
Attached: silent_hill_2_there_was_a_hole_here_its_gone_now.jpg (475x358, 28K)

the town made him stupid

Attached: there was a HOLE here.png (364x287, 118K)

Overrated series. Don't @ me.

kill yourself.

I said don't @ me.

I said kill yourself.

Attached: do it.png (500x659, 196K)

i will twitternigger

Looks like someone forgot to dilate

Attached: Dabbird.webm (854x480, 571K)

Attached: @.jpg (250x188, 9K)

there was a chad here
he's a virgin now


He was always a virgin, but he repressed the memory. Time to drive into a lake.

>Wondered who took it
>Years later (today, right now), realize that's not what it meant

there was virgin here
he's drowned now




Attached: Its gone.png (565x52, 23K)

Really makes you think huh

Attached: originalhole.jpg (640x480, 64K)

I thought it refers to his foreskin

What game is that?


Attached: crane-part-2-raynor.jpg (584x245, 37K)

my cock was whole once
it's gone now

What did he mean by this

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and its companion.

Attached: necroticcancerpiecesinpolymicrobialabscesssoup.png (645x434, 172K)

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


It's symbolizing his delusional state of mind

Wear a dress and take hormones if you must, but for god sakes stop mutilating your junk

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How you do a post with no text Yea Forums?

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