Post-game has far more content than the regular campaign

>post-game has far more content than the regular campaign

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Anti astral projection reptilian shills will deny this

nice reddit filename

>so do you think the earth is flat or not?
>I'm a centrist

Is this a satire thing or did conspiracy people actually come up with this?

>game tries to deliver a moral messange

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American believe that the earth is flat.

Europeans believe the rest of the world cares about them

Do you believe we went to the moon?

what is this jmantime ripoff

You are on Yea Forums but you have not seen the sheer delusion conspiracyfags have.
You would think they are being "ironic"

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People went to the moon. They just never returned.

Dragons Dogma DA

Refute it

Sorry i'm busy right now. Maybe later when I pass a thought on to your kind and the troubles you go through.

>Adopt flat earth theory
>Put it on an ice ball
>Earth is now back to being a sphere
This seems like a lot of wasted effort.

>the earth is flat
>actually it's not flat it's a sphere
which is it?



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You won’t because you can’t


>hes the one who brought up americans first
literal projecting, get btfo

Who said anything about Americans?

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