Atelier thread

I will now buy your game

Attached: ryza.jpg (600x822, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:ライザのアトリエ

>no dub

i want tof uck ryza so fucking bad bros ohm yfucking god

>no dub

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She needs more ass

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have they shown the crafting mechanics yet? you know, the core gameplay part of the game?

put your money where your mouth is. BUY HER GAME.

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i domt even want to fuck her i just want her to sit on my face and make me lick her feet

Nobody cares just give me DAT FUCKING ASS!

I'd rather put her ass where my mouth is, if you know what I mean


is it the start of a new trilogy? i know you gotta play atelier stuff in a certain order really to get the most out of it but i'm not sure where this new one fits. i just want to eat her fucking ass user

that's not how anatomy works

>play atelier game to exist as qt girl virtually
>got bored as fuck 2 hrs in
>deleted it

based. i wonder what her ass tastes like haha

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not at the same time dumy

The ass is nice but how is the gameplay

faster action than turn based

She doesn't have shit on the cuter girls of previous games.

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user pls

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Pictures, yes. Still waiting on further elaboration but it looks like the item can change as materials are added by moving along a branching tree path.

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There I fixed it

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c u m b r a i n

Nope, it's fucked. Change it back.

As if we needed any more proof that dubfags are ESL retards that can't read

>£60 for an anime jrpg with most likely shit gameplay


I will now pirate your game and never play it.

>I don't like watching movies, I like reading them!
>I don't like watching anime, I like reading it!
>I don't like playing games, I like reading them!

>another yuri bait game

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Is that a problem?

Like shit.


>another stupid reddit cat

God I love Sophie.

I just want to slightly touch those thighs

another smeghead thread.

jesus just wank before starting threads please.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

The franchise was only good in the late 90s - the mid 00s.

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slutls may have herpes

> left: cumhead weebshit
> right: cumhead weebshit

Imagine being so fucking pathetic that the only way you know how to communicate with women is to buy the games of fictional women. That's your only way to show love.

Human garbage at its worst.

>Atelier Now is ten years old

suelle is cute and i would marry her in a heartbeat but come on dude be serious

Stop applying buzzwords to stuff that existed long before them.
you are welcome

>Atelier Now

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You all know porn is free and readily available, right?

So are these games. :^)

We lost everything.

stop posting this chestlet

her hat looks so dumb yet comfy

Wtf are you even going on about?

just lost some protein but i'll be fine

Get well bro

Would you let giant Ryza smush you between her thighs?

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No! yes


Very relatable.

Good thing you changed your mind. Not that your choice would even matter in the end.

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Atelier died when waifufags complained about having to think about their alchemy.

This is finally it Yea Forums, i'm going to end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>epstien shit has me cucked
>just lost 2k in stocks
>family wants to kill me
>keep hearing niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day by helicopters flying over my house
>older brother has came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
you guys have always been my favorite board, and you've always kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc

>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.

stream URL + quick rundown:

See you all soon.

t. FF-5

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Crafting at 8:38

What makes butts so great? Recently I finally had a girl sit on my face and it was wonderful.

have sex


What's the best atelier game on pc?


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where is your pre-order ?

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I'm just gonna get it on steam

enjoy your censored butt
Most fans will recommend Rorona over Sophie, but you should decide by yourself.

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guys..I think I am in love with love..what am I supposed to do?
she will never be real..

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Reality is perception.

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get your stinking hands off my wife

I think about her all day long and cant get her out of my head..what the has never happened to me before..
what the FUCK am I supposed to do?

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you've literally been posting this for a month

Is this a new arc or part of another one? I think I missed the last 2 arcs and I don't want to play another game before this one.

Game looks fucking boring. There's no reason to buy it. And if you're craving anime thighs, Ryza fanart is plentiful and free.

new story

beat off

>Ryza fanart is plentiful and free.

What's so boring about Ryza compared to other modern turn-based JRPGs?

VERY nice.

you can't date the girls

I never wanted to fuck an anime girl until now holy shit.

literally danbooru/gelbooru/konachan

I never gave two flying fucks about thighs until I discovered Ryza, what does that mean?

unironically based

nice recommended tags

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I'm thinking of getting this game as my first Atelier game. Hopefully I can understand the story without any knowledge of the past games.

it's a good idea to do just that desu. the stories do not correlate between each trilogy, and Ryza looks to have the best game play yet.

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Ryza is created for the purpose of anal sex.



92 posts 22 image, only 5 of which are of this girl. you fail Yea Forums

Don't expect a complex and epic story or anything like that. If you have ever watched any slice of life anime, then that's what you should expect from Atelier.

Ryza's story might be a little different than the other games since they got the Shakugan no Shana writer and all. But they still mentioned that the adventure itself wasn't going to be the main point of the story.

So far they haven't announced if they're making it a trilogy or not, but I assume if it sells well then they'll make sequels

This. Totori will always be #1 atelier girl, but Ryza is still very cute.

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How old is Totori meant to be?

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please tell me this is official art

I always wanted to try this series but the time limits were my biggest turn off, can't wait to play Ryza's game

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Here you go, friends.

There's also a nice nude edit available.

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Atelier stories are more like short dnd campaigns than slice of life. Take Lydie and Sue for example, the story is that the princess and the prince of a country are gathering alchemists and are collecting mysterious paintings that were created using alchemy. It turns out that their reason for it is that a thunder demon god that ravaged the area in the past was sealed by an alchemist in a painting. And that seal is gradually breaking, which is shown by the rain and thunderstorm that gradually increases as you progress through the story. Then you join with the other alchemists and defeat the demon god, it's something you would see as a short dnd campaign adventure, not in an anime about schoolgirls eating cookies.

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what can you say about dusk? still want to play it someday


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genuine question: are there any atelier girls who AREN'T attractive? I mean damn these girls are so beautiful, and I don't mean slutty/overly sexual, just beautiful


That actually sounds sick, never played an atelier game.

based. BASED.

Atelier games have pretty decent fantasy stories. They're not particularly groundbreaking or have deep political messages but they're enjoyable, like something that your dungeon master would write for a session of dungeons and dragons.

In a few months Ryza got more art than every other alchemist did in years, nice

because she is the best one yet

She's 13 in your pic, although if we want to be pedantic, the swimsuit event can't happen until year 4 so she'd be 17 (but her character design doesn't change within the game so she looks the same as she does at 13). In the latest game, she's 26.

I'll keep this in mind when masturbating to her.

>In the latest game, she's 26
And she's still a fucking washboard, poor girl

but her ass is much juicier

And she's shorter than both Meruru and Lulua.

Attached: Atelier-Lulua.jpg (1280x720, 194K)

Post pictures.

Oh please, she can't compete with this

WHAT ? are you blind ?

It's really a shame that we only get a 10/10 female design like once a year, if that. I think these game designers under-estimate the impact of clothing and hair. Ryza, for example, is really nothing special looks-wise. Neither is 2B. It's all about the clothes and hair. When you nail it, you get GOTY regardless of average gameplay. It's all about style.

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I'm not saying it's juicier than Goddess Ryza, I'm saying it's juicier than in previous titles

Unfortunately I never saved the pics from the last thread. Yes I'm retarded.

All of you are bandwagoning faggots who don't even really like thighs, because Ryza's thighs look like shit. Her in game model has no indentation at all and her key artwork has far too much of it so it just looks absurd.

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nah, the clothes kinda suck, it's because Ryza's thighs are thick as fuck and her ass is legendary large

who was looking at her thighs in either of those pics, you inbred cretin? it's all about her massive booty

This is literally the one time they've made an atelier girl attractive

What are you, gay?

not even a footfag but open-toed boots are a treasure.

Totori is attractive.

typical non-argument from a mongol

But when does it release?
The pc version, of course

objectively false, name ONE unattractive atelier girl, ill wait

Tell me, what’s different about this generic anime panty loli waifu quest compared to the other atelier games other then the fact she’s showing her skeletal thighs off

>hey look guys! i'm completely ignorant and retarded! shower me with attention!

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literally all of them are attractive

You can’t have gays but love yuri Retard


Where’s the bait? I’m acting a valid question

if you're a pedo

>responding to a 3 hour old post
>being this butt lasted on being called out on your immense retardation

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Why are so many Japanese men into underaged girls? Is it because they're short, puny and weak so that they have to resort to children in order to execute dominance?

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She has a slutty design and comically exaggerated thighs in her reveal artwork, that was all it took for the meme machine to take off.

>26 is underaged

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oohh I get it, you’re upset huh?

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short hair =/= unattractive

What do you think you're calling out exactly, dipshit? You just said liking to read is autistic.

Hanna doesn't have short hair so you are wrong on two fronts.

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its because children are hot

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Those are the faces of 12 year olds, not 26 year olds. But I guess they fake their age so they get away with their pedo degeneracy

Attached: hanna.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

I'm glad I don't live somewhere where 12 year olds have eyeballs the size of saucers, tiny dots for noses, triangle-shaped chins, and no other distinguishable features.
Pray tell, where are you finding them?

imagine being this retarded. nobody said that. what's autistic is choosing to read media that is meant to be watched. learn better reading comprehension autimso

She has a braided ponytail that goes down to her waist.

Attached: hanna.png (1280x720, 924K)

OK, great, so if its not her hair, what makes her ugly? She's cute imo.

>media that is meant to be watched
So video games are movies? I always figured voices were meant to be heard, myself.

It’s not even bait yet you keep getting hooked, despite the fact you insist you’re not getting hooked. Embarrassing?

yes, cutscenes are meant to be watched, not have your eyes forced to the bottom 25% of the screen

Spermiarz game

It's a good thing Atelier's cutscenes are 99% told through character portraits and text boxes rather than being a movie game like Metal Gear Solid.


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Stop playing dumb to defend your pedo shit. You're disugusting and should be reported as a potential threat to children.

>t. ResetEra pedotranny


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Worst design in the game and Ryza's designs are already pretty questionable.

My wife

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your wife is very well endowed, lucky for you, but that purple skin...

Her skin is very pretty

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I would enjoy the weight of her butt on face.

yeah, sure, her skin, right. let's see those chest globes


If you could read at above a second grade level maybe you'd realize it isn't so hard.



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>tfw no milf Rorona art