Is this the worst MMO ever made?

Is this the worst MMO ever made?

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No, FFXIV exists

For now, but that will change within the next 24 hours.

Far from the worst, but no other MMO has led to creating as many god awful clones that saturate the market to the point that the entire genre is deserving of death just to break that stagnation.

It's as impressive as it is fucking stupid.


Think about it.

Vanilla > TBC > MoP > Wrath > Cata > Legion > WoD > BFA

yes, it opened the flood gates for casuals in the mmo market
It paints all the homefags who claim to be going back to "a true hardcore experience" as larping zoomers

>decided to give retail a try this weekend before classic launches to morrow
>level a character up to 20
>quit out of shear boredom
>mfw BFA is even worst then people make it out to be
it was so gosh darn easy, i don't think i went oom once and basically stopped look at my health bar after an hour of play, just given spells when you level up, getting new items felt utterly unexciting because you never felt weak anyway, no need to talk to people ever, streamlined into the most boring mess i ever played, thank fricking god classic is coming out tomorrow, at least the new models looked nice, that about the only positive thing i can say about it i suppose

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You really experienced the latest expansion while levelling through that Cata content bro.

>at least the new models looked nice, that about the only positive thing i can say about it i suppose
some things about modern wow are actually good and i wish classic would pick em up
>graphically zones are more detailed (just look at old outlands and compare it to azeroth now)
>more items
>better character models and animations
>arena pvp

Let me put it to you this way. I was casually making 2 million gold per month and selling it back to blizzard for hundreds of dollars worth of subs and store credit every month. Even with that, I could not bring myself to play that expansion for more than the first month. The modern gameplay loop and player retention mechanics are genuinely bad and even the best arts assets (the art assets admittedly good looking) is not enough to save it in my eyes.

Not even gonna mention Mythic dungeons and raids? Those are probably the only aspects even the most hardcore modern WoW haters will admit are good.

At least it's not Vanilla.

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Nah, WOW actually did a lot of things right starting out but also caused a lot of issues that has plagued the genre, namely a heavy focus on instanced content.

Back in 2004 the game was genuinely impressive, the UI wasn't shit tier, the continents weren't split up via loading zones, and the gameplay wasn't 100% auto attack on half of the classes.

The big problem really isn't WOW, its the perception of WOW both from players and from developers, every single MMO dev since 2006ish onward wanted the WOW audience, thus they looked at what people kept saying made WOW good and copy and pasted that shit into their games, the problem is what got millions of people to start playing and enjoying WOW was the somber, immersive experience of exploring a high fantasy world with other people.

But thats not what developers see, they see world first raiding esports PVP and the trinity and think "We should just copy these aspects from WOW" despite those being mostly problems, not endearing attributes to WOW, only 10% of the playerbase got to end game in vanilla, the majority of the playerbase didn't actually see 'end game' until WOTLK, which is why Wrathbabby is such a ubiquitous term, even if you played in vanilla, people will still probably think you're a wrathbabby because TOC was probably your first raid.

Really though, people just need to realize that WOW was a good game, but not for the reasons people think, and most of the good aspects of WOW was stripped out in cataclysm, by streamlining the world into a streamlined linear turbo grind to hit end game as soon as possible so you can fill raid slots and fuel the server/world first player economy, because by the time WOTLK rolled around, most people stopped giving a fuck about their characters because progression was soft reset every patch once 3.2 became the gold standard of end game design.

We're goin fuckin home.

lots of people don't like toggleable difficulty, i think max level "heroic" versions of low dungeons are fine but everything after that is suspect

In a way, it spelled the eventual doom of this genre

The new models are legitimately bad, you must have eye problems

You panicking retailfag? Less than 24 hours before your games life support finally gets pulled. I'd be panicking.

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Why would you want to rerun dungeons again at max level? It's already tedious enough doing ud strat for the 20th time


>Cata above legion
BFA is shit though.

>Implying I'd sub to WoW in 2019
Here's a (You) out of pity.

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Nah, there is a lot of chink and korean shit that's significantly worse in every way. Not even worst wow expac really, but comes pretty close to Draenor.

I hate there being four fucking difficulties per raid
Current heroic should be normal mode and there should be one difficulty higher at most

No, there should be one difficulty, period

old models make the characters look dead

I'd be fine with that user, that's why I said "at most"

>gosh darn
what the fuck did you just say to me faggot?

New models look like playdough

The worst MMO ever made except all the others.

Legion is still too fresh. I can understand people being hesitant to list it high since it's "not cool" to like expansions that aren't old.

if i had to choose i'd play cata since it had better pve and pvp

>Is this the worst MMO ever made?

What exactly do you mean by this grand, sweeping statement? Clearly it's not the worst MMO ever made, it's functioning and well-realized, but is suffering from over mechanical issues that are symptomatic of changes that have been made over the years. I'm sure there's some MMO that could be considered 'the worst ever', probably one that was made to cash in on WoW's success, like The Matrix Online or Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, or maybe some garbage made in Korea, like Phoenix Dynasty 2. I'm sure we can find a worse game on Steam somewhere.
