"Going home" is a meme, like many others, started by the Blizzard marketing department

"Going home" is a meme, like many others, started by the Blizzard marketing department.

Remaking classic only needed a relatively small development budget. That means that in order to make it a success and extract even more money from consumers, Blizzard has opted for a guerrilla marketing campaign.

The hype for classic was artificially engineered, both by blizzard's guerrilla marketing team and the streamers they stealthily paid off to constantly spout how good vanilla was.

Attached: download.jpg (188x267, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


preaching to deaf ears, op

what are you rolling alex jones?

The truth must be heard.

You're not wrong, ActiBlizzard can not be trusted. 1.12 and layering are huge red flags.

It's not farfetched at all. Companies do this kind of shit all the time.

Attached: 083.png (475x475, 138K)

Blizzard comes here to shill their shit all the time.
Same shit happens every time a new expansion is about to come out for retail. BfA was shilled to death here pre-release.

Existence is a meme. Be sure to enjoy something before you die.

This kind of marketing not only is cheap, but also has incredibly high returns. Hire a few guys, or even better, higher a company specialized in guerrilla marketing to rile up people on various different online communities, and you've got yourself a nifty profit.

Even many of the hate posts are made by them. People get interested in these hate posts, they see comments defending the game, they see the faggot OP marketer as unreasonable for hating the game, and they buy it.

I believe it but enjoyed playing on private servers more than retail over the last 3 years so it works out.

Are you really saying this video game company marketed their video game? Woah you're really onto something OP

Glad im not the only one who isn't a complete retard on Yea Forums. Those threads have been so forced along with the Asmondgold marketing. Isnt there a rule against marketing on Yea Forums? They really need to let the obvious shit be reported as such.

Fuck the nay-sayers, let 'em scream into a void. I'm going to enjoy this week and this month, and whenever Classic's playerbase dies off, it dies off, but I'll enjoy it until then.

We're going home, bros. Unironically.


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

but not every time
what are the percentages of classic posts that were created or perpetuated by marketers? genuinely curious. probably like 90% with that broad of a question, though. maybe limit to "created by" marketers.

It's almost time, friends.


Remember to type "thank you, Chromie" in chat, and good roll RNG and minimal ninjalooters shall grace your Classic play sessions.

J. Allen Brack lacked vision.

Attached: 131.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Is Chromie the patron saint and mascot of Classic WoW?

Attached: Chromie-Banner.png (716x260, 385K)

While I have no doubt that the threads here have been started deliberately, it takes almost nothing to get one of them going on account of the legitimate interest. Those threads were full of people who played private servers extensively and the only reason it took classic and advertising for there to be discussion here was that broad discussion has existed so fucking long that anyone still wanted to talk about it had long retreated to niche communities.

That is to say, yes, advertising happened here, but no, the hype was not manufactured.

It's kinda disappointing that the lifers are jumping on this latest new thing so the private servers are now all dead. I was happy to stick to kronos 3 but nobody has been doing dungeons since the date was finally announced.

I don't see a download for classic anywhere, someone else here said the same thing and got made fun of, but it isn't anywhere and the pictures, the directions, don't match the download or what's in the program, only the new game the 60 gb download is available. There is no classic download anywhere.

Attached: IDK.jpg (796x447, 19K)

what's it like being room-temperature iq?

Attached: 1362178612175.png (240x300, 125K)

Good, Classic already filtering out low IQ brainlets.

terrible, I'm already hating the game and it's community

I don't see how this is confusing, but open this dropdown on the Blizzard launcher and change your version to Classic, user.

Attached: 1214144.png (877x702, 612K)

Isn't Chromie a tranny?

No? Don't project about your HRT, tranny. Literally fucking where are you puling that crock of horse shit from?

Has male dragon name

I can't tell if this is bait or people are genuinely reaching this hard

Invite to asmon layer

Attached: giphy.gif (500x240, 896K)

Everything official ever written about Chronormu has referred to the character purely as female, implying that we as an audience don't really understand their dumb fantasy naming conventions as well as we think we do, and that Chronormu is probably a name like 'Alex' that's correct for both Alexander and Alexandra.

ill thank chromie with my Dick

This came up in WoW Insider once.

To paraphrase:
"Q: Is Chromie male or female? 'Cause Chronormu sounds male, and Chromie appears as a female gnome..."
"A: Chromie is indeed female; she's just an oddity when it comes to naming conventions."

In other words "we forgot how our own dragons' naming conventions work and hoped no one would notice that we're bad at handling fake naming schemes."

>tfw asmon lets you kiss his front teeth

Attached: gibe taste.jpg (978x1200, 153K)

>The hype for classic was artificially engineered by the company that tried its best to convince people vanilla was worse and retail is perfect
>all the while their offices are on fire and classic team crunching trying to get the numbers right because the amount of people are vastly above the numbers they expected

You are grossly, grossly overestimating blizzard intelligence

Attached: 1565850102278.gif (100x100, 23K)

Do you have the entire game downloaded already? I don't. And all I see is blizzard and world of warcraft at the top and then world of warcraft starter edition at the account and no other choices.
I don't have those choices you're showing next to account or play. There is only one choice being the starter edition.
I was trying to avoid having the entire 60 gb download but I guess it needs it all.

oh god, the subtitles reminded me of... foam

Update the launcher

>you think you do
>but you don't
but blizz i don't wanna play retail
>you think you don't
>but you do
i want to see the reaction on that guys face when classic was greenlit

Attached: wut.gif (240x135, 992K)

please don't bother

Huh? You open the dropdown menu, select Classic, hit Install just below the dropdown menu, and then it installs Classic, which is only like 4 or 5 gigabytes. It's small. Classic should be an option in the dropdown I have expanded in the image reply you were responding to.

I loved seeing that fuck Brack announce it at Blizzcon, with him openly admitting on-stage that he was nervous to be the one presenting Classic of all people.


When he was the guy who brought us 'you think you want it, but you don't.' That man is CEO of Blizzard now, years after this, which he said when he was just a big WoW dev:


Fuck this guy, you can just see how highly he thinks of his own opinion and how little he thinks of the opinions of others. He thinks he's informed and you're just an ignorant little sheep who needs to be shepherded and shown the right way. Sucks for him, he had to eat that crow live on stage in front of millions of viewers, live and online alike.

Was the president of blizzard saying that we don't want the game also part of it?

I'm sick of this "going home shit" 90% of these people most likely started in tbc or wrath and the vanilla leveling was still exactly the same

Everything that is said to the public is calculated, every single word. Sure, ideally everybody would be playing retail since they can make more money with mtx, but they are in no way disadvantaged by the success and hype around classic. If anything, the short-term gains and the sheer attention it has brought upon the WoW IP was worth it.

Just let the zoomers see and play Classic WoW. They will soon realize how bad it is. Especially with their short attention span and the (new) e-celeb/guild drama. I give the game a month until only 20% of people are left.

did he start the fire?

Attached: wow.png (306x279, 123K)

It'll only show if you've had a sub before. If you're brand new you have to sub first to see the Classic DL.

Attached: fzcs8kazpyy21.png (673x636, 84K)

>and the vanilla leveling was still exactly the same
vanilla leveling got crippled hard in tbc, even harder on wrath.
The time needed to reach cap was cut incredibly hard, it was but a fraction of the time needed and it suddenly became just a rush to get to that tbc content, meaning less dungeons and interactions if at all

Also wrath added heirlooms and lfg.

Nice fucking try you tbc sperm/wrath baby

Attached: 1550040561671.gif (264x240, 2.64M)

No. I legitimately believe blizzdrones are this retarded. Much like pedophile trannies who can't have children, end up recruiting new children to be tranny pedos, its no different from blizzdrones trying to recruit new blood into their world.

Who fucking cares, it was the exact same zones/quests and none of you fucking posers ever played vanilla.

has Yea Forums really become this indistinguishable from reddit?


yea this is all I see in my image, thanks

I'm getting familiar with it as of 5 minutes ago so I'm looking at how to do that. thanks

Attached: wowimage.jpg (1189x662, 690K)


>yea this is all I see in my image
I have zero idea why but I didn't design the launcher so fuck if I know. Sorry that it's giving you a rough time, user. Good luck with it.

WOW is the most normalfaggot MMO there is, why are you surprised

>Streamers being paid off to shill for shit
Please don't tell me this is news to you. This shit happens all the time and we could see it from a mile away.

The issue is probably that you aren't subscribed. Have you subscribed yet? If not, go do so on the site. It might only be giving you the Retail version because you don't have an active sub yet, and it lets people download Retail regardless so they can log in and get this message that gives them an option to buy a WoW token and get back into the game via your in-game gold hoard instead of IRL cash.

Attached: biAbVey.jpg (1312x820, 160K)

Samefagging with this, since this is the option box I had in mind. That last image is a little different now that I look at it closer.

Attached: wow_notenough.jpg (900x512, 111K)


Good times.

>Of all expansions
>Good times

Attached: 538.jpg (421x834, 94K)


holy shit op, stop doing drugs.

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Warlods raids were not bad, and CMs were great. The rest of the expansion was shit though, yes.

yeah it's all a big marketing strategy by blizzard that has been years in the making, they have been strategically shutting down private servers over the years to create a big demand for official classic servers

take your meds schizo.

Attached: 1557037402344.jpg (250x241, 7K)

fuck you for making me watch that gay shit

You're welcome, brother.

Attached: 1549840352301.png (550x627, 98K)

fuck him he's a faggot
have the real one
>11 years old

>People have been asking for it for over a decade
>Artificial hype
Yikes and oof

oh noes Blizzard are not socialists, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

1. That is correct, but I wanted to play classic regardless.
2. This and all the rest wow bashing threads are likely part of the same strategy due to timing, Yea Forums's notorious contrarianism and outrage having outstanding marketing value.

i wanted classic before the hype
i'd daydream about going back
i missed the game i could come back to and constantly improve at
when wow died for me with wod's release i did indeed feel a bit homeless and had to move on with a hole in my gut
when i heard news of classic wow it was unbelievable but instantly i knew to be on guard and the last thing i would want to do is bring other people's hopes up
so either most people are dumb asses or it's all a huge conspiracy
it's probably both and is just a marketing team finding something to attach themselves to
classic is not going to be perfect, every detail about the game is going to bother me and i'll continue to lowkey send feedback every once in a while
however, retail wow is such a shitshow that just the bare skeletal framework of classic is more than enough reason to invest into a character and enjoy the game
it's just good to have an mmorpg to play again

Attached: Elwynn forest by KAaSTuroveC.jpg (4500x2531, 1.55M)

The people with a 3 digit IQ (this is not the blizzard target audience) already figured this out when the campaign started a month ago.

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Such a strawman argument. I didn't say the government or some secret society did something shady. All I said is that a company used guerrilla marketing techniques to manipulate online communities and generate more interest in the game. It's dirty, it's artificial, but it's something that happens daily.

just resubbed in preparation, downloading hte client now. KYS nigger

Too late.

As much I hate modern Blizzard it's hard to deny that they are extremely efficient at milking dry their customers.

Funny how people hate Blizzard and at the same time they'll throw money at them for recycled 15 year old content.

All these people playing classic is great, their subs will go straight to retail which I play.

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