Lobotomy Corp

What the FUCK was his problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:


For me, it's the Big Bird.

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That’s just a cl*rk OP
Press 8 aim and then *BANG*

Good taste. Plebs hyping long bird when they only like his bling.

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I need to do a dusk ordear.
Do you guys think I should level up all my agents to level 5 before that?

I'm going to marry and mate with this rabbit!

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Level V Fortitude for all your employees is pretty much compulsory for Dusk ordeals. You can get away with having that just for your chad squad, but you'll have to micro your virgins to make sure they don't get squashed, which can be tricky to do against Crimson Dusk.

I need help, how to deal with Big Bird escaping. I finally got Nothing There gift on one of my guys and I don't want to restart day, meanwhile last time I tried to suppress Big Bird it killed 6 agents

For suppressing big bird you want to get all your agents to fall back if he starts waving his lamp around, charmed agents get instakilled if they touch him. If he starts opening his mouth get your guys to run to his back or away so they don't get chomped. Remember that the charm goes away if they leave the blackout department.

Had to restart. I could get to the Dusk ordeal on day 33 for some reason it was too hard for me.

>Bought this game and played it for a few hours
>Bought Bloodstained and Devil May Cry
>Haven't played because busy preparing a Pathfinder campaign


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If I memrep do I carry over suppressed core or only equipment I grinded

How do I deal with SO? I just don't seem to do enough damage

>Nothing There vs Red Fixer

Holy fuck Big Bird-poster got the first post, the based lad.

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If you completed any core suppression, it will stay completed even if you memrepo, and the rewards stay as well. Equipment always stays when you memrepo, but keep in mind that if you memrepo when an agent is killed, the gear will be lost, so retry the day, then memrepo. I learnt that the hard day

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Silent Orchestra

Sic the rabbits on them I guess

Do you still attack with all of your guys in each phase?

okay, is Burrowing Heaven reverse shanderfuel. I understand how to work on it but don't know if it's safe to use it to complete Gebura "beat 5 WAWs" mission

If you don't look at it for a bit instakills the person working on it and escapes, once it breaches you just need to never let it out of your sight until it's dead, however if you do slip up it'll murder everyone in the department.
Reverse schadenfreude but with instakills, basically.

I guess i'll stick to beating Big Birb

Well now look what you did. Are you proud of yourself, big guy?

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If I can fuck Gebura I'll beat this stupid birb hundred times

Don't worry about it user. It's not go8ng anywhere.

>every white ordeal eats shit against a deathball
How is this challenging?

and it was all for nothing, because I alt-tabed to write here game doesn't open back properly

Well, their death actions can be a nuisance if you're unprepared

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Translation pls

Anyone else got hecking scared of noon ordeals after getting btfo by violet noon, and not even daring sending anyone to fight the crimson noon in fear of it oneshotting even the biggest dude?

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Noon ordeals are all about knowledge. They're dangerous in exactly one situation each that you must avoid.

>crimson noon
Who let the clerks out?

I'm scared of noon ordeals because I have clerk lovers and no executioner bullets yet

It's dangerous when you ignore the small clowns

Small clowns? You mean those shitstains on my monitor that die just from clerks passing by?

Just position one agent in hallways were dangerous abnos are located. Easiet ordeal

>spamming this
Kill me Pete

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>Not wanting to have a peaceful, eternal slumber void of pain and suffering

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I want to see Red viciously rape Der Frankfurter

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She's not that type of girl user

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Pure and wholesome.

>not easing the pain with hardcore sex with the abnos
Not gonna make it

Abnormalities are not for lewd!

Der freischutz is only HE because he doesn't escape. Imagine if he could escape and his every shot would go through whole base and deal ~120 black damage. He's secretly an ALEPH that doesn't want to escape, same as Hundred Sins

I’ve come to say the N word.


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Dumb animal fucker

Does this apply to Day 46-49? Or do they not count as Core Suppressions?

>/ourguys/ are only HE
>little red is WAW
What gives?

Who is the best bird and why it fiery bird?

>What gives?
Femdom fetish.
Or they just couldn't be fucked to try harder.


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In Library he will reveal his true power

Angela being a huge racist is the logical conclusion to what she had to suffer, besides niggers have more in common to mushrooms that to people

>they will never team up to take down Big Bad Wolf

Fred Schultz could probably be a WAW if he was less calm, he doesn't even leave his room

They can’t abnos don’t die ever
Fruit loops isn’t that great especially when you take the armor difference damage reduction, he would be weaker than QoH, One sin bro goes not u and whatever he wanted gone it is now gone

Can you actually give gifts to the ais or was somone just joking last thread?

>give gifts
I want to gift Binah's womb with my baby.

Attached: Too bad, it's me.jpg (720x891, 73K)

It was a prank. The AIs aren’t your friends; they’re your coworkers. Doing the job well is much more important than you trying to get Gebura to go on a date with you


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That's a curse not a gift

But I want to FUCK Angela so hard!

Damn, is he good?

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Oh no no no no
>he picked NTR doc
Enjoy getting your agents [REDACTED]

>1000000 unique boxes
>Zayn level
>Nothing bad happens
>Bad touch turned my agent into an apostle
Yeah I'm not going to work on this nigger ever again.

Attached: WHAAAAAAAAAT.jpg (1366x768, 285K)

Yeah, if you are gonna day 1 at least fill the clock before doing so

I just went through this for the first time a couple days ago. I decided to see what happens if I got all twelve apostles.
It was fun

Wait a minute... does WN not turn 12 of your current agents if you find him in a new run and he breaches?

Is he that bad?
Should I memerepo? I want to face the fear but I heard some abnos get rid of your EGO weapons and armors.

Everything about him is massive spoilers. Just keep playing naturally and keep your wits about you.

He does something weird with saves IIRC. Just make a backup before you go the full mile with him.

Don't listen to him, that doctor will rape you and your facility

>Is this abno bad?
>Should I memrepo?
>Should I spoil myself and take out the fun from the LC?

All abnos are bad if mismanaged. Every single one. Now stop doing this to yourself and enjoy the game

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EGO weapons can be rebought, an unspoiled first playthrough can't!

Not if you memerepod the abno

>tfw looked up every abno and seraph ahead of time and basically spoiled everything for myself
I really wish I wasn't like this but my autism compels me to look up shit and find the optimal ways to play

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This nigger refuses to show he is the only one left to complete the codex!
Speaking of niggers is the Sseth thing for real of just a fake alarm?

Oh user. A selling point of the game is that you get a new abno and you're completely clueless on what it does, what triggers it, and how dangerous it is.

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It's for real. The vid is supposed to be out by the end of August so we don't have much time left either.

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What does touching Melty feel like?

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You mean end of September? Insider user said he'll drop the review vid next month

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The days of comfy threads are over.
Let's hope that this at least brings us more lewds.

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Do you wanna find out?

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If I watch somebody on youtube playing I always root for this guy to have all 12 blessings.

I know you're here fucko

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He better shill best girl or it's the nameless fetus for his ass.

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Is reseting something people do? Or does it make the game too easy?

>binahfags want normalfag cancer

Y-yes! but I don't wanna be a puddle of flesh, semen and shame ;_;

>binahfags want normalfag cancer
Nah, we want more Binah lewds

Attached: binahcafe.jpg (380x522, 24K)

You literally have to reset to get all the abnos and ending. And there's nothing wrong with resetting just if you want to start fresh or got into an annoying situation

Your first run will likely get to an unwinnable position. Day 1 resets are expected

Ok cool, I just reset after it got annoying on day 2x and the first days were a total breeze, so I was getting afraid

Reaching day 50 in one run, no memrepo sounds VERY hardcore if you're a new player and not looking anything up. If you also mean no day retry, well, then it's just crazy.

It's all good. Lets you gather more EGO gear too from new abnos so you'll eb a lot stronger once you're caught back up

Fuck you
Fuck you!
Fuck YOU!

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Has anyone done a hardcore run yet?

You cool!

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Thank you, Manager. As the internet jargon goes, you are quite "based".

Now let us return and collect energy.

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Well, well Angela. Aren't you quick to suck the manager's dick.

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I don't know, maybe Korean? I'd watch a stream of someone making the attempt

After I go through the gauntlet I'll try it out but I'd probably need a couple nights off or cut it in half, if there's enough views I could even have you guys decide my abno's and placement

>accidentally sent Agent carrying magical bullet as part of deathball

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There is a speedrun....

This is why I never equipped it again once I knew what it did.

This magic bullet truly can hit anything you say!

Would intercourse with abnos produce energy?

Leave it unequipped dude. As much as Der Shooty is /ourguy/, his fucking weapon is a complete anarchist

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>dropping a weapon that can solo green dusk
Just stick them in their own department away from everyone else.

Careful there bud, El Hijo almost heard you

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I don't understand, the worktime said 41, why did this bitch scape again

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>accidentally click on der's request
>literally can't cancel it and have to fire off a random shot
Why doesn't he accept takesis backsies?

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>On day 12, but I have trouble turning my employees into apostles without having any employees die that day.
>Already lost 2 apostles because when I retried a day, didn't know that they still count towards the clock.
>On day 14, finally managed to stall in completing the energy requirements for the day, and then just turning employees into apostles.
>Had a qlipoth breakdown, one of the alarms was from skull Jesus.
>Brought a random employee, but after awhile he fucking died.
>Wtf, I thought Jesus was my friend. Turns out bringing apostles to him would kill them
>Had to restart again because another employee died.

Would losing the apostle blessing really hurt? I already lost 3 of them because of this bug.

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>Managerial Tips 1: When the work result was Bad, Qliphoth Counter was reduced.

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Oh shit, didn't know the bad result treshold was that high, thanks Malkuth

It's not a bug

You see manager, he is a nigger because even if your work success and speed is shitty enough to satisfy him, your work success is now garbage enough to get bad results reliably.

Sounds like you need to make up for those apostles, and you only lose a small amount of PE boxes and their counter drops to 0 if you ignore a meltdown, so you can ignore some like tools or abno's with an X on them if you want.

Attached: One Sin Repression Work.png (1024x600, 244K)

It's really fucking good. Just abuse black shields and properly position them. They're a 1man army if you swap out the armor for Aleph shit.

Describe your facility
>Day 9
>Punishing turd
I guess i just let him shit on my chadlet until he gets bored while my clerks panic and my other agents flee to safety to avoid getting insta JUSTed
>Face bitch
Timing is key apparently
>One Zayin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
Stop melting down you bastard you dont have legs to breach with!
>Opened Can of Well Cheers
>1.47 mhz(suprisingly docile but kind of annoying with the sounds)
>Grinder machine
>Skin book
Almost never touch unless meltdown fucking worthless thing when everyone panics so often
Malkuth team consists of one lvl 3, two lv 2s, and a lvl 1 meat shield i bought when i had one lob left.
Viper team is three lvl 2s
I feel like Im doing much better this run then the last 3 times
Kinda wish i restarted day 7 so punishing turd didnt kill my first lvl 2 agent but i didnt want to be bothered to do all that for one employee.

Does anyone even read the manual? Did Malkuth spend all that effort for nothing?

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>During Malkuth suppression repression and attachment swap places
>using my big brain I concluded that Der's Request and Repression swap
>it doesn't

as long as it doesn't draw attention to
>man of shade
It should be alright

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Why are the abnormality names so fun to say? They sound like catch phrases

People meme on shadman but his art isn't half bad you know.

Gift + his gear makes the ultimate glass cannon that can be extremely useful pre day 25, when you have a couple gigachads and are just starting to mass produce nuggets.

we have enough retarded youtubers and a few nice ones playing this game:
sseth if you read this, you gigantic faggot: fuck off and die

"Goth" girl loving subhumans need to be shot with executiom bullets

>Man of shade
All he does now is either shota, trap or dykes.
His art was good once, now however he sucks dick.

How do I make forsaken murderer to stop breathing in my fucking ear

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>short hair Angela
yuck, I thought about fucking but not like that

Does Doc need his clock filled for Binah’s fourth mission?

If you think that's bad, just wait until you encounter our favorite doggo


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>Take back

>No take back, stamped it

>Yes take back, double-stamped it, no erasies

>No take back, TRIPLE-STAMPED it, no erasies, touch blue make it true

>You can't triple-stamp a double stamp!

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what you see in game is neutered so you, manager, won't go insane

I have a strong mind, I can handle it without any censorship.

Short haired girls are hot you pleb

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short haired girls are hot but not short haired Angela

Based dumb and dumber poster

>Have Hod's mission to suppress four different abnormalities in the same day
>My only four breachables are Funeal, Scorched girl, Schadenfreude
>And Little Red
I literally can't kill Little Red with my current nuggets and to be honest, I don't understand how anybody is able to kill her. What should I do? I can't even decide to not breach her since her counter goes down when another breaches.

Binah and Malkuth would look strange with long hair

>red is short

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Short haired Angela is great.

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Bongbong is a nugger


Funny you should say that word user.

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What are some times you acted like the joker in LC Yea Forums?
>BlueStar breaches
>Execute all my agents so they don't become stars

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Except it is now, his new webcomic style is awful.


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Little Red is just going to be a pain in the ass until you get bullets, which you can get at Day 21+ so hold off on that mission for now.

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wtf you can't say that word man

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Oh, I didn't know we got a gun. Should I also avoid trying to beat a dusk ordeal?

You need better gear, just postpone the quest until you can beat her. The goodest boy has gear that makes her a breeze.

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Isn't that just suppress abnos 4 times? Because I remember finishing it by beating Schadenfreude 4 times

Yes you need to fill his clock and finish research on the result as well.
If you can fight it without Red escaping, you should still attempt it.

I didn't try that because the mission says "different abnormalities." Have I just been fucking Engrished? It's too late to even do that now because Red would breach, FUCK

Yea, his escape info is impossible to get until you he does 12 bad touches.

w-what happens if I click here

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Yeah but Red breaks out at 3 and he can't suppress her.


Alright fuckers you either give me the Yea ForumsCorp save or someone gets punished.
You make Malkuth happy!

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Well shit. I’ve been able to stop him from completing it this whole time. Guess i’ll have to face the fear. How do I know if i’ll be able to kill him or will I have to just confess the first time around?

Someone asked I add a little bit of red to this on a previous thread.

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No no, user, you're right. It should be different abnos. I remember trying Schaed twice but the number counter remained 1.

As awkward as the Koreans' English grammar may be, the translation is mostly correct, substance-wise.

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Free service from Malcute

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What determines the success rate of a work? I have an abno whose preferential attack is red. 2 of my employees have levels V and I on their red attacks, but both of them have high probably on it.

Also, is there a way or a mod to easily managed my employees? During breakdowns I have trouble microing the low-hp ones back to base. Is there an easier way to do this?

If you've beaten Gebura's suppression you might be able to, but you'll likely have to CONFESS

maybe I mistook it for Gebura mission, she also wanted me to suppress abnos

She’s short when put beside giants like Der Fruitshoots
Against Agents she’s like 3 times their size. A real womanlet among Abnormalities would probably be the Queen of Hatred, who is only a few inches taller than your average Human

Success rate is determined by how an abnormality reacts to a certain type of work from an agent with a certain level in it's stat
>Level 4 Fortitude Instinct work: High
>Level 5 Fortitude Instinct work: Common
Combined with the employee's success rate stat, which is tied to prudence. Increasing prudence/this stat is the only consistent way to raise success rate on any work. Also, abnos may have certain gimmicks relating to stats and their success rates.

>If you’ve beaten Gebs suppression
Well I guess I could try that first if it’ll help gauge the difficulty, thanks user

>he already knows
Welp, I'm disappointed a little bit, it's one of the best moments to experience blind. Your biggest issue is how much DPS you can shit out and if your frames start fucking up. I had about 28 gigachads decked out in all ALEPH and WAW gear and it still took a bit, his weapon is worth it though especially if you keep him in the facility.

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*Success rate is tied to temperance, not prudence
Picture to demonstrate, all instinct work is going to have a high success rate no matter the Fortitude level for this abno and all Attachment common no matter the temperance, but as Prudence and Justice gets higher, the rate decreases for Insight and Repression.

Attached: Success rates.png (286x300, 95K)

Yeah it’s hard to lurk the threads and not find out eventually unfortunately, although i’m somehow still blind to what happens during the gauntlet on days 46-50. If you couldn’t do it with 28 then I probably wouldnt be able to do it with the 4-6 agents that would remain after it happens

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Gebura's missions have different parameters to them
The first two missions does not care if the abnos are different. You can beat up a TETH/HE abno 5 times for the first mission, then beat up a WAW abno 5 times for the second mission.
Once you get to the third mission she probably caught on to you abusing a loophole to her missions, so she says, "Ok, now you gotta suppress 3 Aleph abnos, but they must be different."
So yeah, you can't do third mission by committing domestic abuse to your slimewife 3 times.

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*kills your false prophet*
Thank me later

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2bh this belongs in /vg/ change my mind

>We can allow several smash and starsector threads, but we don't like THIS ONE

They're so cute when they try

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No fuck you nigger there are trillion smash threads and starsector threads daily, we only make 2 threads max a day. Let us have our fun, we don't want to mix up with discord trannies and redditors.

Starsector threads and Smash can go too, I don't fucking care about your whataboutism


These threads were dying out a bit ago but they gained traction again for some reason, and it's going to get way fucking worst soon, just let us enjoy our last month of comfy threads.

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You can enjoy it where you belong

Then just fucking throw away all of Yea Forums into /vg/, we have persona 5 threads despite having 2 megaten gens, we have constant fighting game threads despite there being 2 figthing games in general generals plus one general for each game, we have constant pokemon thread despite there being a ENTIRE FUCKING BOARD for pokemon, we have constant e-celeb threads that go unpunished despite mods saying they don't want it.

fuck off.

Lobotomy corp is far too small game for /vg/ and will die within days. Still more VIDEOGAME than hundred anime-porn threads per day

Fuck off with your hood mentality, Tyrone

Then create a general for us, we will use it maybe, but we will keep posting here, like smashfags do, and like fightanautist do.

we don't care.

laws that are not forced across the board are not valid laws

...Why is this guy so mad at us? did we kill his smash thread on page 10?

Don't reply to it dumdums.

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I'm not going to do your fucking job for you


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Is it generally better to get ALEPH armor first or the weapon?


He's upset because we're having fun and he's not
We're not even shitting up the catalog. We just take one measly little space, enough to right-click and press "hide thread" to, but just one thread in the catalog is enough to get his panties rustled


Grow a thicker skin, faggot

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Was WhiteNight really in the wrong?

What you have for Armour?

Could you imagine Yea Forums were jannies deleted all smash threads and redirectioned all smashfags towards their general?

The armor if it allows you to work on the abno better, otherwise the weapon.

E-celeb thread also take one measly little space, are you defending them? you fucking general scum

Ah, there you are.

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always go for armor first, doesn't matter if it's ALEPH/WAW/HE armor before weapon

Finally a fellow binahfag says the obvious, don’t reply to /vg/fags

can we move on now

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Dude, have fun, do you want this board to die like Yea Forums died after enforcing their rules strictly?

Some of the best threads we have had weren't even about video games.

>Off-topic threads also take up one space. Are you gonna defend them, too?

Thanks for letting us know you're just trolling. Good day

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They most definitely don't take up one space

Angela > Binah

>Yea Forums
>strict rules
lol. Yea Forums mods are awful. They leave offtopic threads up all the time. Several threads that are literally just arguing about incels and virgins reached 500+ posts in the past week or two.

don't have anyone that can satisfy this bitch, guess I'll just fucking suck it up lol.

this abno is making me consider commiting memerepo

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No sane manager past day 20 will bother describing their facility.
Would either take a long time or be reduced to
Ez shit
Ez shit, if he escapes then it's not so ez shit

>watch an LC stream
>get to witness those glorious first time with something moments
There’s nothing more fun than someone learning that the magic bullet truly can hit anything.

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We didn't ask, Angela.


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>describe your facility
I would never give this facility to even my worst enemy, but I was able to 1 death Day 49 so maybe it’s not so bad.

That is an understandable memrep as long as you fully research it Manager.

I just got that guy and I'm a bit worried haha. His gear seems pretty fucking good tho

he's right about the big bird bullshittery though, some of us in here are massive fags that deserve to die in /vg/

>That user who was able to get a department's worth of Melting Loves

How to accomplish the promote 2 employees mission?

Just you fucking wait user. Just you fucking wait until you decide to try a midnight ordeal. And when you’re about to get to it the meltdown starts, and that fuckers on the guest list. And so in your corpse filled facility, you’re going to have to hunt that fucker down. You’re doing to be sitting there for an hour, searching the halls over and over again. Until the moment comes when you finally find it hiding behind the fatass dead body of an orange dusk worm, and then you can laugh and enjoy finally slaughtering it. But by then the damage is done and you’ve used all of your mental energy trying to find it and put it down. So good luck with that midnight ordeal

Angela larpers change it up a lot between threads and adapt their shitposts, but big birb and binahfag constantly being trash is killing our thread

Get some fresh hires, find an easy grind target like Schadenfreude or Child of Galaxy and keep working until you feel like they’re gone grow stronger

Fuck this bogger baby shitter.

what's a midnight ordeal?

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>abno killing somebody right when streamer said it would be to dickish even this game to just kill employee this way

You have to grind work on abnormalities until your employees are able to raise their stats high enough to advance to the next level
Find some easy abnos like what said

Attached: Malkuth4.png (469x659, 130K)

Oh you'll see user

Looks like this lucky agent earned their promotion!

I prefer the user that got 3 facilities worth of WN which implies he managed to end 15 days with just WN as the only abno

Just grind your easy level ups with a couple of fresh employees. Don't end the day, just keep grinding

So how long we got until Armageddon?

2 minutes.

Why does she always have that dumb expression on her face?

Look around you, it's already happening

Attached: 72578045_p10.jpg (1280x720, 1.09M)

As great as it is, there's this lingering dread that this game is built for youtube let's plays. As in, new abnos with unknown mechanics that can wreck shit up at a drop of a dime, distinctive and memorable monster designs, cutscene moments with plague doctor and the three birds, the final day effect, abno stories that youtubers can read to the audience, etc.

A lot of the things in LC makes it fun to watch as an audience as well as for the player, similar to FNAF. I sincerely hope Markiplier, Pewdiepie, Jacksepticeye and other big shots don't grab hold of the current version. I know Jack did but he had the early alpha so it didn't captivate him.

LISA the Painful was a fucking great game, even if the creator is an asshole, and the small community was fun because it was niche and not toxicated by popular appeal. I hope LC stays that way, hopefully even after the African warlord's eventual review of it.

Attached: 1566223537081.jpg (680x492, 56K)

Hide the pain with a smile

>what's a midnight ordeal?


Attached: 1558622731079.png (786x854, 478K)

Heaven truly does exist, bros

Attached: SlimeHeaven.png (1332x603, 878K)

Minecraft is still kicking strong
No way we are getting the spotlight from it
>WoW Classic
Surely this will make the trolls forget about us

Unless someone else has the link, when I get home, I’ll post the streamable of 28 WN’s breaching at the same time.

I want him to review it for the bump in sales

The shitty translation will filter them

ehh don't believe you I've dealt with really shitty abnos in my last run, I managed to reach day 16 bro.

If everyone is gifted no one is



Attached: Panic.png (316x575, 138K)

how do you duplicate abnos?

>day 16

Attached: 1560097036795.png (400x655, 110K)

That's the best thing going for it really, Project Moon will get the money they deserve. I'm also hoping I can get my video out before he does

>Markiplier will start reading it in a shitty korean accent

Attached: 1507447679990.jpg (800x800, 134K)

Either a weird Day 46+ bug, or console commands if done earlier.

For a Midnight Ordeal, picture fighting an Aleph.

but make it harder.

in terms of difficulty it's
Violet >>>>>> Amber >> Green

Attached: 1556643424485.png (606x719, 280K)

Posts like these always make me feel bad for being a piracyfag.

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Mandalore pls

Are aleph that hard?

Attached: file.png (1200x790, 574K)

You're a husbando!
And YOU'RE a husbando!
And YOU'RE a husbando!
And YOU'RE a husbando!

Attached: 1565542077387.png (862x796, 300K)

>Being this innocent
user you are like the baby

Attached: 262B15C5-DB62-43DD-B548-5A288031895C.jpg (1457x2048, 243K)

I just want to remind everyone that, after the first onslaught of hotpocketing because the game looked too similar to SCP, LC threads have fared quite well, and even despite the forceful mod intervention after some autist spammed Blacked and Cunny a couple threads ago, none have been deleted or moved. Now, please stop replying or giving attention to the /vg/cuck ever again.
Also maybe Binahfags and Bigbirdposter should tone it down for a while.

Attached: 1565710170346.jpg (500x500, 48K)

Cute newbies! Cute cute!

Attached: 1523850326528.png (343x295, 193K)

You are now picturing a poorly drawn cartoon of him screaming while running from Big Bird while PB, Little Red, and Funeral make funny faces

Yes, those guys. They will fuck you to pieces if they reach a containment cell.

Attached: crimson dawn.jpg (647x1082, 332K)

Convince friends to buy. Buy yourself. Gift to friends.
You can atone for your sin through good deeds.


Attached: 1566757223762m.jpg (1024x576, 87K)

>the game looked too similar to SCP
I'm 100% sure LC is korean take on SCP

Attached: is that a gun in your pocket or- oh.png (800x800, 400K)

As a Binahfag I agree with toning down the Binahposting

And infinitely better

The devs themselves have already said it was one of their inspirations, together with Warehouse 13 and Cabin in the Woods.

This desu
>inb4 the nu scpfags try to latch onto LC

This post is the absolute truth and best advice

Binahfags are shit, I agree, but the Big Bird poster has been here since early May, and he's never started any infighting. He's a fan just as much as we are.

Attached: 68510786.png (1000x1146, 503K)

>Gebura Futa cultists are now gone forever
I still cant believe it, though i would take Binahfagging over ""them"" anytime of the day

Some are worse than others but they all suck ass


also which one bros

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 765K)

nu-scp is corporation taken over by scps

Left for Cute and useful
Middle for Cute and slightly less useful
Right for fun.

The whole game can bust your balls if you're not careful. Alephs are just there to nail your coffin

Attached: 1562245892233.jpg (1725x1725, 413K)

Whichever description sounds coolest

left - if you hate yourself
middle - it's okay
right - just remember who last worked on it

Attached: 1557437458713.jpg (800x429, 251K)

This, borb isn't even my favorite but his devotion is fucking mental and it isn't even waifufagging.

Attached: Dancing borb.webm (480x270, 111K)

If he wasn't your favorite then you did a damn good job convincing us he was. Who is it, then?

ok what the fuck are these rules.

Attached: file.png (428x472, 100K)

Attached: am i gonna have to peck ur shit.gif (100x100, 213K)

Top one is a mistranslation, good results increase the counter iirc

If this is Porccubus, top is mistranslated. Good results increase the counter.

Oh that sounds more doable, I thought I had to constantly get normal results.

Does using You Must Be Happy prevent my employees from leveling up at the end of the day?

Ok, I'll tell you right now, this is one of, if not the only instance of a word translation mistake made by the game. Tip 1 should be that the counter will INCREASE by 1, not decrease it.

There are, however, some abnos that follow this rule, No Good and No Bad results, only Normal. You'll learn to hate them soon.

Attached: 74124370.png (638x638, 176K)

Haha...yea...wouldn't that suck...

Attached: 1562214957248.jpg (500x500, 128K)

Nah don’t worry about that.
That worry is for Silent Orchestra

Scorched girl a whore

>I thought I had to constantly get normal results.
Y-yeah that would suck imagine if you had to constantly get normal results haha... imagine if the abno escaping also took all your energy h-haha...

No, if they worked enough for a level-up, they'll get it. YMBH will not hamper it, but will kill your agents if the tool increased their stats by a fuckton.

>Oh that sounds more doable, I thought I had to constantly get normal results.

that's for other guys where doing good or bad reduces the counter

Attached: 1559846674017.jpg (1199x313, 52K)

I'm gonna dodge this nigga like the plague then.

that shucks

Attached: file.png (1642x665, 699K)

Yeah imagine that and with a qlipoth counter of 1, wouldn't that suck haha

Il perfezionismo fa male alla salute, amici miei!

Attached: 4825740533.png (515x557, 792K)

guess its rewind time...

Attached: file.png (1354x474, 405K)

>Dodge him like the plague
But user, his gift makes one or two of your agents IMMUNE to white damage

They’re just havin a giggle

*blocks your path*

Attached: alriune.png (252x500, 144K)

Why does everyone on Yea Forums life that lispy faggot

don't do good
don't do bad
don't do Chad

Attached: 1563730118659.png (500x643, 115K)

Attached: heehwaww.png (276x461, 110K)

best way to declerk?

It's always the most aggravating abnos that are designed the cutest.

Attached: db0o9ij.jpg (1024x741, 142K)

Frouloops followed by Great love for us

IMMEDIATELY pause the game at the start of the day and go crazy.

Attached: 1560489369153.png (873x718, 169K)

Wall gazer in central command

Let the clerks stack up so you can get multi-clerk kills with one bullet

There's one way but I don't think you'll like it

Attached: 1557353297288.jpg (975x800, 93K)

I had a crazy idea. What happens if anyone capable of doing so made a LC review, trying to mimic his way of reviewing, so when he comes out with his he can be called out for copying other people's work like vaati.

We can say that he copied angela

Just don’t worry about it man

How would Hod and Angela react to such sexual harassment from the Manager?

"God I wish that were me"

geeze get over yourself already
honestly would rather you leave than any of the new people

Angela Meltdown

What if i put one sin in the singing machine

It would be very painful.

You're a big chad


Big Bird, Watch out!

Attached: bigbirb.png (1920x1080, 1.29M)


fuck this game

Attached: file.png (465x410, 164K)

How bad is the translation anyway? I've always been curious about this game because I love SCP but I remember it looking really rough, quality-wise. Anybody willing to sell me on it?

Green Dusk was kinda easy desu.

Attached: sdasd.png (1366x768, 1017K)

Don’t worry, your agent is a tough guy

Attached: 1539897639437.gif (245x213, 962K)

where's their suit

It has some odd lines (like filling a cup with bear instead of beer) and one case of a work tip being translated wrong () but overall the game is understandable

Hey boys is this game horror?

I hope you didn't ignore her

The translation is rough, but understandable enough that it won't negatively affect your understanding of the game. The biggest translation error has been discussed a few posts above already.
Otherwise, the game is fantastic and challenging, and the lore is really, really good. If you can cope with the sometimes clunky AI and the memory leak, you should definitely give it a try.
If it's your first management simulator, however, you should pirate it first. The game is unconventional and definitely not for everyone, so try it out for a while before buying it, as the "tutorial segment" that eases you into the real mechanics of the game is pretty long.
Good luck, Manager!

Attached: 1564960385333.png (580x290, 332K)


What a cute flower!

Would not accomplishing a mission on the same day it was given lock me out of research perks once the department is maxed out? I'm already maxed out with Hod's department, yet I'm still on the promote 2 employees mission.

"Unconventional" is right, never thought I'd see Yea Forums users fall in love with a management game, including myself.

It's more creepy than horror. The atmosphere is kinda unsettling and the deaths of your employees can be pretty gross, but overall you will almost never get jumpscared or anything of the sort.

Attached: 1527646401169.jpg (1920x1904, 594K)

You’ll unlock the next mission right away so don’t stress over it. But you should seriously do them asap

Does shit like Caesar 3 count as a management game?

Attached: 1541117824462.jpg (600x1200, 262K)

>>"oh boy its time for binah aka best girls core suppression, I've heard **things** but how bad can it be"
seconds later

Stands still, doesn't even leave his containment, smokes weed all day like a boss
Really weak pussy attacks, he uses 1 of his 5 arms instead of doing the abno equivalent of Gold Rush
Autistically hunts down whoever she last saw, deals a fuckton of damage, breaks out from bad management and PTSD

Attached: 50ADE876-8C57-41E4-B312-40A2E3E0B5CA.png (783x838, 964K)



Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (1366x768, 191K)

Just wait until you reach phase 3

I don't know I'm at day 30 and still confused as fuck.

City-building games falls under the management umbrella, so you could say yes, but when people say management games they usually mean games like fallout shelter, halo wars and, arguably, factorio.

Thanks guys, I'll give it a shot when I get the chance.

I'm going to sleep now.
I unlocked 3 core suppression out of nowhere, that's crazy!

Hopefully the bossfights are not too hard.

>Hopefully the bossfights are not too hard.

Attached: 1555930623460.jpg (424x600, 70K)

Didnt even get there thanks to me forgetting about the guy on ||flesh idol||

Also losing half my chadsquad out of nowhere due to what I assume were the black spikes

>Hopefully the bossfights are not too hard.

I'm just gonna spoil it for you: it is.
Otherwise, it wouldn't be a boss battle.

Attached: 1555810002926.jpg (420x279, 94K)

please, after this thread dies, let's keep it low for a while, just wait like 3-4 hours before creating next thread.

Close your eyes and ignore the truth.



Refrain from anti-nugget language while in facility grounds, please.

Attached: 1566621111412.png (441x597, 197K)

Bossfights are starting to get hard from Hod, Malkuth and Yesod are easier than Dusk ordeal

Hod was way easier than Malkuth for me. Malkuth is hell if you have abnos that only respond well to one type of work.

Explain these please, first one is like exp boost and the other is like a normal stat boost?

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 619K)

The other one prevents the clerks from panicking when seeing higher tier abnos i think

is there a demo around so i can play it?

Ah oh well fuck clerks I'm going with first

>All the clerks zerging Scarecrow while my employees are busy kicking him in the shins until he dies
>employee with magic bullet wanders in

The blood of Clerks must flow

Attached: 1561957042637.png (545x724, 378K)

Oh god oh fuck

Attached: Screenshot_208.png (944x434, 685K)

you aren't important

I know Mandalore also has this game on his list but I don't see him making a video on it anytime soon, if ever.

>Running your whole department through the hallways to evade green noon while it mows through clerks
I love this game


What did clerks ever do to you?

waste of money

Yeah! Clerk lives matter!

Attached: 1566673632369.jpg (418x418, 93K)

How do I make her a gigachad nugget? She cute

Attached: file.png (178x268, 66K)

So is Angela wasting half her time trying to fuck the manager but no one complains about that.

just have 4 nuggets positioned near 4 least threatening abnos with no instakills like Hundred sin to determine swap, meawhile going through Hod when your Queen Bee or any ALEPH melts down is far far worse

Wait the swaps are the same for all abnos?

Angela is good at multitasking

like this

Attached: gottago4.png (391x409, 97K)

it only switches over with every meltdown

Oh shit I got borb the meme birb

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

You're going to get his friends, right?

Attached: 1565831867158.jpg (384x384, 30K)

You know you created a gigachad when regular people look at him and wonder “how does he breathe”

I know that but I though every abno had specific swaps. Now I feel like such a dumdum

I already dodged punishing birb on the first days, I wanted to get abnos I haven't researched yet.

Well, take 3 of Binah suppression got me to phase 3, with luck next one or two tries will get it.

Good luck. He's hard to strategize around before you get giga chads

Taking abno requests that i will fufill for real this time. I was very tired yesterday and didnt draw at all. I think someone wanted a singing machine sacrifice or something. Itll be sketchy though.

Do some Red lewds.

Could you do Angela cosplaying as a cute maid?

Victims becoming stars.

Attached: 1564628550548.jpg (1376x1919, 1.81M)

Sketchy? What, like it’s gonna rob me in the alleyway?

At what point can agents just be considered abnormalities

Attached: EGO.png (567x552, 341K)

I’m sure if Agents can be a conduit of energy, Lobotomy would be sure to classify them as an Abnormality ASAP and contain them

So the only question is, what would it take for that to happen?

There are no victims, only the saved


Somebody so powerful in one way or another that being overtaken by an Abnormality mutates them into their own separate entity that’s beyond humanity, than just another minion for them

And it only took me 4 tries to clear best sephirah

Attached: pain.jpg (1365x768, 194K)


Yeah, it's not half bad.
it's entirely bad.

Ok bros I wanna commision some lewds, gimme artist and character, I'll pay

Serious question. What qualifies for a gigachad?

Old Lady shitposting on Yea Forums

All stats level V or higher, though having one IV stat also qualifies

Attached: 1565122406891.png (868x868, 334K)

I personally don’t call it a gigachad unless they have all four stats EX, and I just call agents with all four in V chads

Thats just a regular chad

Is void dream supression doable? I need it for a mission.

That's understandable, but all V stats is enough to take on alephs, so that point is considered giga for me.

Attached: 1559358324986.png (638x638, 169K)

Yeah, be careful though, it does a lot of white damage for a TETH, about the same level as a green dawn overkilling a dead employee

There's a difference between EX and V?

EX is Maximum Stat, while V is just below EX

Oh well my guys just fucking annihilate him faster than I imagined.

Just need to do couple of mission to unlock that core supression thingy for the security team. See lots of people talk about core supression, don't really know what they mean tho.

EX reaches 100+ values

Nude mod user takes them iirc, not sure what's his name though

I see, thanks.

Assuming the thread ain't dead or someone else linked it I'll link his Twitter when I get home

Binah please

Attached: 433FF9E8-8F4E-4DD6-B8FE-98FE63CECEBE.gif (233x301, 35K)

If you're not overwhelmed with requests, Big Bird shitposting at a computer.

Attached: 44e061770d2b2bada9558424020c24a8.png (564x486, 231K)

You'll usually unlock three at once on Day 22 if you've been actively doing your missions. As for core suppressions, they mix up the gameplay quite a bit. Think of a boss battle, but instead of an actual boss it changes up things so you have to play differently.

Attached: Screenshot_143.png (442x415, 306K)

what the fuck did it just fucking insta kill 3 of my departments?

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

best rabbit

Attached: pouting myo.jpg (420x556, 33K)


EX is 100 and over, where as V can be as low as 85.

Attached: 3ee36be5356404c423ba057aad5eb270.png (564x623, 257K)

And big borb just scaped

for fucks sake

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

What are that agents stats? Never seen that talk

So restarting from 1 only means i lose all my employees right? but i get to keep all the equipment/research?

Yeah, you gotta be prepared for it, just one of those things you will have to reset to at least once to learn

Yeah the only thing that doesn't carry over to a Day 1 save is your agents, everything else is remembered

One of a handful of Tumblbug agents. Which is why you see weird, unusually colored hairstyles at the end of the available hairs.

Attached: Screenshot_144.png (541x430, 380K)

Is there a list of Tumblbug agents and how to create them?


As far as I know there isn't a list on the wiki or anything, but if you go to Steam/Steamapps/common/LobotomyCorp/LobotomyCorp_Data/ExternalData/xml/language/en/AgentNewLyrics, you can find the names near the end. The majority of the names are in Korean so you'll have to copy/paste for most of the tumblbug agents.

Attached: Screenshot_220.png (484x631, 36K)

>tfw my favorite artist doesn't take commissions
How about Angela from Lolicept?

When they can solo Abnos.

Is he back? I heard he quit from twitter harassment.

Well shit

even a single level 1 new recruit with normal gear and beat up abandoned killer

Containing a formerly abno agent would be difficult
If they were high level, they would have an understanding of the facility and what their former coworkers are doing
They would be very tricky and mischievous

Is CENSORED more dangerous than Nothing There, I have a description that fits only it and while I need abnos for Gebura, but I'm kinda

Fuck clerks lol

CENSORED is dangerous due to the SP drain, otherwise NT is far more dangerous if you're not prepared to put it down

I think NT got him...take Nothing There, CENSORED requires ALEPH gear with black resist practically.

에케 / Eke / エケ
미스터블랙 / Mr.Black / Mr.ブラック
유메카 / Yumeka / ユメカ
김대리 / Kimdaeri / ギムデリ
아란 / Aran /アラン
예띠 / Yetti / イェティ
이희창 / Leeheechang / イヒチャン
알렉스 / Alex /アレックス
전상민 / Jeonsangmin / チョンサンミン
양치기 / Shepherd / 羊飼い
페스카 / PESCA / ペスカ
에피비네아 / Epibinea / エピビネア
스페셔리 / SpeciaLee / スベシャ・リー

I already have Nothing There and gigachad carrying it's gear but when it breached I was never able to beat it so I'm scared of getting other ALEPHs that will fuck my shit up

>Get level 10 qliphoth meltdown
>Pause game, meticulously plan the response
>Set things into action
>See this
>Assume someone has been instakilled and skip a beat
Every time

Attached: Escaped.png (436x122, 28K)

Nothing there's weapon makes him extremely easy to work with. It makes you heal 40% of damage and that applies to the HOPELESS status he gives you when you start working on him. So with the weapon your agent will never die even with meh black res.

I meant Aleph Abnos or stat check Abnos. Basically when they far exceed normal human capabilities.

Old belief and promise is such a nig-tier abnormality

Just rebuy if you lose the gear lmao

>Gets Qliphoth meltdown
>Don't have anybody with a shit weapon available
>Decide to just send in a nugger with a decent weapon
>Easy to rebuy it, but they're stuck with a stick the rest of the day

>Containing a formerly abno agent would be difficult
>If they were high level, they would have an understanding of the facility and what their former coworkers are doing
>They would be very tricky and mischievous
No it wouldn't because the Manager is supposed to prevent that type of shit.

Just ignore it then? It's not like -30 PE boxes will ruin your day.

Look for santystuffs on twitter, he's the guy doing the nude mod. Also it's your money so get what you want, but there is never enough Angela in slingshots in the world.

Attached: 1562975686517.jpg (750x1334, 219K)

>tfw you took slow bullets before execution bullets because you got tired of KoG taking so long
>then you got Parasyte Tree, QoH, and AiB back to back

Attached: 1565760667278.png (289x463, 97K)

Attached: 836C1FA8-CAC9-4B1A-B48A-9819BCF80B4A.jpg (1396x2047, 350K)

>wasting money on Angela lewds

Parasyte you can just click on the charmed bois. But for me he was annoying enough and I needed to memrepo anyways

Fuck I missed this whole thread, rip me
Can you feel the love?

Attached: Great Love for Us.gif (550x400, 117K)

Are you me? ribs

But then you won't get natty Sanity gains

Attached: Henry.png (574x597, 224K)

>want elf ears
>don't want parasyte tree
Is there a worse feeling?

Attached: 90F6EAA0-9B02-4EE8-8492-0127D733163B.jpg (1200x900, 137K)

Same. I've also almost gotten chads killed before by accidentally sending them after PB while trying to deal with ordeals.

Warm peanutbutter that's not sticky

Just have a person on Parasyte Tree duty. We already have one for train duty and one for scarecrow. Any more won't kill us

Attached: 75382320_p6.jpg (1600x900, 899K)

I did this, then he also got Melty duty, it was pretty easy to manage, just kill all clerks, and evacuate all other nuggets at the start of each day

>sent gigachad in
>he panics
>CENSORED escapes
>he kills CENSORED and goes on killing my other nuggets
I don't like this abno anymore

Dude, you can't let Melty's husband work on other Abnormalities! You know she gets jealous easily.

Attached: 75382320_p139.jpg (1512x1668, 602K)

What he sayin


Attached: onesin.png (820x1120, 1.74M)

There's a few ways to work on CENSORED safely, maybe you have Theresia laying around? streamable.com/0mkd9

>Manager not having a Chad that can withstand the damage output of PB

>Would you like to have more green?
Literal translation, not sure how to properly translate it though.

I have crazy researchers notes, thought with their boost to temperance nugget might not go crazy. BUT HE FUCKING EXPLODED

Yeeaah losing 60+ SP all at once and hitting the explosion threshold does that

he goes by Belko now and still draws quite frequently

>der takes black damage potshots from his room while red goes ham on wolf, brutally decapitating him
I wonder what fruitloops will take as payment afterwards, though. Bullets don't come cheap.

Attached: FAA0BFDB-6FF7-4179-8EF0-7DE3A8C6A052.jpg (1200x1200, 144K)

he got better after restart. But after sending other chads to CENSORED i found the right guy who doesn't get insane thanks to big birb armor

I suck so bad at this game, what is the best way to properly level characters? Is it better to keep few really high level ones over ensuring all slots are occupied?

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Hey Hey People...

Attached: denj.jpg (322x202, 21K)

I want normie youtubers to find it.
I really enjoy the game, and after hearing the hardships the dev's went through making/translating the game, the boost in sales that someone like pewdiepie bringing attention to the game would be a great reward to them
Also the increase in publicity means increase of porn

Without the boss battle rewards, quality >>> quantity since quantity would mean rank 1 pieces of shit

I find it is better to have a few good ones than a bunch of shitters. If you do want to get more peeps, I recall using Mirror of Adjustment and Are You Happy for grinding. For combat, I tend to send my Max Crumbling Armor Chad to pick up Heart of Aspiration, talk with Child of Galaxy 5 times, then pop into Knight of Despair's room for the buff.

I want to disagree, but for the selfish reason of wanting LC threads to retain its high quality.

In truth, if it will greatly aid Project Moon, I'd support big tubers playing the game. They deserve it for the shit they went through

Attached: 1566552704535.jpg (1200x949, 90K)

Why does Punishing Bird do the following?
>his face is slightly off his head
>he has clones of himself
>he is stretchy
I don't get it.

Attached: 806EEE47-0C25-440D-8FD4-ADE0EA3F8C72.jpg (1024x990, 177K)

Why do you guys care so much about fanbases anyway?

Where's the real face?

Apologies for yesterday, Manager. An African stranger appeared to have trespassed into the mainframe.

Attached: sticker (5).png (252x224, 16K)

There's also a More Detailed Info mod that lets you see how much stats you get after working on abnos, check it out.

Rapid increase in fanbases leads to more chaotic discussion and introduction of more newbies than is reasonably possible to integrate into the fanbase without losing some old traditions, memes and general atmosphere.

Basically, threads can't really be nice and cozy when there are too many people.

In any case, bump limit quota has been reached. Commencing archive refinement.

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>trying to do work on Blue Star, but the agent I have on him needs to take breaks to recover his SP
>healing gets delayed because punishing bird decided to come down into central for god knows how fucking long
It ain't AWFUL but this bird is still quite an annoyance.

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We've had half a year of cozy threads boyo, it's time to let go. Now half the thread is whining about some literal who youtuber and complaining that the thread won't be comfy anymore

Seriously. Worrying about this shit is just going to do more harm than good.

cute archive refinement poster

I did a 5 minute drawing of this request Can we make another thread today, I want to draw more stuff because I missed this one.

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"I can't believe I convinced the manager to give me all his energybux"

Blue star deals white damage, you can let Punishing bird peck you for red damage and be totally fine. Plus, birb restores SP.
Protip: let an employee with lower than WAW gear go to the hallway birb is in, when he pecks people with high tier gear, sometimes 0 damage is done and he needs to deal 11-13 damage to go back to his room.

Hey hey people, Sseth here. Excess of newfag shitposting due to Youtuber meltdown. Require of Youtuber Fanbase suppression.

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Thank you, Angela. You're the best

thats the virgin way
The chad way is sending someone wearing Loneliness EGO to his hallway

Me on the left

But we'll get kicked to /vg/ at this rate...

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god i wish i was hokma in this pic
last for binah

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>he wants to dance with grandma

Just draw on your own time and then post when a new thread pops up. *Don't ask for new threads*
Let that shit happen organically.

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It's not that, it's that the main room's own healing slows down just because an abnormality's in it. And Blue Star's down in the lower end while birb only wants to mess around up top so it's not like the agent's even getting any direct interaction from it.

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>You actually did my request
Thank you very much based-art user

send the guy who needs healing to another main room then lardass


Eh, 2 threads a day isn't that bad. Our biggest threat is mostly this one janny. Plus, this thread was only alive during the early morning, I'm sure there's a lot of people who won't even know they missed a thread.

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i just love binah

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based skull, single handedly supported my energy need for 7 days

>old and used
>isn't even capable of love

You got any evidence to back that up chum?

Last for best girl

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She's been getting fucked by hokma for decades