Why didn't they lead with this? This game has been sitting on my pc for a while now, if I had known you could make a cat nigga I would've!

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Other urls found in this thread:

this is the one I made uwu

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>he bought a game without watching ANY promotional material

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they've literally been in every game, you dumb nig

Wot game now this i need

>not buying games based solely on the boxart

they haven't though

Monster Hunter World

Not the 3DS or PSP ones I had played ._.

I saw it got a good score, nobody complained about it and my friendos said it was good :3

I do this sometimes

Honestly I was disappointed I couldn't make my character's titties bigger :(
Japan really let me down

he's adorable user

Give me one good reason I shouldn't make Garfield.

Felynes have been in the series from the very start.
They were able to be hired on as partnyas in 2nd gen, and steadily you've been able to get more and more control over them, with Gen letting you play as them directly.

Also had some of the most heart-wrenching moments when you tried to fire them.

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Why would being able to be a cat change ur opinion on the game? Are you a discord tranny or something? Furry?

i like cats :3

>Not the 3DS or PSP ones I had played ._.
Something tells me you never played those games.

Furry confirmed. Why do i even come to this board?

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I'm not D:
Also because you have no life, hence the frogposting

Is this the tranny thread?

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Kill yourself

or maybe he's just a cute user, you don't have to be so angry all the time (^_~)


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I can't I have an e-cat to care for now frogboy :p

ye why not

:( cat is wholesome

And a cat is fine too

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every girl ive watched on Twitch has died of cuteness from this part
they absolutely melt and some even cry from how cute the palicos are

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t-that's just a mushroom, right?

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>watching girls on twitch

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The best part about this webm is the animations which look better than 99% of AAA games made today. I mean look at that magnificent jump and then followed by that roll.

you have to be >18 to post here

i am 18 baka

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sometimes you just wanna feel like scum

unless they're underage and scantily clad, who cares?

Every girl I've watched on twitch screams out "LET'S ROCK BABY" and then the screen fills up with touhou-tier shit and I have a seizure.

I only watch saltybet, though.

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i wish this game was fun solo, or that the matchmaking didn't suck

Whenever I see a skyrim game modded to emulate dark souls, I think of this webm. It's uncanny.

got any links of those?

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