Post good ps1 RPGs

Post good ps1 RPGs

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please pick one and only one

Ps1 is the greatest console of all time. Have sex.

Alundra 1/2
Arc the Lad Collection
Azure Dreams
Battle Hunter
Beyond the Beyond
Blaze & Blade: Eternal Quest
Brave Fencer Musashi
Breath of Fire 4
Chocobo's Dungeon 2
Chrono Cross
Crusaders of Might and Magic
Digimon: Digital Card Battle
Dragon Seeds
Dragon Valor
Dragon Warrior 7
Eternal Eyes
Final Fantasy 7-9
Front Mission 3
Granstream Saga
Guardian's Crusade
Jade Cocoon
Kartia: The Word of Fate
Legend of Dragoon
Legend of Legaia
Legend of Mana
Lunar 1/2
Master of Monsters: Disciples of Gaia
Nectaris: Military Madness
Ogre Battle
Parasite Eve 1/2
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
SaGa Frontier 1/2
Saiyuki: Journey West
Shadow Madness
Shadow Tower
Suikoden 1/2
Tales of Destiny
Thousand Arms
Threads of Fate
The Unholy War
Vagrant Story
Vandal Hearts 1/2
Vanguard Bandits
Wild Arms 1/2nd Ignition
XCOM: UFO Defense/Terror from the Deep

So is that a port of the Snes Ogre Battle: March of the black queen, or was a it a ps1 version of Ogre Battle 64?

Can't wait for butthurt P3shitters to mess up the thread

Which one was more kino?

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>Good (((RPG)))
>Digimon card battle
>Not Digimon World

IS >>>>>>> EP

>Beyond the Beyond
>Eternal Eyes
>Shadow Madness
>Shadow Tower but no King's Field
That last one is a damn 3d fighting game. I guess if you count the strategic move your pieces around mini game part.

Anyway mostly good list. Thanks for sharing.

While some of the list is utter nonsense, its still sad to see so much rpgs, and there is even more thats not in the list.
I wish there would still be as much RPGs on newer consoles (that are not just waifubaitshit)

Innocent Sin has the stronger start but falls apart at Katatsumuri. Eternal Punishment starts a little slow, but kicks into high gear and stays there after the Aerospace Museum.
Battles were more involved in Punishment and the second half wasn't rushed to fuck like in Sin. Having an actual post game with the EX dungeon gives it major points too.

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>Ps1 is the second greatest console of all time*
SNES is king.

Lunar Silver Star Story 1/2
Breath of Fire 3/4
Suikoden 1/2
Vandal Hearts 1/2
FF 7/8/9
Valkyrie Profile (must play)
Legend of Mana (weird)
Front Mission 3

Honourable mention: Alundra (not a JRPG but if you like that genre you might like Zelda and this is a great Zelda clone, better than many Zelda games)

>Breath of Fire 4
emulated it a week ago and boys it's just good

Pretty good list, user.
Might suggest vagrant story as well.

>Pure Ludo Tier
Wizardry Llylgamyn Saga
>God Tier
Vagrant Story
SaGa Frontier/SaGa Frontier 2
Front Mission 2
Valkyrie Profile
Star Ocean 2
Tactics Ogre:LUCT
Shadow Tower
King's Field III

>Great Tier
Legend of Mana
Chrono Cross
Ogre Battle:MOTBQ
Tales of Eternia
Star Ocean
King's Field II
Vandal Hearts II
SRW Alpha Gaiden
Chocobo Mystery Dungeon
SMT: Soul Hackers

>Good Tier
Arc the Lad III
Brigandine: The Legend of Forsena Grandmaster Edition
The Granstream Saga
Persona 2 IS/EP
Legend of Legaia
Vandal Hearts
Torneko: The Last Hope
Brave Fencer Musashi
Parasite Eve
Wild Arms II
Suikoden/Suikoden II
Front Mission 3
SRW Alpha
Tales of Phantasia PSX

>Okay Tier
Parasite Eve II
Wild Arms
Legend of Dragoon
Tales of Destiny
King's Field
Azure Dreams
Monster Rancher 2
Battle Hunter
Arc The Lad
Dragon Valor

>I don't like these so I don't bother playing them Tier
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest Monster
Digimon World games

>Critical Failure Tier
Beyond the Beyond
Thousand Arms

>pic unrelated

they're both equally kino. can't have one without the other.

Breath of fire 4 is the best bof game and dare I say jrpg of all time

Damn yall really dont like person 2 ep

Didnt play it desu, it also doesnt look that appealing to me

OP here, I can honestly say they are both pretty kino imo

Did you play innocent sin?

Great list. I only have one nitpick and that's Vandal Hearts 2. I didnt like it as a young lad and recently tried it again thinking my brain just couldn't handle it. It was still terrible and this time I gave it like six hours of solid play. Perhaps its related to me holding the first one in VERY high regard.

Should i buy a used ps3 off of amazon to play some old classics? demon souls, smt 3, etc

Zoom zoom

Tried it, but didnt like the protagonist. I prefer the newer personas


Which ones from 3,4, and 5?

Me and two friends played VH1 to death and when VH2 came out I liked it but they took the same view as you: it just sucked. I never understood it because, besides the change in battle system, it was very similar. And the battle system isn't even bad. In fact, it's one of the most satisfying tactical RPG battle systems once you learn to use it properly. You learn to predict the movements of the enemy down to the unit and tile. It also has a lot of customisability, secret levels, secret items -- a lot more depth than the first more generally. And a nice political drama story similar to the first. People just freak out when their expectations aren't met even in the slightest way.

>Didn't like the protagonist

That's pretty much the last thing you should dislike about the game.

5 is the best of them: 5>4>3.
Guess i wont like p2ep

>hit points/health points
>not Divine Materialize Energy
I seriously hope your RPG doesn't do this

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ask me how I know you're the zoomer

I played all of those.
Recommend me a japanese only one, if theres any worth it.

Still need to continue Valkyrie Profile.
That narration coupled with the mercenary dude killing himself was pretty kino.

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Tatsuya's plot choice mirrors player's choice to play EP

I think it's just too slow. Hoping It'd be easier to play if that PSP translation comes out.

>game with arguably the worst gameplay out of PS1 RPGs

JRPGs are games where you get your number higher than the opponent and you win, they are by their own nature the easiest video games of all time. When games have tried to mix up and reinvent the turn based combat of jrpgs we've really only ever come up with half baked ideas that aren't really that great either. What I'm saying is, jrpgs have never had gameplay, it's all visuals music and narrative. They're the original walking and talking games. I'm the biggest jrpg fan I know and I promise you this genre doesn't include gameplay.

I'm so tired of turn based battles at this point so I'm playing Vandal Hearts as my first tactical rpg and it's pretty neato apart from restarting long battles

I mainly agree, though theres also JRPGs with fun gameplay such as star ocean 3.
I think the greatest issues are the resources. You could possibly make a JRPG with a really nice combat, but it would take a real huge amount of effort. It propably just makes more sense to focuse on something

Most of the games in the genre have top tier gameplay though.

>its another contrarian pretends pre-P3 Persona is good thread

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I prefer Innocent Sin slightly over enteral punishment
Still it’s like comparing Peanut butter and jelly
Good by themselves better together

Fuck off Chi.

Try not to get killed by Sharkings, the game.

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Where's Valkyrie Profile you retard

>Front Mission 2 over 3
What a perfect list

>What if Tekken was a turn based rpg
>It somehow manages to be good

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I'm at the part when you join the yankees in the carrier, does it get better?

>No one said Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen
Fucking great RPG and top tier voice talent.

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That ain't an RPG tho, is an action game, a really good one at that.

>legend of legaia
>monster rancher 2
that's it. the rest are mediocre to bad

just because gala is blocky looking?

Based. Any faggot that asks for good jrpgs on the ps1 deserve whole library dumps.
Kill yourself immediately

>silent hill series

I'm the weirdo who preferred VH2. It was a way better story and different combat system was just that - different. It was never a game breaker for me. One annoyance was needing to re-visit shops between every battle because new stock was constantly added.

>dat OST

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Characters in Valkyrie Profile were outstanding because you actually got to experience their backstory AND subsequent Asgard interactions if you sent them. The sequel fucked up by making characters totally interchangeable within their classes.

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He's correct. FM3 was a major step down from FM2 in terms of how many wanzers you could field. Then again, FM2 was never released in English and even the fan translation couldn't fit all the story in so it might as well not exist for western audience.

>dat feel when I actually like the english dub more

>It aint an rpg
Dude it is literally grim dark zelda.
top down, get items, collect shit.
Yet people call Brave Fencer Musashi an rpg and that is just an action game.

Most of those backstories were fucking tear jerkers man.
I still remember some of them like the guy who sacrificed himself to save the peasant girl he loved.
The kid who was forced into war and whose boat sank and he drowned because he was a peasant and couldn't swim.
The mermaid chick, the blind girl, the samurai who goes apeshit.

I actually got lost after finishing the first dungeon, the clock ticking doesn't help either. Went to the first town to the house of the merc to look for his brother, but found no one there.

>can't send arngrim
>he's a powerhouse that will last through the entire game

it's almost like game is giving you a safety net

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Zelda not an rpg where's stats bro

*dashes in front of you*
Feel my wrath
*covers you on green rings*
Finishing strike
Extreme void!
*83058 damage*
*13048 damage*

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it has limb based combat.

My 3 most favorite games are on this list so this list must be true.

RPGs? Cringe.

Tedious as fuck. I played this over 20 years ago and I find the game dragging because of those pesky monsters. All I wanted to do was combine monsters and find a cool looking one.

is persona 2 better than 1? i started playing 1 but just got bored with it.

I know its a piss easy game in tier gameplay imoterms of combat, buy Lufia II dungeons are top

Fuck no.
The only good thing about it is the cast.

In terms of plot, yes, kinda. IS is actually good for like 15 hours before it begins to fall apart.
In terms of gameplay, it somehow is even worse.

Nice taste, respect

>generates very little special gauge
he sucks

Suffer my pain!

Finishing strike...


..How does it feel?

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>kicks you in the balls 12 times

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why ?
p3 wasn't a ps1 title, how is this thread supposed to bother anyone

Here's your (you)

>they are by their own nature the easiest video games of all time
>by their own nature
Only if you go out of your way to grind, each time you fail a fight.
That's the only part of a JRPG's "nature" that makes them easy - the possibility to farm until it becomes easy.
Yes, plenty of JRPGs are easy. But if the player doesn't stop and go out of their way to grind, then you can have a rather predictable level / "power" throughout the game, and then it's up to the devs to fine-tune the battles to this 'expected' level. They get to make that experience as hard or easy as they want.