I’m scared it will get less than 85 metacritic score. What if it sucks?
I’m scared it will get less than 85 metacritic score. What if it sucks?
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I'm fully expecting it to be middling. I'll get it and play it, but nothing they've shown so far has wowed me at all.
>caring about metacritic scores
>caring about reviews
>not watching raw gameplay footage, trailers and reading about the game to know if it's something you'd enjoy or not
>not playing the game yourself and forming your own opinion
Only underage care about reviews you know.
>can’t see raw footage until after a game launches, otherwise you’re watching PR approved gameplay
>by then, everything is spoiled
you can’t win
Stop spending so much time on the internet
>just close your eyes dude
Don't close your eyes, open them. There is a whole world out there that you could be experiencing user.
>Just walk away from your pc, dude
It's not that hard not to consume media.
Then it sucks. Nothing that can be done about it. Be more concerned that you might not like it. Even if it sucks, as long as you like it, it's all that matters. And, yes, you can like a game that sucks.
It got a high 30 famitsu score
It got a 37 which is like a 85 for everyone else
>wait day longer to see uncut gameplay from average joe
Whew that was hard
Even the lowest scoring Platinum games are fun. I had fun with Korra.
>Game gets above 85 between 90
>Game gets above 90
>Game gets below 85
>playing a game with less than 95 metacritic, so all the Yea Forums will laught at you
It'll be fine and worth the time and money
Which is to say you'll forget about the shitty real world for another dozen or so hours so it's all good
>I’m scared it will get less than 85 metacritic score.
No you're not, you want it to get less so you can then come here and start shitposting about it with all your wojaks and NONONO and whatever the fuck new shit is used instead of talking about vidya
-anime style
-cute girl on cover
-pro police stance
-includes a braindead game journo mode
modern game journos aren't going to let it get an accurate score removed from all their political bullshit, and very few people will accurately review the combat anyway. ignore the metascore, stop giving a shit about what Yea Forums thinks of your vidya and have fun, op
i don't understand the hype. it just looks like a silly ARPG with unlikable characters and and repetitive combat. One video I saw of a boss, the boss didn't move for like a minute. I don't get it
fair enough
Dude we are talking about Astral Chain here not DMC 5
idk i'm not trying to shit on it but i wish it was a more grounded style like silent mobius. this just looks bloodless and generic (or at least uninteresting) in terms of its narrative
MGR has an 82, so what?
user, it's a Platinum game. Of course, it'll suck.
It's a game that has its own style, and you're asking for something entirely different. The game clearly isn't for you, just move on then and maybe someday play it used.
You forgot
>Game below 30
>i care about reviews because i'm a brainlet
game is gonna be awesome
Why do people care about game reviews so much? Play it and form your own fucking opinion.
37/40 is a little over 9/10
It has a 37/40 on famitsu, it'll be in the 80s on metacritic garanteed
Isn't Nintendo one of the only big publishers that don't pay for reviews?
>Just spend 60 nintendollars every time you suspect a game might be good.
>i can't watch gameplay videos to decide if a game is something i would like to play
is that a Protoss?
Must suck being a poor nigger.
no its my dick
>game sells bad
>''fucking Tendies buy only Zeldor and bing bing yahoo games!''
>game sells good
>''Nicels will buy literally anything!''
Yes, they also never payed streamers to shill their games.
Sometimes I wished they do esp for new ips. It needs to get as much exposure as possible. It can’t rely on traditional marketing because there’s no legacy or dedicated fan base to support it.
You're the retard. The first hour could be the most amazing shit, but the rest of the 40 hours could be absolute garbage, see: Okinaki as a recent example.
You always wait until user consensus is in.
You are a fucking brainlet.
>first hour of gameplay is great
>next 40 are terrible
Name one fucking game you absolute dick sucker. Go back to sucking paid reviewer cock though.
So will people put a +10 on the metascore to counter the Nintendo penalty?
>Name one fucking game
>Literally posted one game in the same post
Way to go calling other brainlets.
Not for Famitsu, they're notorious for high ratings. Anything below 30 is garbage.
>can't even spell the oninaki right
>game is indie shit and is surprised it wasn't that great
fuck off and don't reply to me ever again
Were you dropped on your head as a baby several times?
>americans despise their cops
Why? They protect you and put down niggers so you don’t get raped and murdered, how can you hate someone like that?
while i already have it pre loaded, platinum hasnt made anything great ever. the switch is just so starved for action that im giving it a whirl
Anything above 75 is good, though.
Not the user you quoted, but if you think the first hour of Oninaki was amazing then I guess we haven't played the same game.
Not to mention things like:
>can't pick Options when you start the game for the first time, or change volume - you need to wait for that moment when you take controll of your character
>music is not on loop
>music becomes quieter when you opent the menu for absolutely no reason
>Daemon skill tree is supposed to look pretty, but it's basically a clusterfuck (it's like someone said ''hey, let's take sphere grod from FFx, make it 50 times smaller but 30 harder to navigate through'')
>absolutely horrendous loading times
At least the combat is not bad... unless you try to heal, as the game won't immediately use item. When Tokyo RPG Factory said they won't to bring us to glorious days of PS1 RPGs, they didn't mean to bring us back to those days and reminds us what was so good about them. They actually means ''let's make a game that looks modern, but still cheap, with all the things you hated back then.''
>or change volume
This is an issue in pretty much everything on the Switch, because Nintendo are fucking retarded. Literally all you can do if you play docked is use a headphone cable, because for no sane reason you can't adjust audio levels through a docked Switch because they think everyone must be playing on a TV.
If all you are looking for is approval from Yea Forums then just lie.