why does Yea Forums hate this game so much?
[spoilers]say something other than its not source[/spoiler]
Why does Yea Forums hate this game so much?
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because [webms of netcode issues that haven't been relevant for years]
It's okay but when I browse the community servers all I could find was a server where people do rap battles while surfing and some 1v1 dueling servers
I liked playing gun game in source and the new gun game is fucking boring and lifeless
Nice spoiler tags. Retard.
Because you fucked up the spoiler even though there's a keybind
I enjoy playing casually and watching 3kliksphilip
isnt that an old clip?
because its not gldsrc.
no func_vehicle
because every gun that isnt the AK, deagle, or the AWP is completely useless
Guess how I know you're silver, or don't play at all.
Because it's obsolete
dont associate actual Yea Forums with casuals. casuals and newfags all hate games that has a high difficulty/ steep learning curve/higher cealing
post an offline clip of dumb hit reg shit happening (you cant)
room temp IQ
If he said that about source i'd pretty much agree.
guess call of duty is the best fps ever made then
because of this fucking glitch valve still refuses to fix
He'd be right if it were source or 1.6, but it's not
Slow gameplay with limited weapon variety (all hit-scan except for grenades), and lacks the depth that AFPS have.
Imagine being the FPS franchise that outlived the arena shooter, Halo, Call of Duty's mainstream dominance, TF2's golden and silver age to which it has to vie for company manpower with, hero shooters, and still going strong in the battle royale era. It just dabs on everyone without trying.
There's fucking nothing out there besides Nintendo with that kind of powerhouse longevity. Maybe mobas.
>dont associate actual Yea Forums with casuals
>implying there's a difference
Where's the autist that spams about Quake?
>shit spray control
makes me chuckle every time
if only he aimed at his shoes, then he would have won
its a jank ass console game that took valve like 5 years to be in a playable state. and the only reason it lived was skin gambling
>crosshair is dead center
>it's you, not the game!
Because theres no custom sprays. But ze is bretty fun.
This is CSGO we're talking about, most guns are useful.
>crosshair not on the guy for the first few shots
>proceeds to fire in full auto
>why are my shots not hitting??
What is recoil?
dont forget
>jumping out of vent
>moving left and right as he starts spraying
>shit spray control
its bait for sure
because they removed func_vehicle. Valve software doesn't care about custom maps
>they removed func_vehicle
Pretty sure it never was in CSGO (or Source) in the first place
he was clearly trying to use the bullet trails as a way to aim rather than the crosshairs, which are proven useless
crosshairs work you just gotta be at 0 velocity and tap them one at a time instead of holding down like an ape
>bullet trails as a way to aim
You mean the tracers?
If yes, that's precisely why you can disable them, they're just fluff and can be misleading, although they've actually updated them so it's better now, but still not a good way to learn how to control your gun.
its not 1.5
>game punishes you for moving
Yes that's how this game works.
>aim isn't as accurate as when you're moving compared to when you're standing still
>wow, how can the game punish me like this?
>why can't I move and shoot perfectly accurately
>what is risk vs reward
How retarded do you have to be to not grasp such a basic concept of game design?
and what is the point of this other than dumbing down the game by removing movement skill. if you say realism I'm going to laugh.
huh. thought PUBG was dead. maybe I'll give it another shot
the people who play this shit are more retarded than the biggest faggots i have ever seen on any cod ever. CS is in fact a prescreening for the upcoming eugenics program.
imagine actually needing to make multiple smurf accounts because you're embarrassed of being seen practicing in casul mode with your main. imagine this actually being the case for 90% of the playerbase. imagine being such a fucking nigger that you felt the need to start shittalking your own teammates half the time. now imagine you chose to play a game which improved literally nothing over its predecessor which was released over a decade ago and was a terrible mod to begin with.
bad game
the core gameplay is bad I don’t care about your inaccurate guns when it’d still be shit even if they were accurate
you forgot 90% of the playerbase is russian and only knows the words "cyka" and "noob".
Too many russians
Fucking skins for weapons
>having risk vs reward is dumbing down
>having pixel perfect accuracy while moving isn't
Enjoy your dead arena shooters.
Shit taste
ok lil zoom you can go play fortnite I'm not stopping you
Becaus they can't git gud at it
CSGO is art
A "Pro" player was only caught cheating in a legitimate major, up until that point they were able to cheat their way to victory.
Imagine if they werent a pajeet and actually had the money and experience to buy better cheats, have connections to TO's and were able to hide their cheating more effectively, its almost like they'd be Flusha.
>having risk vs reward is dumbing down
there's already inherent risk in being the attacker, you make noise and you have to check every angle while defenders can just hold their crosshair on a door and wait.
but i like csgo. i liked source and i liked 1.6. i just like counterstrike
>defenders can just hold their crosshair on a door and wait
>what is peeking
>what's prefiring
>what is smoke/flash/decoy
You could've said you're a silver 2, I wouldn't have wasted my time.
yeah that's why ct wins every match ever and every map is ct sided right?
>what is peeking
a smart player could counter peek you by listening to your footsteps
>what's prefiring
something that's only practical in cs because the maps are all barren and empty making it easy to clear rooms and small enough you can guess where the enemy is most of the time
>what is smoke/flash/decoy
goes both ways
There is still movement skill in the game you moron, learn to counter strafe
The Indian dude caught was not at a major.
because RNG
The spray pattern memorisation is dumb and outdated, its just an unnecessary level of obfuscation and bullshit between pointing your gun at the man and shooting him
Very old. They fixed most issues so that if you hate it now it's probably because you're uncoordinated
Spray pattern is identical meaning no rng at all...
You must actually be fucking shitter than trash at CS
There is RNG on every bullet though. Even the first bullet of the AK has a good chance to miss at long range.
>dumb and outdated
Ah yes, that's why we need to make it like every other shooter, what a great idea.
>unnecessary level of obfuscation
>I need to learn things to play well why isn't it like the others
Skill, the word you're looking for is skill.
Its not skill user, its rote memorisation.
Any old autist can memorise the patterns given enough time, so its just a bunch of busy work to do before you can actually play the game properly.
Sounds like you're a whiny bitchboy that you don't have the skill needed.
And you sound like a salty C**nter St***e player
noobs just like CSS so much because the hitboxes for heads are massive and so scrubs with their huge crosshairs get randy headshots everywhere
>muh bhop maps and shit
they're still around, and they are the exact same source maps, go to the community servers
>Proficiency, facility, or dexterity that is acquired or developed through training or experience.
>learning the games' systems makes a better player out of you
Yeah it's skill.
I have an idea to increase the skill ceiling for CS, at round start you should have to input an excerpt from the bible before you're allowed to move/shoot, it would have be a random section so as to ensure players were truly skilled enough to memorise the entirety of the good book.
I think this would be a fun addition to the CS formula.
t. scrub who can't into spray proficiency.
I play this on mac
shut up nigger
Valve shit
>not even a thousand players on arena shooters right now
I'm sure the next game to come out in the genre will totally be a success, it'll bring everyone back to it!
>what is a hard game to you?
Do you really need to ask this question?
Hard games are ones that challenge your dexterity/reaction speed/problem solving ability. Speaking purely from a multiplayer perspective anything from Quake, Age of Empires to fucking chess.
>get close to enemy
>sights literally on him, dead center
>somehow miss
>in any other game it would've been a bit but because I didn't memorize the recoil pattern of my gun I missed a point blank shot. also you have to take into account if the server was hiccuping because it doesn't matter if you see blood or not, that's client side.
>every comp match feels like there's a smurf or a hacker on the other team, literally 90% of the time someone is walling.
Playing CSGO is probably the most frustrating and unfun experience I've ever had with a multiplayer game. I'm glad I quit that shit years ago because I know it didn't get any better.
The only active community servers are one Zombie Escape server, which is a fucking garbage game mode, and 1v1 Arena.
I miss the cozy fun community of endless custom maps and gamemodes of 1.6 and Source. Game feels lifeless compared to it but mUh E-SpOrTs!! !
It's f2p now, so it's even worse.
I have to agree on that, CSGO is less moddable, and the focus on matchmaking and ranked is shit.
>f2p now, so it's even worse
Do you even know what you're talking about?
Git gud
It's not 1.6
I did by playing better games lmao
Yeah I heard about that, that's awful.
You don't get matched with f2players you dummies.
If you're moving.
also k1o was cheating and why he moved all his items off his steam acc when kqly got vaccd
nevermind the favalas
>also k1o was cheating
That's sort of the point. If you want to sit far back, that's what the SG553 is for. You're meant to close distances before using the AK.
Nope it's even if you're standing still.
>magine actually needing to make multiple smurf accounts because you're embarrassed of being seen practicing in casul mode with your main. imagine this actually being the case for 90% of the playerbase
He got stomped on his silver/nova MM.
It wasn't probably smurfs though, but players who wanted to get their rank back after month of inactivity. If you lose your first match you'll lose like 5 ranks, that system is retarded, I dropped to novas from MGE.
No, the game didn't change because of free players. Prime lobbies are always segregated, so the worst case scenario is you get matched with somebody who got prime through leveling, which means the guy is at least competent.
Matchmaking is probably better in total because Valve has multiple systems in place for separating the wheat from the chaff.
>why does Yea Forums hate csgay so much
Why hasn't anyone mentioned the ugly gamebanna skins that make the guns look like childrens toys? and there is no way to sv_pure
That video is about the accuracy at range.
What now, is it bad that you're supposed to use a variety of weapons, or rely on your teammates for different ranges instead of being able to do everything with a single weapon?
AK-47 isn't supposed to be used from A to pit on dust2, he shows that the SG553 and snipers are accurate in that scenario though.
>shitty riced out skins are part of the game
>every aspect of game design caters to turbo autistic comp fags. You can't have fun unless two faggots who pixel snipe each other 3 seconds into round approved the map design.
>some of the most popular CS maps literally don't exist anymore because of the above reason: dust1 and aztek
>CS's endless fun and unique custom servers are pretty much dead
If it was recoil then the bullets would still go to the crosshair. This is just lazy/bad game design.
CS:GO's recoil patterns are designed in a way that requires more attentive mouse movement than only training your crosshair on the opponent.
Look at the Negev. Its pattern goes way to the upper right of the crosshair, but it's surprisingly precise.
>If it was recoil then the bullets would still go to the crosshair
No they wouldn't.
>This is just lazy/bad game design
Whatever makes you feel better about not being able to hit shit.
As someone else said it's a mechanic in game to reflect the difficult of aiming accurately over distance in real life. It's not RNG and it would be retarded if it wasn't built in the same way awp isn't accurate at shotgun range.
I can't find but people still mention it on HLTV and no one disputes it. He's a sneaky french fuck, so wouldn't be shocked if him and KQVEMAN were cheating
Don't forget fire and the other one... I forgot it's name but it was remade to season.
ALso, if you didn't enjoy staying up late at night camping on gigantic maps in 1.6 you're a faggot
It's RNG you absolute retards
Read the fucking thread before spouting shit.
I won't bother explaining again what's been said above.
>the freemium shit has more players
wow, color me surprised
but CSGO is a ONLINE multiplayer game, people dont play it offline
I have, there ain't shit here chief
CSGO hasn't got a big population boost from going f2p if you look at the graph.
>Hitscan RNG weapon handling
There is a random element, but every weapon has a predictable spray pattern that causes your aim to desynchronize from your crosshair. The UMP clip demonstrates very poor recoil control and the AK clip is just unfortunate. A lot of the weapons in this game instakill on headshot so it makes sense to limit their effective range.
>CS 1.6 and CSS was the most comfyiest shit ever with custom maps, custom gamemodes and all the tryhard spergs kept to their own servers
>CSGO comes along and kills the population of previous games
>dead on arrival
>only gets popular when skins are released
>99% of people only play the tryhard faggot 5v5 comp mode
>custom servers are just surf shit or are empty
>no more community because modding got gimped hard and people only create maps to get picked by valve to be included into the next event
>game is full of children and man children
>way more hackers than the total population of all the other CS games combined
>makes you pay for a cuck stamp to get matched with non hackers
>went f2p and has an even worse hacker problem
>battle royal
>uhh dont mind that AK clip, just forget about that one lol
>"its okay to limit the range of an SMG to less than point blank for muh AK/M4 meta balance"
whats with you faggots defending such a shit game and knowing nothing about how it actually works?
See thing
>CSGO comes along and kills the population of previous games
Source was never that popular and 1.6 had its population slowly decreasing for years because it's a 20 years old game.
>went f2p and has an even worse hacker problem
No impact on your experience if you bought the game.
>battle royal
It's pretty good, different from the others and has been in development since before the BR craze, there were files related to it before PUBG was even a thing.
I played 1.6 and CS:S and actually liked the surf, minigame, deathrun, jail & gun game maps more. Is that even a thing in CS:GO?
>>way more hackers than the total population of all the other CS games combined
>>makes you pay for a cuck stamp to get matched with non hackers
>>went f2p and has an even worse hacker problem
How many times are you going to say the same thing? Trust factor and overwatch generally do well to remove hackers from the match pool. Going free to play means there are more kids, since a lot of hackers were rebuying the game anyway.
Spraying the whole magazine of an SMG isn't going to hit anything in particular. The game balance favors standing burst fire, not jumping out of vents and unloading while flailing the mouse.
The AK is a relatively cheap rifle that always kills on a headshot, so from a balance perspective you can't make it perfect.
Yes, check the server browser.
surf gungame and jail are unsure of the others
Feels good to be global elite
>why does Yea Forums hate this game so much?
>[spoilers]say something other than its not source[/spoiler]
It's not 1.6
>source and 1.6 werent popular
they both had 50K players right before CSGO came out
>making a game you paid for FREE for other faggots doesnt impact the experience
yeah it does, now anyfaggot can create an alt and fuck shit up, you dont need to have bought the game because that prime matchmaking shit doesnt do anything, there are still a million hackers ruining the game
>it came before PUBG was a thing even though BR games were a thing before PUBG
yeah, that doesnt make it any less shit just because they thought about it before the cashcow craze came around
>trust factor
>doing anything
yeah they dont do shit, they havent made a dent in the hacker population which makes up a huge chunk of the playerbase
>spraying with the SMG isnt going to hit anything
it usually does
>the game favors STANDING burst fire
except it doesnt and never has, it favours an instant stop in movement, you can literally press ADA and instantly recover from any movement you just made and become perfectly accurate
>AK is cheap and can kill with 1 headshot
>so its understandable that it has bad accuracy despite having the 1st shot being extremely accurate at any range
you can just stutter step and 1 shot anyone from any range
Hey buddy if you just want to claim the opposite st every opportunity, go ahead
Maybe you get matched with other low trust factor people because you're always a faggot. Sad, really.
Is that the best you CSGOYIM can come up with?
>they both had 50K players right before CSGO came out
And CSGO had no impact because as you said it was shit at launch and no one played it.
>prime matchmaking shit doesnt do anything
You're clueless.
If you bought the game you won't play with f2p players, and even if a hacker makes a new account and buys the game you won't be with them because of the low trust factor of their account since it's brand new.
Unless you got a low trust factor you'll never play with that kind.
>gigantic maps in 1.6
This is what peak cs was for me.
Giant fucking maps with blimps and forklifts you can drive. Anything less than 32 players felt empty. Friendly Fire always on for lulz.
I keep finding players with lv0-1 accounts and no games bought who score on par or everywhere on the scoreboard in comparison to more established players. This stops when I enter fucking comp mode. Its clear there are nothing but smurfs playing this game
>And CSGO had no impact because as you said it was shit at launch and no one played it.
yeah thats the point, you cant say source was never popular when even up to the release of CSGO it was still 50K strong
>he actually believes in valves lies
okay kid, lemme break it down for ya, that "trust factor" is a load of shit valve put in the game to make you feel like you are actually apart of something, just like with that faggy ranking system, it means nothing and it does nothing
Life was so good
to summarise the SEETHING:tm: tards itt, the main complaints are muh nostalgia and aimlets
>pracitcing pixel jumps for 15 hours until dawn
when you slow down a 32 tick demo you're not getting an accurate representation of what actually happened
I hate it cause it's a boring "competitive" FPS for zoomers with ADHD.
While CS 1.6 had some sense of tactics, due to faster ttk and much more accurate weapons, CSGO is a pure cancer twitch shooter, that facilitates stupid adadad spam, running at full speed 99% of the time and has peekers advantage due to fast movement speed. Grenades were also nerfed because fuck you.
In the end what that means is that CSGO does not punish dumb actions well enough, does not reward positioning well enough and instead focuses on aim which in turn requires you to play more and spend more money on lootboxes, because if you don't play a lot your aim becomes inconsistent.
tl;dr twitch shooters suck dick
t. fucking retard who know nothing about CS games
Siege is a fucking terrible game though.
>t. butt hurt 19 year old
>posting an issue that was fixed 4 years ago
this is your brain on Yea Forums
>t. old boomer who has fucking nothing to do in life because he's been wasting his everything on vidya since the 90s so he comes to the worst place on earth to discuss video games and call other people enjoying vidya zoomers
>had to write that wall of text
lol what a buttman faggot
Surfing just isn't as fun in CS:GO as it was in CS:S.
I love how examples like this are the go-to reason that this game is bad, even though shit like this happening is very rare, and happens in every multiplayer game. The hit detection is actually very solid 99,9% of the time, not 50% as posters like you want to believe.
And I don't even like CS:GO that much (or competitive games in general), but this kind of representation is just unfair.
I didn't but now I do because of f2p script kiddies. It feels like I'm playing Combat Arms again.
This is such irrelevant bullshit that's been fixed for years. This happens much, much in CS:GO than in the vast majority of first person shooters, especially since the problems with hit-boxes have largely been fixed for 4 years at this stage.