Do achievements have an impact on your enjoyment of a game, Yea Forums?
Do achievements have an impact on your enjoyment of a game, Yea Forums?
nope. i turn off all the notifications about them.
Depends on how reasonable acquiring them is
Don't you even take a look at the achievement list after beating as much content as possible to see if you haven't missed anything noteworthy?
depends if they actually unlock shit in game.
if they do, sweet. if not, who cares?
if i really really like a game I might try to get all of the cheevos.
Not even remotely, I only ever cared about the cheevos in Halo 3 for epic katana.
If i do some out of the box thinking and i get an achievement for it it's pretty nice.
But getting the "Hey look you progressed in the story ones are pointless"
And some others do provide nice challenges.
i only play boomer games if they have retroachievements support
No, but they do give me something to do if I finished the main story and don't feel done with the game
I fucking hate rabbits.
I fucking hate you.
They're useless. They just breed and multiply until they've ruined whatever ecosystem they infest. Kill all rabbits.
That's what happens when you kill off all the predators because they were nice enough to eat your retarded yapdogs too.
Kinda, because it's honestly just a list of things I might forget to do, and some of them are nice challenges. Like I 100% the arkham games because it's fun (well, the first two were fun...)
No. It's hollow and meaningless.
Sounds like niggers
If i like a game enough to complete the achievements that isn't multiplayer based than yeah
If a game has no achievements i wont play it or feel less inclined to
Like playing the game?
i play games for the story and experience. Not autistic achievements
Nope never care about them
>i play games for the story and experience
That already puts you in the autstic devision stop acting like you are above everyone you fag
Not at all, I never bother with them. If anything, they're detrimental with those "achievement unlocked" popups.
No, like some text telling you "wow you achieved this, here have a participation medal"
Especially those where you are just doing the thing you're supposed to, there's no challenge, and it just pops up "here, look how ((good)) you are"
>beat hard boss
>achievement unlocked
No better feeling out there unless you are a faggot
You sound like dogfucker.
Also, humanity only is responsible for whatever shit is happening to our planet, because nature and whole fucking universe works in perfect balance. At least was until cancer like humans came to be.
>durr rabbits imfesting ecosystems they shouldn't be in in the first place
Well guess who brought them there.
Guess who's killing predators and other animals on a retarded scale, completely fucking up the delicate balance.
So game ingame text telling you the same is somehow less hollow and meaningless than text outside the game telling you this? Why?
I don't need devs to tell me that I did well.
I used to be obsessed with achievements and a site called Astats, but then I realized that a lot of times having 100% achievements does not at all mean having completed everything in the game. It's a game outside of the game I actually want to play, and one that is ultimately less satisfying.
>i play games for the story
>works in perfect balance
This is legit the most retarded post ive seen today good job
I'm sure you're an expert on what feels good to faggots.
That's what achivements are
Only if they have tangible effects in the game, like a special currency or useful items. Otherwise I won't bother unless it's a game I really like.
Who would you rather have telling you this? Your mom or friends? Nobody gives a shit
Stop acting all high and mighty about not caring about cheevos thats all
>Humans have existed for less than 100k years
>After we're gone, any and all trace of us will disappear in another 5000 years
>Some of us actually think we can "hurt the planet" that's been here millions of years before us and will stay around millions of years after
The ego of some humans.
Good lad dab on those cheevofaggots
HoI4 achievements are interesting to pursue because most of them are a clear goal that you have to start a new game to achieve.
Iam a guy so of course i know how to make other guys feel good
I bet you live in a christian household where mommy does not allow you to touch yourself or else you go to hell
Why else would you have such an autistic hate for cheevos?
Yeah sure, I recently decided to play HL2EP1 to get that 1 shot only achievement. But if it's something like "kill bazillion zombies" in Dead Rising and I get bored of a game before achieving it I don't do it.
I don’t care about them a ton, but they can get me to do a little more in a game than I might have otherwise. Like I’ll usually just play through a game normally, and then afterwards I’ll look and see if there’s any fun achievements I can go back and do. And once I do that, I’ll think about going and doing everything else if I liked the game enough and if I’m close enough to 100% anyway. And that’s why I learned how to speedrun katana zero
And the game isnt? Why?
That was a really weird stretch but I'm sure you're used to unusual stretching as well.
>he thinks things weren't functioning perfectly before we showed up
t. actual retard. Goodbye :)
Like that time giant scorpions walked the earth and killed everything? Or that time when everything was just dark and nothing existed? Are you legit braindead? Or just religious?
I fucking love pancakes.
Iam only top no bottom
Kinda weird how when it comes to gay sex all you think about is recieving like maybe you would like it?
Doing something engaging and giving you "participation prizes" in the form of text is not the same.
Why would a religious person think that humans are some sort of a plague or a mistake? A non-religious person is far more likely to hold that opinion. I think your fedora is on too tight.
>doing something engaging
How the fuck is playing a videogame doing something engaging? Its just pressing buttons
Pressing buttons can be very engaging.
>how the fuck is flying a plane engaging, it's just moving a stick
Still a dumb believe to have regardless
Humans havent existed on earth for long heck when compared to the time that earth has existed its like we havent been here for even a mere second and a perfect system as you describe it will know a way to deal with us too
Also the whole entire universe does not resolve around the earth at all its just one planet
This is true, the paradox games do have some good achievements
Are you a retard or just ESL because your post barely made sense.
Fyling a plane is a million times more exciting than doing it in a game you fucking addict
If you are autistic and gay yeah sure
Not autistic enough to chase them but just autistic enough to be bugged that I haven't completed them.
In short: they can fuck off.
>giant scorpions
>goes off on unrelated path about pitch blackness
>muh religion accusation
you actual brainlet
>dude how the fuck can sports be engaging, you just throw a ball around
it's just moving a stick bro how can it be exciting unless you are autisic or gay
Except it does?
It's literally fine tuned to maintain whatever state it is at the moment and constantly adapt to minor changes naturally happening overtime.
>humans are part of it
You could say that, but I doubt it since everything we've done is retarded and devoid of any basic universal logic. I can't even say we ruin things 'properly'. We just shit all over the place in every aspect, like a little kid smearing feces all over the walls giggling because it's the right and pleasant thing to do in his tiny mind.
Good thing we'll be gone soon
Bad thing we're taking everything with us
>calls humans a cancer on the universe
>calls me retarded
Please legit for the good of all kill yourself
t. guy who never flew a plane comes forward with an opinion on flying planes.
stupid dumb piece of garbage cat
Depends on how they are implemented. If they are just badges of honor for bragging rights, I couldn't care less about them. If they actually reward you with in-game stuff and are even a major part of the game like in Guild Wars 2, then I can get into them.
Giant scorpions existed
Go watch tierzoo you ignorant fag
Before the universe existed there was nothing
Calling all humans cancer is fucking dumb regardless of if you believe in religion or not
He knows the secret of space lizards and earth is flat, surrounded by large mountains of ice.
The truth kind of fries your brain. I am okay because I haven't accepted Sonichu as my Lord and Savior.
I'm not even the guy you responded to you brainlet. You're just so stupid I had to point it out.
Still a million times more engaging than doing it in a game
Basicly yeah videogames essentialy is just moving a stick thanks for pointing out the obvious
Humans are just animals too
But if you actually believe we have the power to destroy the entire universe youre a fucking retard
Iam not even the guy either iam just peppy the clown here for the nightly show of fools and youre one of them
>believing in the universe and that humans are just a small part of it is the same as believing the earth is flat and lizards
Holy fuck you guys must be on meth or something how the hell do you even come up with this?
>being jelly of El-ahrairah's mad skills
They die if you splash water on them
>tfw living in the same country as the guy with most plat trophies on playstation
I don't get it, why go through all this.
I thought that was chinchillas, rabbits need ash baths too?
So that you can say you did
Still less autistic than speedrunners
How's that any different from pleople
On this board you've met a guy who set up a script that cross-references every single posted image with derpibooru, and manually spams every thread that gets a match, 8 years straight. I don't know how any form of autism can surprise you anymore.
They're absolutely autistic, waste of time meaningless "features" added in the last 5 minutes of development by a bored game designer.
Honestly every person I know who cares about achievements is always a complete failure in life and an idiot with zero exceptions.
99 times out of 100, no. If it's a game I really enjoy, and the achievements have some legitimate challenge behind them, then yeah, they can be pretty fun. It's nice to have the verifiable bragging rights.
If someone has a really hard to get achievement I just think they're a faggot dweeb desu and so would most people who aren't virgins.
>knowing people that care about cheevos in the first place
Shhhhh.... You might be one of them...
Pushes me to do shit I might not normally do, I enjoy their inclusion
Oh yeah? Well, I think you're a dweeb and a virgin and also GAY, so in other words I don't really care what you think okay bubster? Now don't reply to me again or I'll tell my dad.
>Achievement: you did exactly what was expected of you!
Stop that.
Hm how about we match this out in a dick size competition? I bet my dick is bigger than yours
I knew of a boomer who was pretty proud of his time spent on xbox live and how long he had been a gold member for. Having nostalgia of being among the first 100 or so users that registered his GT on the platform. It weird hearing someone that is the same age as my old man being proud of vidya much less paid online.
Because they eat up veggies in my garden.
>The bigger they are...
>some cheevo that calls me out on being a pervert for looking under girls skirt
These are only a few i know of
Alright I'm sorry please I take it back just don' tell your dad.
Git gud faget
sounds based as fuck to me
I knew a fat guy in his 50s at work who was like at least 500lbs, like fucking massive and would literally just bring in big bottles of soda and drink them. He did nothing but talked about playing his Xbox, he died shortly after I met him.
I dont even notice them, i just play the game man
>perform a fairly easy but time-consuming task a 100 times
i don't have any friends to share them with, so no.
>he died shortly after I met him.
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