Thanks Sega.
Thanks Sega
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You're going to be disappointed by pso2 really, anyone who wanted to play pso2 has already did
Anyone who played PSO2 is still playing like a true man not a fucking zoomer that leaves after 2 hours of killing bosses.
Finally can play without proxys and chink ping and understand all the history.
if i can plug a keyboard into the xbox to play ill give it a whirl, i dont think my junky pc could play it
>non-nips are still playing this 7 years old game
>they will definitely abandon their 7 years old characters and exclusive japanese-only items to play without a VPN (an issue that only China and SEA regions had to deal with)
PSO2 actually runs surprisingly well even on shitty mobile non-gaming notebook. The game will look like a N64 game with a PS2 main character model (the game is supposed to run on japanese PCs, after all), but it still works just fine.
no prez no buy
Why would I be disappointed with pso2? Surely it's not worse than PSO Universe?
>looks up current pso2 gameplay
>see people zooming around a beach fighting absolute dumb shit enemies like a sphinx with the statute of liberty on top
I think xbox supports kbm
>memories of fagging it up in the 360 demo of PSU with all of my niggers
>>non-nips are still playing this 7 years old game
>>they will definitely abandon their 7 years old characters and exclusive japanese-only items
Yeah because the is SOOOOO HAAAARDDD XDDD
Aside of Dudu, getting items are easy as shit and nearly all the collabs can be done un NA/EU because half or more of that shit is licensed here to.
Leveling is fast and easy if you use the nearly 365/24/7 events that they spam at day and better if you get the chance to do some events+collab.
>> to play without a VPN (an issue that only China and SEA regions had to deal with)
Yeah that's why you use the Arks Launcher with the configured proxy... because you can play without it... ffs.
>getting items are easy as shit
No it's fucking not. You need to farm for the top star items pretty hard, and units is whole other bullshit to deal with, that's without even going into the retarded ass abilities stacking and how fucking annoying it is to do.
i'm just glad it means i can see people speak english outside of block 7 erp hell
also checked
>using bloat launcher because 7zip is too hard for you
Too bad Sega didn't have the balls to actually ban SEAnigger accounts instead of just blocking their IP.
>hang out in redrum
>enjoi the company
>every run is just zooming around the same map in loops and grinding for that tiny ass 0.001 drop. rinse and repeat
>need to jew out or hoard tickets just to sell shit
>grind Clotho's TAs over and over on the same map
>want to play Hu but its so trash but cant cos it sucks ass back then
>have to do LITERALLY NOTHING prior to Dark Falza so you dont miss the early surge and get shitty lots with randos or shitter gaijins on Ship 4
nice titty monster creator tho
no switch no play
It’s coming to switch
PSO1 is a literal timeless masterpiece. I still play it every now and then. PSO2 is utterly forgettable generic weeb trash.
>phil spencer is gonna force sega to make a proper pso2 port since cloud gaming just doesn't work in america
who knew microsoft was actually based all this time
I like the anime.
Come at me.
cool then i'll try it for sure
He said in an interview "...its eventually coming to all platforms..."
>have the pres play a rad CAST
>she drops it for generic slutmode
Dropped the series then and there.
but considering the current version of pso2 switch is some streaming bullshit they're obviously going to have to make a proper port for the western market since streaming doesn't work there
>but considering the current version of pso2 switch is some streaming bullshit they're obviously going to have to make a proper port for the western market since streaming doesn't work there
>handled by MS currently the ones pushing xcloud
Seriously debating on buying a xbone for this on release
Highly doubt it will be cloud based in the states for switch
>playing current PSO2
I'm not a fucking retard, thanks.
enjoy your 7 year old broken dead game lmao, gonna wait for pso3
prepare your hdd this game is almost 80gb with 40gb cosmetic 20gb obsolete content
So the NA version will just be 40GB?
Based Sega, can't wait
Well they did make a Vita client, they could easily just use that for Switch.
Good thing 95% of cosmetics and collab content won't be in the US version then, smaller filesize yay!
I just want Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity in English.
Any day now.
The problem is that the translators are too afraid to release what work they have already done.
I don’t understand why it has to be finished before it’s released. It really killed the hype.
I know the main guy, he has been mostly plagued with work and his newborn child (2nd) i doubt he had done much more work on it.
Nova's patch is also similarly taking forever, last update was in November last year and it's still menus only outside of chapter 1.
I pretty much dropped the game though because the quests start getting stupid in later Super Hard
What are the chances we get a limited edition xbone console?
Predict how many years will take to shutdown the servers.
I put 800 hours into translated version. Ship 2 is flooded with gaijins and most of the Japs left that ship or don't mind those English speakers. I played mostly with my friends in ship 4, it was fun.
I quit because I'm not autistic enough to manage spreadsheets for upgrading my gear. I didn't even have time to bother with episode 5 because of how useless doing story is. Fuuuuuuck
Truthfully. Getting 14* in my experience was pretty easy. I got around 5 of them and a few dozen 13* in 800 hours. It's just i hated the ability stacking so many of those were useless since they came with shitty rolls.
ARKS (Artificial Relict to Keep Species) went to Earth because Earthlings were tapping into their dimension through the guise of a game because of a failed planet that was sent to Earth.
Does the game suffer from meta faggotry like most current mmos? And are builds a thing?
>hang out in redrum
Stopped reading there
Every game has metafaggotry. The game would be dead if it didn't. But, in pso2 you have a lot of options so you can basically take any gear and turn it 'meta' though some gears are easier to upgrade to that tier than others. There's a bit of power creep with every new episode. Like how episode 4 introduced Transformation(limited time, once per battle) and Hero class which basically had infinitely higher damage potential than other classes (though it was insanely fun too) so you would see basically everyone running hero in the latest content and if they weren't they would be dead weights because the new content was designed for the hero class.
PC when?
Challenge mode was the best. Fight me.