Why do all new games seem so shallow?
Why do all new games seem so shallow?
when i sleep i think about video game girls getting fucked and then it drifts into work stress
Stop asking questions, just consume product and then get excited for next product
capitalism, greed, the growth of the industry. when it started the people in the industry (as they started to get paid more and wildly more) were still the passionate riders of the movement. now, business is outsourced to people who don't care, and the business are bigger and leave less room for deviation from mass appeal.
Abstract Yea Forums post of the day goes to...
Normalfags will never understand.
videogames became a product
right now videogames to an art is like a reality tv show to a movie
If by shallow you mean thematic depth, then I don't know what you're talking about. Old games were infinitely more shallow on average, they barely had a story and mostly just told you to kill shit. Newer games, especially indie games, put way more focus on this kind of stuff. Even movie games like the new god of war could be considered deeper than their older counterparts.
Now on the other hand, if you mean "shallow" as in no depth to the gameplay, then that makes sense. But if you think the entirety of the modern gaming industry is soulless, then you need to branch out and stop only playing AAA games or whatever indie games are currently popular. Usually the best stuff is harder to find.
Woah... this is so deep...
AAA games sucks mean while indies games which suck also at least felt like there trying even they not
Every generation has tons of shallow games. This is nothing new. Just focus on the few gems.
Dumb Brain Post
You got older and you are unhappy with your life.
Only the youngest of youngfags think the industry is as good as it was in the past or better. Not that it objectively is or isn't, but if you've grown past a certain age you've peobably thought at some point "they don't make em like they used to.". If you've never thought this, then you're probably 12 years old. And let's face it, odds are there are plenty of them here. Many people have admitted to posting here well before they were of legal age to do so.
Technology isn't improving as much and developers are less risky, resulting in the same tired formulas for guaranteed profits. Also it feels like AAA games don't really care about world-building as much as in the past, or least their stories are self contained rather than expansive with Halo's trilogy or Gears of War.
There are still genuine stuff like DOS2 but it's mostly all indie devs which lack resources and manpower.
What game gave you a sense of adventure?
something weird happened around the year 2004 and all forms of entertainment started declining
because graphic artists are now the priority since HD visuals are far and away the most complicated and time consuming part of making a game nowadays
bottom right is what I think and dream about. it's wet dreams btw
Depth how? And if you can't find any games from at least 2017-19 to enjoy, the issue isn't the games, it's you.
t. Communist
Capitalism MADE the video game industry.
I'll never understand mbti clowns
i don't speak gibberish
>tfw every day and night wondering when people will notice you have no idea how to do your job
Imposter syndrome is fucking terrifying every single day and I hate it
This. Consume or hang yourself. Asking questions is only what a Communist would do.
I'm having a great time with Pathologic 2.
because they ARE shallow
the im only looking foward to stalker 2, bannerlord, and fucking gaylo on pc of all things
*the games im only looking foward to
fucking brain aneurysms man
cause you're old and video games are a children's hobby
Shiki can kill power-man, discuss
Because publishers realized they can make more money if they replace the feeling of progression and accomplishment with money
>Because publishers realized they can make more money if they replace the feeling of fun with the feeling of progression and accomplishment
anyone can kill anything, it's fiction, it literally doesn't matter. Whatever the creator wants to happen, happens