Physical media is better because its your's foreve-

>physical media is better because its your's foreve-
tick tock, diskfags

Attached: disc rot.jpg (474x474, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

cartridges are way better

maybe dont rub it against your acne-ridden face

You stupid bitch, you stupid fucking bitch, I can't believe how dumb you are, Jesus Christ, I can't believe how fucking dumb you are, you are the dumbest motherfucker

This here is what happens when you leave it outside it's box, serves you right for being a poorfag that can't be ask to clean up

I have CDs from 20 years ago that are scratched and constantly misplaced yet it still plays fine and has zero disc rot. What in the absolute fuck are these retards doing that cause this?

Digital is better because you have unlimited backups if that disc breaks you have to buy a new one fuck discfags

I dont leave my cds lying around outside of their cases like a slob, so I think ill be ok

>buy game from GOG
>can with ease copy my game to any type of physical media i like
>not stuck with a single disk
GOG wins again.

lack of care user as I said here

Store in a cool dry place
I have several 20+ year old discs that are still perfectly fine, including all my PS1 games

Just buy from GOG so you can enjoy the best of both worlds

>disc art is fucked
That has no effect on the information stored on disc

The only plus to physical is that you can rip a fat fart into the case and close it up so next you open it you get a surprise thats it

Physical or piracy if no physical.

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Read this in Chucky's voice

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You fucked up, zoom zoom

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I print out the bytes on acid free archival paper (same stuff they use at library of congress).
I only pay $80 a month for storage space for it with climate control.
The one time I needed it because a the floppy failed for an obscure pc game I paid a two guys from craigslist $10 to type all the bytes in from paper (one guy checked the other and I paid him extra as "boss" so he worked harder lol).

Probably those cheap burned CDs

Get fucked retardindu

That literally only happens if you leave it outside for months.

Most discs can actually be repaired by a machine. Its next to impossible for these things to fail

why not just use archival quality CDs

Cartridges last for a long time, discs do not.
Same with the lasers in the disc consoles, suck balls. Designed to fail with time.

cards & carts nigga

probably dumb fucks who let them sit in the attic of their garage for 20 years.

This reminds me of my brother and always having to put the discs back in their proper containers. Can you imagine my horror when I open one and it's the wrong movie or game... If you can't put them back in the right box then just leave it out so I can do it for you, thanks...… This will make my life so much easier

t. Triggered Virgo

only poor people ruin cds? that's just not true, user

i always thought the next step in physical would be USB drives.

Ranch or Cool Ranch?

>it's box
it is box?

software is accessed through a physical means which also will one day go to shit fyi
nothing is permanent

i saw this pic on /pol/ like three months ago

on one disk. on one CD disk. thats right folks.

You say as multiple games get delisted and your harddrive dies

Ah... disc rot! My favourite! (Still prefer physical media though.)


>on one Compact Disc disk

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The only time I ever had something like that happen was when I left one on a window sill and the sun baked it.

Depends on a lot of factors.
Blank disks are more sensitive than commercial ones because they use a dye to store the data. Commercial ones use plastic etches IIRC, which are more durable.
Then you have storing. Jewel cases stored vertically are the best to avoid bending. No light should be present. Hot and damp weather accelerates rotting.

So if you live in a hot country with lots of rain, physical media will rot faster and there's nothing you can do about it.

Basically you must replace your burned media with new ones every 5-10 years, depending on the conditions to be safe. Nothing lasts "forever"

>not storing your games on tape

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I unironically played some vidya from audio tape cassette on old-ass soviet computer embedded into the keyboard. Good times

thanks for the heads up

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dumb zoomer

>games on cassettes
how does that even work? I know some PC's used them but what happens when it reaches the end of the tape? Or does it just read the data and runs off that?

>not storing your data on M-Disk
jesus christ anons

Hold up, I thought it does? Isn't the data closer to the top surface of the disc?

It is shaped like a disc so yes, saying cd disc is fine

Shit you're dumb. The cassette just stores 1s and 0s like anything else.
At the end of the tape, you flip it over and it continues reading.
Like any other medium, it has to finish loading the data to use it and it takes forever.

Your hand looks ugly

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>all my PS2 games includes launch games and all my PS1 games including launch games are scratchless and work fine

My copy of Rayman came out 24 years ago and works perfectly

>So if you live in a hot country with lots of rain, physical media will rot faster and there's nothing you can do about it.
Maybe not store your physical media outdoors, perhaps??

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>tik tok the Op is a faggot. Color me surprised

Still have my collection of not legit PS2 games and they are in pristine condition ready to put in a emulator.

Learn to keep your discs.

>he didn't grow up playing vidya on cassette
What you described was pretty normal for me and my friends user.

I always thought cassettes only stored analog data.

imagine retro gaming in 20 years when all games with online product folded and died.
O wait, it will be the same as todays because none of their products will survive.

Discrot is one of the biggest fucking memes.
>hurr I purposefully destroyed something by putting in the sun and the elements
Simply keep them stored in a case and they'll last decades, better than a temporary license that is likely to expire because of a million legal reasons.
The proper way to save media is through care of solid media or through many hands of digital piracy that is not going to resign to stupid shit like a change of copyright holder, always online server handshakes after the company shuts down their servers, expired timed licensees, or other stupid shit.
Physical or piracy any other way of trying to preserve games is foolish.

humidity can get into a room through small gaps like underneath a door.

"hot country + lots of rain" is a nice way of saying "shithole." Shitholes tend to have very poor construction, so its like you're outside no matter what

>all my ps1 discs are still looking clean and untouched even though they've all been played
how do people fuck up discs so much, i don't understand?

>better than a temporary license that is likely to expire because of a million legal reasons.
already ruled illegal in every western country including the US
if you buy any product, digital or not, you own it as if it were physical or not

it's old decade meme, i guess he doesn't even play these games, just post pictures with them every few months

user, I have had this game since I was a kid. You need to take better care of your belongings.

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On CDs, technically, yes. The data (in pits) is on TOP of the plastic layer. The aluminum that reflects the laser sits on top of that and the ink/clearcoat that makes up the label is the only covering of the aluminum.
That's why scratches on the bottom are usually okay, but if you scratch the label you've killed the reflective layer.
On DVDs and blurays they fixed that by sandwiching the reflective layer inside the polycarbonate layers. Your only worry then is the layers separating slightly and letting in moisture and mould, but that's something that doesn't seem to happen much since laserdisc.

Strictly speaking almost all digital storage is data modulated in an analog carrier. Depends on how pedantic you want to be. There's just some things we only think about as "digital" because they were never used or designed for anything else.


And who are they going to bust if a company goes down?
Not to mention that has never been a thing.

>take the CD and pop it in the tray
>create digital image of the CD
>save it to an external drive with hundreds of others
>burn it on a CD later if I want to
>can even print my own cover if I am feeling particularily autistic

Check-m8, corporate dicksucker.

Playstation Mobile was shut down. Original Xbox was shut down. Nobody is in prison over that.

>keep game out in the open for 2 decades
>still works

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Your hard disk/flash storage in your consoles not gonna last forever either. Hard media can be backed up/pirated anyways.

Nothing is permanent no matter what you use.

I hate this logo.
Its a compact disc, but the logo reads disc compact. Whichever overpaid graphic designer designed this logo should get shot for being a pretentious fuckwit

Wait what? What the fuck? How does that work?!

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=opisafag.iso

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Electric incels

How could I forget about DSiWare? Stores shut down and you lose digital purchases all the time.

Fucking kek, you can wipe your ass with those "laws". They are UN charter level of useless. Even if you own the receipt for it, you usually only own an altered version distributed by the platform you bought it on. If you go to the guys who created/published the game and demand a copy after the platform shuts down, they will laugh in your face and claim that you bought a version which is no longer distributed. On the other side, if you try to pirate the game afterwards, they will rape your face if you get caught. Just look at what happened to Baldurs Gate. After that shitty new version dropped, they did not go for the pirated versions of the new game, they tried their best to eradicate the old one.
I once went full retard myself and bought C&C Generals despite being a germfag and of course ended up with the botched version. Asked support whether I could switch for the proper english version which does not have fucking terrorist cyborgs, it should not be difficult with digital products right? They pretty much told me to go fuck myself.
You do not own shit unless you have something physical in your hands.

The argument is about people claiming that physical is better because you can lose access to your digital games. Nobody is saying that digital media is forever, but unless you go digital in some way and back up your data physical can be just as volatile if not worse.

Thats corporate psychology, sweety. If the logo screams DISC in your face, you will at some point use CD and disk as synonyms, which entrenches the brand in your head. See OP as example.

If you could do it with your physical version you could have done it with a digital version too.

>physical can be just as volatile if not worse.
no you fucking fanatic retard.

>how does that even work?

you have to carefully adjust your play-speed to the speed of the running tape.
you play to fast and the game keeps stopping to load the new data, you play to slow and the tape ends before you could play to the end of the game.
shit was really difficult back then.

How did you allow that CD to get to that point OP?

/g/ here, you're all gay

Attached: disc_disk.jpg (393x228, 26K)

live in humid climate?

>not diskette

Not a real distinction.

What would be the point? Steams or Origins data is pretty much useless without their clients. Unless you manage to crack the games of course, but then you might aswell just pirate it.

user, believe it or not, some of us don't live in a humid third-world shit hole.
i have discs older than most fags browsing this site and they still work flawlessly.

More like my dick, shit up nerd

>is called disk
>is a square

Really gets my noggin joggin.

Sinclair ZX Spectrum?

That’s not even a real contraction. Did you drop out before junior high?

This disk would still play. The data is on the underside. Only the label is pealing. This is why you are supposed to always sit your disks lable-side-down if you're not putting them back in the case right away. Damage to the label doesn't matter.

>he didn't carve all the machine code into granite slabs
fucking casual

Maybe you should learn to take care of your shit? Here's a few from my collection.

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found the boomer.

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Maybe don't stick them up your anus?

>in 10 years you will still be enjoying your game while digitalfags will be on their third purchase
Feels good

OP can't even take care of his games. Pathetic!

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hello zoom zoom

There's a disk inside it.
Wait until you find out what HDD stands for.

>Not a real distinction.
Discs are optical. That's the distinction. Everything that isn't read with a laser is a disk.

ever been in a truly hot and wet environment? You'd need some really good insulation to eliminate both factors.

>be me
>join this Yea Forums server called the Archive Fields
>( )
>filled with literal pedos, traps, etc
>cant report them to ToS because they delete posts that break it
>faggot called AA-1 runs the place
>bunch of people tell me to post my legs
>comply because desperate for attention
>AA-1 tells me if I write "copelets" on my body, he'll give me a special number
>stupidly think "fuck it why not"
>do it
>I send it to him
>he sees it
>I delete it
>he saves it and shows it to everyone
>bullies me all day about it and calls me a retard and idiot
>everyone in the server keeps calling me a retard
>even the fucking traps their are bullying me
>AA-1 even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
>leave the server and have massive panic attack
>AA-1 sends all of his little buddies to add me as a friend and keep trying to guilt trip me into rejoining the server
>inb4 "just ignore them"
>AA-1's friends are in other main servers I use and they keep harassing me in their as well

Please help, what do I do? These faggots is seriously ruining my life.d

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go dark, make a new account
not that hard you fucking moron

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even with rot discs are set to outlive your digital distribution platform and all HDDs inside your computer at the moment

its, excused my shit vocab

those 2 girls were part of my childhood harem, oh how they fell off hard

>have to store disk in case
>millions are destroyed by retarded lazy niggers
Every time something good happens the tards will ruin it

>is called disk
>is a fucking car engine

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I've seen this exact post before

Hopefully there's a library of congress archival CD center for our everyday music & games. (or the best ones,at least)
Data is fragile & what we think will last for the next centuries might die in 10 years or even less...

If you store them in a dry place they'll last forever.
How humid is your house nigger? Are you a mutt by any chance? American houses have shit-tier build quality and isolation.

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Wise man.

>never bought a single game in my life, physical or otherwise
>pirate everything

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Tape & Earth magnetism don't get along very well man. They get damaged too, over time.

>yurofaggot contrives a reason to shit on America in a thread about a topic that has nothing to do with America

Reminder you have not thought enough about America for your mandatory quota for today.

You're a bit naive : the service they offer, the platform or the server it's on, it might die one day, suddenly. Ever played online games? One morning you're having a blast with people around the world, the next morning you have a useless folder,a useless disc. (that's why games should have good Offline AND online experiences)

>have to make two replies about yurofaggot pissing on america

>all of my favourite games got scratched to shit
>all of my older but less favourited games are in mint condition

>not taking care of your disks
>not backing up your disks (by the time you need to mod the console to play them, online will be dead anyway)

shut up chad

my cat eat his belly like this motherfucker.

As long as you buy more RAM memory

lunch, anyone?

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Live in Florida

Objectively true. Better load times, don't take up as much space, and just satiafying to put in.

Obviously they're not gonna last forever but they're probably gonna last my lifetime if I choose to continue having them. I have my dad's discs here before I was probably even born or around that time in the 80s and they're still fine, no bitrot, no nothing.
Bitrot only happens around humidity as far as I know, as in you just shuffle them off in some dirty corner in the attic unboxed.
However what goes to shit pretty fast are the disc readers, they're one of the shittiest fucking systems ever to be conceived, a bunch of my old CD-based consoles already went to shit because of the laser or rotor, it's always the first thing to start malfunctioning. Even my PS3 is already starting to show signs of weakness, it's having a hard fucking time reading MGS4's double layer bluray.

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Disc rot only affects CDs and HD-DVDs. DVDs and BluRays have a thicker outer layer effectively eliminates the problem.

I have plenty of CD games from the mid nineties that still work perfectly. I wish I had the same faith that my digital data would be around in 20 years.

metal pancakes

thankfully disc lasers are dirt cheap, ive replaced my ps1 and ps2 lasers recently