How do I get good at LoL without playing humans so that when I play humans I can be very good?
Giv me something to do/watch/learn please.
How do I get good at LoL without playing humans so that when I play humans I can be very good?
Giv me something to do/watch/learn please.
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Learn everyone's ranges and cooldowns and such by playing them
Then have a main or two in each role
Play a better game
You hopped too late into the game, league no longer gets new players. Fresh accounts are entirely made of smurfs so you're gonna get shat on over and over again until you catch up and get good, no other way.
Learn Dota 2, it's the better and more difficult game so it translates into learning LoL better and elevates your sense of strategy.
Play against AI or is that useless?
Pick a role. Watch a pro that streams said role, watch how they play, learn the meta and /mute all.
Arams are good for practicing seiging/team fighting but for everything else you'll need to put hours into summoner rift. Once you get the basics against bots, start playing normals to get the hang of everything.
Practice zen meditation before playing ranked.
are you serious, ive only played dota as my main moba but some of my colleagues wanted me to try and play LoL since i play moba games. its been 2weeks and already in gold and i havent even watched any streamer/pro player play the game.
word of advice, go play dota if you want to actually feel like youve learned and accomplished something in moba games
Your only option is gonna be bot games, but you're gonna have to play against other people eventually. Bots can help you with the basics but they're still stupid and exploitable, and any bullshit you learn that works against them might not work against an actual person.
Yes and it'll teach you bad habits. Where the AI runs away while you're pelting them, players will kick your shit in for overstepping your boundaries.
>playing league of faggots
>doing a job for free carrying a bunch of genuine retards
and the only ones defending this shit game are fuckin addicts that grinded through this steaming pile of shit since forever to reach a certain level where they only get an afk/grief/troll every 5th game instead of 3rd
do yourself a favour and play something else
But they say LoL is deep because it has 140 champions, many items and runes.
Is that bullshit? Can you play the same way in different matches and still be good?
You're right, Dota is an ARTS.
Why the fuck would you play the dumbed down Chinese knockoff of Dota instead of Dota?
Why do you hate yourself?
unironicly this
Only in mid to low elo. When you get to diamond or even high plat, you have to start adapting to your opponent's comp and build or you'll start losing.
meant for
Here come the superiority complexes.
Is that inferiority I smell?
well i mean its true esp now that i can actually say that ive played both games
Play Ashe
>no early game waveclear will force you to get good at last hitting
>no mobility will teach you the importance of vision and positioning
>her ultimate will teach you how to initiate and chain cc
>built in slow will make kiting easier until you can do it with a different champ
No way... So you're telling me you've been playing mobas for a long time and you placed gold in league? Getting top 50% just like that... you must be some kind of prodigy.
>playing that good for nothing 450lp garbage
stop giving people advice dude
ashe is really newbie friendly, autos for days
her, caitlyn and yasuo carried me through gold until i got bored of the game and i only played the game for 2 weeks last month
Dota is legit more difficult than LoL but that doesn’t mean it a better game for everyone. Have 2k in this god forsaken game where it just suffering majority of time, and even when the retard is not on your team, it not often you get an actual “ game” that is satisfy, those are rare as hell but that what keep me playing, and complain the shit out every time I play it. Stay out of Dota if not ready to invest thousand of hour just to understand the basic mechanic of the game and every hero. It not skill shot reliance like most of league hero but much more complicated
Unironicly you have to play against people i know that's not what your asking but in that regards its like a fighting game, a lot of the skill games comes not only from your own game mechanics but from learning how your opponent plays and capitalizing and adjusting your play style to beat them.
But if its just mechanics that you can practice on AI its definitely learn to CS learning and when to capitalize on a misplay the opponent made, even its its a small thing like using a n ability with a long cool down to knowing when to disengage trades not
2k hour*
>that doesn’t mean it a better game for everyone
It automatically is. If you complain about Dota what's stopping you from complaining about LoL?
>invest hours to understand
Just like in LoL? Why waste time learning a worse game?
Was newbie friendly, now you can just play Kai'sa and pew pew woosh someone in 2 seconds with 0 skill
>people present facts
>hurr superiority complex xDD
>>no early game waveclear will force you to get good at last hitting
But W
the loot box system is dangerously addicting when coupled with the quests
qtpie is based tho
if i were going by this standard I'd just play csgo because pasha
Why do you actively seek out LoL threads, user? Just ego stroking, or maybe more?
You only get better by playing against humans. Playing against AI won't help with anything apart from getting used to the moveset of whatever champ you select. It's okay to take Ls in norms just keep playing and you'll improve
You can watch pros play your fave champ and look up build guides for your fave champ but playing against actual people is the best teacher
>already in gold
not only are you bragging about being dogshit you're bragging about being dogshit in season 9 where people who've been plat for 8 seasons are d1 now. ranks are inflated this season, s9 gold is s3 bronze
well idk about that, besides base on your statistics im just your avg LoL player. and i already got bored of the game especially when i dont like collecting in-game currency to buy characters, freakin dumb mechanic actually that you cant test drive heroes in an actual match (ranked) that would be potentially fit my play style.
theres also the fact that i got reported for trolling bec i drafted a hero that was unusual for top lane
i mean isnt that the standard on these kind of games, yes core builds is a must but you must learn how to counter pick and counter against your enemy team. this is also why i hate games that has recommended builds bec scrubs will stick to it until they get stomped for not adjusting
There's nothing you can do.
No matter how much you train against bots you're going to get shat on as soon as you play against actual people.
The only way to learn is to lose repeatedly so get to it.
inflated why??? i didnt know this game has some kind of monetary inflation/deflation but in ranks.
so according to what youre saying ranks basically means nothing.
lol the absolute stae of LoL
Nah they just added tiers so othe goal post was litterally moved when it comes down to that.
too many people were in bronze n silver n wanted to fell good about themselves and get that free ranked skin
this is actually surprisingly untrue, there's still a lot of shitters giving it a try, which is why people are smurfing in the first place
OP just don't bother. the game isn't what it used to be
well thats just sad, well i at least proved to myself that LoL is an easier game to adapt and ive only played the game for 2weeks without even watching other pro/streamer/ytuber. i wanted to try and gun for a higher rank but im to bored to earn and collect in-game currency to unlock heroes. esp when i play soloq on SEA
i just played the heroes that appealed to me
Legit have no idea how you get into league in 2019. The grind for champions alone would be a huge turnoff. I started playing in 2012 and even back then the grind for champions and runes almost made me not want to play
League was design to be much more user friendly and easier to get into, not every are autist with too much time to play game like Dota where match lasted average around 35 to 60 min compare to league 25-40 min and a lot of time lower rank match last longer because they like to farm item and get big instead of going directly for the ancient. Also by the fact that LoL are much more center around skill shot, it easy gratification people get when they land their spell and directly see the result. Think about it, do you receive the same happiness and gratitude pulling off double stack constantly and help your carry get those farm and win the game compare to landing a pudge hook constantly? In LoL reaction speed dependent and direct cause and effect are much common and faster instead of careful setting up a team fight with proper itemization and good hero pick right before the game even started. Not everyone can or care to get those matches where you put in so much more effort learning the in and out and practice to pull off, and all the shitty mistake you made a long the way. Just short, simple and fun is basically what you get from league compare to Dota
I have 1,5k hours played in Dota and was about 4k mmr tier (back when the top player was like Wagamama at 6k,ages ago) and the few times I tried playing LoL it seemed more difficult.
You barely have barely any idea what's going on,learning new characters is a pain in the ass since they're gated,everything is a skillshot and you get bursted from 100% hp to 0 in one second by everything it feels like.
It doesn't help that I'm in FULL smurf territory and it's like I'm the only player out of 9 who doesn't have thousands of hours into the game,and the moment others realize you're not a fellow smurf they're going to be bitch and moan worse than any Dota 2 russian put together.
Honestly, they've improved the new player experience a lot from where it used to be. You get a FUCK ton of free champs when you level up to 15 now. It's not perfect, but not as brutal as it used to be.
>You barely have barely any idea what's going on
Because you aren't used to the game you fucking idiot.
>everything is a skillshot
This adds far less skill than the strategy element that was chopped from Dota in the developmental transition to LoL.
You sound like a false flagging LoLbabby.
ahahaha look how triggered dotards get when one of them speaks the truth.
>what is Dota turbo
>what are custom games
>what is anything in Dota
Dota wins again
Yeah league is definitely easier too get started n adapt to for newbies, which is wild considering how one of the best ways to learn a match up is to play other champs n they lock that behind a grind wall.
Might be cause of how rolls are more cookie cutter but hey prob helps some people who haven't touched these types of games
I mean,sure.
The funniest thing is in my Tristana game I LITERALLY went "let me supp,haven't played this shit in 3 years" and one guy went "don't worry mate,just hit creeps and have fun :)".
And that same guy was flaming 5 minutes later and bitching in chat.As I said,Russians in Dota 2 are like your best friends compared to LoL smurfs,actual bitches.
>so according to what youre saying ranks basically means nothing.
yes that's what I'm saying faggot you suck at the game. ranks are meaningless until you get to d1, everything below that is bronze and I'm not kidding
Imagine getting angry cause someone prefers strawberry over chocolate
>"don't worry mate,just hit creeps and have fun :)"
>flaming 5 minutes later and bitching in chat
That's actually pretty funny.
Not the user you respond to but there is element of skill involved with skill shot as the name implies, but by the fact that the game are much faster and hero movement are much smoother, reactive base skill are much more important compare to the more strategic type in Dota. It doesn’t matter since the majority of Dota player base will not be able to coordinate strategy properly if they not playing 5 stack regularly and actually work together, but these tactical skill are a major factor in the pro scene. Most people will never be pro for Dota so there little reason in putting thousand of hour in it unless you are a special brand of autistic masochist who dumb thousand of hour for a few Moment that can’t be feel else where
It really isn't, League spells and items are way too complex.
Maybe it used to be simpler when all you had was heroes like Rammus or Shaco who are essentially slightly weak Dota heroes, but now that you have shit like Kayn and Pyke and Qiyana and Riven good luck ever learning the game just by playing it.
Dota is just easier to get into. You don't have weird obscure mechanics like lethality and you don't have items with 1000+ character descriptions. Almost every new League hero is nearly as complex as Earth Spirit.
Dota's heroes are really simple compared to League. Dota's complexity is more a result of the map and the interactions between heroes than League's.
>qtpie is based
He won't even call people "faggot" or "retard" on his stream anymore. He's turning SJW.
That "skill" in skillshot for LoL is extremely devalued when they have little impact besides damage and they have a cooldown lower than 6 seconds. Meanwhile a skillshot in Dota has massive impact in comparison.
>majority of Dota player base
How do you know? Unlike LoL, Dota actually HAS a voice chat and a substantive pinging system for notifying your team of any information.
>m-muh pros
are you seriously implying that LoL has no team play or strategy in comparison to Dota? Does LoL not require any coordination or strategy?
Last time I had Russians flaming in my games it went from us arguing constantly calling each-other crack heads in to a competition to be the biggest crack head. Our Sven did some crazy blink in and got chain crits and we won from 30k gold down. Fun times.
Nobody does on Twitch anymore. Faggot is a bannable word now and a lot of streamers think they're gonna ban retard next so they're working it out of their vocabulary.
Pretty sure faggot Is blacklisted on twitch
You don't. Just play without caring nigga, it'll eventually click.
Are you black? If not, don't say that shit. We don't tolerate it on this site.
It's baffling how League of Legends STILL doesn't have VOIP outside of people queued with you. It makes it impossible to coordinate during a teamfight, even if you make a strategy and relay it to your team before a fight you can't quickly change up the strat on the spot.
VOIP has been in multiplayer games for fucking decades, how the FUCK does one of the biggest games on the planet get away with not having it?
League is getting progressively worse every season. Don't waste your time on it and play something else.
Yep, I came back into to game after 4 years and started a new account. I was carrying 80% of my games, only time I couldnt was because someone else was clearly a smurf and got fed harder.
>Implying LoL wasn't born as a Dota mod.
C'mon, user. Cut the crap.
LoL was born because several dota developers thought it was shit and wanted to make their own game.
I see reddit has arrived.
I play on legend and divine tier, which is the top 20% of player so I don’t want to remember the retarded shenanigan you see in like archon and lower. even then when you queue up not 5 stack, people will just do their own thing and less play together, but more play next to each other on the same team. You can’t expect good coordination putting rando together.
I not really trying to under play LoL, and team work definite important in LoLpro scene for a team base game. I simply implies that due to the more restrictiveness of fluidity of movement and the amount of ability and effect from hero with and against each other have to be taken account to, Dota is simply more autistically complicated with more factor and shit have to be accounted for if they want to get any where good in Dota. If you can even consider that a good thing
wow you mean he won't voluntarily throw away his 6 figure job playing video games for a living just to call people faggot? how unbased and over18pilled
jesus you're so assmad user
I understand what your saying but I think from my experience of playing with new people league is pretty friendly.
I think both are pretty complex when it comes to characters I cant imagine a game with either roster being easy for someone new to get the hang of when you have literally zero experience in the genre and dont have a friend to hold your hand give you a sparks notes version of what characters do you
League Itemization really isn't tricky at all, no new player is shitting themselves over what items to buy or anything because the games gives you a cookie cutter build.
The lack of active items eases the burden for a lot of new-players in that regard cause the game only has like 5 active items. New players will build Duskblade because the game tells them too and the next time they auto attack someone they can see what it does they see 'Oh this slows and does bonus damage on my first autoattack' Theres plenty of new n casual players who see these items n mechanics as their simplest terms, and leave at that because you can get away with that in a game like league,
>no argument
Thanks for admitting I'm right!
>reactive base skill are much more important
This is false.
Getting hit with something in Dota is a lot more impactful than getting hit with something in LoL, so there's a lot more focus on blinking away, popping BKB, hitting them with something first, etc.
>League spells and items are way too complex
qt is such an asshole. i checked into his stream and he was at 600 viewers he obviously doesn't care and his viewers don't care about him
>further proving my point
yep, checks out
>so there's a lot more focus on blinking away, popping BKB, hitting them with something first, etc.
League has all of this as well and in addition a fuck ton of skillshots to be wary of and dodge.
LoL is not complex at all, I played the game in season 2 and never touch it again, when watching the LCS I understand what is going on 100%.
But with Dota I have no fucking clue what is going on even after playing it for 2 month.
>League has all of this as well and in addition a fuck ton of skillshots to be wary of and dodge.
LoL's blink can be used after taking damage and all of the game's CC is far weaker and less punishing.
It has much less focus on reaction, it puts less emphasis on the engage.
You want example? Look at RTZ, and Miracle, they have great reactive and team fight skill, but often they loose simply by out draft and out play. Reaction is unarguably important, it just that in league due to the much faster base gameplay compare to Dota reaction speed is much more important. Dota is more attrition base game play. if one team win the early and mid game, but due to team composition of their and the enemy team, they cannot easily push high ground and end or too risky, it leave time and space for the other team to potentially catch up. Then it down to who lost patient and/or time to make a big mistake that potentially tip the scale. Endurance is one skill you see much more often in Dota than league.
he's never really been that hands-on of a streamer. i only know him because he used to be a Yea Forumschat faggot way back before he got popular and played in-houses with us. his editor and his girlfriend were also from Yea Forumschat (league used to have in-client chatrooms). he usually just reads a comment from chat, laughs at it, and goes back to mouthbreathing. i like him because he plays video games and isn't an obnoxious faggot but if you're expecting interaction qt isn't really the man to go to.
>600 viewers
when was this? i don't ever see his stream go below 2k unless it just started
>thing A has more of feature X than thing B does
>but thing A has more of feature Y than feature X
>this means thing B now has more of feature X than thing A does
Literal retard logic