Ignoring the games library itself, what could Sony do to make the PS5 more enticing than the Xbox Infinite?

Ignoring the games library itself, what could Sony do to make the PS5 more enticing than the Xbox Infinite?

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When you get a playstation you're getting the best of the best, the champion, the king of kings. The system with all the games. When they see the infinite they'll turn infinite degrees and walk away.

Lower price point. It's honestly the most important thing to the long term viability of a console.

Backwards Comparability with all the previous systems (both physically and digitally).

all they have to do is make a console that makes it easy to sit down and play video games. Microsoft loves cramming the Xbox full of retarded non-gaming shit and bloat. if the PS5 doesn't have to download a multi-gigabyte update every week, or have shitty social media and streaming features crammed in, or have a catalog of movies and shit when you boot it up, it will beat the Xbox infinite. just make a box to play games on.
unfortunately sony is also going to pile it full of stupid shit so NINTENDO WINS AGAIN BABY

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Long term viability is done by lower the price as the system ages. The 3DS survived because they cost $80 when the Switch was out
This and "Out of the box" backwards compatibility. I should be able to put Chulip into it on day one and have it work even though no one technically owns that game.

Just don't release any of the exclusive s on PC. There is literally no reason to own an Xbox

Nothing. Their shitty exclusives dont appeal to me because Im not a cuck.

Im just going to get a PC upgrade.


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They can't, they have nothing worth getting, I'm getting an Xbox Scarlett and Switch Lite.

Higher price point, anti-Communist, anti-Asian, anti-Muzzie ad campaigns
Based and redpilled
>b-but I just want to play games
It's 2019. Deal with it or suck a cock.

4K remote play uncompressed via ethernet directly to my PC, with controller tunneling. That way I can play PS5 games without having to leave my PC, or keep the console in the same room.

>Ignoring the games library itself
Now why do I care about this console again?

They literally came out and said their plan for the PS5 is to release LESS games, so don't get your hopes up.

the games library of a console is the only reason you get a console in the first place. if you're looking for anything else like performance or features for example, that goes to PC

Make it mandatory for all games to have setting for resolution/framerate
>Just like The Last of Us remastered did
Out of the box backwards compatibility
>Just came across some of my old ps1 games (Roll Away, Oddworld, Jumping Flash, MGS1, Crash Bash)
>Literally pop in and play them no online connection bullshit
Good cooling
>Power up PS4
>vvvvvrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHH has to fucking get ye gone this time around
More streamlined OS, hell i'd settle for an XMB option
More storage in standard model with easy upgradability for up to a 3tb(5 game) expansion
Oh, and some decent fucking games. I got the PS4 the month it came out with my free game being Infamous Second Son. It was okay but short as hell
Also got GoW 3 Remastered, GoW 2018, CTR(haven't touched since mtx added), and literally nothing else. What a fucking let down. If i'd have known it wouldve been like this I just would've saved the money for a PC upgrade and a 4K Bluray player

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Six shoulder buttons

what a fucking badass he can upgrade his PC.

Having an optical drive for physical games, and giving me the option to just boot the fucking game instead of ever seeing any dumbass menus full of advertising and online stores.

>See this thread
>Oh boy please dont let the people say backwards compatibility because that is fucking retarded and nobody uses it
>few retarded people mention it

Mandatory 60fps mode and native kbd + mouse support.

filtered ;^)

Free online.

This'll never, ever happen unfortunately
They would just be saying they don't want $12.5 billion every year for no reason


backward compatibility would be good if it lets you run games with better performance like on xbone x
sony's probably too jewish for that though

make sure I can still use the infinite trials workaround and idgaf

Post yfw you're not GladiumTonitrua

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For me it's lag free menus/os
Can't believe current gen consoles still don't have this

The Switch's home screen is proof that it should be the standard.

Post yfw you don't even give him (You)s

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>Ignoring the games library itself,
This is literally the only part that matters you fucking mongoloid

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I skipped this generation so ps4 bc is a absolute must.

YOU skipped it 100+ million people didnt. If i ad the choice between:
>Make the console cheaper with no BC
>Make the console more expensive because of BC
i will take Option Nr. 1 .
I have literally the Wii and i never used the Bc feature. I had the fat Ps3 and i never used it.

I wish Sony would finally start a generation with a good launch line up + a good launch window becausethe last 2 generations were absolutl horrific experiences for early adopters

Digital and physical backward compatibilty with PS4 and maybe PS3, so I can play all the kinos I bought on my ps4 on day one. More great exclusives like the ones on PS4. Minimum 1 terabyte of space, none of this 500 gb bullshit because my video gallery takes a lot of space, you know. Maybe keyboard and mouse support but thats it. Wont take much to beat bill gates and the microcucks, sony always wins baby no matter what.

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Backward compatibility won't cost anything in the PS5. It's the same architecture.

You just told me to ignore the one reason I should see any of the consoles more enticing than my current consoles.

No fuck you
Switch even has YouTube and Hulu
Both are treated as games and don’t advertise White mirrors season 6 Death of some retard part 3.

It’s bare bones and in a way less is more

Jesus Christ, I just realised that the logo is a P and an S for Playstation. Over 20 years and it just now clicks.

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I unironically dropped my PS4 for a Roku and a iPad mini
The last game I actually played was HZD and was so disappointed I got rid of it

They said less AAA games and more ones like the Medievil remake.

The switch is a crazy beast
It’s just reminds me of this mouse my friend fed to his snake when it wasn’t hungry
He comes back a few hours later and his snake has been bullied into a corner as this little rat was viciously biting the fuck out of him
Lesson learned don’t underestimate

I enjoy playing Tekken and Street Fighter, and ps4 is where everyone plays these games so PC isn't a viable option. For me to buy a ps5 on launch and not in 2+ years when they release an "ultimate" edition of these games, they need to have BC with at least ps4. From what I understand, it'll use the same architecture and similar hardware, so this shouldn't be a problem at all and will only drive production costs up a couple pennies per unit.

the Wiiu, Gamecube and N64 where the cheapest of their generations yet they sold like shit

I know it's ironic, but it's sad that there are actually people who genuinely think like this

Because their game libraries were shit as far as normies are concerned.
When you compare two consoles with extremely similar game libraries (PS4/xbone) the one with the lower price leads more easily.

Not true. I want a PC but a good one costs 2k and I will need to buy a new one every 2 years

Other way around. The Xbox would have to really blow me away for me to consider it. They haven't had a console I liked yet.

-Free base online again. Don't care if they keep PS+ for shit like cloud storage or exclusive discounts and monthly games or whatever, there's no fucking justification for gating off access to an external server for multiplayer games.

-Backwards compatibility. Even if it can't manage PS3 discs, it should at least be able to manage PS1 and PS2 discs.

-Honor previous PSN purchases.

-Better UI. It would be nice if you could switch to a "I Want To Play Games" streamlined layout.

-Support external HDs for storage. Don't mind if this means it formats or encrypts the HD to avoid piracy.

-A controller that doesn't have a big stupid gimmick pad and light in the middle that will never be used.

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Robust backwards compatibility features. Make the thing play everything released since the PS1, pour money into reviving sales of ancient 3rd party titles and ship the PS5 with that AI Upscaling tech they patented a while ago.

10th gen vidya is bound to be released even more sluggishly than 9th gen and I don't see how a console can survive when there's 2 whole games to play on a PS5 per year for someone who also owns a PC.

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>Another nigger who wants to play ancient games for no reason
Buy yourself a fucking Ps1 than and play the shit games on that piece of shit hardware tehre is no reason to waste money on 15+ year old games

No, they less fewer but bigger games. So more like 1 big uncharted every 2 years

if I'm supposed to buy a console it should be better than a pc
I can't run pcsx2 on a console, so that's an automatic value loss

>extremely similar game libraries (PS4/xbone)
PS4 has more exclusives than x1. Granted at the beginning of the gen this was different, but that lead to sony winning because it had the more powerful console for $100 less. Now its all about exclusives and sony has the better exclusives.

There's not nearly as much content to distinguish the playstation from its competitors as there was in the previous 3 generations. t. owned them all.

No more fucking ps plus I don't want to pay for using my fucking internet

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>Ignoring the games library
Why would I buy a VIDEO GAME SYSTEM for anything but exactly that? Fucking shill.

Its still the factor. Sony just seems to push their exclusives more and they seem more enticing than anything xbox has to offer. Sea of thieves actually got me excited, but luckily I didn't buy into that shit after release. Other than that its been the same halo/gears/forza bs.

Sure, but it's like one a year these days. Not nearly as much as it used to be.

>Make it mandatory for all games to have setting for resolution/framerate
this could be HUGE

>Out of the box backwards compatibility
no one gives a flying fuck apart from some spics and slavs who are obsessed over it

>Good cooling
this IS huge

Games also take 3-4 years to develop than they use too. Remember both gta3 and vice city took 1 each and san andreas was 2.

I want to store my music videos and pictures on it and for god sakes can we have a non laggy wen browser?

The only reason I might eventually considering getting a ps3 is for backwards compatibility, but even then, it'd be delusional to think that Sony would implement physical emulation of the hardware itself (so your discs are useless), which leaves only digital downloads. And guess what? You're paying for those games again. Part of the reason I called it quits with Sony was how they wouldn't let you redownload PS2 classics you bought on PSN from the PS3 era onto your PS4. They're the same fucking games, and yet you have to buy them all over again. It's abhorrent and I won't stand for it.

That is the reason, but the reason doesn't matter as much as the result. Exclusives just aren't as important any more.

a button that kills e-thots

split Sony into two branches:one in Asia and one in the US

>When you compare two consoles with extremely similar game libraries (PS4/xbone)
>xbot still implies the library of the xbone is not abysmal

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You say that, but I have every console and the only time I played my x1s was for rare replay and forza motorsports 4. Those two didn't last long. Forza feels like an arcade and rare replay is quick and easy.

>Only playing exclusives on the weaker console
no shit?

because the current gen consoles are using literal tablet processors which are already painfully weak and the OS/side menu and stuff is only able to use 1 of those 8 cores in the consoles.

Knock the price of online and offer a better range of free current games and last gen games like how Xbone does. Also get a better looking menu, that shit on the PS4 is atrocious.

Nigga I have a $3k pc. My consoles are literally only for exclusives. PS4 saw way more time use than x1s ever has by a long shot.

Well yeah, PS4 does have 1 exclusive a year, that's still more than the xbone which gets literally nothing. But PS2 was getting a good exclusive every other month.

Obviously if you're an idort you'll only be playing exclusives on your consoles, but most people aren't. I'm not an idort and I only play multiplats on my PS4, because I just don't give a fuck about the exclusives that exist.

Getting a ps5 day one

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I can't think of anything important besides game library

That said, Sony is dipping its toes more often with PC ports so I'm not buying this console right away if ever.

Legit 1 game spotted

STOP posting ruggadick

Which leads back to what I said. Games then took 1/3 of the time they take now. Honestly as long as it takes games to be developed PS4 has a strong list of exclusives. Even the switch runs on a lot of ports.

I'm not denying that PS4 isn't the strongest console available in terms of its exclusives (at least as far as normies are concerned) but that's currently less important than it ever has been. Only two exclusives are in the top 10 sellers and they were both packed with the console.

Have actual exclusives that aren't walking simulators.

Not everyone is going to buy every exclusive for it, but for people choosing a console that will draw them towards it instead of the competitor. If its in terms of price/performance the x1x should be winning but even now I don't feel like the x1x covers more than 10% of x1 sales total.

Make online access free again. Even then, it would be a hard choice to consider buying a ps5 when I have multiple gaming PC's. It's no contest.

I will need a new advance Blu-ray player soon though.

But Halo5 and Forza btfo snoys

Free online, no stupid ass lights or touchpads on the controller, wireless charging for controllers on ps5 like a dock or someshit. Make it silent so no loud fans. Make it as small as possible. Allow easy change quick slot drives for ssd. Different colored consoles and controllers from launch.

Halo 5 is a killzone tier game


Free online would actually get me to buy a console again.

PS4 Pro doesn't account for much of the PS4's sales either. price/performance is one thing but there's only so much people will pay.
Also, Xbone really screwed the pooch when it came to the launch.

Of course it won't, because it doesn't make sense to purchase the pro when there is an x1x with better performance. That was my point. You keep thinking exclusives don't matter, but literally the switch runs on exclusives to keep it alive and its topping the x1 almost. Sony had a good start with its cheaper better performing console and right now exclusives are what still drawing in people.

Nintendo always relied on first party exclusives, they're not related to this at all.

I don't remember killzone having a forge

I think data was shared that ps4pro was like 10% of ps4 sales after the first year but 70% of those were new customers who didn't own a base ps4

And xb1x was 30% of xb1 sales but the vast majority were xb1 base users upgrading.

EA touched on this in a fiscal report too

Yes, it's a killzone tier game with a map editor.


lol cope snoy

lmao ok buddy. You keep saying exclusives aren't relevant, but when they are they don't matter.

Native keyboard and mouse functionality. That's the only thing still propping the pc up so may as well finish it

As well as configurable graphics.

>backwards compatibility
>complete playstation online library (PS1 thru PS4) day 1
>more intuitive online system
>something about easier outreach to indie developers
>PS4 controller compatible

>Support external HDs for storage. Don't mind if this means it formats or encrypts the HD to avoid piracy.
Yeah, christ this. Nintendo is doing this shit right. Fuck having to redownload everything every time you run out of space.

>-Support external HDs for storage. Don't mind if this means it formats or encrypts the HD to avoid piracy.
This isn't the xbox or nintendo where they force you to stick with what they give you so you need expandable storage. You can just change the fucking hdd yourself for anything better than with a portable hdd will have. I put 2tb SSHDs in my ps3 and ps4 and made a world of difference and also dont need to look at some ugly tumor hanging off my console.

how about you don't have to choose retard

>thinking needing portable hdd support is more important than ability to swap your HDD out
You're a cuck. Microsoft has been fucking people for over a decade with this bs and you're complaining sony doesn't give you portable hdd support? You have to be a special kind of stupid to not want to just swap your HDD out entirely from something 100x's better.

is it 2005? xbone has replaceable hard drives since launch. you shouldn't have to choose between being able to swap internal and add external they should both just werk.

>xbone has replaceable hard drives since launch.
Oh yes, please explain to all of Yea Forums how one would be able to swap their HDD in an x1. Show us how much bullshit it is just to do.