cybertranny2077 BTFO
this is how you do a cyberpunk game
Cybertranny2077 BTFO
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At least i can say I've seen real gameplay from this game. Unlike 2077.
Why does every mc in first person game is a hunchback?
because is to hunchback are back therapy
Is this also ghostrunner
holy shit that looks dumb. reminds me of a first-person sonic adventure
But its first person too and you hate first person
>You die in one hit
fuck off
Looks alright.
That's concept art for the live action Ghost in the Shell.
oh I remember that
it's the scene with the water from the original
That's the best part, retard.
>getting hit
That looks like a janky Mirror's Edge with a dash of janky less fun Titanfall 2.
>haha dude just make the player restart over and over instead of giving you a rank at the end based on how well you did
>yeah lets only put 2 enemies per landing platform in this dull wallrunning simulator
>being THIS bad at a game that hasn't even come out yet
i'd tell you to git gud, but i don't think that'd be possible for you
Looks too game-y. Enemies are just glorified turrets. There's no immersion.
>first person
>die in one hit
>super on rails
no thanks
>haha dude let's put a 2 minute long section with 15 enemies that restarts if you get die
> the promo tutorial for a trailer
Is that what you want?
Good thing we're on Yea Forums - The Video Games.
Looks boring.
Wtf it actually look kind nice?
>Cyberpunk 2077
>exploration in a beautiful city
>This game
>no RPG elements
>no real depth
>walls you run on are just blank canvases 80% of the time
>every enemy just does the same thing
>cant enjoy the cyberpunk setting due to being forced to run through the level
I'll pass
>The 46 minutes gemplay video isnt gameplay somehow
You can clearly see how low IQ Cyberpunk 2077 shitposters are because they always favor mainstream style over the meaningful message that comes with the story you play.
>First Person
Aaaaaaaaand still not interested
>Cyberpunk 2077
user, I...
First person is fine.
Anccounces 4 months before they dropped it that they weren't even near having a finished game engine. Every other appearance of the game behind close doors is reportedly janky and buggy, but impressive. Not saying 2077 will be bad (I want it to be good) or that this parkour ninja game will be good. All I'm saying is that 48 min demo is smoke and fucking mirrors.
This level looks kinda stupid. Why would someone have all these hanging platforms around? Just so some cyborg could run on them and kill everybody?
The game has CoD-tier aerial movement when it's supposed to be it's focus.
Something like this on a cyberpunk setting could be fun though.
>cinematic Dishonored 2 with a new skin
I'll pass
it means its more tedious
people want a fucking cyberpunk rpg, not first person hotline miami or superhot