Someone explain this one to me, I'm not hating one anyone or anything, but how can you be excited for a 15 years old game, with outdated graphics and mechanics?
Someone explain this one to me, I'm not hating one anyone or anything...
Other urls found in this thread:
because there is something more than just a game in there. The game was designed to foster a community, while simultaneously being a theme park mmo. It's a fun experience, especially if you
>have friends
to play it with.
People want to play an mmo again. People don't like the current titles of ESO, FFXIV and WoW.
Nostalgia goggles, and the fact that people think they're magically stepping into a community of mature boomers with no toxicity. It's gonna be dead in a few months and it'll get a meme post here and there.
Nostalgia, the post.
There is plenty of shit to criticize classic WoW for. Age isn't a valid, though. A game's age doesn't matter. It's design does. I don't plan to raid in classic because it's braindead, badly designed bullshit. I'm still gonna sub and run dungeons with my bros though. I probably wont play for more than 2 months. How is that nostalgia?
>how can you be excited for a 15 years old game, with outdated graphics and mechanics?
Because MMOs require an active community to be played and they are constantly changing via patches and expansions. You can't just "play" vanilla WoW the same way you can just boot up Ocarina of time or any other single player games. Given the way that MMO design philosophy (both in WoW and the genre as a whole) has changed since 2004 it would be very difficult for a game like Vanilla WoW to launch in 2019 as a new IP. Many of the features that are taken for granted in modern MMOs simply don't exist in vanilla WoW and as a result the game plays very differently.
Becayse it's home, bro
Define "dead". Less than 100k active subs in two months? Less than 50k? I'm trying to figure out if I disagree with you.
Bros I am a 39 year old NEET virgin will this game give me the same feels when I was a 21 year old NEET virgin and both my parents were alive?
>will this game give me the same feels
No, but it can be a positive new experience.
Nothing else is giving anyone what they want. Is it such a surprise?
Wanting to replay a game you haven't played in over a decade isn't that hard of a concept to understand.
Shit bait, 2/10
I agree. What's wrong with wanting to replay a game and relive at least some of its original glory? It's never going to be the same, but you can still catch glimpses. Also, why is nostalgia inherently bad?
I’m excited for the shitstorm and the shitposting. Every day leading up to classic I’ve been loving all the bait and trashing. Tomorrow I get to see the dumpster spill over and catch on fire for better or worse
It’s been magical shitposting and I really do hope you anons enjoy classic, all I’ve ever wanted you to understand throughout all this is that you’re trusting Blizzard to not fuck this up and that trust is most likely misplaced.
>is that you’re trusting Blizzard to not fuck this up and that trust is most likely misplaced.
I can kind of see where you're coming from. At the same time $15 is a cheap price for a front row seat. I don't trust blizzard not to fuck it up, but I want to be there, at least initially, just so I can relive that moment later. I'd say launch offers decent entertainment value.
It’s a matter of principle for me, I started in late TBC and played through until maybe a third into Legion. I watched the rise and fall of arguably one of my favorite games of all time. Then I discovered private servers and haven’t paid for anything from Blizzard since.
You can have your front row seat in game. I’m getting a front row seat here
Nostalgia in itself isn't inherently bad, being blinded by nostalgia is.
As far as I can tell the team who are managing classic are alright, I'm more concerned when their bosses notices how successful classic is and wants to monetise it somehow.
The only people still playing classic in a few months will be the people who've gone out of their way to play private servers for years
>It’s a matter of principle for me
>You can have your front row seat in game. I’m getting a front row seat here
I think that's fair enough. I played from 07-10. I watched the rise of the game, and quit before the major downfall. I can understand not wanting to support blizzard financially, certainly. I just really want to see how big of a shitshow official launch is, so they did get my $15. Also, I'm playing with my bros.
Is there any reason why you don't say the same thing anytime any other old game is discussed?
But do you avoid buying any game published by acti-blizz? Did you avoid sekiro?
>being blinded by nostalgia is.
I agree. Is that really what you think is happening, though? I'm sure some people are. But what if someone just wants to indulge in some nostalgia. Seems like classic wow might fit that demand as well.
So many of you fucks are playing this because you want first accolades for stupid shit peopl;e found in the past you keep forgetting you won't get that because you are now playing against streamers who literally have army's so go ahead autists think you will be the first to beat a raid or first to find certain gear you have no chance whatsoever against twitch
Why do people play Super Mario Bros. 35 years after it comes out?
my b, meant to continue my post. Can you put a number on that? I'm expecting at least 500k on launch and then probably ~100k in 3 months.
Because the current version of the game is just THAT bad
>So many of you fucks are playing this because you want first accolades for stupid shit
I guarantee this is
That’s my concern too user, a concern I’ve been trying to warn everyone about. All I got in kind was “you’re just poor” or “go back to FFXIV”.
It’s a terrible thing, being of wise mind.
As long as you’re doing it with frens that’s good.
Not actively, I don’t own a PS4.
>I'm more concerned when their bosses notices how successful classic is and wants to monetise it somehow.
As someone who is subbing for launch, this is exactly what will kill it. Mark this man's words. Blizzard will monetize classic with mtx, and it will die. Nailed it brother.
quick should I play hunter or rogue?
trusting blizzard after they put layering in
If they do, I only wish for it to be written in the annals of history that we were right.
nigga it ain't ps4 exclusive it doesn't matter anyway because you can avoid giving them money by pirating it
He's right though
retards addicted to 3D cookie clicker reminiscing about the time they had internet friends
vanilla wow is quintessential carrot on a stick dogshit and it's even worse now that there's no theory or creativity involved, everyone will just watch a youtube video to find out the optimal build and the optimal way to achieve it, then join a lfg discord to party up. the only people looking forward to this are addicts with no taste and zoomers who fell for the hype. have fun battling chinks and stream groups for mobs, it's gonna take you niglets weeks just to leave the starting zone.
PvP or PvE?
Oh, goes to show how much attention I actually to the game then.
That was the first telling strike, even if I knew deep down things wouldn’t remain 1:1. I mean how could it, the game was jerry rigged onto a more up to date version of the engine.
What's a cookie clicker?
>tfw 31 year old boomer with job, mortgage, wife, children
>at most i would be able to find 5 hrs a week to play
it fucking hurts. i want to go back to those carefree days so much but unless you can play 40hr / week, is it even worth it?
I'll probably do both but I'm mostly interested in raids
No he's not. The vast majority of people playing classic WoW do not give a single fuck about "World's First". That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. The vast majority of players will be too casual to even hit level cap, much less get world's first. Give your balls a tug you tit fucker.
Classic in itself will probably be safe from alteration because that's part of it's selling point, What Act-Blizz does after Classic is what we need to keep a close eye on, I'll imagine that they are simply content enough with extra sub money until they come up with the next scheme especially considering how the company has been preforming as of late.
There are certainly people blinded by nostalgia but I think there will be a large enough fanbase for classic to stay healthy for about 6 months after the last phase is released. I would not be surprised if Blizzard is already planning out on a TBC classic or a alternative timeline TBC game which will have cosmetic MTX.
Speak for yourself please that's exactly why I am playing
I'd probably do rogue if you're interested in both. Rogue is completely broken in classic if you have good gear.
Any other old game doesn't get fake hype spammed to death with your WE GOINNNG HOOOMMMEEEE bullshit?
My chief concern above all is them doing to Classic what they did to CTR. Releasing the game without a cash shop, then patching one in to squeeze more money out of what they already have
They are retarded and think the experience will be just like it was 15 years ago.
Ok, that's cool. I hope you get it, dude. That's not why most people are playing.
a game where all you do is click a cookie to increase a number to rig your dopamine, google it newfag
Possible but keeping Classic "pure" is a really good PR move and betraying that would be the final straw for practically the entirety of the fanbase.
Damn, I like cookies
Yea it is
And I agree to all of that, yet time and again their greed has proven to win out over whatever positive PR they want to accrue
>I would not be surprised if Blizzard is already planning out on a TBC classic or a alternative timeline TBC game which will have cosmetic MTX.
I suspect this as well. I also suspect the addition of transmog as a gateway change (#nochanges) to the "classic" TBC expansion. They can make loads of cash off of easy-to-make skins and mounts.
All the mega-whales are on retail and will remain on retail. Fact is that classic wow as a whole doesn't appeal to those individuals.
If that comes to pass the schadenfreude I feel then would be cathartic
>outdated mechanics
Found the retard.
Let me get this straight. You think most of the people playing WoW classic tomorrow at launch are trying to get world's first accolades? That's clinical levels of retardation user.
>Fact is that classic wow as a whole doesn't appeal to those individuals.
Absolutely true, yet, deep down the feeling of “how can we make this even more popular?” burns.
I think that by even making classic WoW Blizzard admits that many of the changes they made drove as many people away as it did attract. I doubt they'd add transmog considering it would be extremly unpopular among the people they were trying to appease in the first place.
How so?
I know something about catharsis.
Sounds about right, transmog is one of those things you can get most of the fanbase to say is a improvement to the game. I disagree because it can encourage lazy future designs but it'll be the perfect gateway change as you said.
True, well at least Classic in itself is safe as long as it doesn't crash and burn. Expect more store mounts if it does
Because not a single MMO has ever topped vanilla WoW in 15 fucking years
the sad truth is that even 15 years later the mechanics aren't outdated because no mmo released since has surpassed it
I'd 1000% rather have a new good old school mmo come out than play classic again but it's all I've got until then (even if it is a very casual version of the old school mmo)
Because it's not something most people give a fuck about? The people playing at launch aren't going to be the most hardcore players. It's literally everyone who was willing to pay $15 to see what the hype is about. Expect drastic dropoffs in the 2nd a 3rd month and even beyond. Everyone willing to pay $15 isn't a hardcore, "World's First" type of person.
WoW was developed when MMOs were a relatively obscure genre, with games like Ultima Online, the original EverQuest, and fucking Toontown. Popular, but popular within a particular subculture of (PC) gamers. Because the genre was poorly developed, publishers and developers couldn't systematically the MMO to its contemporary form of a glorified mobile game. They were still figuring out what worked and didn't work, and what was believed to work at that time was a comparatively persistent model of the way that traditional arcade - and later, early console - games were structured to maximize player's playtimes. In arcade and console games, this was achieved with credits and lives. In MMOs, this was achieved with absolutely autistic carrot-on-a-stick grinding WITHOUT time-gating. Time-gating exists in the form of dungeon and raid lockouts, but beyond that you're free to grind Rank 12, or Exalted, or gold, or whatever to your autistic heart's content. Furthermore, players were afforded relative respect in reaching these carrots. No heirlooms, no RDF, no PVP or gathering experience, etc.
When you place players in a persistent world which demands long-term dedication and collaboration of players without accommodating their base, self-interested desires, you get a game that's supported by the community that forms in response to these design principles. In contrast, modern WoW is a singleplayer game.
tl;dr, Classic is unironically a really rare opportunity. It's an officially endorsed return to principles that have fallen out of favor in the MMO genre, with the branding of its biggest game. Furthermore, the Classic team seems (seems) committed to replicating not an authentic 2004 WoW experience, but an implementation of the principles that made 2004 WoW the game it was. You'll never be able to go back, but you'll be able to go somewhere that doesn't really exist in modern gaming.
Also it isn't like MMOs have evolved significantly in 15 years.
Pretty easily, no good games are coming out, newer isn't automatically better.
You forgot to mention the fact that it's been available for free already. Drones will throw money at a truly scummy company regardless it seems.
hunter is pretty braindead so play that
End game progression isn't terribad.
A full tier 2 won't be replaced by trash blues in a patch.
and you know how?
Hunter because there are too many rogues already.
What I thought was common sense, but now realize my mistake. Good day, user. The majority of people playing classic WoW are competing with you for world's first. Go now, and live your fantasy.
Expand your horizons beyond CS and WoW my dude
I accept your concession. The game won't give you what you are looking for
No one gives a fuck about world firsts. The game has been figured out. The actual world firsts were done over a decade ago. People have been practicing for years on private servers. Caring about world firsts at this point is like caring about speed runs. Do you honestly think a million or so players are speedrunners? Seriously I'm asking. Is this what you believe? That there are going to be a million speedrunners playing WoW tomorrow?
No. People are playing WoW classic because it's going back to basics. WoW has become such a heap that many of the players who started in the first 3 expansions no longer can stomach it. They want to go back. They want to experience it again. And the players who missed it want to see what it was like. See if the nostalgia lives up to the hype. That's why people are playing. Most of the players who stick around to 60 won't raid until 2020. They aren't going for world firsts. They're enjoying the ride.
>The game won't give you what you are looking for
And what am I looking for, exactly?
Pic unrelated.
Dungeons and everything seem fun but I don't want to devote the time to level, grind, farm and raid. Maybe it's just cause I'd rather be playing something else but it almost seems like people who are gonna play have very narrow interests in games or other hobbies.
>They might introduce Classic+/TBC down the line. Take that nochangers!
Good. Not as if people are going to to play this game for 10 years when the last raid is released.
>Good day, user
>keeps responding
All worth it even if it's just to see him cringe when announcing classic
bruh, you forgot
>reddit spacing
Who would you rather be Anthony Burch or J Allen Brack?
At least Brack has money.
kek..... you have no idea the pain whales have ready to unleash on classic
theres not nearly the amount economical controls in classic than there are in retail. have spoken to a few whales who control many servers. the tactics they have prepared. theres nothing at all stopping them. they have their price models ready for all 6 phases. their army of alts already in place. we're unironically fucked.
Because the outdated mechanics are better than the mechanics we currently have.
Outdated graphics too. Being able to clearly communicate information to the player (especially over a longer draw distance) is more important than better screenshots.
>Maybe it's just cause I'd rather be playing something else but it almost seems like people who are gonna play have very narrow interests in games or other hobbies.
True that. I tried GW2, AoC, Warhammer Online and not one managed to capture me like WoW did.
I also tried the new Battlefront/Battlefield games and they sucked ass compared to the originals. It might be because I'm older but I want to say a lot has to do with the fact they were still making games for fun back then and not because a team of a hired theam psychologists told them this was the best way to increase engagement/retention and every single thing you do gives you positive feedback with shiny stars.
What's the connection? I don't get it. Are they paying people to play the game? How are whales going to influence the economy of a game with no mtx? I'm genuinely asking.
imagine you're really into a game but the devs take it away from you while keeping your money. i'm excited to get my old game back.
also to see how the new generation handles vanilla wow. new times, new experiences!
The game is 15 years old but was only playable for 2 years only. Private servers were emulating the game, and most of people don't want to play on servers that dies within a year.
Regarding mechanics, they are similar to current WoW, it just added fancy shit and removed RPG elements.
>Nostalgia WoW player
>has absolutely no self control
imagine my shock
This is what I loved the most about older games. There was so much less clutter in games like Battlefield 2 you could clearly see the the enemy players and engage them. Now the maps are tiny as fuck and you can barely see anything in the bland color and foilage hell they've made.
imagine if said game was available for free for years but you ignored it until the developer that originally took it away and insulted you for asking for it back decided to charge money for it again
>Nostalgia WoW player
Yeah I feel like this is fair. I haven't played in almost ten years. Also I have a 5 man static starting tomorrow. I'm pretty nostalgic. I also think blizzard will inevitably fuck it up, and I also think that the raids in classic are basic-bitch tier.
Smash that like button, and don't forget to subscribe.
>no toxicity
Why the fuck would anyone want that?
I hope there is LOTS of toxicity. Toxicity keeps the casuals and the salty faulties away.
you seem to think they are whales because of some outside influence or something. they've been whales since vanilla. they will be whales again in classic.
but this time they know whats coming, have had 15 years of practice, and have all sorts of data ripping tools they can use to port stuff like AH price and player traffic to their analyzation and machine learning bots.
>they've been whales since vanilla
I mean, that just means they bought gold. Are you literally exclaiming about goldsellers? Of course they will be a thing. Calm the fuck down.
>outdated graphics
>outdated mechanics
the mechanics added over the past decade and a half have actively turned the game into a collectathon facebook game
and if you actually give a shit about graphics in video games, you're the reason the industry's gone to shit
no you fucking moron, they were the fucking gold sellers, shit fuck
>will this game give me the same feels when I was a 21 year old NEET virgin and both my parents were alive?
Yes if you have actively exercised, toned, and maintained your emotions over the years.
If you have just let your emotions happen without trying to select them or herd them, no.
Given how the vast majority of people on Yea Forums spend literally 0 hours a week practicing their emotions, probably the latter.
It's just shills going into overdrive, classic will be dead in a month and everyone will go back to retail when the next expansion drops.
I think the graphics are comfier. I think the mechanics between classes are less homogenized and the game being more grindy as a whole makes it more fun for me.
if you're wrong will you suck me off and make me cum really hard
>available for years
constant server wipes/takedowns. Admin abuse, P2W, connection issues.
imagine being as much of a retarded faggot as you. i mean really, how slow are you?
you stupid gay idiot you will never have fun you are gay and not fun
>Good day, user
>keeps responding
>nostalrius lasts for more than a year before blizzard shuts them down and copies their model for vanilla
haha stupid faggots in every thread
>outdated graphics
The art design still holds up. I think old wow looks much better than modern wow and it has aged way better than games of that same era.
Mechanically I think some hybrid classes need to be balanced, but I'm playing a War so fuck it.
>why is nostalgia inherently bad?
It isn't. But nostalgia is brothers with denial and escapism, both of whom are really bad news.
aren't gamers supposed to be embarrassed to admit they can't appreciate a game from the '80s?
we're talking about a great game from 2004
How are you neet if your parents passed away?
There's often a comfy inheritance involved with neets that have dead parents
go consume more you pig of a goyim
Better Question
What went so wrong that modern developers can't make a game that people want to play over a 15 year old one?
It's all Nostalgia building fake hype and eceleb riding the wave afte they catched wind their legion of zoomers tide eaters looked into it because their big bros told them it was THE SHIT so now they are going to play it until the zoomers gets bored in a matter of 3-4 months
Fact are Vanilla WoW wasn't that good and i will get called a retailcuck or a tranny now but WoW got a lot better since then
Industry got bigger, publishers know all the best techniques to milk people of their money (which usually don't overlap with making the best game)
good games still come out but very rarely are they made by big companies backed by big pubs
They can. They make a game that consumers want to buy. Consumers are gullible retards that buy whatever is marketed to them, so they make whatever game is the most marketable.
A good game usually has gameplay as a strength. You can't put gameplay in a screenshot. You can't put good controls in a 30 second twitch clip. You can't have an eSports athlete mention how you're constantly making meaningful decisions based on limited information.
The type of things the average reddit / retardera / twitch user is trained to consume, and the type of thing developers are trained to produce, differ from actual good games.
How mad are you that every single server aside from the RP server is currently high/full population before the game is even released?
If you travel to the WoW forums there's a shit fight between retail and classic fags. Meanwhile Blizzard is collecting 15/mo from all of them. It's a good strategy.
he's a furious retail tranny
>WoW got better
You are a cuck, a tranny and the very reason the entire MMO market is dead and a 15 years old game remastered with a fresh relaunch is the only goddam MMORPG worth playing in 2019 and for foreseable future
How mad are you gonna be when a ton of them are med/low in a couple months and he's proven right?
Why did you start talking in 3rd person? Kinda weird.
What a surprise.
>med/low in a couple months
Considering the servers are built to contain a far greater number of players than in 2004, that sounds pretty fucking great.
Not true, the PvE lol server in Australia is still medium
But PvE is the server you play on when "Why would I want my gameplay interrupted by some asshole? I have tons of excuses based on unrelated IRLshit for why I can't manage my time properly, cater to me or I'll throw a tantrum!" types.
PvP teaches you to handle hardship without ragequitting, and to find creative solutions to problems you couldn't expect. It filters out the salty faulty mad bads.
Personally I'm not interested in PvP at all, but I'm rolling on the PvP server anyway.
I don't mind people being excited about it, but just like with Smash I wish they would contain it to like 1 or 2 threads. People just make a thread because they think they deserve more (You)s than they're getting in threads, and then retards just use the threads as generals to talk about the game.
It’s not worth ruining your life over a game
>outdated mechanics
Mechanics don't "age" you zoomer. I bet you think any game without regenerating health and no aim down sights or a cover system is mechanically "outdated" too.
this is some deeply rooted insecurity
hope you get it fixed user
>moving goalposts
It's a fact user. I'm sorry to break it to you. The servers are housing a far greater number of accounts than in 2004. Med pop is just fine for me.
It'd be insecurity if I was worried about _myself_ being a salty casual. I'm not.
I'm worried about the other players in the server, who I must group with in order to experience the game's content, being salty casuals.
will it have as many bots as OSRS?
taking professions (other than first aid) while leveling: Y/N ?
I can imagine being able to keep up with enchanting/tailoring or, but other professions that require actively moving around and gathering shit can will only slow me down, even skinning is a major stretch.
>but how can you be excited for a 15 years old game, with outdated graphics and mechanics?
because everything since then has been infinitely worse? it's not hard.
the mechanics aren't outdated, they're the exact fucking same just with less busywork and more emphasis and time put onto spending time with your friends
wow's graphics always looked like shit even at launch, so that's pretty irrelevant. the mechanics since vanilla have only gotten worse. the world to explore in both terms of size, time you have to spend out in it and how worthwhile it is has only gotten a thousand times lesser since vanilla.
look, you live in an era where mmos are stone dead, they're single player dogshit games where you queue with bots or spend 20-30 minutes doing a small task for a reward. that's not what everyone who played mmos before they went to shit likes. they like games where 20-30 minutes will get you fucking nothing, you have to spend hours or more likely weeks working towards a goal. they like huge worlds that aren't filled every square inch with fucking theme park attractions, they like being unable to do almost anything in the game unless they can find a party to enable them to do it.
why wouldn't you take skinning just for the free money at launch? Shit is gonna be worth tons. You should level with two gathering profs.
>it's just a bunch of zoomer hype
>yea but the servers are full!!
>they won't be in a while
>yea but that's ok!!
that's textbook goalpost movement and I agree that the current server pops are ridiculously too high
>Team OG top 5 now
RIP League players ever hoping to come close
The zoomers are going to leave, and then we will be left with a decent population. Why is this so hard for you user?
Skinning is basically free dosh.
Enchanting is good if you're plowing dungeons, and Herbalism or Mining are good if you're walking around the outdoor world.
But you should know that for the first couple of weeks, the server economy is going to be shithouse. Nobody will have any money to buy stuff from you. You'd be better off either sending that stuff to a bank alt, or vendoring your skins, ore and herbs.
Modern MMOs appeal to the introverts and anti-social. They're more singleplayer games where you see others walking around in "cool" armor. Even in dungeons by default they're simple enough to not even require any form of communication outside of higher difficulty content. Plus you literally queue up instead of even communicating to get in these dungeons.
People want to socialize again, to actually talk to another human being. Vanilla WoW does that job with a simple and easy to pickup MMO with content that encourages you to talk with the people around you.
you seem to be a little retarded, try checking through the reply chain to fix that
>is it even worth it?
depends what you want out of it. my dad and uncle both played and will play again, they're in their 50s, jobs, houses, wives and shit. they're just playing to enjoy the game world and levelling and stuff again, so the amount of time they can put into it in a week doesn't matter.
if you actually want to raid and stuff it's a different story
Say what you want to say. No need to be a little bitch.
Is it really if the entire reason they implement layering is because they plan exactly on having players leaving? The servers are going to have like 7500 players on launch and if it goes down to 2500-3000 players in a month then that's a perfectly healthy server.
They said 30,000 at launch for Herod.
Now they're really getting queues.
I hope the servers can take it.
>original argument
the game is seriously overhyped by streamers to zoomers, it's not actually that good
>original response
how mad are you that all the servers are full?
how mad are you gonna be when the hype dies down and the servers clear out as a result
yea but it's ok that the servers clear out because they were originally overpopulated anyway
not sure why you needed that spelled out for you
>Is it really if the entire reason they implement layering is because they plan exactly on having players leaving?
Yes. Of course that's the fucking reason. It's based on every mmo launch since WoW in 2004. Players will definitely leave Classic WoW in massive numbers in the first few months, let alone year.
Yeah so why say "Hah! Things are going to go exactly as planned! Take THAT!"
>yea but it's ok that the servers clear out because they were originally overpopulated anyway
It is, though. The game was designed for a certain number of players. How is it dying down to that number a cause for rage? You're retarded user. Just fucking accept it and stop embarassing yourself.
Because it's good planning? What the fuck are you even on about? If the servers end up in nominal range in a few months then that's great.
now scroll up and remind yourself that I never once disagreed with that, in fact I literally agreed with you that the original pops are way too high
the goalposts were moved, atop embarassing yourself
You're right. I wasn't thinking of it that way, but when you put it like that, it makes sense. Sorry.
>the original pops are way too high
The fuck does this even mean? Pops are too high for what?
Why the fuck haven't these shitty threads been moved to /vg/? Pretty sure, this place has been shilled and bribed to allow this shitty game to be shilled here and for mods to turn a blind eye.
This websites completely fucking dead and ruined by shills, it will be hard to find an internet community in the future that isn't shilled to death.
No worries user. We're all retarded sometimes.
Too many ... you know.
N*ght *lves
for the game to be enjoyable, and that's why layering exists
so that they don't have to release 100 servers and then merge them all after the initial hype
So then why is there complaining when they solved the fucking problem?
Eat a dick, you obese fuck.
did you just samefag yourself to dodge my argument? that retard isn't me
just like what happened with dmc5 and smash. the mods tried, and they failed. they gave up
Because I don't like when things are good. It ruins my expectations. I want to ironically enjoy a dumpster fire, not ACTUALLY enjoy things.
Why yes, I did! Honestly I don't think the argument was going anywhere, and I'd rather get out of it and go back to discussing WoW classic.
What race are you rolling? I'm going Gnome Mage.
well for one layering is god awful for the game but that's not what we're even discussing right now
the origin discussion was if the game was overhyped and would see a huge drop in population or not
it obviously will which is why blizzard planned the way they did
Ok, well I didn't samefag. What is your argument?
>all those ignorants
Wow, sure are a lot of entitled baby gamers in here. Go back to your Fortnite if you can't appreciate the release of a real game.
>What is your argument?
>well for one layering is god awful
Not compared to a million dead servers in a few months.
>the origin discussion was if the game was overhyped and would see a huge drop in population or not
it obviously will which is why blizzard planned the way they did
When has this been disputed? Everyone fucking knows that there will be a huge drop in pop. You are clinically retarded.
>When has this been disputed?
never was, the dispute was wether the goalposts were shifted from *i bet ur mad the servers are full* to *yea but it's ok that the servers aren't full*
here's a hint: they were
My only concern with the game is the 50g respec cost.
If you want to both raid/dungeon and pvp to put that gear to use, you're looking at a minimum 100g/week just in respec cost on top of repairs/consumables and enchants which is insane and may cause serious issues with player retention.
I unironically suppor dual spec for vanilla, with no other changes.
The servers being full at launch =/= servers in a few months. No one apart from blizzard will be sad about populations being normal with no "layering". You suggested that it would vex those of us who want normal populations on the classic servers without layering. Once again, you have full blown retardation.
>the entire appeal of the game is interacting with a living, breathing, persistent, virtual world with thousands of other players
>a mechanic that makes the world not persistent isn't god awful
big yikes for me
Seriously, though. Why aren't you acknowledging that it's temporary based on the expectation of active players dropping?
The game transitioned into a collect-a-thon.
Collect all of the titles, achievements, factions, pets, mounts, toys, transmogs
There was always a little bit of that, because dick-measuring and MMOs go hand in hand, but now it's an overwhelming mess.
>You suggested that it would vex those of us who want normal populations on the classic servers without layering.
no, I quite literally didn't. in fact I even agreed that the pop caps (with layering) are way too high
Here's the solution for some classes, but not all.
Start out raiding in your PvE spec. Once everyone has good enough gear and the content is on farm switch to your PvP spec and raid in that. You'll be doing less damage, but provided your guild is stomping the content that minor loss in performance won't be missed by the group at large.
Because of its mmorpg gameplay obv
Why aren't you acknowledging that it is the literal antithesis of what made vanilla wow good?
Then I don't understand what your problem is. There will be queues and layering at launch, but it will go away and we will be left with normal populations.
I would be fine with that too because it was a change I wanted back then. Raiding is already expensive enough
Even Lights hope capped the respect at 25g
1. Remove all RPG elements.
2. Make leveling so easy that it's like you're a God from Level 1.
3. Take out all group quests so that you can level to the cap without saying a word to anybody.
4. Take out all the cool class quests that sent you on adventures around the world.
5. Take out all the cool quests, period.
6. Add dungeon matchmaking and turn all dungeons into quick and linear affairs that you just steamroll.
7. Destroy the sense of server community by making servers overlap haphazardly.
8. Cheapen raiding by adding a tourist mode that people can AFK through.
9. Make it so loot has a variable item level so that that pure moment of triumph, the loot drop, is mixed with disappointment that it didn't roll higher.
10. Turn your loot game into a dress-up game by letting bad players display flashy gear from old raids instead of the rags that signal their zero accomplishments.
Did I miss anything?
What made vanilla wow good?
>Did I miss anything?
7 doesn't come after 9?
the world
I'm confused to what you are bother arguing about at this point
As a participant in this argument, I'm also confused.
Both are arguing*
player interaction, especially when traveling the world.
So layering is bad for the world of WoW (at launch)? Why?
probably because you jumped in late and didn't even know what I was arguing
Ok, so elaborate your argument, then. Do we even disagree?
because there are multiple (probably upwards of 5 or 6 at the very least) versions of the world on every server
and each of them are the same size as a server in vanilla?
>what we do not disagree on
there will be massive drop off and layering is blizzards response to that
>what we may or may not disagree on
the anons an hour ago moved the goalposts
I don't think so, Tim. You mean instances? I still don't see how that's a huge problem unless it's inefficient and poorly executed. It may well be, and in that case let us rejoice in the memes.
The reason people are playing an "outdated" game is because the later versions sucked. The same reason Counter-Strike has been the same for 20 years and MOBA. Like are you so fucking stupid you can't understand how bad modern gaming is? The biggest thing they have is a copy of a copy of a mod that also has basic minecraft in it.
Like for real WoW invented casual RPG play and no one could do it better, not even Blizzard.
what is stopping people from abusing layering to farm nodes and ruin the economy of the servers?
>there will be massive drop off and layering is blizzards response to that
Do we disagree on this? I think there will be a massive dropoff and layering is blizzard's solution to it.
>the anons an hour ago moved the goalposts
It's you who moved the goalposts. The user's brought up current server pops and then you predicted the future. That's moving goalposts (I agree ambiguously with your prediction).
possibly, only blizzard knows
>I still don't see how that's a huge problem
then you've probably never played/enjoyed an old school mmo
I wonder where this autistic notion of something being up to date or new coincides with quality.
How long is layering meant to go on for anyway?
until my burger's ready, bitch.
anyone have a download for the wow diary a journal of computer game development ?
what is layering
>then you've probably never played/enjoyed an old school mmo
I played EQ and FFXI on launch. I have max level characters on private servers for each game(p99 and eden ffxi). You're not interested in a good faith discussion.
>Do we disagree on this?
no i said that's what we don't disagree on, jesus christ
>The user's brought up current server pops and then you predicted the future. That's moving goalposts
see for a quick refresher on when and where the goalposts were moved
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
Imagine playing a human and never knowing when they are going to eject their buttplug during their run animation.
Orcs wear shoes
ya prolly air force ones
go ahead and convince me why having multiple simultaneous versions of the world running in a game that is about existing in a single, persistent world is ok
I'm all ears
Most of Azeroth's wildlife is inherently violent except species like Tauren and gnomes
>no i said that's what we don't disagree on, jesus christ
Jesus, I'm sorry user.
Pic related is me.
you have to go back
What? Orcs by nature are much worse thanks to their ancestory line but don't pretend they are the only warlike race
Because the only other option is ten times as many servers, which will all be dead in less than three months. It's a pretty good reason, desu.
Because I'd like to play the game without the servers crashing every 5 minutes
you're telling me why it's a good business decision for blizzard, not why it's a good mechanic in game
not an issue with a proper amount of servers with proper caps
>not why it's a good mechanic in game
This is simple. If you aren't retarded you will understand why it's bad to have five thousand players in a single instance of a zone designed in 2004. It's good design period. The fact that they've announced the removal of layering is telling. It's clear that the game will have a massive drop in active players, blizzard knows this. Layering is the only move that makes sense upon launch.
if layering is good then why would they ever remove it?
oh yea because it's a terrible mechanic that has no place in the game but is a "necessary evil"
Im not that dude but I think its a smart idea because you obviously expect a huge amount of players checking out vanilla for a little bit and then when they leave because its not for them youd just have a shit ton of dead servers, which is bad for the players. I doubt blizz would really give a shit seeing how they have a ton of dead servers in current WoW as it is.
A big thing is that people definitely dont want sharding, because its fucking trash is the obvious reason, I honestly dont really see an issue with layering especially if its just going to go away once numbers stabilize.
And then 90% of them die off like retail, no thanks.
What happens if people don't drop off?
At this point, you are forced to acknowledge a massively multiplayer game designed in the early 2000's vs 2019. It's absolutely a necessary evil, but what exactly are you proposing as an alternative? What are you suggesting that Blizz should have done instead?
More servers + free transfers to said servers
>Practising their emotions
Ah, 08:30, time for 30 mins of "happy but with a hint of regret" followed by 10 mins of "angry at something minor that isn't that important."
youve lost this battle without user even trying
Probably BC servers
Nostalgia! Plain and simple!
The game itself is fairly shite. Some classes are utterly useless. Graphic are outdated. Bossfights are simple and easy. People played it because of the community and it gave them a sense of accomplishment. Now the community is edgelord boomers, e-celebs and wojack spamming zoomers. Even worse it has sharding and layering.
I wish they did BC servers instead. Thats my real home.
and what, give everybody free 60s?
I'd imagine free character transfers off Classic servers for the first month of BC servers, or maybe if they were feeling generous a free character copy.
>tfw never played the original
>tfw will get to enjoy it for the first time
Hey excuse me VG you see some posts going on in here? I was in another general lurking out
Nah just roll out completely fresh BC servers. If you allow transfers then do it after a month or whatever. Even if I was near max level on the vanilla server id immediately quit and play on that tbc server.
that's arguably worse.
You're going to be amazed at how boring it is and how long it takes to do anything.
You're going to spend the first few hours killing wolves and walking from place to place very slowly.
New players always have trouble acclimating to the amount of time it takes to do anything. You can spend a whole day playing and accomplish next to nothing.
Just like in real life
But little zoomzoom.. thats the whole point.
What’s the point, retard?
to spend a lot of time to accomplish very little
except in real life your progress is tangible and will amount to something worthwhile eventually. how the fuck did you think this was an appropriate response? you basically just admitted you're a loser with nothing but video games
fuck off normalfag
Good list. You can also add class homogenisation, flying mounts, faction homogenisation. The xpacks also invalidated all the old content and crammed everything relevant into a tiny continent.
How should they have handled new xpacks?
They opted to make it more casual because some players gained RL responsibilties and had less time to play. Seeing your friends quit can socially isolate you and remove the draw of an MMO until you find new friends. People are much more likely to quit in that window of time.
Expand the current world rather than make a new one each time. Don't increase the level cap but make raids and other new content in form of horizontal progression rather than vertical. Eg. they could add new leveling zones, class quests, catch up raids, PvP content etc without making the other content obsolete. Really, just more content patches.
and the game wouldn't have lasted 15 years
>How can you enjoy chess you retard
You know how old this shit is?
Thats how retarded people sound
You know that MMO where from level 1 you have to party with other people, your race and class choices matter with really diverse utility and its a really fun but challenging game from the start to finish?
Yeah, there isn't any MMO like that. But vanilla is the closest we have.
Just hate how they are wasting time and resources for an event that's just a cash grab for a one monthly sub then they realized how dated and.bad the game is. The only reason why raid were hard cuz pc couldn't handle it. Have you seen a video of a lock? You just spam shadowbolt
Try just pressing 1 button in PvP.
People will leave is one factor
But that’s just one piece of the pie.
Everyone will be starting in the same zones at release. Eventually the numbers will disperse because people will progress at their own pace, thus spreading the population around to all zones instead of just 8.
Then there is player scheduling, after the initial hype of launch people will start to change their play schedule to accommodate lifestyle priorities again.
It was never about people just quitting the game, it was also about the ratio of total server player population to total player login ratio to total players per zone ratio.
Grob is high now. Literally every US server is high/full. Pre-launch hype is unreal right now.
They're going to add four more servers before launch today, too.
This is a good answer.
They will remove it in phase 2 when they launch dire maul and pvp ranking system. Don't think they've said an exact time
>True that
holy fucking boomer
People want to remember the days before modern WoW and XIV where everything wasn't streamlined to hell and back. They want a world and community that feels alive since you couldn't rely on a DF system to automatically match you with people. New MMOs have failed to capture that feeling, sure the presentations are nice but at the end of the day most modern MMOs feel like Single Player games with a tacked on Multiplayer that doesn't fit.
Still these MMOs should be left in the past and hopefully allow for something to kill the stagnant design both WoW and XIV perpetuate.
I'm not sure what classes that can be a solution for since pve and pvp require the exact opposite traits:
PvP: surivability, control, mobility and burst dps/healing
PvE: glass cannon with maxed out sustain
This isn't taking into account the warrior who has a different very specialized build for each role (until they have enough gear to tank as fury)
While gear will offset some weaknesses, if you PvP in PvE spec, you'll hate yourself and if you PvE in PvP spec, your guildmates will hate you. If you make a jack of all trades it'll be boring and if you have to farm an extra 100g/week, you'll hate the game. I really see no way around it.
depressed men in their late twenties blinded by nostalgia looking, it's not that strange really
>Make leveling so easy that it's like you're a God from Level 1.
It's even worse than that, because of mob level scaling and having your full rotation from level 15 or 20, you always feel like you're getting weaker as you increase in level.
>built to fail
The motto of our age, sadly.
The things you're part of make you what you are.
Cut the 'well balanced traditional real old school hardcore mmo players want a return to the real good old human community'. The nostalgic traditionalist and communitarianist thoughts are just part of a much wider political trend that depicts the past as the highest and most desirable stage of humanity. Obviously all of that babbling it's fiction. Even if i can agree with part of the narrative the diagnosis is fucking retarded.
Instead of looking for something new that could actually constitute a subtantial experience or even a form of life you retards ask for for 'the good'ol mistified authentic experience'. And when i say ask i really mean it, you moan and do nothing more that moaning. Ofcourse blizzard will make good profit out of it.
Have fun. You'll be forever trapped in mediocrity.
It's only vaguely related but seeing you mention a world that feels alive makes me realize that every expac cheapened the mysticism about the game. I remember places like Grim Batol and Bough Shadow, both of which were located in level 20 zones, but those areas had max level elite dragonkin wandering about. Or even somewhere with no enemies like the Twilight Grove. Because of how out of place it was, there was a sense of mystery to these places. In reality there wasn't anything special about them, but the atmosphere of those places had a sense of wonder that I feel has been continually cheapened.
Back in Vanilla, exploration was fun; and finding places like Grim Batol was cool as fuck. In addition, the maps were informative, but still vague enough that it encouraged exploration. In modern WoW everything is spelled out and detailed that there's no reason to explore. All the dungeons have big graphics on them to denote their existence instead of subtle maps with locations that don't reveal too much of what the area is. Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass, but I do think that this has happened.
>See hogger, oh man I better get a group together I remember how strong he was
Nope can just solo him now
>Oh man that dwarf bunker with all the elites, going to be crazy completing that quest
Nope they're all normal mobs now
>Can't wait to use sheep in an instance
Sorry mate no CC in dungeons
Gee I wonder why people are put off by retail.
Sorry let me get down on your level
>Tru dat
wtf i think you're right. I'll just stick to ffxiv, good point.
Current Blizzard is completely incapable of bringing back the 2000 mmo experience. Nothing any players do will chance this Classic WoW is a compromise which aknowledges this fact.
the truth is its not even a competition. classic will simply curbstomp both retail and tranny fantasy and they are scared
Whoever was really interested in revisiting old version for years would eventually try private servers. Now all this hype is very much engineered.
>Only 1 Oceania pvp server
Shit's going to be crazy
WoW doesn't really have too much of a problem in that regard. You definitely don't feel like you're any stronger once you've got your core kit, but you don't really get any weaker either.
Now ESO, that's a game that handled its level scaling awfully.
herro gwailo
you no touch devilsaur
You'll get banned if you do it cross-faction, be careful
because the game is good
can't wait to get the wannabe ungoro mafiosos banned because they thought this shit is going be the same as their sihtty corrupt private server
>What made vanilla wow good?
Gnomish females were cute!
I wonder where Blizzard will draw the line, They'll obviously not allow cross faction collusion on it but I wonder how far they'll allow spawn camping to go.
Yes, you do that. You get better at controlling your emotions, and having the emotions that benefit you.
dew hours at most, they didn't allow that much griefing back then and they definitely won't allow any more of it now
What about WOTLK WoW?
Respond QUICK
everyone here is going to play a fag ass rogue
Which class absolutely shits on rogues?
Hurry there isn't much time
Then they're not whales. Whales spend exorbitant amounts of money on mtx, not the other way around.
Another rogue
you should try actually playing the game
>still can't decide on a race and class
>only know i want to play Horde and do pvp
I feel like playing Mage or priest because i never played them before and i want something new.
But i also like War with big armor and weapons.
chess has rules and strategy entirely based on logic
WoW Classic has several design flaws, bugs, bugged class interactions and balance issues
It's hardly comparable
I heard you could drag world raid bosses into cities back then. I wanna do that. Is it a bannable offense?
Hunter? Flare?
Because as an entire package, classic wow has never been topped for me personally as a whole.
Well priest is very good at PvP. In addition you may find gearing easier since everybody will want a priest healer in their dungeons. The only downside is maybe solo leveling as shadow and having to spec swap but that's the price you gotta pay for being a big dog at the end of the game.
Enjoy your annoying swedes, user.
Would troll priest be any good?
I'm not really into undead.
Yea its gonna be tough bro
Dont worry to much about what race you are yes some are better but your a fuckin priest. Youll get that spot. If your curious the rough power level of races for priest is
We gonna home :DDD
Because it's better than the new games they have made.
Alright thanks.
I hope i won't suck too much at healing in dungeons since i never played healer before.
finns are fun to play with tho
CC wasn't really a thing outside raids in vanilla too
you've never done a single mythic+, have you
Depends on the size of the pull really.
Is this a good way to get into wow? I tried it once for an hour and it did not appeal to me all that much. Everbody says this is the bees knees, that it was better back then. Or are everybody super veterans and have friends which I dont have?
TBC used CC as well
It become world of mountcraft.
user was talking about Classic, not a retail content 100 times harder and complex than anything classic pve will offer
If anything that guy never played there
TBC dungeons were harder than Vanilla dungeons, and even there it was mostly depending on having or a too much careful bitchy party or an actual shit party
It's the ONLY - the actual, seriously ONLY MMO ever made that actually made you feel like you're not only playing a substantial video game but ALSO are watching other people play that same video game, get to watch them go on their business to whatever totally separate content they're up to. You're questing in a zone, you see other people quest in the same zone BUT you also get to see other people PASS BY, running or riding their mount to a nearby zone. You can see people from rival factions ganking an allied player in the distance. You can get ganked yourself but then out of nowhere a high level allied Chad Hunter shows up because he was on his way to a raid or quest in an adjacent zone and happened to spot you getting actively ganked and he saves your ass.
You can see the sights, explore the Azeroth that you fell in love with in W3, not a bastardized, Disney-fied kiddie version of it in modern retail WoW.
You can find people to do a dungeon or raid with. No automated groupfinder that teleports your ass on the other side of the game world.
A lot of powergamers are going to be disappointed in WoW Classic because they just want to speedrun to level 60 to play Blackrock one more time and then get bored when their "LIVE SERVICE" tastes aren't met, but those of us who love Vanilla for the unmatched PvE are glad to finally not have to play on pirate servers anymore and lose our characters every time those servers inevitable get shut down.
You could have put that "unmatched PvE" on top of your post so i could have ignored you faster
Vanilla PvE was complete dogshit
Nostalgia is a bitch OP
If your gonna get into wow then ya this is the time. Play to the first dungeon I would say. If you dont like it quit.
Can't wait to do 40 man raids with enough drops for like 5 people per boss while also pressing nothibg but Frostbolt with my Mage till boss is dead
faggots who blew hundreds of dollars on a boring normalfag MMO tripping balls on nostalgia
Ignore shitposters and retail trannies
We are going home
They know retail is officially dead and everyone will drop it for Classic
There are two main reasons I want to play Classic:
1.) The leveling experience and running dungeons is more enjoyable and rewarding then retail. The only goal I really have is to hit level 60. Leveling up in retail is as soulless as it gets and the game is just an infinite climb at max level with every patch removing whatever previous progression you made. In Classic WoW leveling is part of the journey and I want to experience that again.
2.) World PvP. I want to spend hours in STV or Tauren Mill ganking people and trying to initiate faction wars with groups of people coming to join the fights. World PvP in retail is dull and unrewarding. World PvP in vanilla is exciting and tense.
Amazing argument, contrarian nu-Yea Forums friend.
It's just a fact, vanilla pve was just terrible
I patrolled Arathi Highlands as a Dwarf Hunter for moooonths back in the day, can't wait to do it again. I'd always duck out into the undead zone to the west if they called babysitters to counter gank me and harass lowbies there.
Can't wait to do it all again.
faggots like you really like to hear themselves talk go be a faggot somewhere else.
>retailfags still in full-force with the shitposting
>waaaah it'll only last a month
keep dreaming, faglords
>outdated mechanics
because of this exactly
modern game design is a bore
Dude it's such an amazing argument you're bringing to the table, like seriously. What the fuck I don't even want to play Classic now.
>it's a fact because I say so
>millions of people are wrong, I AM RIGHT
Turns out those 15 years old mechanics provide a better mmorpg experience by making the mmo part relevant again
Reminder that classic is a very social game this mean people will make bonds with other people which leads to people keep playing this game. I don't think the meme
>people will quite in 1 month
is true I think zoomier will play this longer because it will be their first time experience a mmorpg with new people who stick with them, like people did in 2004. Reminder that you can clear HC raids in retail without talking once.
>enough drops for like 5 people per boss
reeeeee flying
flying fags are dumb
I know ur a wpvp nigger simple solution is to make a eng item that can dismount flyers. There you go faggot
Joke's on you, personality disorders can't be fixed.
who's the retard now?
>15 year old game
I never understood this meme. Retail by default is 15 years old as well, but nobody seems to mind
You are just biased by your nostalgia googles
40man raids with limited drops promoting inner circles and the cancer dkp, 1 mechanic fights, limited debuff slots that required allowance to use them from the raid leader or you were going to be an annoyance time waster, complete retarded itemitazion, literal 1 button with occasional when x has y stacks then buff yourself and keep doing your single button soulkilling rotation, etc. Were top peak unmatched PvE experience of WoW
There are a lot of small mmos with bad graphics that are better than wow for all intents and purposes if you don't have severe nostalgiafaggotry.
>be me
>playing on retail
>play on my character from 15 years ago
>with achievments from 2008
>using items that i obtained 15 years ago
>playing in zones that were designed 15 years+ ago
>doing quests that were put into the game 15 years ago
Most people have been successfully trained to perceive everything old as useless and outdated, and everything new as necessary and good. These people buy new phones every year, new shoes, new cars. They are retards, ignore them
>i hate retail and don't want
>But i am paying the sub to support retail for play Classic lmao
The absolute state of you nostalgia retards
Ask me how i know you first mmo was wow.
Anyone doing the wetland run?
They dont seem to understand they are feeding the machine they so desperately hate and want to fail just to play a game that will never be the same lol.
>unmatched PvE
>people from rival factions ganking an allied player in the distance
>You can get ganked yourself
Have you even played WoW? No seriously
the only people that fair anything are you faggots who fear classic+ and blizzard fucking doing another bfa tier expansion.
That kill count is pretty small
What do you think the chances are blizzard will cave and make changes? Wondering if my shit spec will be good one day.
On which stage are you?
You are effectly supporting retail and it's development by playing Classic despite how much you trashtalk it
Non retarded people playing retail not interested in classic can't actually give a fuck to you, you like a good cuck support their game without even playing it and they only have to benefit from having you fags "going home"
>will get to enjoy it for the first time
don't talk too fast kiddo
Better question, why the fuck should I care about what retail is doing?
This. People want a MULTIPLAYER experience, not mundane things repeated daily with a bunch of drones that barely say anything.
Then why you are paying for it?
I'm paying a sub to play classic, blizzard can do whatever it wants with the sub money. I stopped caring about retail back when pandas got their own expansion
he's right you know
>Paying a sub for a game with closed development
You are paying a retail sub that support retail and just give you the bonus to play Classic.
If the subscription can allow you to log in on a BfA server then it's a BfA sub bro
thanks for funding our next xpac bro
This isn't how video game development works
Not that guy but don't I need to own the expansion to play retail?
As far as I'm concerned I'm paying for a classic sub with retail being the bonus I'm not interested in. If blizzard wants to use my money to develop retail then they can, if anything I want them to do that. Maybe they can make retail good again. I haven't even bought a xpac since cata nor upgraded my account since then
What if they don't own BFA
The mechanics and design choices encourage cooperation between players in a way that is lost in current MMOs. Like any game that is well designed, you can return to it regardless of how much time has passed and it will still retain its quality.
you're paying a retail sub but you're only interested in the classic bonus
you're paying a sub for a game you don't even have, cuck.
Owning game itself is basically nothing, the subscription numbers are what matter at the end of the dsy for Activision investors and Classic is gonna be a gold mine for retail
I dont play WoW anymore because i'm not a retard and I dont wanna play classic because it was an autistic grind for neets and the community will never come back because this isnt early 2000s internet.
Like I said, it's the other way around. I can log into retail if I wanted to, I just have no reason to do so.
>not free to play
I guess i'll be playing something else.
you realize blizz can see which game you play right? internally they will not consider a users sub a retail sub if they have never played retail during their subscription
literally anything else is more fun than classic anyway
you are the cancer killing mmos
Imagine if your favorite old game that you like to replay was only available for 2 years and never available again. Most people didn't get their fair share of vanilla which has never been trumped as an mmo. It's not like the game has been available for 15 years so this is a chance at getting to go back to that peak of mmos and be able to replay it whenever you want in the future. People seem to miss this fact.
Yeah, a 15 years old remastered game getting a fresh launch with nostalgia and fake marketed hype orbiting around the purity of the original release is going to see development to justify a sub fee, which is only a coincedende that it happens to be the very same retail sub with added bonus of "oh yeah, you can play Classic too if you wish, boy"
>peak of mmos
>if you dont pay $15 for 15 years old content you are cancer
No user YOU are the cancer
>over the last 6 month I have been absolutely 100% completely certain I wanted to play human warrior
>now thinking human paladin might be more fun
I am not gonna pay for retail
>he wants to pay 15 euros a month for an ancient game
LMAOing at your life
it has nostalgia value but only as a free to play game, no way i am paying a monthly subscription
>fake marketed hype
this. brainlet turboautists think this is going to be their safe heaven to be a piece of shit online and grief new players who goat memed into playing classic by all the fake hype spam
it will be a hilarious trainwreck and dead within a month
You have to understand that people who are still pining for world of warcraft and the old days 15 years later are likely extremely mentally ill. Like speedrunners
I didn't think Yea Forums would go so crazy over this
Tbh B2P no sub fee would have been the perfect model
You pay your product and you had given the choice to not support more than that
The sub is there to milk out money for the sake of milking mobey, absolute disgusting and even an insult to the actual original Vanilla WoW memory
That's the thing, though. It's sad that it's hype. It's sad that the MMO genre has DEVOLVED from what you wrote there. It's sad that I have to get hype for basic shit like NOT having fast travel in the game and actually having a somewhat engaging gameplay when it comes to collecting 30 boars' asses, as opposed to modern MMO's where everything in PvE melts to your basic key inputs without any thought put into.
I like mmos but I never played wow before, however I tried wow vanilla 2 months ago for a while to see if I wanted to play Classic with my friends and I really really liked it. So it's obviously not nostslgia to me.
But who cares anyway, you are going to ignore my post and it will be the same shitposts every single day.
Boomers from the first 3 expansions should fuck off forever and stop shitting up glorious NA servers
its mostly retards falling for the hype
in a month it will all be over
Where are my BfA bros
No, i am not seething. I simply refuse to support such cancer. I'd rather spend my money on expanding my GOG library.
for the same reason you have emulators on your pc
t. LFR hero
>having a somewhat engaging gameplay
It will die down after it's released
>its just nostalgia
>rose tinted goggles
>who cares if almost every server is already full and the game's not even out yet
>the servers will die in a month
>no 3 months
>no a year
Have you ever seen more genuinely retarded people in your life? I know you don't understand why the game's popular but this just makes you sound like a spack
Here user.
Assuming you’re being unironic , that is. I still have fun in BFA shitting on fags in the 2100-2400 3v3 and 2v2 bracket on my fury warrior. Rogue tears taste delicious.
Who cares, you are founding next retail expansion with Classic
but i dont like it so its obviously fake hype
>said same guy who quoted preorder numbers for Anthem as an argument for how it isn’t dead minutes before the player count dropped to 200 not even a year after release
Ah yes, paying for 25 year old games, a much more sensible option for connoisseurs such as yourself
if you tell them beforehand, it will be harder for them to accept the fact that its shit
there was only one good mmo and it wasnt WoW
>waaah I didn't like the raids and the build balance
Not what Vanilla was about. Stay on Retail and shut the fuck up, faggot. MMOs are dead because they cater to you end-game and PvP faggots instead of keeping the PvE exciting.
Please grow out of this ridiculous attitude. You are one person, the way you spend your money only has a significant effect on your own life. I bet you also think that your vote makes a difference
Less that 12hrs!
>a brand new game that no-one had ever played before is the same thing as re-releasing one of the most popular video games of all time
Ok friend
Sounds like everyone's happy then, what's the issue?
>pvp faggots
Lmao retail pvp is atrocious user, even vanilla pvp is more exciting
Just play The Witcher 3 if all you want to do is collect boars asses for some random npc
Idk I’m just so angry about my penis size I’m sorry I hope you enjoy your server
People are getting hyped not because they are legit interested in the game but because they got told by their favorite celebrity(paid and or with an interest in keeping followers numbers when migrating to new home) to be, and so they consume
Name one MMO that's meets or surpasses this level of player engagement for it's regular PvE activities as opposed to just being a right click simulator.
PSO is not an mmo, it's an action RPG with a lobby system. It's still 100x better than WoW ever was.
Ah yeah, of course, they wouldn't have made a new expansion if it wasn't for Classic WoW
Witcher doesn't have other players to meet and watch and get ganked by while I'm doing my own thing.
There are idiots screaming at each other while the real retail chads are enjoying the show full knowing the more succesful classic is the better is for retail
PSO, Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, Star Wars Galaxies, and ESO
Yes, it does.
Actually possible since BfA was bleeding like never before
But Classic is going to plug the hole and funnel in good money.
Dude retail is literally a fucking ghost town, "the retail chads" want to fucking die right now.
But people are trying to avoid those "celebrities" (streamers) like the plague?
Go join a kickboxing gym, eat healthy, sleep normally. You're only suicidal because you're being a dumbass and not getting your brain and body the natural chemicals it needs to feel OK.
Yeah, tranny-ism hijacked the LGB movement and it's a travesty, but workout with intense cardio for a full hour nonstop each day after a full night's rest and see if you still want to kill yourself over stupid people in the world. You're a big retard faggot if you suicide before trying out naturally rebalancing your system.
>Your 3D accelerator card is not supported by World of Warcraft. Please install a 3D accelerator card with dual-TMU support.
Next expansion bro
And? Who fucking cares? Anyone with developmental disabilities will play the new expansion and spend 2 years complaining about it like they always do, while the rest of us play the good version of the game.
Not to mention Classic's success will lead to TBC Classic which let's be honest is what more people really want
I'd like a TBC without the shit tier lore it had please
Just fucking kill yourself, TBC was the beginning of the end, it was fucking shit.
Sounds like you play on a shit server like underbog faggot
>implying nostalgia is bad
Why do people lean more towards the older era of gaming when they think about "the best games of our time?"
Why does anyone say that Super Mario World is definitively THE Mario game?
Ocarina of Time?
Why did the Crash and Spyro trilogies get remakes?
Why do people still fawn over GTA San Andreas instead of V?
The nostalgia for Classic WoW isn't just that it's a "good game" or that it has a better medium for creating communities. People remember it fondly as the definitive version of WoW, and they hope that Blizzard will make a return to form to it in some way.
>You think you do but you don't
Only time will really tell about this statement, but judging by all the full servers, we'll just see where it goes.
>there actually are retailbabies in thesd threads
This explains all the seething about classic.
yeah and other people want flying removed, neither are gonna happen
it had just as many ups and downs as vanilla did, don't kid yourself. At least in TBC you could play almost any spec and not be completely useless, I'd never change that for vanilla because it is what it is, but the classes improved in BC
>other people
Even the people who asked for TBC on the forums and the AMA wanted flying removed. Nobody at all wants flying, and for a good reason.
Well optimized flight paths making flying pointless anyway
>the fucking wow forums
I shouldn't even have to point out how dumb that post made you look
yeah yeah, it killed world PVP and had arenas, who the fuck cares. some of us were doing actual content like raids
I've asked this in a few threads over the weeks but I've never got an answer, I really would like to know. Which PvP server for EU are we going?
You have to be 18+ to post here
There is no "we" but if you really want to play WoW with the dregs of humanity you should go Shazzrah, though expect 6 hour queues
I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, I mean which EU server have we figured is going to be mostly English speaking?
>Other people
If they had never introduced flying in the first place, people wouldn't have really complained.
Now we have a gazillion flying mounts, and some activities are dependent on your ability to fly (such as flying around Storm Peaks). Do you really think people will just give up flying for their mounts with wings?
Some might fight it, others won't. But it's dumb of you to think that the people who want flying are outnumbered by the people who don't.
any of them, ignore all that shit about "communities" of people from different countries, they will be everywhere, English will be the vast majority on every server
Uhh, witcher 3 doesn't have mindless mmo fetch quests. You're thinking of dragon age inquisition.
All the servers are full, why didn't they make more? Fuck this I'll check back in a few months.
Uhm sweaty classic uses a new engine and updated modern graphics. Best of both worlds
going mograine since it's the only one that has a chance of having a close to 50/50 faction balance, unlike the other preestablished discord/pserver clique servers that are 70/30 horde
how many people we talkin here?
how many subs/players?
do we know a ballpark yet
yeah sorry I can't find a game with worse quests than vanilla
In retail yes, the ones who want classic and even the ones who asked for TBC clearly don't.
Zandalar Tribe
lol there's 630 people on the Razorgore discord, not indicative in any way of what the population will be, most people don't want to be in a realm discord
1 billion
>objetive survive
>you are forced to die
every expansion of wow
You know they're going to use Classic as a launching pad for live to get more players. It's included in the same sub for a reason. People will be transitioning back to live within 6 months in time for some big content patch or new expansion.
My official English server back when I played retail was mostly Bulgarian, and I had to accept I was lucky to be spoken to during a raid or dungeon in English (and always like a pest they had to keep updating). There's no doubt that a few English servers are picked by EU communities who don't have an official server for their language and they take over the server, I have seen it happen and can't be convinced otherwise. With much fewer servers here in Classic, the chances of accidentally picking one is much higher so I'm very wary of it.
Westfall PTSD victim reporting. Boar livers for literal hours.
or just play at the end of the expansion and do full lfg and drop it
It doesn't really matter. With these many players, even if classic loses 90% of the playerbase it would still be successful.
>hey you know that those shit quests everyone hates from westfall
>let's make an entire zone like that and make it so big it has to be split in half lmao
The new servers holds tens of thousands of people, probably at least 40k on each, there's a few dozen servers (or will be after they add a ton more in 5 hours), most of them are already full, and the game isn't out yet
Hundreds of thousands of people. A lot will drop off after an hour, day, week, month, but this game's gonna do incredibly well for blizz
I figured this too. I think they do want people to stay and play for Classic because that's a dedicated sub for someone who otherwise wouldn't have played, but for the countless thousands of people who will quickly realize vanilla isn't what they thought it was - well, they have access to live too and will no doubt try it out as to feel they didn't waste money, and will hopefully from Blizzard's perspective get hooked.
Quite easily if the game is good enough, i've tried WOW and it wasn't for me but I have been in an MMO for over 12 years and still rack up game time almost every day, the fact it's been alive and profitable for 15 years should tell you something
Back when you played retail there were many many times more servers and they all had smaller caps. You'll be fine
why am i exited to play a 15 year old game that i've literally never played before
no real way to know sadly
Which zone?
are you me
>the ones who want classic clearly don't
Maybe in your eyes, but did you ever consider that people MAYBE just want to play Classic for the sake of it, and not because "muh flying and shit."
Because lets be real; the only people who care about flying at all are the PVPers.
>tfw want to gank people but they're all in the sky and /yelling their "LOL U MAD" macros until they outnumber you 10:1
How are you passing the time until release?
>did you ever consider something extremely retarded
No, I did not. Now go away.
Stranglethorn Vale. The whole zone is like those farm quests in Westfall. Kill 1 billion animals and collect 10 trillion dog urethras with 0.01% drop chance.
PvP or PvE server?
why would you even consider PVE unless you're handicapped, you're removing a fundamental part of the game
Every enemy player you see might as well not even be there, you can't interact with them much outside of them taking your mobs, it's so boring
If a server is full how long does it take to get in? Never played on a full server before, but they're all full here. If it's like a half hour wait time or somehing I think I might just not play at all, will wait a few months for it to die down.
>Now go away
Make me, fag
hype levels critical
>half hour
I don't know, I've never played a PvE server before. But the PvE servers are all full up like the rest so there must be a compelling reason to play on one.
"full" isn't a fixed number and it doesn't actually mean full (yeah I know), some of the "full" servers will have way longer queues
>half an hour
hahaha the really full server queues are going to be more like 6 hours
how the fuck am i gonna tag mobs with all the people?
nah it's just people that are terrible at PVP or don't have the time to level quickly enough to not get the shit ganked out of them
dynamic respawns are on, in the 1-5 zones mobs respawn in literally 5 seconds. plus then layering will kick in which, for better or worse, will at least make the game playable for a while
That's awful, I'll just pass this up entirely.
Wait a few days/weeks or suck it up like the rest of us on launch.
They filled up reeeaaally slowly compared to the pvp servers. And there are more pvp servers than pve, and they still have to keep adding pvp ones.
>layering means my server can have an actual population without me never seeing a single sarkoth or cactus apple
Seems good to me senpai. Sorry if some autist uses it to get an extra copper node
Heirlooms ruining leveling completely
Flying ruining pvp interaction between factions
RNG in every single aspect of the game, including PvP rewards
You get btfo
it'll only be like that on the full servers, theres still a bunch of high/medium servers that probably wont have queues
He's not wrong. I've played every mmo on the market
Medium population realms won't have queues but the current ones may fill up quickly, they're launching a ton more today though
What if those streamers literally can't get in and their stream is up for six hours of them waiting? Then they give up and go to bed but can't get in the next day either?
>Blizzard makes it so you have to level to 120 from scratch so they give you two options; pay for a max, or use heirlooms. Still stupid either way
>Still a genuine problem to date. Flying has and always will be a plague on PVP
>RNG with weekly lockouts
There's a lot of shit Blizzard could iterate on better, but you know they fucking won't.
Depends if you're wearing your tin foil hat, some believe that Blizz are giving streamers priority login, but they certainly didn't give them character naming priority
Realistically they probably will be sat in queues and it'll be fucking hilarious
more than twelve give or take
>there are boomers in this thread right now unironically defending nostalgia
Fucking dinosaurs, just die already.
>there are zoomers in this thread unironically defending BFA
streamers will get priority we've known this for months
singular -o plural -i
1 mafioso, 2 mafiosi
i would like to order 1 capuccino
i would like to order 2 capuccini
Like in regards to getting names?
Because they didn't
english is dumb
based on a beta with nobody in it and a few stress tests that many didn't even bother trying to play? or the names that some didnt even get?
We'll see tonight if they really are getting priority because they're all on the same server with 40k+ other retards so there's almost zero chance they aren't all queueing unless given prio
dont you have some new clothes to buy? or some brand new fad to make propaganda of it for free?