Dying Light 2 gameplay in 13 hours. What are you hoping for with this one?
Dying Light 2 gameplay in 13 hours. What are you hoping for with this one?
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More gunplay
More environmental shit, the guy jumping on that pipe and kicking that bandit was cool, but i hope that that wasnt just scripted bullshit and its actually a common mechanic
Overhaul on zombies, better AI, they can destroy doors and stuff, more types, maybe they can hold random objects as weapons, etc
Make guns actually good
Theyve already got me on the hook with that stupid "YOUR CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES" gimmick, just let it be good please
I want to be able to drop kick twice as hard.
I hope day zombies still exist and I can still chop their heads off, doesn't look good for that though
better build variety options. i dont want to be able to just get max level and have every single skill maxed out. i want to be able to experiment with different skill trees
Zombies that assemble together into a larger Combi-Zombie
Nothing. Dying light, like all games made past 1999, is soulless garbage for a generation of retarded zoomers.
The only reason i'm interested in this is because Chris Avellone is involved. Should I play Dying Light 1?
>Should I play Dying Light 1?
It's a good time. Story is trash but the parkour and drop-kicking zombos is fun
I don't think that there would be anything to miss in 1 going over to 2, but it's still a pretty good game, extremely fun parkour and level design that allows for fun freerunning as well. The story is terrible though and the final boss is a QTE.
Yeah, but dont expect much.
If your interested in Chris Avellone's works then DL1 is not exactly within the same genre, its just a fun hack and slash parkour game.
Just want to get the feeling of the gameplay. The parkour sounds fun, i'll give it a shot, thanks
>What are you hoping for with this one?
A Tony Hawk cameo
Fuck you, now I want a skateboard as well
The sequel should unironically focus more on guns, get rid of the zany melee weapons and replace them with basic machetes, knives etc.
No. Story is shit and the gameplay worse.
>What are you hoping for with this one?
Better gameplay than "Dead Island with slightly better parkour/platforming."
The combat is/was SHIIIITTTTTTTT in Dying Light and Dead Island. I have no clue why people enjoy these games when slashing a zombie in the face 5 times still doesn't kill it.
>focus more on guns
The game became braindead easy in Old Town once you got a rifle and started having human enemies with guns to replenish your ammo
>Should I play Dying Light
Yes, its a great game with some actual good gameplay. The story isn't anything to write home about, it kind of plays out like a 80's action flick which can be fun. The DLC is also worth playing after the main game, it feels like an expansion more then DLC which is a rarity these days.
The good ending for The Following was goddamn perfect for Kyle's character
For the night segments to be as intimidating and stressful as they were in the reveal for the first
If you mean the boss ending then I agree
world exploration, more stuff on the choices stuff, hope its not a more-action-y game like DL1 and a bit more realistic, good combat and great writing, which avellone does well.
fun times drop kicking zombies with a buddy.
Also better gore.
>Combat and parkour is improved and has more built into it
>fun mods and weapons
>fun gadgets
>a grapple hook that doesnt feel like it was implemented an hour before release
>zombies are still a massive part of enemy encounters (i hope it isnt 80% human and 20% zombies)
>new zombie types
>fun skills
>rpg stats
>more ways to play and possible builds with said rpg stats
>exploring is cooler and you're able to go into a hotel or something and be able to check every floor and a good amount of rooms instead of loading into a single floor which holds a few rooms and thats it
>exploration is more encouraged
>actual armour and customization
>customizable hidouts
Realistically, I doubt i'll get even one fifth of these.
They're using a new engine for this one, right?
>cute Slav girl MC with cute noises
>ugly man grunts
the publisher is the same as metro, hope they don't go epic exclusive with DL2
Nigga quit being such a huge homo
>good ending
what, there are only two endings and they both have their ups and downs, also isn't there a way to detonate the nuke without doing the story? or is that just a rumour.
>zombies still a part of encounters
I kinda want more humans, not to the point of 80-20 but I think with a good AI and humans that can follow you around it would be good to have it like at 50-50, also either add another type of enemy in or make another human faction or let the player have followers, 3 way encounters are fun as hell.
>You like girls? That is so gay
The fact there's a horde of survivors now(there were about 1,000 gunmen in 1 too) makes me hope survivors can actually defend points of interest. In 1 survivors of any type except the random encounters where you have to protect them, even the hostile gunmen did 0 damage to zombies and you could hang out on a roof top watching the gunmen shooting zombies spawning dozens of runners with no one dying and the guys just getting scratched infinitely.
Yes you can but only after you do the story first
Less mexicans, more whites.
>fully explorable buildings
Haha no way. It's still going to be loading into zones of a building for story pieces
I mean like to get the nuke before the story tells you to
I wish Dead Island 2 was still alive. Dying Light 2 sounds awful with that narrative shit, and focus on the humans. It's gonna be half assed as fuck and the entire game will suffer for it.
Bad post
The story isn't particularly compelling, it's pretty by the numbers and feels like your niece could have wrote it, so you'll feel right at home if you enjoy Chris Avellone.
Fuck all of that.
The only reason I care for Dying Light 2 is because of Avellone.
Hi zoe quin
>Christine Cuckalone
drop the half assed gunplay and focus on melee weapons and environmental shit
Wall-Running not being cut again this time
Pipes and such that you can use to either launch up or forward
Upgrades become more modular instead of being one permanent change
Traps that can be set up to varying degrees
Removal of the ability to skip nights
Toning down Chris Avellone trying to turn the day into Walking Dead fanfiction w/ no outside zombies
Make the drop kill and floor finisher available earlier in the skill tree
Make sliding, slide kicks, drop kicks, enemy jump, and power attacks basic abilities
Turn grappling hooks into a normal hook on a rope; you can use it to skip having to find your way up but still have to climb, and you can use it to swing off of things while running
Add a chance for the Night Hunter to show up during max chases
Cancel Bad Blood and incorporate it into Dying Light 2 as a multiplayer mode
Some preservation of the intentional B-Movie tone of the original instead of sacrificing it entirely for people who never played the first game and are only interested in the sequel because of Avellone
Actually releasing the Linux version on GOG
Proper crossplay between versions on both stores, especially considering even LAN between Steam and GOG was made impossible
More fleshed out random encounters like in the original trailer with Brecken as the protag
Ventilate and dilate
>Open world
>"your choices matter"
>Grappling hook idea
this, too many games make a grappling hook a shitty reel-in tool, being able to climb the rope and shit will be fun and nothing is better than running throwing the rope and swinging across a gap, although I would be happy with just the be the zombie mode grappling but for the normal hook.
>put bad blood into DL2
yes, BB was a shit game because it was separate from DL1, if they just added it as a DLC for 1 it would have been 10 times better, it just isn't enough to stand on it's own.
Dead Island 2 is still alive. THQ recently announced that the Homefront: The Revolution devs are making it now.
Seems like a souped up version of the first game, with the whole story choices thing. That, and I think they took the blocking from Bad Blood. I've always wondered why a secret agent couldn't block and yet a meth head could keep blocking all day long with a rotten stick
To be technical, Dambuster were always working on Dead Island 2. (There are some question marks about whether they had another game in development, mind you.) For some reason they were upgraded to lead developer instead of support developer, possibly in 2018. Hopefully the project turns out okay. There's a lot of potential in the zombie genre.
>Dead Island 2 is still alive.
>dambuster studios
It's trash.
Homefront: The Revolution is a rough gem and its DLC is fantastic. I'm confident they'll do a great job with Dead Island 2 assuming they don't get fucked over somehow.
any closure on the system requirements?
what im seeing on the web is too high and retarded
fuck gaytracing
Good game with decent factions and still shit writing.
>b-but muh Avellone!
lol he's only good at writing edgy faggots like Ulysses, Durance and Kreia these days.
The game is aiming for 60fps on consoles last time I checked.
Reminder Avellone is a soi guzzling cuck and shit writer.
I'd be fine with getting all the skills if it wasn't for the fact this game is coop. Which means build variety adds another layer to the multiplayer fun.
Not as interesting when everyone can do the exact same thing.
I always liked this when it happened in manga or other zombie material. I'd be down for it
>more ways to play and possible builds with said rpg stats>exploring is cooler and you're able to go into a hotel or something and be able to check every floor and a good amount of rooms instead of loading into a single floor which holds a few rooms and thats it
play the quarantined zone submissions
these were pure dread kino with ground 0 locations like big restaurants and hotels where the infection started now sealed off
you get to comb every floor and room
>this is who reddit pretends is a good writer
next gen or ps4s?
>no redeeming qualities (such as misogyny)
How did he get away with this?
There's actually nothing wrong with soi. You got meme'd
PS4 Pro/Xbox One X I assume. Kinda like Rage 2.
No grind
No even more pointless grind
No sponges
No breakable crowbars and alike
No rubber banding
No magic spawn of annoying specials out of thin air in front of you
No fucking swarms of virals
No whatever is your name fucking parkour my groceries
No every mission is a fucking scavenge this and that for X mission
Hopefully better lipsyncing... I loved the visuals in the original Dying Light (after turning off film grain and chromic aberration), and made me realize what a true "next-gen" game would look like... but that lip syncing was total trash garbage. Among the worst on the Xbox One/PS4 era.
Personally my favourite onions is "Onions Green"... wait a minute...
Hold on... S.O.Y.L.E.N.T changes to "onions?" How odd of Yea Forums.
>Yeah! Fuck all these potetially interesting/good changes because some okay writer is writing for this game!
I guarantee you the writing won't be anything special to write home to, the writing in video games has been pretty garbage/average for a while now
>being this much of a cum guzzling fanboy
Box art boi looks CUTE!
Story. This is an RPG after all. I don't give a shit about killing zombies since I'm not a child.
No magic grappling. The thing had insane range and was good of a "Oh shit I'm swarmed I better get out of here!" It made climbing less needed. Just grappling hook your way up.
ur a faget
I remember needing to turn off film grain early in the game too. It was grainy as fuck.
Yeah you can find the codes for the nukes early and blow yourself up
Game became braindead easy when you got that stomp-climbing-zombies-head-in attack. Why waste ammo or weapons when you could one shot with a stomp.
>How odd of Yea Forums.
How fucking new are you?
Why do people delude themselves into thinking Chris Avellone is a good writer? He's on the same level as Chris Metzen's storytelling.
The first game was so no fun allowed it was ridiculous, especially on Nightmare
>Want to use any gun other than a silenced handgun? Well fuck you, they're all shit and attract 300 running niggers to you exact location within 3 seconds of a single bullet fired
>Want to use any explosive but molotovs? Well fuck you, they're all shit and attract 300 running niggers to your exact location within 3 seconds of detonating.
>Having too much fun freerunning? Sorry, you just landed on a wooden roof and now 300 running niggers are coming in 3 seconds
>Oh, you want to use a propane tank or an oul barrel to blow up some zombies? Better ready your asshole for more running niggers
Why did virals spawn so often and who thought it was a good idea? They weren't even difficult, since you could just cheese them by climbing on a bus or roof and insta killing them with kicks to the head when they tried to climb up. Seriously made the game go from a solid 8 to a 6 for me.
i want blunt weapons and two handed weapons to get a fucking buff, its annoying how shit they are.
>epic exclusive
No thanks chang
Please be joking
hopefully no retarded mmo tier crafting
weapon mods are fine but stats and levels are a no no
A virtual cock and the ability to fuck and pee on anything I please.
more of the same but an overhaul with how hitting heads work. i seem to always have to aim above their heads to score a good hit, feels raw man.
also a story that isn't dog shit and predictable, but also not mr shitface levels of self irony and cringey ""humor""
nigger what, it is gonna come out on Steam
hoping the menu/ui/controls won't stay consolized like first game, i surprisingly had fun with DL1 with a friend bu the controls weren't the best for an FPS
Imagine releasing any game or any game hype on the same day as WoW classic. Anyone who decided on this date shouldn't keep their jobs.
2019 and people should still care about that mess of WoW?
Remember how hot Ezgi was??? I hope she and her friend actually made it back to the Tower
for it to not be utter dog shit like dying light & dead island I guess.
Why are you here?
theres a board called /vr/ you know?
Better be fucking perfect seeing as hellraid died for it.
Also an ending that isn't locked behind dlc would be neat.
Better gunplay as well. I get that this is a zombie beat-em-up but sometimes I wanna just unload into some cunts.
Imagine being such a retard you care more about who's writing the story for vidya and not that the devs actually try to make the GAMEplay in a video fucking GAME better.