sekiro can seki-blow my dick
why do autistic people like these kinds of games
why dont you challenge yourself by getting laid instead
minecraft is more fun than this shit
Sekiro can seki-blow my dick
You'll understand when you grow up.
I fucked a solid amount and it still was not as good as sekiro suck my dick white boy
I almost dropped the game on Guardian Ape.
I can't think of anything more cucked than pursuing women with the intention of persuading them to have sex with me
They're puzzle games. Solving puzzles is fun.
People who shy away from challenges as simple as vidya bosses that can usually be beaten in less than 5 tries don't get laid either, user.
If I wanted to get laid I'd just have to pay someone for it, how is that a challenge? Beating Sekiro actually takes practice.
>bad level design
>no real way of knowing where to go
gets praised
its not even that hard once you figure the fight out
but man those shitty levels
>minecraft is more fun than this shit
weak bait, still made me reply in hopes of a sekiro thread though
God you're so painfully casual sounding, unironically git gud and learn some patience or basic videogaming skills you ADHD turd
stupid nigger
>spend hours in minecraft
>build super cool buildings
>creative freedom
>spend hours in sekiro
bait how?
It looks and feels good pulling it off
I’m on NG+6 and Guardian Ape has become one of my fav fights. Free your mind user. You don’t have to fear the ape.
People who play anything except boring computer games like RPGs or 4x are cucks.
even if you would have a point, you could still never convience me minecraft is good, forget about telling me it's better than sekiro
you can play with lego to get the minecraft experience, you can't go out there with a sword cutting people up if you want some sekiro vibes
I mean you can, but it won't last long
>have never been good at parrying in any game ever
>complete dogshit at fighting games
>always did strength builds with ultra greatswords in Souls, Ludwig's meme blade in BB
>mfw I got Sekiro for my birthday yesterday
Get good scrub
Unless you're a complete retard it's very obvious where you're supposed to go at all times.
>spend hours in sekiro
>beat the game and get hours of fast paced intense action because im not shit
I beat sekiro and i agree with op
>why dont you challenge yourself by getting laid instead
A challenge is only fun if it's achievable
I don't feel like going to find a hook image for this shit ass post
>but I'm not baiting
then you are low IQ, Minecraft is menial task management, it is the equivalent of working a cubicle job.
Mikiri counter is for casuals
I started out the same, but it feels different in this game and you have to embrace, upgrade and use it until it clicks. It took me a while, but it's fun. Also the usefulness of tools shouldn't be underestimated
Dont worry user your not alone I also thought it was absolute garbage and not worth the praise it got.
Combat is so satisfying, I wish there were more killing blow animations (like if you use a prosthetic for the killing blow you get a special animation depending on which prosthetic you used)
absolutely based.
le git gud XD amirite fellow redditors?
wow chill out normie
you can always go back to souls
There's a massive difference between being able to pull off a parry at the right moment for high reward and mashing it a hundred times per fight as a primary gameplay mechanic.
Based and nigpilled.
>minecraft is more fun
Guess that explains why you think getting laid is a challenge
git gud
>bad level design
we didn't play the same game then, sekiro has very good level design. the stealth is just janky
How could anyone not like Sekiro? I'm really sad cus my bestfriend got stuck at the guardian ape and dropped the game whilst i went ahead and beat it twice. I really wanted him to enjoy it : ' ( And i tell him its so good and hes gotta go back into it but he just doesnt wanna
>sekiro can seki-blow my dick
Because to each his own.
I suck ass on Sekiro like nobody's business, stuck on the fucking Illusion Monk for days now. But it's still fun. When I get frustrated, I simply change locations and fuck some shit up until I feel like trying the monk again.
One day, I'll kill that fucker, and when I do, I'll probably feel like a god on this planet - the anticipation alone keeps me motivated!
It's a fantastic game. Seeing Fromsoft evolve with each entry (the Dark Souls sequels don't count) is a great experience in and of itself. Their presentation is almost as good as western vidya now while still being uncompromising in the gameplay department.
Very few games that combine great presentation with great gameplay.
Based man of colorful ancestry.
based user of African heritage
>dark souls but 1 main hand weapon and like 5 choices for secondary weapon
Bloodborne was better. DMC5 was better.
>why dont you challenge yourself by getting laid instead
Just because it's a challenge for you doesn't mean it's for us, OP.
Minecraft sucks my nicely shaped above average sized dick. And it isn't even good at it.
Mashing is not parrying, half the time you're just blocking the attacks. This is only a viable strategy if you play on easymode.
He probably has no idea what his ancestral country is and doesn't care.
Also it probably already has a famine anyway.
If you wanted him to suffer you'd want there to be famine in the US
Youre on the enthusiast board and youre crying that the barely above entry level enthusiast game plebfiltered you like an autistic retard so youre pathetically trying to divert attention to how youre "winning at life" instead (not really) compared to the people better than you who can beat Sekiro. In reality youre so pathetic that your one babyborn tier mouthbreather dopamine injector hobby (bidoo games) plebfiltered you at the gate because even at the one pathetic thing youre attempting to brainlessly consume, youre shit at it. I cant even imagine seeing you actually do something fullfilling and create something like a piece of art. Youre a spineless retard
All these newfags not knowing nigarell has actual 2inch dick
lmao summerfags really exist