What are the differences between weeb Japanese games and non-weeb Japanese games?
Artstyle, storytelling, or presentation?
What are the differences between weeb Japanese games and non-weeb Japanese games?
Artstyle, storytelling, or presentation?
Calling Japanese games you don't like 'weeb' isn't criticism and you're a massive faggot who should consider going back.
Japanese games I like
Japanese games I don't like
>any jap games
>can be non weeb
for me it's the art style. i like capcom games, dmc and RE are fun, dark souls is my favorite game and mgs2 and 3 are up there but besides those i don't really play japanese games.
if it's anime it's weebshit. if it's just a game made in japan it's a Japanese game.
Games with anime artstyle = weebshit
>Japanese games I like
So Senran Kagura is non-weeb because I like it right?
Shut the fuck up faggot
Why Westaboo devs make such good games?
Vc1 definitely has weebshit elements dude. Did you even play it
The only difference is that one ching chong's harder (weeb games) and the one ching chong's less (non-weeb games)
Japanese games that have a western style to it but keeps all their Japanese elements are the best games.
The argument is about artstyle you dumb fucking coon
>VC1 was done by fucking Raita of all people
this is evidence that "weeb" means absolutely nothing. "weeb" is like "nerd" now.
Japan doesn't mean Anime only
Playing games
>Care about story
GTFO here back to your books and movies
it looks so western or realistic that if no one told you, you might mistake it for a western game.
This. It's just really bland hypocrisy.
I measure it in CRINGE units. Most games would be a 8-9 on the real life normie cringe scale but weeb games are high even among vidya. This ratings however are based on how much cringe this games would produce to a gamer thats not an obese blob and doesnt sleep with anime girl pillows neither is a fucking tranny or a faggot, just a regular guy that happens to like videogames but is not a autist about it
MGSV: 9/10 Cringe units
REmake2: 5/10 Cringe units
DMC5: 10/10 Cringe units
DS3: 6/10 Cringe units
For reference GTAV would be 2/10 Cringe units and RDR2 0/10
GTA4 is 2/10
V is 5/10
Its just trevor. Gtaiv gets cringy too when it takes itself serious but i agree that it would have less than 5
>DMC5: 10/10 Cringe units
Agree on this one
Those are both cancer anime shitstyles
>CRINGE units
I feel like "Cringe" is "I'm insecure about liking this"
I thought some shit was cringe too until a friend of mine died 2 years ago and I stopped worrying about what imaginary people thought about what I did behind closed doors
Who gives a fuck about your cringe blogshit lmao
don't mind me, just omw to play "weeb" games
When pitching games, westerners almost always start with story-related fluff rather than core mechanics and gameplay, Japanese are the opposite.
>For example, when we used to have Kojima Productions L.A.—we had an office in Los Angeles—we would get proposals for new games, pitches. It always started with: ‘This is the world you’re in. This is the experience I’m going to give you.’ And gameplay was relegated to page 5 or 6 or 10,” Amaro tells Glixel. “It was always about who you’re playing, who is the character, what’s going on, but not the ‘how,’ how am I playing this?
>“In Japan, a pitch is a page, maybe two. The first page you write what the game is about and how you play it,” he continues. “And the second page, maybe you need an illustration. We don’t care about who, or what the story is, what the game world is, all of this doesn’t really matter.”
Japan does it right, the west is far too focused on pretty much anything and everything that isn't gameplay, far too concerned with story and presentation rather than the actual gameplay underneath and I think it shows when you look at basically any western AAA game.
This is accurate. Code vein and nier automata would be some 10s, death stranding too probably, if it didnt use known actors to cover up the cringe at first glance
I can't think of many 0s, even rockstar used to be cringe before red dead redemption 2, i was honestly surprised by how decent the writing was there.
Probably mario, spyro (the original insomniac games, the reignited version introduced a lot of stupid tom and jerry sounds and cringe cutscenes) and other platformers for kids would be 0s
You're right user. One shouldn't waste time worrying about what some irrelevant individuals think about him. Life is too short to get stuck up on such vanities.
Consider suicide
Basically this. Souls games are pretty much the only ones that are non-weeb Jap games because the anime tier cringe usually found in other Jap games is non-existent here.
I agree that MGSV has a lot of silly Jap bullshit in it but saying that it only appeals to neckbeards is plain retarded. I doubt most normies would consider REMake 2 cringe at all since people still love zombieshit.
Games that sell millions aren't weeb retard.
The weeb Japanese 'games' you're referring to are mostly ecchi VNs and JRPGs which are not games as they have no gameplay to speak of.
Wow, how not arbitrary or vague in the slightest. Truly the case has been closed on this matter
It has a western artstyle, characters that look western, and uses English as it's default/original language. it might have an animu tier story but that's not enough for it to be a weeb game. A weeb game would be something that has an anime artstyle, and has japanese as it's "best" option according to the fanbase.
Literally a word used by self-conscious teenagers.
People so afraid of second-hand embarrassment that they cannot even enjoy a dumb juvenile flick or game because Stacy might secretly be watching through the window behind them.
Grow the fuck up.
Its not that you consider it cringe at first glance, its the cringe you feel when you play it. In remake 2 for example it sure doesnt look cringy at all but you get to some retarded scenes and weeb writing and thats where the cringe comes from there. Same for mgsv, as soon as you play for more than an hour you start experiencing it
Kill yourself, the only thing Western about either MGS or DMC is the appearance.
>uses English as it's default/original language
Well yeah, and there is also the fact the characters and setting is a Japanese interpretation of the west. Unlike other jap games that has a very animu and japanese setting.
Are you telling me that characters that are based around western countries speak japanese?
Of course? The Japanese dub for MGS is miles better than the English one.
I guess Doktor from MGR, who is German and supposed to have a German accent and uses German words. Should just speak plain old japanese
>Not liking David Hayter
Shit taste.
It's always funny seeing someone desperately trying to clarify that "I'm a weeb, but I'm not that weeb" on an anonymous image board.
>I only like Dark Souls, but I don't play JRPG like Tales or Persona
>I only like Persona, but I don't play Neptunia or Atelier
>I only like Tekken, not anime fighting games like GG,BB
>I only like old Japanese games like Suikoden, Chrono Trigger, not any modern JRPG
>I only read plot VN, but not moe VN like Nekopara
>I played JP games, but I only play with dub
Who cares man?
You aren't going to die if some normalfag online assumes you own a waifu body pillow.
Hayter is literal garbage compared to Akio, you couldn't have picked a worse choice. Maybe Raiden.
non weeb games dont have 20 menu screens you need to open to equip and item or 30 to drink a potion, god forbid you want to level up your character you're looking at a 50 slide power point presentation of menus
at least you aren't just a "if i have to read subs how do i eat or check my phone?" dubfag
Hayter speaks the language of the character he is voicing while Akio isn't, so it is an automatic win for Hayter.
It's probably just me being autistic, but I always like it more if each character spoke the language of the country he is from. I know I love it when I get to hear my language in a videogame or movie, even if it's half assed.
so who "wins" MGS3?
You, the player.
I don't see where you're going here, user. The thread is talking about what separates a weeb game from a non weeb game, and I just said what I think is the answer. Not that I give a shit about in any of it. It's all just videogames that you're supposed to have fun with, not fight over others with.
where i'm going is that in MGS3, they're canonically speaking russian, but there's no russian dub of the game, only english and japanese, so your muh immersion logic can't defend either language of it.
It's not about immersion, lol. I just like having different accents and languages in games. And sure I can't "defend" either language, but that's all besides the point of the OP. I'm explaining that MGS and DMC have a focus on western looks, characters that speak and look from the west and if I'm wrong, then tell me why, instead of just whining over "muh good and bad voice actors"
The thing you have to realize about Japanese entertainment is that they are way more focused on getting an emotional response out of the audience. This goes as far back as Kabuki theatre, where the japanese will use very extravagant techniques to convey a certain "feel".
Western entertainment on the other hand is way more obsessed with being "proper". It should not be too unrealistic, sexualized, silly, dark or ambiguous. You have outliers such as the director David Lynch, who also obsess about "feel" a lot, but generally speaking: Western entertainment should not be too "disruptive". Do not go and make something that disturbs the cultural and emotional zeitgeist too much. Do not be too "weird".
This is why a lot of westerns feel uncomfortable with japanese entertainment. The cute is too cute, the dumb is too dumb, the dark is too dark; the japanese have a very hard structured society, so they always play up emotions when then can in entertainment. You can also see this in other asian stuff such as Korean crime-thrillers, or Bollywood movies, it is way more of a hard-hitting emotional style.
TL;DR: Japanese "non-weeb" games such as Dark Souls is not too "threatening" towards western mindsets and culture, therefore it is popular. It feels different, but not too different.
This seems to be the right answer, right here. non"weeb" games are just something western audience are comfortable with, while "weeb" games is just the natural exaggerated style the japanese do.
>bing bang wahooo
>not cringe
Westaboo devs > Western devs > Japanese devs > Weebs devs
Also manga, see JoJo.
both is weeb
why is gta 5 2/10 and rdrd2 0/10 ?
it's worrying that you're the only one pointing this out, fuck me
In more-or-less descending order of importance:
- Artstyle (mostly anime vs not)
- Characters (stock anime characters, lolis and otherwise unrealistically youthful characters)
- Voice acting style (excessive grunting, squealing, and other non-linguistic verbalization)
- Setting and themes (eg a tokyo high school)
- Presence of romanized Japanese especially in the title (If the title is fucking Shin Megami Tensei or Senran Kagura you might be dealing with weebshit)
lol@assblasted weebs
There are 3 levels when it comes to Japanese ganes
Non-Weeb games like Yakuza, Dark Souls, MGS, FF, ect
Weeb games like Persona, Ninja Storm games, Pokemon, SMT, FE, PW,ect
Weeb Trash games like Nep, Seran Kagura, the shitty games based on an anime, DR, and all of those shitty dungeons crawler games.
When I think "weeb trash" I think of the most boring and generic anime looking game. One of the biggest call sigh for web trash are games that dont have cutscenes but are slideshows or worse, a bunch of characters standing behind a static background. They usually lack a budget, so they pander to filthy weebs to make their money.
Because our shit is better.
back to plebbit
>Non-Weeb games like Yakuza
Stopped reading there.
How can a literal Japanese life simulator be a non-weeb game?
>stock anime characters, lolis and otherwise unrealistically youthful characters
forgot titty monsters
>The thing you have to realize about Japanese entertainment is that they are way more focused on getting an emotional response out of the audience. This goes as far back as Kabuki theatre, where the japanese will use very extravagant techniques to convey a certain "feel".
>Western entertainment on the other hand is way more obsessed with being "proper". It should not be too unrealistic, sexualized, silly, dark or ambiguous. You have outliers such as the director David Lynch, who also obsess about "feel" a lot, but generally speaking: Western entertainment should not be too "disruptive". Do not go and make something that disturbs the cultural and emotional zeitgeist too much. Do not be too "weird".
Close but it's really not anything about being threatening or non-threatening. It's just different and unfamiliar in a recognizeable way, meaning that the average normalfag won't be interested.
Well, the thing is, when you find western entertainment that DOES go out of its way to provoke emotional responses, especially when aimed at a mainstream audience, you're probably going to see a very distinct style that will likely be intuitively recognizable especially to people outside that culture. For example, if I say "American Sitcoms" you know what to expect for the vast majority of it. While exceptions exist you can typically generalize "punchy banter between characters acting retarded, set to a laugh track." Telenovelas, Bollywood, etc. Every culture tends to have distinct styles that pander to its own mainstream that outsiders will often just not enjoy without some period of acclimation.
>Non-Weeb games like Yakuza
no. most normalfags don't touch it because of the japanese audio let alone the subject matter or gameplay.
Most people dont touch because they dont know the series exist. My very first exposure to the series that shitty zombie game spin off. The only reason why I even got into the series was because Yea Forums told me about Kiwami.
I don't think you really understand how the term gets used outside of shitposting threads.
>Dark Souls, but I don't play JRPG like Tales or Persona
Well, rather than Dark Souls consider maybe someone who liked 90s Squaresoft JRPGs. Final Fantasy's 4-9 and Chrono Trigger certainly have Japanese tropes (CT even has Toriyama art style) but in general those games go for a more universal appeal and their weeblevel is relatively low.
This person says "I like JRPGs recommend me some good ones." And then, when someone recommends Tales of... or Persona, that 90s Squaresoft fan looks those games and may be instantly turned-off by the much higher weeblevel of those games. It's not that they're somehow worried about what people will think of them. It's not "oh no people might think I'm a weeb if I like Tales." It's "Tales looks like it's aimed at an audience that does not include me."
You realize persona and tales were a thing in the 90's right
>I don't think you really understand
What I said is pretty simple.
>"I like some Japanese games"
>"you weeb"
>"no, I'm not because I only like "these" JP games, not "those""
People try to categorize Japanese games, because people don't like being called a weeb.
And arguing about the definition makes them pathetic as fuck, like a normalfag looking for peer recognition.
>All these filthy failed normalfag riajuu
You people make me sick, and what makes me even more disgusted is how you are somehow allowed to post in here.
this but unironically
Everyone who responded to this (except for and ) is underage and so am I
You realize weebs were a thing in the 90s, right?
If you were into Persona before PS2 you were either a hardcore weeb or just someone who stumbled into playing a then-obscure JRPG.
Tales of Destiny didn't come close to Final Fantasy 7's popularity and downplayed its anime style. Plus, ToD is a 2D Sprite game.
>Well it isn't as anime so it doesn't count
Every time with you dumb normalfags
Nobody calls anyone a weeb for liking Dark Souls though. You don't seem to understand how language works.
There are different tiers of being a weeb game
Games like Dark Souls and classic Resident Evil, they look and feel like western games.
>Mixed Tier(?) I don't know what to call this
Games like Nier, DMC, God Hand, MGS, RE4-6, Dragon's Dogma. They don't have an anime look but you can feel the japanese writing. This is the best tier IMO
>anime games
Games like Persona, Pokemon, Dragon Quest. Anime art style and writing, but your average normalfag can still play and enjoy it
Senran Kagura, Nep, Touhou and dating sims. Your generic otaku pandering games that only shut-in weebs with body pillows play
>Higher cringe than MGSV
I don't think so, pal.
Absolutely fucking nothing in DMCV even comes close to this shit on the Cringe Scale™.
This, Japenese media emulating Western media is a top-tier combination.
>Dark Souls
>Cowboy Bebop
Pretty insecure aren't you
Exactly. Normalfags are turned off by shitty generic anime tropes, that's the point. In the 2D era when everything was pixel sprites and unvoiced text, it was easier to downplay. You didn't have voice actors grunting and squealing, you didn't have fully animated 3D waifus. You didn't have unlimited space for characters to exchange lengthy inane dialog.
cope, he's right.
Or throw out the body pillow and go take a walk around the block.
Realistic graphics are putrid and disgusting