>no starsector thread
Why should I play this game?
because it's shit
because the epic Yea Forums youtuber e celeb made a based video about it
hey hey people
I need more
I don't understand how to take control of my ship. In combat I try to cycle through my firing groups and click to fire and nothing happens, whats going on?
dude I love sseth
Post the ship loadout that you were trying this with. There are a lot of things that could be causing this.
Battles are so frustrating, enemies can just go straight to the retreat area while your dudes keep distance from them, and when they actually reach something they just stare at each other, they go straight to them instead of trying to intercept escaping ships
hey hey, people
Get fast frigates or smaller ships (or carriers). They will hunt down selected targets and harass them, while that's happening, your larger ships will have time to catch up.
Remember that you can deploy frigates from the side of the map in pursuit scenarios. Just select them multiple times to change what side they come from.
You can make your frigates can spawn in from the left and right sides of the map, cutting off the path of retreat. I don't bother chasing down fast enemies though once my fleet is big enough though.
When will they remove hyperspace storms?
How i can make money? Smuggling is shit and trade contracts pays very little
>he doesn't ride a chain of storms to travel across the sector center in half the time of normal travel
Just the default Apogee cruiser
because it's space mountain blade
Is your character actually assigned to the ship?
because its better than almost all of the games that have been released in the past decade or so
Surveying. Get a bunch of ships with the Surveying Equipment hullmod, wait until you can get a couple exploration missions located in the same area, then survey as much shit as you can on the way there. Sell all the survey data and extra nanoforges/synchotron cores you get on the black market
when is this game going to be done? is it barebones?
>my post and the one I replied to both end in 94
It's not really a get, but it's the best you can really expect on this board.
It's been in development for like 10 years. It'll be done when it's done. Alex works slow.
In Nex, can the pirates and pathers actually be wiped out? Looking at the faction directory, it'll say there are 3 more hidden markets. I'll blow up 2-3 bases and come back only to find they still have 3 hidden markets. Do they just literally keep spawning as I kill them?
Playing it, the only thing I thought it really needed was more factional interaction and having them actually fight and expand. Luckily, there's a mod for that. Maybe it could use a story/main quest, but it didn't really bother me.
Finally someone with his priorities straight
I take command of it in the start of battles, so I would think so. It's gotta be some dumb bullshit i'm not realizing, I'll find it eventually
go to the planets with ruins on them and loot them
Get a commission with one of the factions. They'll pay you just for existing. Hegemony is probably best since they own a good deal of territory and their ships are good for newer players since they're usually tanky as fuck with armor out the ass.
Once you do that, take as many exploration missions that are as close together as possible. Then all you do is show up, find the object and get paid anywhere from 40-90k.
How do I counter phase tards?
You either spam fighters and other rapid firing weapons at them. It keeps them in phase until they max their flux. Then they're easy killing. Or you outlast them. Once their operating time is over, their CR drops like a rock. Once they're at 0%, they can't phase anymore.
Just keep them in range of your weapons. Eventually they'll run out of flux and have to vent and you'll be hitting them the whole time. Bring some anti engine missiles to stop them from moving when they stop to vent if you need the extra lockdown. AI isn't smart enough to be anything more than annoying with phase ships though so you don't have to worry about getting fucked by them too hard.
>Smuggling is shit
>AI isn't smart enough to be anything more than annoying with phase ships though so you don't have to worry about getting fucked by them too hard.
All the AI will ever try to do in phase ships is sneak around to attack your engines. Just bring a carrier to babysit you and you're pretty much unkillable by phase fuckers. Although that 1 Phase only IBB is annoying as shit unless you CR drain them.
>Just keep them in range of your weapons.
Easier said than done when dealing with a Shade or Afflictor, especially if you're already caught up in a capship firefight.
what is the best ship for exploration?
is it worth it to put augmented warp drive on 3 of my main cruisers to get to 20 burn or should I just bring 2 ox(en)?
also is the only difference between a regular and pirate mule the ability to mount an energy weapon?
also you can put surveying equipment on your cargo ships and tankers.
If it's not a full on battle-fleet take the augmented warp drives
100% apogees.with efficiency overhaul and solar shielding
Just explore shit. Every now and then I find Alpha cores and those nano production things. Sell a couple of those and you've made like 500000
I found this big thicc fat boy in some random system. Is it any good? The whole XIV Legion thing makes me think it is.
It's the XIV variant of the Legion, which means it's tougher but slower. Legion is fine and can easily beat onslaughts with the proper loadout. You might not want to fly it yourself if you are used to faster ships though. Legions are crippling slow even with the Burn drive.
Now that my flourishing string of colonies is secured with planetary shields and churning out 500k a month of anything non-Paragon, it's time to review the state of the Sector:
>The Hegemony is still playing police state two centuries after their associated government freeze dried them and shipped them off to Space Somalia, then collapsed
>The Persean League is playing the timeless libertarian game of "pay our protection fees to keep you safe from government extortion or we'll fuck you up for skipping your membership dues"
>The Diktat is a brutal Norkie fanclub that only persists thanks to its figurehead's well-timed takeover of the only system with fancy lobsters and the best gas station
>The Luddics have some nice ideas with the whole "preseve stable biospheres" creed, too bad about their more prevalent hobbies of crashing antimatter tankers into planets that look to be prospering without them and generally being hypocrites
>Tri-Tachyon continues work on their third generation of computers that endlessly calculate the best way to kill all (user-specified, hopefully) humans to supplement their gaggle of sociopathic/psychopathic trust fund retard executives
Clearly Tri-Tach gets the gas tanks first, after that is going to be a trickier call
>selling alphas and nanoforges
its fun
corrupted nanoforges are about as common as beta cores
is there something i can do if i accidentally sold a fuckton of blueprints to the black market?
im getting more 'raid succesfull" popups than before and i fear i mightive fucked over the whole sector
Does selling blueprints/nanoforges to factions matter in Nexerelin? Or base?
How do I get my faction to make nice with someone?
If you liked mount & blade, you'll feel right at home, it's essentially that but in 2d, and the game encourages you to break every law if you want to get ahead
ya sure did
I don't wanna make colonies. I can't be fucked management.
they get access to that technology and nanoforges reduces d-mods in their fleets,so if you sell shit on the black market you'll get advanced pirates
is there any way to undo it?the secotr is in a state of consatnt war , debris fields everywhre, destroyed orbital stations, you cant even move around without being fucked, i can manage because of my fleet but i think the ai is going to be dead soon
Does dealing drugs actually fulfill my fantasy of a Mount and Blade mod for the Opium Wars somewhat?
You're going to have to take responsibility user for the quick bucks you got selling copyright leases to pirates and extremists.
Take over the sector and add planetary shields to every core world, only way to be sure.
So far, it's alright. The first reply is right, XIV Legion variants are slow, but fuck me if they can dish out damage to anyone unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of things. Just learn when to vent flux, because so far my point defenses of dual flak turrets, MGs, and vulcans nearly overload my Legion's flux.
at lest i have a legal excuse to saturaion bomb the hegemony,
im the peacekeeping force, its a lot easier to keep the peace of charred corpses and ash
But only pirates? What about HMI or Tri-Tach?
>tfw considered selling HIGH TECH blueprints and top secret shit like Odyssey and Doom class ships to the pirates and Pathers for a quick buck and a giggle
>mfw I see "Right click to learn blueprint" when I finally calm down and get a Hegemony commission
So long as you don't perma fuck the biosphere and wipe all population off, do as you wish to win. The moment you have true Hegemony instead of the pretenders you will established peace.
>selling endgame ultra-rare ship drops to the only opposition to learn and use them
>selling before realizing you need them to manufacture them yourself
Oh user I'm feeling for you
if you sell it to try tachs open market tritach gets it. everything on black gets funneled to pirates.
That $400,000 to $500,000 is temporary, but the pirates are forever.
>mfw ambitiously trying to start a gas giant colony and I get a notification of a punitive expedition from the Hegemony
>smuggling is shit
You either aren't paying attention to deficit prices, or you aren't running enough cargo space to justify you running from place to place, if you don't have at least 1.5k or 2k cargo holds minimum just for smuggling then yeah, it might not be all that worth it
is the faction getting the blueprints vanilla? i thought only pirates could get them
there really should be some kind of warning when you sell blueprints and nano forges to pirates
>tfw Conquest with Accelerated Ammo Feed
>returning from the fringes after like 8 months of exploring
>two factions have been obliterated by the persean league
>selling nanoforges to pirates
>selling any forges (including corrupted ones)
For what fucking purpose?
>not selling corrupted forges at low tariff markets
DME adds two markets with 3% tariffs, which is great if you don't want pirates to get buffed or if you want some extra rep
some men just want to see the sector burn
i didnt know alright, everybody makes mistakes
too bad my mistakes doomed the sector
I horde them, no one will have the industrial capacity to challenge me when I make my play.
I don't go for more than a couple colonies, so once those have forges I sell excess to my bros.
It's understandable user since you didn't know, but now take responsibility. Get to purging and forging some civilization in that no doubt collapsing backwater, it'll be harder since pirates are going to be shitting out superweapons but don't run from the problem.
also its kind of funny seeing hegeshits getting curbstomped by pirates
as long as you sell them at a market that doesn't have heavy industry, they're not going anywhere
How do I use carriers effectively? Is it really just press the lock on button and engage?
I have good deals with Tri Tachyon.
Coordinating your fighters with your heavier ships alpha strike is an effective tactic
You don't deserve to play it
>caring about trikikes when Mairaath still lies in ruins
Saturation bomb Chalcedon and Epiphany, then put an end to the Hegemony. For Mayasura!
>toggle shift
>0.01 supplies pr day
I look for warning signals now, found an item worth 500,000 and since then it's been my new go to, exploring with a tanker and having everything you need to salvage & survey planets also nets you 40-80k pr planet.
What is a good set up for Venture?
Haven't played the new update whatsoever. Last time I played was 0.8.1A. Are all the important mods updated yet? Did our rad lad ever get his Neo-Pagan faction back on the forums?
I sold a corrupt forge briefly to afford some new ships; I bought it back.
... do pirates get better ships if you black market nanoforges? I think I sold it on the free market, but the worry is intensifying.
I think the AI only use productions boosters if you sell them at a market that has the corresponding industry and doesn't have one installed already
I've never tried selling AI cores on the open market so I have no idea if the same principle applies there
My current go-to strategy is have my brawling cruisers load up the flux on an enemy and hit them with three wings of kopeshes at once from a Heron.
You have to be pretty big to shrug that off. Though capital ships usually need some help shuffling off their mortal coil.
That's good. I black-marketed a LP blueprint a while back and now pirates are showing up with Brawler (LP)s, but I made sure not to sell them anything nice.
I don't know what I'd do if I had given them a Mora by accident. Pirates with space superiority doctorines give me nightmares.
dont make free ports if you cant fight the hegemony
>took an IBB bounty
>get there
>get my ass handed to me
>last save is a year ago
>outfit a destroyer with two anti-armor and anti-shield weapons
>bind AA to 1, AS to 2
>Going up against an enemy ship, and he drops his shields at the last second before overloading, so I switch to the AA guns, and by the time I get a shot off he's dissipated flux and is able to put the shield back up to absorb the damage
is there a way to change the save file to make pirates unlearn blueprints or do i have to restart if i made pirates have world destroyer fleets
The only option is to persist in the doomed world you have created
i guess its time for a second collapse
Oooh rare?
What are some good destroyers/frigates to protect my carriers?
Omens, tempests and monitors
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Hyperspace Storms Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Move Around Them Like Nigga Don't Fly Into Them Haha
How do I optimise supply use? It's getting to the point where any profit I make is ruined by how many supplies I have to buy from all the planets in the system.
*teleports right into you*
*activates emergency burn*
Heh, nothin personnel... hyperspace storm
Recover that shit yesterday
Only bring 10 capitals when you actually need them
efficiency overhaul on everything that doesn't need the OP for combat
Consolidate your freighters into one or two altases
Get rid of your most maintenance heavy ship.
IBB bounties are bullshit OP. The ships you can recover aren't really all that good to justify the asspain they cause.
They're hard af but I really enjoy the apex and gorgon
Show your fleet
Sounds like good endgame content
>Did our rad lad ever get his Neo-Pagan faction back on the forums?
and there's one dedicated turboautist trying his best to remove the mod from /vg/ thread
Get more salvage rigs and the skills that increase salvage
A fleet with a good salvage rating can literally earn supplies and fuel
My fleet has around 6000 cargo cap.
I left with 500 supplies, returned with 1800.
I had to dump thousands of metals on the way though, but no matter
slap augmented field drive on the colossus if you haven't already and consider a tug, gotta go fast to use less supply. Also i'd look into consolidating your fuel into a Prometheus or benching one of the phaetons or the dram for now.
Anyone have all the different pandamonium reskins that have been posted throughout the threads?
Leave your cruisers and capital in port whenever you aren't doin bounties or shit like that. Try to get an Apogee or Venture if you decide to go exploring. Get more shepherds and more freighters. Also, the Shrike is a pretty bad destroyer, try to get an Enforcer or Hammerhead instead
Which faction has best theme music and why is it Tri-Tachyon?
That's not how you spell blackrock
I would
if I knew how to add variants
This is all stuff I did not know about. Will look into it.
When you look at a ships details (the ? in the fleet screen) you can see both it's supply/month and fuel/lightyear use. Makes it easy to anticipate your fleet's logistical demands
The biggest diable ship.
To add to that, each time you deploy a ship in combat, even if it takes zero damage and the fight is over so quickly that it's CR doesn't deteriorate, it will lose a percentage of CR and need supplies to recover it afterwards. This gets higher for bigger/ more advanced ships so it's generally not advisable to deploy big guns against a small pirate raider or remnant fragment
Legion is the only Capital class ship that belongs in an exploration fleet but it should still sit in storage when you're not facing immediate combat in the core worlds
All other Capital classes should only be pulled out of storage for wars and remnant system raids (both you raiding them and them raiding you)
Herons are crap compared to Moras unless you pilot it yourself and know how to use carrier hotkeys and whatnot, if it crashes and gets an increased maintenance, unstable fuel injector or damaged engines D mod bin it and try to buy Mora's in future
If you want to build a carrier fleet then Condors are better than Drovers for the same reason Moras are better than Herons: the AI cant be trusted to fly a fast carrier, only timid officers can
is it better to fly a more direct ship yourself and leave the carriers to ai or the other way around?
to me it seems like theres little point in piloting a carrie because you dont do much
Only carrier that needs player pilot is astral because you get to pick what to delete next and press system at optimal timing. AI still handles it fine though.
so lets say i have to pick between piloting an odysey and astral, because i dont have other blueprints, which should i pick
not really, but non-officer AI will rush into battle when assigned to Drovers and Herons
Odyssey, the AI doesn't know how to broadside, let alone asymmetric broadside
Fight some [REDACTED]
FUCK the Luddic Path and Church
is the odysey actually good or should i look for some ohter blueprints, i like the idea of an oldschool naval broadside but people say its a meme ship, can it compare to a paragon ?
Give me your faction recommendations
The hegemony is objectively the most morally correct of all the factions.
>can it compare to a paragon
no way, paragon is literaly best of them all
I feel like most of the people hating on broadsides don't understand how to pilot them properly
so its a waste of resources builing an odysey if i can build paragons? it their a point in building anything other that a paragon once you get the bluepritns
hegemony is bunch of boomers stuck in the past
you mean mod recomendations?
NGO but that's the obvious one, DA and neutrino are decent, varaya's adds some fleshed out factions as long as you dont mind sharing sector with literal commies at least untill you glass them, foundation of borken if you want some wierd alien action
yea faction mods
>point in building anything other that a paragon once you get the bluepritns
anything not involving combat
paragons are little unwieldy to carry them around everywhere you go
nah, build a single odyssey to pilot yourself and paragons otherwise
the odyssey is a personal flagship, the paragon is for fleet support
tfw playing with nex and choose the "random core worlds" option not knowing it would remove the lobsters.
There isnt any lobsters on any fucking planet, and yet all these procurement contracts keep piling up.
Tri-tachyon are ruthless capitalist technophile who created a superweapon that got out of their control
The church of galactic redemption are a theocratic mess of slave labor and inefficiency
The Persean league tolerate their members enslaving and opressing their populations as long as it doesn't affect the league as a whole
The sindrian diktat is a brutal military dictatorship
I recently got a IBB contract for some rogue AI using only phase ships, shit pays like 600k but I havent had the time go over there yet since it's fucking red planet tier of distance to the core worlds. How fucked will my anus be when I actually do it? What should I bring?
millions of fighters
do I play vanilla first or jump straight into mods? I know typically the answer is vanilla first but I tried that a couple times and this game didn't stick with me.
Also, how much has changed in the last 2 years?
Meanwhile in hyperspace
the Odyssey is the only capital that can solo a paragon, the paragon has much better stats all round but the odyssey can dance around it ensuring that only one large energy mount is ever capable of firing back
if you don't like vanilla, mods wont make it any different
I got lobsters on the capital of my commissioning faction. Get rekt nerd
you have any tips regarding the loadout on the odysey? is putting a fuckton of cannons on it like some 17th century Man'o war going to work or are energy weapons preferable
yeah, maybe in 1v1
in real battle Odyssey cant do shit against paragon
Odyssey is extremely fun to pilot once you get how to use system to full extent. Astral is just pressing F and watching shit explode.
Lobsters can spawn on waterworlds besides Volturn? I thought it impossible because in an earlier save (with proper core worlds) I saw plenty of waterworlds without lobsters.
But if what you say is true then you have given me hope friend, I shall scour the sector searching for lobsters. I will not rest, I will not sleep, I will find lobsters.
>Lobsters can spawn on waterworlds besides
normally they cant
>Plasma cannon and HI laser at large mounts, IR pulses at small mounts on left
>Squall or Locust on large mount, 2 sabots and burst pds on right
>Front shield conversion for 360 shield
>2 xyphlos for EMPing and point defense
>Max vents because weapons flux hungry
I used loadout like this and it was pretty good. All except missiles should be autofire, you just pick target and focus on piloting.
autopulse with extended magazines on the same side, that's about it, rest whatever
Odyssey is hell on wheels, if you know what you're doing. The Paragon is straight up broken and by far the best capital, but it's also for fags
>Find that experimental phase cruiser from Sylphon for sale at Freeport
>It costs a whopping 50 supplies for maintenance
God damn. It has some pretty strong shit but fuck that supply cost.
But random core worlds changes that?
The hell is a "synergy" turret? Is it the same as energy one?. I havent seen it on any other ships.
At least grab Unknown Skies. Some of the planets and backgrounds are absolute maximum pretty.
random core worlds is shit anyway
there should be an option to restrict number of factions per system
any basic guidelines/tenets to getting good?
also, any mod that adds ancient evils?
Synergy = Ballistics and energy, you can equip either on it
Composite is even more rare and lets you equip either ballistic or missile
Then there's one for missile or energy but that shit is rarer than Astrals, even among mods I've seen
is this game fun or only suitable for autists
Aye it is. Know that now, but I like my save nad it's to late to change shit.
it's energy+ballistic
there's also hybrid which is ballistic+missle, third one for missle+energy and universal
it's fun and easy
all i know that under normal circumstances lobsters cant spawn anywhere except predetermined at volturnia
Synergy is missile/energy. For Odyssey it's generally for any homing missile mount.
Thanks! And is there a good loadout for the odyssey? Even the ai is having troubles with it.
cheers. do I just dl this game from the site?
>Even the ai is having troubles with it
broadside ships are generaly shit in AI's hands
especially asymetric broadside
Wait hold on, I thought only selling blueprints on pirate colonies would give the pirates tech, not the black market anywhere
I just sold pirates practically every single ship and weapon blueprint to a black market for tritech and I haven't saved all day
You're fucking with me, right?
Well I hope you like getting "raided" by 5 Onslaughts+whatever else they feel like making.
Tell me user, have you ever sold a blueprint on the black market that seemingly just "disappeared" without any option to buy it back?
Synergy is energy/missile.
Hybrid is energy/ballistic.
Composite is ballistic/missile.
Universal is self explanatory.
Asteroid impact on drive bubble
You wouldn't download a Paragon...
So are these nerds going to actually use this survey data I'm giving them and colonise worlds? Or am I the only one that gets to create an empire outside of the core worlds?
nexerelin allows AI to colonize
>run simulation
>CR is 0 because ship is mothballed
>need to spend resources to test it
Am I missing something?
better start making friends with pirates buddy
In the Refit screen click on the CR bar. For Sim purposes you can change that just by clicking on it and the Sim will have that CR.
This surprised the fuck out of me when I suddenly saw a report that Hegemony was the first to colonize some tri-star system off to the opposite side of what I've explored.
Thank you.
>Hybrid is energy/ballistic.
What ships even have hybrid mounts
Too bad you can't remove (D) mods for testing.
But you can spend as much as it would cost for a new battlecruiser to repair a Wolf
>implying Wolf is not worth it
normal legion>xiv legion
prove me wrong you can't
I never used normal legion but I'm pretty sure it can't handle 2 large guns with its flux stats.
you are not wrong
It can handle them just fine as long as you dont go full retard and put two mjornls on it
It only costs 1.2x of the ships base value to restore every dmod, if your ship has more than 2 then you really shouldn't be lugging it around to begin with unless its something incredibly rare
What do i need to do to destroy an entire faction? Destroy all their planets and stations? And is it even possible?
what's the best ship for long range ballistics?
yeah,can't destroy pirates or pathers tho
Onslaught if you want to unleash maximum dakka
Conquest if you want to fire the really fancy ballistics or fire ballistics from 2 sides at once
Legion if you want to fire ballistics and murder people with bombers
I find I prefer the legion for double gauss cannons because they pair nicely with kopesh
Helloooooo fellow space truckers!!!
Why don't we go ahead and show off our fleets today, and rate other fleets while were at it!
I'll start off with mine, its a bit big so it will be in two parts!
Part 2!!
>buffalo flagship
A lazy bum or a master tactician I see
I wonder if it'd be possible to create unit selection dialogue when you click on ships during command mode. It'd be cool as fuck if you could have different dialogue depending on ship size or type. I'm just imagining Homeworld dialogue like the Vaygr flagship selection for shit like Onslaughts, assuming it is the flagship of your fleet.
Use them to advance your own goals and forge your own empire.
Once you are strong enough, agressively expand into enemy territory.
>Invested in all these big boy ships
>Can't deploy too many of them if I get outnumbered by big boy ships
Do I just spam dooms or auroras now just so I can have a large enough fleet to not be outnumbered in deployment points?
why are junk pirates ships so fucking weird
Change fleet size limit in settings.json. I had mine at 700 but felt it's not enough so now I have it on 1000.
Oh shit thanks user
If you want to be really unkillable all you need is a Paragon with good fighter support.
How do you even play the game without it turning into a slideshow at that point
I'm just starting, is there a way to make text bigger? It's giving me headaches
Any noob tips also welcome
UI scaling next patch
Don't care about being invincible just like having big ships I'm a retarded Timmy at heart
I don't know, I haven't actually gotten into that big of a fight just yet. We'll have to see how hard my computer feels like dying.
Only because you asked nicely. Nice Shrikes brah.
Why is my new colony full of drugs?
Is there a Halo or Homeworld mod?
just edited it my self to allow a max of 1000, if that causes death by lag I can just change it to 600-700.
600 is about what my PC can handle in mount and blade, would be funny if it were the same here.
You don't treat your workers very well.
Doing some station killing, pirates, l****c shites and remnant ones. Feel like I have come to the unfinished part of the game, I'm just kinda stockpiling millions and could wipe out anyone I want.
soi fleet
I just now saw that I had auto assigned a commander to the tanker lmao
Just remember that it's not number of units like it is in mountain blade, it's supply cost total.
There was a Homeworld styled mod that was pretty OP but it dropped off hard and wasn't updated since I think version .7.1 or so. It's not even listed on the mod index anymore. But now we have Arkgenesis which is also really BLU colored and has neat stuff revolving around electromagnetics and shit.
Still 600 is a lot of frigates or even worse, fighters
I can't really figure out what to get but I love this Legionary ship.
I found the coordinates of a Doman era mothership at the very corner of the map. Would could it be. I have just enough fuel to make it there and back.
It yields a lot of fuel and supplies but there will be fight for it.
>HERETIC!!! You Technophile scum! Pay our fee for existing or face our race you infidel!
What do?
Move to engage
Fug, time to go pick up my cruisers I guess. I hope I can make it that far with them in the fleet.
I dont think its as crazy in vanilla but in nexerlin you can make a shitload of money selling stuff to recently conquered or raided stations because their starports are disrupted, you can easily double your money in one go, remember to check the prices of things by pressing f1 on resources,food organics supplies fuels and marines are usually the ones in demand
I want to play a low tech Luddic Church run one day.
Those 2 dagger wings will probably be able to murder every single thing there.
I've just come into a badly damaged XIV Enforcer. Worth restoring? How would I outfit it?
Is there any way to artificially grow a colony size? I’m planning to go to war with the Hegfaggots after I get the heavy industry and nanoforge set up, But even with dumping endless cash into incentive but it’s still taking forever.
Are they really that powerful?
i control the lobsters
The Pather overrides are the only thing you should put on it
I don't use enforcers much as I find them to be too slow but a good loadout for them is
2x dual flak cannons on the sides
2x hypervelocity drivers or heavy needlers in the middle
1x heavy mauler in the center
Its more that the derelicts have no shields
>there are people here not using the onslaught
Sad day it is
More like exploratorum shit is extremely weak.
The guns still hurt but they have no shields
>Inna green beacon system and find an equipment cache
>Blueprints for Shadowyards Skadi-class carrier, Eos-class carrier, and XLU Manganate-class Prototype Battlecruiser
Holy fug
Thanks for the advice, I decided to leave it in storage for now, but I think I have a better idea how to build one now. I usually build aggro as hell, so building a line-destroyer is something I'm not used to.
Juste looted a Monitor blueprint and I have never seen one in a fleet
>Derelict ships spawning with alpha cores, ship and weapon blueprints in my colony sector
It’s just Pokémon in space at this point
I've found three XIV Legion derelicts and none of them have been recoverable, is this common or am I unlucky?
do you have room in your fleet?
Theyre not that rare
Brawlers tho, now thats a rare ship. Infact, if it wasnt for this post you wouldnt remember they exist
The pirates must really appreciate your efforts. I bet they view you as a Paragon in the field of smuggling.
Your recovery chance increases the less ships there are in your fleet
I think so. I've got 17 ships, I doubt that's the limit.
default is 30 so it was bad luck
30 is
alright people
what do I edit to make nexerelin less shit?
To gain their powers of course
>t. Butthurt faction with no lobsters
What are your favorite AI-controlled frigates? Both vanilla and modded (please, describe modded ones then).
Something that would last when you go up to cruisers.
I would love to get some Monitors as bullet sponges, distraction and PD for cheap, but somehow the market almost never sells them.
Also, i would like to have some expendable Lashers, but i don`t know how to outfit them with expendable weaponry without running SO builds.
versant from diable
I know it's memey but I LOVE Tempests with Phase Lances and Atroposes
Tempests are immortal
Use the inbuilt search fool
>Two level 5 planets in medium beacon system, both with ruins
>One has military virus, other has shrooms
Are either worth it?
but really i love Cerberos
shrooms yes
virus no
redpill me on safety overrides, I don't get it
It makes ships go vroom vroom *crash*
No active venting, but lets you go really fast. Very bad on most ships, extremely good on ships with knife fighting capability.
>go fast
>flux all over the ass
>so angry but can't went
>kill everything in 60 second or lose willpower to live
>even with all this firepower it still took this long to die
Fuck redacted man
I tried the mission where you pilot a single Paragon against an Hegemony fleet, and wow that ship is a dream. Refitted it, and it plays like nothing else.
The dumb, fat Onslaught would try to approach and get hit with a heap of lasers in the face. Would take forever to approach, as I was slow but so was he. But I had range on my side, after advancing, he couldn't retreat in order to stop taking missiles in the face. The huge distance also allowed me to keep my shields down, and have enough time to raise it to block hit.
If I was on the campaign, I could be firing most of my weapons and stay below 1% flux, keeping the speed bonus which nullifies one of the main disadvantages.
What an OP ship
Whoa whoa whoa, what the fuck. I'm not even in Hegemony space. What is this bullshit. What kind of strength will their fleet be? I'm not gonna stand for this shit. It's just a farming colony.
Welcome to my freeport, ya hedgemoney shits
All of the sector is Hegemony space, all of the galaxy is Domain space
I'm a subsidiary of Tri-Tachyon. The CEO is gonna hear about this. They can't do this.
Its just an AI inspection man, nothing to worry about
You arent using any AI cores, right user?
do you have AI cores there?
also usually you can bribe them
mad paint skills user
(you know that when you use Print Screen button it saves a screenshot into your starsector/screenshots directory?)
Oh yeah, and what are they gonna do? Create a self-replicating AI fleet?
>boohoo I'm just a peaceful farmer
It's all alphas. It's my Alpha Core waifu colony. The farming makes them happy.
huh I did not know that, thanks.
Well it's time for you all to buy the farm
in a body bag
Oh no it's just an Autonomous Calculator Mark III. It's a Hybrasilian expression
now you know
i get why alpha and even beta are banned but gamma?
shit just oversized calculator
>this is what a luddtard believes
Paragons in every patrol fleet welcome you to try
They've gone apeshit after the AI wars. In the Domain only Alphas were banned
I wonder how practical it would be to attack invading forces before they get to your system (if this is even possible) and take out their fuel carriers in a semi-suicide run.
Alphas a good boy. Dindu nuffin.
I am a player. One of my colonies is managed by an Alpha Core, but I know not which one.
I am the Hegemony! I will find the Alpha Core. If there's anything I learned about AI in my travels it's that they fucking hate people.
Sometimes, I wish this game was a MMO just so I could roflstomp all you faggots with my superior tactics and firepower
Dont you mean ship superiority?
>trying to get a decent core spread with nex settings
random core is always shit no matter what you do
this, the place is always a mess
How do I know how much supplies to have? Burned through 140 for my 9 ship fleet in one small trip well within fuel range. Should I just stop my ships from repairing themselves and wait to do it at port?
How necessary are neutrino detectors?
I never find myself using it since I never hold on to volatiles for too long.
Can someone please make a music mod with Endless Space 2 OST?
not really
unless you want find everything
If you plan on finding anything "on the fringes" of a system you'll need it
You can literally edit one line in a text file so the game doesn't generate them.
Just, have a brain
I dont use it at all
with my usual fleet compositions (shitton of tugs)
it's usualy faster to just manually scout entire system than it is to determine which pips are real and which ones are fake
Cheating is wrong anons
It's completely useless because you're generally facing shit that heavily outnumbers you, and even for cruisers you'll run out of operating time too fast.
I usually just ignore that skill.
If you, by mistake, take a mission where you have to find something in "the outer reaches" or "some distance away from X" I savescum. Save once on entering the system, fly in wide circles around the star depending on what the distance is, then load the game when I find it and go right there
Call me a cheater if you want, I'll wipe my tears away with all these credit chips and extra supplies
Why hold onto them?
You could use that money for things. Are you running a colony right now? No? Then sell that crap, remember where you sold it, and come back and buy it at a minor markup later when you need it for a colony.
>RO not in a small frigate
Missed opportunity, faggot.
New to the game, just one question...
Will I ever get as good at fighting as autopilot? Autopilot has perfect timing, perfect turning, is great at venting flux, always knows when to raise/lower shields. To make it worse, it's even better at coordinating with the rest of the fleet than I am. Can meatbags even compete with this?
I've become a cuckold in my own campaign. Watching autopilot satisfy my fleet in ways I'm just not capable of, while I excitedly cheer from the sidelines.
>current year
>he's still ashamed of being a cuckold
I think user means that derelict are pretty fucking easy opponent.
> No shield
> Minimal PD
> Some ship are just pure missile user
You're better than the AI at higher level stuff like picking the correct targets and knowing when to attack and when not to attack.
If you could let the AI handle your shield automatically it would help a shitton for manual piloting.
I once had 2 class V with another Class III that has voilaties.
Technically luddics found it first but I took it from them by force
>Still be fairly early on in my first run
>casually explore ruins in one inhabited system, still not left central cluster yet
>Alpha core
>Tri-tac station on the other side of the system
Hello payday
Shrike isn't actually that bad if you safety override it. Its no hammerhead but its kinda like a discount medusa when you do that.
Go out and survey a bunch of planets.
When you find a good number of class 5 worlds close to each other, colonize them.
I'm making over a million credits per month of passive income just from my six colonies.
There's ruins in like half the systems in the sector. Already surveyed planets, so you don't even need to spend supplies, just visit the planets and get free loot
you an list planets in the intel page and very easily find every single one of these ruins, it makes new games trivial to jumpstart to 1 million credits
What's more important in a colony, class or hazard rating?
Tri-Tachyon should be the first to be deleted.
How fucking dare they.
>how fucking dare they uphold domain law
When the domain shows up again you'll be the first ones to go
>He doesn't just shove 100k in their pockets so they never bother you
You should easily make that up from just a good colony or two.
This is the bulk of mine
doesn't the price increase every time?
Sure, link me what you want and I'll see what I can do
Hasn't for me, at least not that I've noticed anyways. I think it was something else that kept increasing.
Hegemony shits get fuck outta my colony
I like the big squidward
it has for me
Yeah hold shift and wait for a few months
Venture with Salvaged Gantry would be actually useful and worth to take for exploration .
I mod it and heck he is now bigger brother to little Shepards.
Just make it toggle in options, it's a new feature
Thanks. Lemme make a list
>because it's the shit
It's not cheating, it's customizing the game to your liking. Unless it gives you a distinct advantage over everyone else it can hardly be considered cheating and the player is constrained by fuel and supply demand, unlike the AI, who is actually cheating. Removing or lessening the amount of storms is hardly cheating.
user you better be independent and not a tri-jew
Oh shit nice
Speaking of that. Is there any way to dock and wait so I don't waste supplies?
This is my fleet, it's doing pretty well. Even managed to take out a station with a d-modded condor instead of the drover.
Really liking the omen at the moment, how well does it do in npc hands?
>>no starsector thread
thats because its on /vg/ where you belong
>two Legions (XIV) in the same constellation
Holy shit.
But I'm playing as autistic scavenger, so it will take a while before I gather enough fuel to ride those things.
I'm a subsidiary. Tri-Tachyon is my parent company.
I dealt with the storms two ways:
First, I made the storms accelerate me to 60 burn
Second, I made each point of burn accelerate me at 25 pixels per second instead of the default 20 pixels per second (20 burn = 400 pixels per second default, 500 pixels per second modded)
When I hit 60 burn I go 1500 pixels per second
I don't slog through storms, I surf them to my destination at ludicrous speed
what house rules?
When you go into the colony management screen and open your fleet menu, you can store a bunch of your ships there. Just drop off all your high maintenance ships and put most of your cargo in storage before sitting in orbit.
the thread on /vg/ is for bitching about NGO. the thread on Yea Forums is for talking about the game.
>Storm hits at a slight angle into another also at a slight angle
Too bad I dont even know who they are.
/vg/ thread is destroyed by shitposters
This is the only place to actually talk about the game
/vg/ thread is constantly invaded by shitposting turboautists hellbent on completly removing single mod from the internet
It’s self-made or nothing
It's just more fun senpai you don't understand
Trust me, those pussy AI-s cant compete with supreme human intelligence, you just need to start trying yourself.
Anyone experienced horrendous friendly fire from Flash bombers? Their bombing path seems to be huge so they start releasing their bombs behind your front line, nailing you in the back with half of their load.
I like the cut of your jib. Got the config values for this?
Reeee where do I get an unmodified Atlas?
I need its cargo.
For your first couple colonies, almost exclusively look at class 5 planets. On the list of class 5's, prioritize resources, but also try to stay away from anything over 200% hazard rating until you have at least one good colony with a stable income.
>Main theme
>Worship the Endless
>Axial Tilt Zero
>Quantum Dub
>Three Quarks in a Row
>Surface Formations - that one for the battles
It's the same with Piranhas. They're more liable to blow you or your own sheeps up than the enemy because the AI has perfect avoidance. Use Atropos missile carrying bombers instead.
it's just in settings.json, the stuff's commented and I can't remember the exact name of the stuff
somethin like burn strike for the speed boost and somewhere else it explains the pixels per second thing in the comments
2 class V and 1 class IV orbiting my gas giant which is class II, perfect system honestly, got everything in one place.
>all these niggas trying to raid my fuel production
How do you fags pronounce Persean? Is it pur-seen or pur-shawn
Happens a lot when you are over 50% of the fuel market
Pur-see-an is what I say.
Thanks, user, I'll dig through it later and see what I can make of it.
I want to say Persian, but personally I started saying Per-shawn because it's funny so say it however you like dude
>Imperial Sebastos
I feel like it's shit because it only has two medium missile mounts and then nothing but small hybrids. Has anyone actually used it?
I've been thinking about making a tritach whore just so I can have easy access to dooms, but every other ship they have is so outrageously ugly. The ody looks like a dragon dildo.
>enemy gets to retreat the way they came
>you have to retreat through enemy lines to the opposite side of the map
Odyssey [BD] skin when?
Most common source is Hegemony military, you need a comission and being at cooperative level
Get a couple of colossus instead
Fucking love Blackrock ships and weapons, especially Karkinos.
I've been playing the same save for 40 or 50 hours and haven't found a single tug. I don't even see other fleets with them.
I literally just came out of a battle where my ships just looked at the enemy for 30 seconds at a time before firing a single fucking shot. They are too fucking passive.
I have the opposite problem. My guys won't follow orders. I've had plenty of battles where I've ordered my big ships to stay at a certain spot, usually when I'm defending a station, and a minute or two later I'll see them halfway across the map.
user, I...
What is that thing next to the Paragon? And the one close to Astral.
It's got an explosive large built in, iirc. What I would do is outfit all the small with anti-shields. I have good memories of this ship.
beat the fuck out of a cargo transport and then sell the cargo they dropped to the colony it was going to, the withdrawal they suffer will net you big bucks as the price of *your* goods skyrocket
>Hegecucks steal my AI cores out from under my system security from my homeworld while I’m not there
>Take this as an act of war
>Destroy every Hegecuck station I encounter after hiring marines out of them
>Use marines to steal XIV Onslaught BP from Hegecucks
>Glass all but two of their planets
>Every faction now shitting their pants at the sight of my fleet
>Haven’t had an “AI inspection” in over two cycles
I hope you domain niggers are proud of what you brought on yourselves.
go to a station/planet,press f
What?I thought BD Stands for Blackrock Driveyards.
BRDY is BlackRock DriveYards
Ships from the Seeker mod, Onyx and Dawn
Black Diggers?
No, I meant Bad Dragon, since the user I replied to said that the Odyssey looks like a dragon dildo.
>Use marines to steal
Hold up, is boarding back in?
Isn't that a very old mod that's now unsupported? How'd you get it to work with 0.9.1a?
you use marines to raid
Well, now I feel silly for being so innocent.
What do I put on my new Doom, bros?
And you can steal ships? I never fucking knew. If I went to attack a place I went to take shit over.
The AI is astoundingly good at managing shields at times, since it's just a matter of reaction time. But a lot of the time you'll see an AI just tanking heavy needler shots with their shields or some shit for no fucking reason.
That too. Especially egregious with carriers. I'll order a fighter strike on a cruiser, and those FAGS will tattle around like a bunch of retards towards the opposite end of the map to attack a shuttle.
Don't buy stuff from markets, so no ships, weapons, supplies, fuel and goods for trading. I allow myself to hire officers and restore ships. Buying crew is essential because you won't get much in the wild.
Supplies aren't much of a problem now, but fleets drop little fuel, so you end up having to travel to pirate-infested system and scavenge wrecks.
I'm almost considering enabling that mod that allows you to siphon fuel from orange starts at cost of supplies.
>BP = blueprint
Holy fuck I'm retarded and wrote that off.
it's updated but only released on the discord as a beta
just cycle reinforcements lmao
Thanks user. I wonder why did they have to host it on Discord instead of just putting it up there on the forums along with all the other mods. Some copyright fuckery?
I actually use the recoverable redacted mod. Brilliants are fun. I want to recover a Radiant though and it is kinda hard.
Just get a commission from the Hegemony at the start.
Where I am now they're paying me 100k a month just to sit here and their ever-increasing AI inspection bribery fees are a drop in the bucket compared to where my colonies are going.
It's good to have some law and order around, someone to keep everything on the up and up while I venture out to gather enough alpha cores to colonize every class 5 planet in the galaxy.
>The sindrian diktat is a brutal military dictatorship
I've never read anything that SD is brutal or awful to live in. Just cuz it's a dictatorship doesn't mean it's bad.
What about the Caesar? Looks good and heavy but I haven't seen it much in battles, just once against a station where it got fucked because everything aimed at it.
Kite (A) is actually pretty disgusting for its price. Bought 20 of them for memes and I'm dabbing on 100k bounties.
Is Kite (S) a joke ship? It doesn't have weapon mounts and isn't efficient at hauling.
Caesar is great if you put the right weapons and the proper Imperium package on it. I always go with Elite, although the CR decay kind of hits hard. The ship can put enormous long range pressure on advancing enemy cruisers and capitals though, Crocea Mors is an incredibly satisfying weapon to use too.
A space military dictatorship is just as bad as any normal military dictatorship, which is to say living in one sucks dick for the majority of the people.
I only fought it during bounties, it seemed quite meh for its class, at first glance.
read the market descriptions of planets in the askonia system a little closer
The wolf is really mediocre.
it's supposed to a full mod with quests and shit whne finished, he doesn't want to put it on the forums
look at this dude
What if I put 8 Sagittarius cannons on it for memes?
>A space military dictatorship is just as bad as any normal military dictatorship
You do realise Hegemony as a whole is also a military dictatorship? Read their description and descriptions of their worlds. Just about every hegenigger system has a military outpost in it.
It's supposed to be like 40k, everyone is shit, there are no good guys.
tempests and omens
I let tempests do whatever they feel like, which is usually deleting other frigs and occasionally destroyers
I use omens to escort my reckless hammerheads
You will get an awful lot of boom boom.
>he doesn't own several TT/LC Brawlers
Laughing at you
Tempest is by far the best frigate, but anything will do the trick if you mass it. I'm currently running 20 wolves, 4 shrikes and a single tempest, and I can take out just about anything including deserters with one capital.
I forget, is that the high explosive one? Because if you want a player ship, you need a balanced loadout for it to be effective, so at least 30-40% to 60% ballistics vs high ex.
someone post the jordan peterson reading of this
They're not literally freedom incarnate but they're the last bastion of law and order in a cold and fragile expanse of dust and rocks. They are what is left of galactic democracy, even if the fall of the domain means it's not very pretty.
>the description of chicomoztoc
>hives are regularly locked down due to riots and unrest
>but the hegemony doesn't give a fuck so long as the nanoforges are still running
Omens and Tempests. The only issue I have with Omens assigned to escort duties is that they tend to kill themselves with the allied ship shields too damn frequently.
It's the PD frag. In older versions it had a magazine that spews out a good 50 rounds or so in a burst that just shredded. Obviously useless against shield and armor but it was fun to use.
>buy something for 50k
>18% taxes
>get to where I intend to sell it
>another 18%
How the fuck am I supposed to make money here? This shit is insane.
Rate my fleet? It's got a few more than these, but just more of the same
Buy low sell high
>Lion's Guard
Good taste. I love the purple on their ships but there are way too few of them.
I played similar but with softer rules.
Ok Hegecuck
I'd say in any battle outcome is a 4-gon conclusion
Aint it boring to play with those monsters? Why do even bring so much of them at the same time.
Not sorted by type 0/10
Survey or scanning missions early on. Drug/armaments/lobster/organ black market trade when you have the cargo space. Then trade in legal commodities with high return when you have bulk cargo capacity + do shipping missions for easy cash. Do requisition missions too. Markets can be exploited by intercepting fleets with goods. If you can sink ships well, apparently you can make a good living off a commission and bounties.
Hammerhead or Sunder?
Welcome to state-sponsored robbery, user. Your Gadsden flag t-shirt and bumper-sticker collection are waiting over here.
So I can send them on their way and afk while they're done. It's too much work for me to manually grind remnants for their precious ai cores.
These ships are so ugly they make tri traps look good
18%?Isn't it 30%?
depends on the faction.
Yeah been doing that shit now, fuck the government. Just found and sold a nice stack of AI cores fuck laws and shit.
>10 hours in
>wondering when I'll get new ships
>mfw I discover that you can buy ships simply by going to the fleet screen while docked at a planet/station
Get a few extra tankers and camp in hyperspace killing smugglers.
It's all the profit of selling smuggled goods and none of the costs of having to buy it from somewhere cheap in the first place.
How does the terraformation drone from Unknown Skies work exactly? The tooltip is clearly bugged, it says -50% hazard and then another -50% based on pop, despite still giving only 50% with pop 3. Is it supposed to be -50% when pop=3, -40% when pop=4, etc?
fugg sold them to the station administrator for money did I fuck up?
Winners don't sell on the black market. I knew a smuggler once. His teeth were yellow and his tri-pad was cracked. He wrung his callused hairy hands and whined, "But with these tarriffs what is an honest merchant to do?" all the while lamenting the Onslaught/Conquest fleet of pirates profiteering off his despicable ways.
This is a reminder to all order-loving, tarriff-paying, AI-handing-in peoples of the sector: Winners don't sell on the black market. Praise the XIVth.
I'm -89 rep with trikeks, friend.
That's fine, selling on the black market though
was it at least tri-tachyon?
Unequivocally based. Space freedom isn't free.
Killing trade convoys.
Killing patrols.
Capturing comm relays.
Bombing Culann.
Raiding Culann.
Commission with perseans.
I've got Diable, Dassault/Mikoyan, and Blackrock Drive Yards. Any other faction mods that don't like like shit?
NGO has nice dark bulky ships with streamlined hulls
looks like FTL, is it better?
It's like the bastard child of FTL and Mount and Blade. Probably my favorite game I've played this year so far. Even though it's been around for almost a decade.
it's nothing like FTL,it's spess mountain blade
shh, the tranny will show up if you say that name
It plays completely differently, but it's good.
It's very different. It's more like a deeper Mount And Blade, with weirdly fun 2D space shooter real-time battles.
Both are great games.
>Hegemony steals AI core
>sat-bomb Chicomoztoc in retaliation
Cowabunga it is
>Luddic path fleet
>Flagship puts on autopilot.
Underworld, if you turn off the Cabal
Anyone got any recommendations for general combat ships for my fleet? Going around invading planets and I don't have the endurance for star fortress fights and the like. I only really have access to the tri-tach markets though since everyone mostly hates me.
It's lacking a general purpose cruiser like the Eagle. Missile cruisers and phase cruisers are fine, but you want some brute force to go along with it.
throw in a hammerhead or two
do what the other poster said and invest in a beefy cruiser
also get some officers wtf user
What the fuck is this mix of fighters? Astral should have only longbows and single type of HE bomber (preferably trident), rest should have only interceptors. May as well go farm sparks in yellow beacon system, they are just too good.
>general combat ships
Things that can hold the line. Vultures and Eagles. Carriers should come with bombers + 1 heavy fighter with flares to absorb PD.
>Anti-ship mine bay hullmod
It's the mix of whatever I had lying around. Was mostly going for station bounties, so mass bombers were just too good for me to resist.
I'll keep on eye out for them, don't know if I can buy the hammerheads though. Don't the hegemony mainly sell them? They really, really don't like me right now.
It's seriously underrated, the AI just doesn't fucking know how to deal with mines and it's great. Get a couple of Dooms in on top of that and you absolutely paralyze large fleets as they constantly try to rotate their shields to mitigate mines while taking crushing damage from the front. Sure, it might cost some points to mount that mod, but everything bigger than a cruiser should have one.
I just found a couple of them on some independent planets. Hemmerheads are pretty common, in general.
I imagine if you can spare some points for smaller guns on destroyers you could just have an armada of them poking big shit while they get fucked by billions of mines.
hammerheads are midline so they'll be all over sindriak diktat and persean league worlds
they're very common
That's exactly how the sporeship IBB bounty works. And let me tell you, being on the receiving end of that is not fun at all.
An overdriven lasher will always murder a wolf.
do you guys take in /vg/ refugees
The IBB has been an experience. I knew something was off when the bounty had a sindrian conquest that was literally upscaled by 20%, and then the macross missile madness began.
how bad is it, over there? I looked at the thread two hours ago and they were already bitching about the mods in the OP.
They're still at it. It seems literally every /vg/ thread eventually devolves into Discord drama given enough time. I've seem it happen too many times to count.
Cause no trouble and burn bright, citizen.
Well, welcome to the newbie club. We try to keep things civil, here.
i don't think tech mining is worth
i pay 150k for it and get only some shitty items
Only reason I don't have more ships is because it's already unmatched save for the odd 400,000 credit bounty, which then just takes a bit of finesse.
it used to be better since it actually produced surplus materials that your colony would trade away or use automatically like ANY OTHER FUCKING INDUSTRY FUCK YOU ALEX AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
You have a chance to get not shitty items. After a while tech mining depletes, so shut it down after it stops giving you good weapons and blueprints. You won't appreciate it until it starts giving you Tachyon lances.
holy shit 30 fuel
fug 1
Scrap that joke of an industry right now, user.
fug 2
You can get Tachyon lances from the first warning beacon system you come across. By the time you have colonies, you probably visit them on the daily.
You can get full blueprint packages, AI cores and nanoforges from those. I've even gotten some big cannons like two Uhlan Siege lasers
>when you get a Mostro Cannon Array from it
I really like the sounds Diable weapons make and that weapon too is incredibly powerful if you know how to use it. Uhlan Lasers were nerfed, but they are still pretty good weapons.
wait guys
what is it?
How do I get my game off the Ground?
Done some exploring, have a good few hundred thousand in the bank and a small fleet with a mule and some support ships.
Where do I go from there? Exploring and salvaging and smuggling is fun, but gets repetitive.
user you can have a device that vastly improve your output of fuel industry.
30. Fucking. Fuel. Right now.
I know what I'm picking.
>Get place that makes fuel
>Now make another 4 fuel
Your own personal UAE
Find a good sector to start a colony and begin painting the stars with your faction's color.