Who else took out a loan from the bank so they could play this children's gacha game
Who else took out a loan from the bank so they could play this children's gacha game
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I'm really curious as to when Yea Forums will stop being asshats and realize you can play, enjoy, and do perfectly fine in "gacha" games without spending a penny.
Seriously curious.
it will stop when you curb your autism and realize how fucking predatory and sleazy gacha games are. just because you can have fun doesn't excuse them from contributing to and/or enabling shitty trends in gaming.
I'm fully aware of that.
But there plenty of people who play "gacha" games without paying a dime. Whales make up the minority, not the majority.
Not I, says the guy who is a wagecuck.
I am excited to play this mobile game. I'm on a boat for 6 hours per day for 6 days a week, and it SUUUUUUUUUUCKS.
It's easier to just laugh at no self control fags who throw money at babby's first lottery.
All the news about gatcha are about some fag who expend more than 1000$ trying to get some girls and that's why it become a meme
I played gatchas like FEH without expending a single penny and I have 80% of the characters and 15% of the 5 exclusive, basically you can play these games without expending a shit
I'd rather spend money on madden desu, leave these gachashits to the weebs.
fuck off gacha turds.
For me, it was the gun girls gacha
Why though?
No PvP in Pokemon, no deal
It has co-op right now I think.
Pvp inclusion is a deal breaker.
>He wants PvP in a gacha game
Nigger, 5 star chars are broken. Whales would fuck everyone up, even the game.
Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru.
is this game even fucking out yet? seriously the app store page says the release date was july 29 but it still isnt available to download.
Its out on the 30th
For me, it was Destiny Child.
Good fucking times.
>Not Unkokumaro
I hate 4channeler