team Destiny had a way better grasp on how to make a boss interesting.

Everyone always says Graces F has the best gameplay but how do you even get over the fact that the main character is dressed like a complete faggot?

Because he is. Just focus on how cute the girls are instead.

>Vesperia is one of the best
no and don't even post that dumb judith combo vid.

Use the Suzaku outfit, I mean he was also a complete faggot but it's close enough.

Vesperia is definitely top 3 material no matter how much you cry about it

Best gril

Wow terrible opinion

It's a true meme, though. Abyss is nowhere near as good as those games.

Why do you guys always have to argue about which one is best? Most of the games are you argue over are good. I'll be the first to criticize Abyss but it's still a good game. Hell I've beaten it like 5 times across two consoles.