Who/What is the video game equivalent of This Man?

Who/What is the video game equivalent of This Man?

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every single demons souls clone.

any walking simulator, if it's a pretentious art project piece of shit like This Man was

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Ever dreamed this man?

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Why not make this thread on /pol/ and get an actual thread, instead of making it here and getting banned after a few shitposts?
Serious question.


why would you want to willingly talk to /pol/fags?

Every black and dyke sjw character

That Man from Guilty Gear.

The first No Man’s Sky Trailer.

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half of them post here anyways, so why not use the board your thread belongs onto?

Probably that one creepy pasta about the pale redhead bitch that shows up in every game you play.

What? I never heard of this. Which one?

The Princess
If you see her, turn off the game

good answer

Default face in Oblivion character creator

>pale redhead bitch that shows up in every game you play
god i wish

every time.

Dwarf fortress


I dreamed him once.

The experience was harrowing.

I don't remember the specifics of the location, but something similar to the Backrooms, before those were a meme, and I saw him. I immediately recognized him as that guy everyone dreams, and so that instantly put me in a lucid state since I knew I was dreaming. This gave me a surge of confidence since I was in control and knew I was lucid dreaming.

I approached him and told him less than politely to get out of my dream becaus i wanted to fuck me some futanari elf girls and wasn't into the idea of sharing.

He unhinged his jaw and released what I can only describe as a hellscream, a long, drawn out note. Control of my dream was wrested from my hands, and I could not even wake myself. I couldn't even protest or apologize, I was totally paralyzed for a few moments but they felt like an eternity. When it was clear that the message was received, he stopped, and released me. That message was clear: this was his domain and someone with my level of control would not best him. The last thing I saw before I awoke was that smiling face, letting me know one final time that he was in control. I almost want to say o could feel a sense of smug satisfaction from him, since he knew I knew who he was.

I guess he isn't a fan of futanari elf girls.

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Say no more

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Sad Satan

or he is a fan and was upset you wouldn't share

So we all agree this is the Man from Another Place, right?

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The only correct answer

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