Is this supposed to be like kinda boring?
Is this supposed to be like kinda boring?
Shut the FUCK up.
you got memed
the boku no pico of JRPGs.
wrong youre wrong wrong
Yes. DQ is everything wrong with JRPGs in a single series.
DQ is a series for people who can tolerate bland gameplay in return for a shounen tier plot.
Your first jrpg? Menu simulator with simple strategy/gamplay, shounen "a hero's journey" plot with a few twists, and little excitement
>Be OP
>Purchase a DQ game not knowing that they were known for the boring grind
>Proceed to complain about the boring grind.
Don't worry my precious retard, I'm sure they would have fixed the "grinding problem" by the time the next one rolls around. Be sure to preorder.
put the trip back on so i can filter you again ruggadick
DQ is for people who don't care about all the superfluous shit that other JRPGs have and just wanna have fun. A cool party of characters, dumb but charming NPCs and monsters, worlds where each town has its own little story, and usually great main plots. People who say the plots are generic haven't played 4 through 9. And maybe most importantly: the games don't take themselves too seriously.
>DQ is for people who don't care about all the superfluous shit that other JRPGs have and just wanna have fun.
Nothing more fun than safe bland combat
It's fun because it's simple but not easy. You gotta put some thought into it but without having to keep track of a thousand different mechanics
Play Wizardry if you want a turn-based rpg to fuck your boipussy.
It's not.
If you're bored then you're the problem, not the game.
How much you wanna bet its the same guy spamming these threads
It's linear bland trash user, don't bother with it.
Actually... it is. The game is a slow burner. A REALLY slow burner.
As a matter of fact, you will beat the hundred hours long story and you will still have half the game to beat. And I don't mean like sidequests and shit... the game main story has you literally beating the game twice.
I've seen this same thread three days in a row now.
Yes its an rpg what did you expect other than autism
It gets good 70 hours in.
how many times have you posted this bro?
based nigga is back.
Yes, actually. Like, not necessarily "boring", but Dragon Quest is huge in Japan, partially because it's like...well, I guess the best way to put it, even though it's buzzwordy, is "Comfy". It's a familiar thing, and it's not expected to really shake up the formula, or do anything revolutionary. Just be Dragon Quest.
>shounen tier plot
I don't know what shounen is, but is it a plot that's cliche, bland, unsurprising, childish, and lacking in realistic character motivations and actions?
This is the 100th thread you've made on this. Just play another game if you don't like it. Jesus christ you must have some serious autism.
>good game comes out
>everyone likes it
>"hmm, I know what would make me stand out! I'll say I DON'T like it. That'll show those bullies!"
grow up, Keith
Kind of?
Shonen is Japanese manga/anime for boys. Like Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece, etc.
>Dont care about superflous shit
>have to deal with the skill trees and weapon crafting
Yeah ok bud
Yes, it's for Nippon salaryman who lack imagination
The contrarian shit on this board is getting old
Name one popular shounen without decent character motivations.
You can stop pretending to dislike it cuz the best edition is on switch now.
it's a dragon quest game, so yes, yes it is.
it's surprisingly fun. just beat the Tricky Devil after fucking up the first time for not grinding enough
I said kind of
why switch version looks like dogshit?
Are you supposed to be retarded?
no you
Kinda boring, yes.
Not entirely boring, more I wish I was playing DQ8 instead where I was actually having fun, sort of boring. String you along slowly hoping it gets better sort of boring. Why aren't you finished yet I've put so much mediocre time into you I just want it over, sort of boring.
switch exchanges power for portability. all my controllers are broken (and my powerA wired controller is a defect) so i can only play in handheld
No you
no no
Nah, it's just when a story when a boys leaves his home village to fight some evil in the world. It's basically the Japanese version of the Lord of the Rings.
Play hard mode, nigger. You don't reach a proper boss in DQ11 for 5 hours