Monster Hunter

Legiana is cute. That is all

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Leggy Ana is pretty good design-wise but the fight is meh

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right behind you

The tail flip is cool though


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Don't worry user, the ice will explode into spikes when fighting the Shrieking variant. How fun will that be!

legiana is cute

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I cant believe Paolumu is fucking dead

Good, what a fucking ugly design and a terrible fight too.


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>he doesn't know

Shut up nerd. He is adorable.

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Even getting kicked in the balls is more adorable than Paolumu

It's disgusting

disgusting abomination

I love Paolumu!

I fucking hope Paolumu gets stuck in 5th gen like the ugly boring piece of shit he is.

Despicable taste.

He's only cute when drawn. In-game is ugly as sin and only useful for meme faces.

Literally a rat! Lol!

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He'll be back in gen 6 and 7. Even in the spinoff games on switch. And you will like it.

Fuck you Hunters.

Guiding Land is the area where the actual story begins

He's adorable after we shave him for coat stuffing and throw the remains in the stew.

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I don't know of many rats that can float in the air by inflating like a balloon.

You WILL like Paolumu.

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Or what? You'll inflate? Ooooooh how terrifying, you might give Dobson a boner!

But that's not Paolumu.

Attached: ugly rat.png (400x400, 72K)

His latest comment on weapon augs.
>Augments got a bit of a rework for Master Rank. I can't really go into detail but you don't need to worry about your materials being wasted.

Fighting it without flash bombs is a real pain, the MR variant isn't going to fuck around.

How adorable.

"I can't go into detail" this, "I'm told not to say this" that, he might as well just put out a statement to not ask anything that isn't already shown, his roundabout answers does nothing but give shitposters fuel

What's wrong with liking Lumu? it's the quintessential comfy mon

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>no Astalos or Seregios in IB
Why are we always stuck with bad flying wyverns?

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>Having a monsterfu
>Having an UGLY monsterfu

You're not wrong, but some people aren't as good at clamming up as they legally need to be, and people are going to keep trying to trick him into giving up something juicy.

Explain user, you can't do my boy Tobi dirty like that without providing good bullet points.

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you can hug a lumu safely

Great taste.

Tobi gives you love zaps that leave a nice tingling sensation.

Toby is multiple orders of magniture more huggable than Paolumu, and his face isn't a crime against nature.

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That's how people catch the ugly.

Does anyone have the Namielle rave gif?

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You know who else is very huggable?

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Paolumu's fight is actually just weaker Daora
Think about it, It fly around alot, It spawns tornados that cause wind pressure, and spits wind burst at you, the only thing it's missing is Kush's "can't touch me" wind aura

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But you’ll get jabbed and poisoned, S-Penis is not suitable for hugging.

>the only thing it's missing is Kush's "can't touch me" wind aura
It's face achieves a similar effect.

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What are you talking about? Espinas is the most huggable monster of them all, infact he's so huggable that maybe he should be added into mainline!

Paolumu is not the ugliest monster. This is.

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He can’t even feel the hug because his playing is so thick. Also his life support is being turned off in December. He’s a very unsuitable hug partner.

Is this an improvement?

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>Also his life support is being turned off in December.
This is why we need to save him. Espinas Is one of the few frontier monsters that deserves to be saved.
He doesn't have anime powers like the others, he just has spikes.

I will kill S-Penis myself.

This is

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only if you post the lewd version.


fucking pussy

This guy got me cover Though, it's thumbnail

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I’d hunt that Pukei.

I'd lance that.

You just cant get anything right.

Open wide, user.

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