Arena shooters

>Arena shooters
>Beat em up
>Artillery (i.e gunbound)

Why are these genres dead?

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All of them feel too generic
Beat em up and MMORPG specifically lose all their flair when you realize the main premise is "get big numbers, kill all guys at once in one hit, get bigger numbers"

what if the beat em up doesn't show you damage numbers?

Beat 'em ups kinda evolved into games like Dynasty Warriors and Yakuza. You do get classic shit like Castle Crashers though, but I guess that's pretty old now too.

id beat the fuck out of you if you ever said thid to me or my wife in real life

Mobile gacha gets more money.

>Arena shooters
The mechanics are better suited to singleplayer games where they contribute to the power-fantasy, in a multiplayer context they just cannibalise their own playerbase due to skill disparity.

>Beat em up
These evolved into the contemporary hack n slash/character action game genre, although we are getting a new streets of rage and there's no shortage of indie pretenders.

Too many gameplay concessions need to be made to support the high playercount, you can't design anything that relies on accurate or timely data transmission, as a result these games largely play themselves and become boring once the novelty wears off or the reward feedback slows down.

>Artillery (i.e gunbound)
Essentially a solved genre, you can't do much more besides reskinning worms.

>in a multiplayer context they just cannibalise their own playerbase due to skill disparity
Same could be said with fighting games but that genre is alive and kicking

The design of arena shooters is even more punishing, bordering on sadistic, losing the opening bout gives your opponent even more resources than what they started with while you go back to 0.

Community doesn't talk a lot, they talk in small circles. People aren't interested in discussing these games, if they would be more popular, that wouldn't be an issue.

>Vehicular combat

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I would say fighting games are just as sadistic if not more. Long string combos that you cant even inturrupt or waste a bar to break out and cross ups ruins anyones day so then it becomes a guessing game. If new players cant into combos and rely on meaty kicks to punish/win then theyre fucked.

first two are exceptionally hard to monetize
mmos have people so deep into single ecosystems that everyone that was going to play an mmo is already committed to one (or is playing a mobile game)
artillery games are solved by freeware, nobody wants to buy any since every beginner programmer can shit one out as a school project and you'll get the craving out of your system

>I would say fighting games are just as sadistic if not more.
you're not following the person you're replying to's point at all

imagine in round 2 of a fighting game's set, that you carried over advantages from round 1, besides just being one point closer to the win condition
the person the won gets to keep their meter, while the person that lost is set back to zero and now has a debuff on them where they only have half the health of the previous winner by the time they can get a punch in

That's always such a retarded term

Victims of the casual market.

You are aware that there is more than 1vs1 in arena shooters, right?

There streets of rage 4 and river city girls and ninjas once again. So it survives in niche markets.

Where are all the 3d brawlers? I would love to hear about some new or upcoming ones.

>there will never be powerstone 3

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>Arena shooters
- Too stressful to play
- too difficult to get good therefore too stressful to play
- technically outdated by huge open worlds and battle royales
- After a days of work few people want to play a tight, competitive, extremely high energy game to play.

Give me all the dead genre we have

>Arena shooters
>Beat em up
publishers/suits only want to target casuals and for some reason they assume that casuals are too dumb to play these games
investment. mmos are some of the most expensive types of games to produce and they take even more funds to keep alive. so unless you're guaranteed that it will be fucking popular, publishers/suits won't fund you

>Too stressful to play
>technically outdated by huge open worlds and battle royales
>technically outdated by unrelated, totally different genres
>After a days of work few people want to play a tight, competitive, extremely high energy game to play
>everyone is the same as me

MMORPG is unironically dead because of WoW, it was so popular and addicting that any other mmo had their community's stifled because of it so they either tried to copy WoW to make WoW money or differentiate themselves and start a new trend in both cases it failed because people either realized "this is like WoW, so why am i not just playing WoW" or "this isn't anything like wow and so it has a community too small to be fun" because everyone was obsessed with WoW so everything just becomes a WoW clone and makes some money for a year or 2 or dies off quickly, the only reason FFXIV has lasted is because nips dont like ugly orcs and trolls but love lolis and elfs that look like humans with pointy ears. the same thing is happening with Battle royal's "if its not fortnite its not successful"

point and click adventures.

>>Too stressful to play

You don't get tired after an hour of constant adrenaline rush?
speak for yourself

dude, just make your own game based on a dead genre, thats what im doing

>You don't get tired after an hour of constant adrenaline rush?
no. how fucking weak do you have to be to get tired after one hour in a shooter?

>"if its not fortnite its not successful"
A battle royale game is different because in an MMO you become better and stronger and the time you invest actually counts.
If you create a new pubg account you lose your arbitrary levels and cosmetics which doesn't mean shit.

a boomer
I can' stand pvp for too long

Stealth games
tactics rpg
light gun on rails (i.e time crisis) - not gonna lie this is cheating since this is for arcades
city construction sims - what can you name that is recent that is not under the name of sim city and skylines on the top of your head?

Shall I remind you that it was extremely dead in late 00s and took a great effort to revive?

They all peaked and had no where to go after