Why haven't you bought a Nintendo Switch yet?

Why haven't you bought a Nintendo Switch yet?

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I'm waiting for an updated model to come out


>Bought Switch for SMTV, Bayo 3, MP4
>Non of these games are in sight
I've made a terrible mistake with this fucking tablet. Atleast Astral Chain is coming

No mighty final fight in the nes online app

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>Bayo 3
Wait for TGA 2019

One of these games is not like the other
One of them doesn't exist... yet.

>Using Pokemon as an example of why you should buy a Switch
Fuck off you retarded shill nigger

I don't buy consoles. Also, I can emulate it.

I'm not buying one just for a better version to come out shortly after

>>Bought Switch for SMTV, Bayo 3, MP4
You bought a console for ngames that didn't come out yet, you're the idiot, not Nintendo - buy systems for games that are already out and which look fine to you.

Remove pokemon and p5 warriors and sub in three houses and astral chain

Because you should just have a PC, fuck cocksoles

Persona 5, nice.

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only game worth fucking around with was breath of the wild and trust me, that game was an overhyped mess with no direction. It's more of a sandbox tech demo than a game.
And I can just emulate that shit on PC.

Smash is fun but it's not worth paying for a switch just for one game.

I like Nintendo quite a bit and tend to get their stuff at launch, but you should have just waited if this was what drew you to the console. Sucks that Prime 4 got delayed, but none of them were going to be coming out any time soon.
I wanted Mario and Zelda and shit, but you could have just waited for a price drop and revisions to fix early run defects and oversights.

preordered the lite.

I have a switch but I don’t like any of it’s exclusives

I did, then I finished Odyssey and BOTW so I junked it.


But I did, half a year ago when the prices were cheap and the old models were starting to become harder to find.

So far, I have no fucking games for it. Played a bit of Onimusha yesterday, that was fun.

Switch is a fantastic handheld, and a mid tier home console. It's a great system, with plenty of fun (although mostly childish games). Everyone gets so salty about this system, but I don't really get why. I own a PS4 and PC as well, but I sincerely enjoy the Switch for what it is.

Attached: Switch_coming_soon.png (1020x2047, 3.21M)

I own Wii U and there are no reasons to buy inferior hardware to play butchered ports and low-effort "sequels".

Alright, what other Switch games do I get.
New Zelda, RE and DQXIS are already on my must buy list by the way.

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They gave us the Switch Lite, with only half the features and $100 less of the original cost. Your upgraded Switch won't exist for another 3 or 4 years, bud.

Replace that godawful pokecancer with Splatoon 2 and now we're talkin

Absolute shit taste in manga
Animal Crossing is supposed to be good (March 2020). Also, Luigi's mansion.

>Absolute shit taste in manga
I got like 5 shelves of it.
>Animal Crossing is supposed to be good (March 2020). Also, Luigi's mansion.
Never liked Animal Crossing. Might give Luigi's Mansion a try though. Liked the first one specifically because it was essentially "baby's first RE"

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How about DK tropical freeze?

Never liked DKC games

I've had mine for almost a year now and love it. I got a 400gb disk and have had to start deleting things recently because there's just so much. I preordered the lite pokemon edition, but might cancel the order if they're still available near launch, and don't even know if I'll keep it or just resell it if it's gone up in value (I'll probably just keep it).

Just bought one with oddysey. First thing I noticed is the 12/10 sound design for the interface. Never bought a nintendo console before and I'm really excited to try out their first party titles.


>Never liked DKC games
wtf is wrong with you bro? what's not to like?

Sounds good. I can wait. Thanks for beta testing for me, pal.

Epic XD

>He's going to wait for a minor upgrade version of the console which will be completely indistinguishable from a regular Switch only BotW won't chug in Korok Forest

Bought a Switch on Day One. Its easily my most played gaming device of the past 3 years. I love it.

Sounds good? And I can get games cheaper from ebay? Sounds good.

>The Switch 2 is announced a week after your purchase

I'm poor
Actually i got a job this summer so I'll probably buy the mini once it releases, assuming the first reviews confirm it's a functional enough machine

you should really only buy the consoles when you have a release date. None of those did, and currently still don't.