Have Video Games ever been responsible for any of your fetishes?
Have Video Games ever been responsible for any of your fetishes?
Imagine the smell
probably just smells like sand and saltwater
Most of them, I'd say. Especially anime games.
yes, pretty much all of my fetishes are because I didn't have easy access to porn so I fapped to game over animations instead.
i remember growing up similar and fapping to ratchet from ratchet & clank in a fursuit when entering puberty, thankfully never fapped to anything remotely furry afterwards
If that's how you care to interpret it, sure. But it's not just the fetishes, it's the very manner in which I perceive the world. Years of fantastical escapism has strangled the breath out of the world for me -- the colors have dulled, the sounds muted, the people...unlikable. Every moment away from the screen is like wandering in a dream. My actions are uncoordinated and it all moves by in a blur, and I can hardly remember any of it. Only when I return am I awake, free from the torture of reality.
Video games are responsible for my despair.
Yes from sonic adventure and sonic advance
Conker's bad fur day gave me more terrible fetishes than every other game combined. I blame that game for turning me into a degenerate.
Lighting is directly responsible for the existence of armpit fetish
>wore friend's sister's shoes when I'd come over sometimes
>tried to convince friend to play game where he couldn't move and I had to fix his penis
>convinced boy 2 grades below me to show me his penis
>tried to get friend to let me give him hand/blowjob
Why did god do this to me...
no but if you count h-games then NTR
Samus gave me a fetish for ponytails, bodysuits, and girls with armor/girls wearing masks or helmets
No, I'd place more blame on cartoons than video games.
No, they pretty much all come from anime.
Youre getting me hard
kind of related
Lightning no joke gave me an armpit fetish back then
i hate hatsune miku
I was in the same boat and would masturbate to strippers in GTA IV and Ivy's ass from the model viewer in Soul Calibur.
Yeah he's really lucky that he has some weeb landwhale laying on top of him.
the part in thousand year door where peach has to get naked to sneak around is probably responsible for my exhibitionism fetish