>MC that starts as literal virgin, but grow into better person, or
>MC that starts and stay as chad
Which one do you prefer?
MC that starts as literal virgin, but grow into better person, or
dont really have a preference, but virgin start is objectively a better choice for vidya
Chad that over the years has degraded into a pathetic loser
>Liking flat Arc characters
Like what's the point? I've noticed shows are becoming more like this now.
I prefer original, quality threads to the garbage you just shit out here. Go fuck yourself.
Name a million games
No More Heroes
There is literally nothing wrong with a flat arc character, given the right story format.
I like the MC that starts a virgin and stays a virgin, or ends up even worse.
Silent Hill 2
MC starts out capable but unimpressive, becomes impressive within his own niche but understands he still needs to rely on others to round out the team
>you just need confidence
Start as virgin but only if there's also a cool guy Chad to surpass
You start as a chad and transform into a virgin.
Nuts and bolts
It really depends on the story and what it's trying to portray.
I will say I'm very bored of the modern trend in media (mostly anime) that begins with an extremely powerful MC. I miss the journey of watching a character start weak and have to rely on being resourceful and obtain victory through his cleverness.
They can be pretty good if utilized well, but most of the time it become regular self insert power wanking
He was always a worthless loser, user.
I hate how it becomes a trend, like we've got a billion isekai turds now where the MC is some NEET with game cheats.
Why can there never be a good spread of ideas?
i stopped watching anime because every story was "this guy got lucky/ was born super special and will beat everyone no matter what" type of shit
It depends on the story. Sometimes you can have a compelling story about a character that changes the world and the people around them while staying much the same themselves. This sort of story usually focuses more on the world itself, rather than being a dive into the main character. Fist of the North Star's a good example. Kenshiro is perfect from the get-go, and is an unstoppable force of nature that wrecks everybody except a handful of badasses for most of the show. But it's still a compelling narrative because there's more to the world than Kenshiro being an apex predator, and the other characters on his side are not unstoppable.
>MC that starts as literal virgin, but grow into better person
Boring wish fulfillment/shounen bullshit
>MC that starts and stay as chad
>MC starts as Chad and ends up as a pathetic loser
Kingdom come: Deliverance quite literally
Fable games aswell.
God of War kinf of? I mean he's still a badass but by the end of 3 he'd still unhappy with what he has done and become and kills himself, while he was a prideful asshole before
MC grows into Chad. Because it feels great when personality is getting built.
>Virgin doesn't realize he's a Chad and then realizes but choose to remain a virgin
Thrall in the Warcraft universe.
ike of fire emblems the only good virgin to chad character i can think of. master chief , doom guy , dante, geralt. the chads that stay chads are more numerous andbetter imo.
power doesnt corrupt it reveals. a good guy chad is a good guy , a virgin that gets a taste of power might be evil.
one of those 1 million in 1 chinese handhelds
i win
a million games
>yet people hate symphonia dawn of the new world despites emile growing balls
The best stories are when you have the chad and virgin as best friends that cover each other's weaknesses. I unironically love the power of friendstip trope.
OP is a biased faggot who thinks you can become a chad which is wrong.
You are born a Chad, you might be unsecure but your inner Chad shines through until it fully awakens
Also Garrosh, and Purple Grom.
I HATE character arches. Its just dumb. People dont change. I have been same person ever since I was born
>dead meme
Get out
>still a retarded baby with downs
checks out
>Be fatty teen, self aware so this makes me disinterested in romance because I don't think I deserve it in that state.
>Lose the weight after school is finished
>Decide to put myself out there now that I feel more comfortable and confident
>Pretty much instantly get a 9/10 gf and have other extremely attractive females express interest in me regularly
World of Warcraft
Starts as something in between.
arthas from wc3, literally de levels 2x
Chad, every time.
As a matter of fact, I was born a 132 IQ chad. Check mate incel
Most stories are better when they have the virgin into chad route, but sometimes just simply having a chad roll everything around can be great if done properly. Most people don't seem to know how to write something like that, and because of that we have tons of shitty games/series where the main character is just annoying while being OP.
For example Rance is great for acting like a rapist Chad all the time.
both but I enjoy the former more because character growth is always way more interesting than some duke nukem style snarky one liner spouting retards
It's the main reason why Fable is one of my favorite games of all time
This. Just like there are good stories of weak people becoming strong, there are good stories of people who start out strong. Both have unlimited potential in terms of story telling and their themes. However, it fucking sucks when one becomes more dominant over the other, so we either end up with power wank without the spectacle of it or wish fulfillment without any nuance with it.
I realized how much how I hated the latter when I heard in a fucking show that the MC's only power is "being a good guy". Not a strategic mind, a powerful warrior or even insane persistance, just being a good guy.
Damn I just realized that in Fable you literally go from "virgin" to "chad" true to the meme.
that's what happened to me
Being good at something takes effort, being a good guy does not. If you center your story around someone with Batman-tier self discipline, then you alienate all the lazy weebs and NEETS
Wouldn't that technically be alienating the vast majority of everyone though? Or are you implying that the average person has the discipline of a fictional superhero? If anything weeb/neets would want to play as a "Chad" to feel powerful.
Weebs and NEET's want to feel powerful without any of the hard work, that's why Isekai shit with god hax abilities are so ubiquitous.
Starting as an Asshole arrogant bastard who eventually learn his lessons and become a better dependable person everyone look up to and respect.
max payne all of em
Both are good, but I like it if the Chad starts out as a massive asshole and over the course of the story he slowly mellows out without losing any of the traits that make him awesome.
Also like it when MC starts out as a Chad, then due to some event he becomes a loser and as the story progresses he becomes a Chad yet again.
the entire point of Paul Phoenix is that he is a hasbeen trying to get back on top and failing constantly with his Bruce Lee wannabe friend. oh also Steve hangs around as a voice of reason every now and then but mostly its just two dudes who have fallen from grace getting into antics.
How do I grow into a chad?
just be yourself
lol nice cope
Being a 'chad' is boring after a while. The grass is always greener.
remember when dudebro was actually an insult and not the biggest praise you can stick on someone?
chad was never supposed to be a "better person" counterpart of the virgin, it was supposed to be the other shitty extreme
God of War
Cope with what? I have 0 regrets and I'm happy with how my life has went and how it's going. Wouldn't change a thing. Why is it that anyone mentions that if they are happy or succeeding with improving themselves people here get angry?
God of War
>MC starts as a badass who kills gods
>Gets married and starts raising his wife's son
>goes on a tirade about how he really is a chad now
>MC starts as chad and becomes an even bigger chad
There’s a sizeable population of redditors and assorted normies here who didn’t get it
Community, pretends, idiots etc.
>chad didn't give a shit and literally turned the insult around by being himself
This is precisely why he's a chad and you're a virgin
The asshole chad to loser to cool Chad arc is great, the first assassins creed did an okay job of it from what I recall, though Altair didn’t have much personality to develop. What other games do it?
>A few sentences
I had a feeling I may get an angry reply, it always happens like it says. What does it make you so upset that people are capable of improving themselves and finding out their potential? I didn't say anywhere I was a "Chad" but the mere fact that it could be implied has incensed you. My main point was just that I pretty much hated myself and when I improved myself and stopped doing that I was met with success and the revelation that I was indeed attractive in more ways than just physically.
>scouted by BCS school
>get hurt senior year, but still play club level in undergrad
>get MS
>get fancy job
>get laid off
>fiance bails
>never get another job because over-educated and under-experienced
>NEET mode activate
>no longer able to climb up and down stairs unassisted
>doctors recommend opiates to deal with pain from injuries
>he keeps doing it
On a scale of 1 to 10, how angry are you?
Really angry, 10. I got so mad that I gained all of the weight back in the last 10 minutes.
seething coper
Coping seether.
I too like this and Altair's development. You can see how he went from an arrogant arse into the badass assassin he's supposed to be.
In case of the asshole Chad, I'd add in a similar fashion, Zero's development in MMZ series, though he's not an asshole there. It's more of a stoic cold Chad story that after multiple games culminates in him actually warming up.
Depends entirely on what the game is trying to achieve.
>MC starts as a literal virgin
>MC stays as a literal virgin
>Unless you do optional extra-difficult content that only the most skilled players have a chance of beating
>Then MC grows into a better person
mushoku tensei did its mc progression pretty well
he's pretty OP but he jobs every time because either enemy is plain stronger or more experienced or both
but that's not really important, he starts off as a terrible person who doesn't really care about his new family and just wants to groom cute girls, but ends up valuing his family the most
>being a good guy does not
being truly good guy takes effort
they aren't good guys they're just passive betas with super powers
chad is not about "just being himself" you absolute retard
the whole point of the chad meme was that it's an extremely overcompensating peacock faggot. Brainlets like you only saw that virgin is the 'biggest insult ever' so the chad must be the opposite, meaning it's everything super positive, but it was supposed to be the other side of the spectrum of shitty personality.
Sonic Adventure
This. If you look at early uses of the word it described a dudebro type retard and it was an insult. Now it just means "a perfect man" that "incel" types hate because they aren't that.
1st is the best.