>see thread about a game you like and want to talk about it
>don't click on it because you know it's just going to be a bunch of people shitposting and complaining
See thread about a game you like and want to talk about it
Makes me wonder why I still come here.
i cri evrytiem
Depends on the game.
Popular stuff will be shit shows, but smaller games like Disgaea or LISA will be pretty comfy friendly threads.
You can only enjoy Yea Forums (and Yea Forums in general) if you embrace the negativity and shitposting
False flag console wars and wojak threads are the only reason I come here. I know better than to look for serious discussion on Yea Forums.
>see thread about a game you like and want to talk about it
>you know it's just going to be a bunch of people shitposting and complaining
>click on it anyways
>False flag console wars and wojak threads are the only reason I come here.
What a miserable existence.
>False flag console wars
I don't think they're false flags anymore. The age of the idort has passed and newfags are genuinely embracing the brand loyalty because that's what normalfags do.
Kind of the opposite for me. I don't click on them because it's filled with unironic drones who dismiss all criticisms. People don't realize that you can enjoy games, but still acknowledge their flaws
Dark Souls threads are the worst
>post in thread about a game you like and want to talk about it
>thread archives without another post
>make thread about game you want to talk about
>already archived when you refresh the page
God fucking damn it I wanted to discuss Industry Giant
Too bad sweaty, we needed more room on the board to post wojak edits.
Any xbox thread. Cant have one without snoy fanboys entering
This. I come here to laugh. Some of the retards and flamewars reminds me of Yea Forums before it became a porn board.
I shitpost very aggressively against games I personally like / love / enjoy.
Yea Forums isn't the kind of community I want touching things precious to me and if someone can be convinced to give up on a game so easily he / she wasn't meant to play it on the first place.
Don’t forget waifu threads.
This. Just this.
Started a thread that I thought would be completely ignored. People come out of the waterworks just to talk shit about it instead. Been having a hell of a time with it.
Waifu threads and waifu-bait are worse and more prevalent than Wojak threads but because most people on here are cartoon porn addicts, it’s ok.
That's if you're lucky enough the thread is even complaining about the game and not incel trannie nazi politics, again, forever.
Well maybe you should stop playing shit games like WoW and FFXIV
I don't even bother with politics. Keep that shitshows away from me and in /pol/.
>Yea Forums complains about moviegames killing the industry while praising the shit out of Telltale's The Walking Dead
>Yea Forums complains about microtransactions and forced grinding while playing the shit out of Fate Grand Order and others gacha, even spending money on them.
>Yea Forums complains about SJWs destroying good videogames by the way of controversy while reviewbombing, refunding and pirating the shit out of Ion Fury
>Yea Forums complains about the casualization of videogame genres in the name of mainstream appeal while demanding the simplification and casualization of fighting games
This place is just a big den of hypocrites.
Hence why it's only purpose is to allow the galaxy brains to laugh at their hypocrisy.
Any and all new/upcoming games.
Post obscure game
Its all so tiresome
can redditors really not comprehend the users of a site not all conforming to one cringy hivemind? different people have different opinions, and are able to express them here without being downboated to hide all opinions that aren't popular. fuck off
>He actually thinks Yea Forums isn't a hugbox for like minded people to try and shut down any dissenting opinions from the 'expected' opinions of the board
This ain't the 2000s anymore
Modern Yea Forums is no different. You get called out for being a contrarian if you have an unpopular opinion.
I often cant participate in threads about games I like because I can't remember them as well as everyone else seems to. how the hell do you remember so much about games you played 10+ years ago
makes me wonder if that ect therapy fucked up my brain
>Yea Forums fellates indie developers so hard they even look down at pirating indie games, claiming that they're "the only ones innovating in an stagnating industry"
>Then you check indie games and you find that almost all of them are just imitations of old arcade and console games
>Both indie developers and Yea Forums brag about using pixel / low poly graphics for their games, not realizing that developers choose them back in the day because they were the most advanced graphics at the time, not as some sort of artistic statement
>not stirring shit because you don't need to justify any opinions you have to plebes in the first place
It is. A Fate Grand Order thread can reach easily 500 posts; same with an e-celeb one.
That wouldn't happen if this community didn't love both things.
>want to play a new game avoiding all spoilers
>don't go on Yea Forums or any gaming outlets
>get spoiled by a youtube preview icon from a video that youtube recomended to you because you watched a trailer for this game three years ago
whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? the biggest board on 4channel has people with opposing views? i dont believe it.
To be fair there are some games that feel like they're being blatantly shilled. I won't name the games, but they get constant threads all the time even when there is absolutely nothing to talk about due to the games not being out yet and are full of the same posts, same images, same replies, etc.
It's not the delusional "Electronic Arts has a secret warehouse inside Area 51 which uses top of the line stealth technology to allow an army of 500.000 employees to shill their games on Yea Forums and only on Yea Forums" conspiracy theory a lot of people genuinely believes, but just one or a group of interns being paid to promote the game on as many internet communities as possible, Yea Forums included.
>To be fair there are some games that feel like they're being blatantly shilled.
>I won't name the games,
Because you know you're full of shit and people will call you out on it
The same people are the ones holding both beliefs. That's why Yea Forums is so hypocrite.
Nah, because it would derail the thread.
stfu stupid nigger Yea Forums respects other opinions
cope more retard
This. I, too, believe that game companies are shilling to all 1k people on Yea Forums, 500 of which are pirates.
No it doesn't. The phrase "go back to _____" used by so many people here proves it: they want dissident opinions to be removed.
go back lol
>Dark Souls
>starts with some retard complaining about 2
>starts with some retard complaining about combat
>starts with some retard complaining about "cutscenes"
I posted a star wars pod racing thread a few nights ago that managed to somehow reach over a hundred replies with mostly civil non insane posters, felt good.
I do yenjoy the general hostile/shitposting from time to time.
A pretty good recent example of how little Yea Forums respects other people's opinions are the threads some anons tried to do about Ion Fury - the game.
Even when the OP made clear that the threads weren't the place to discuss the controversy regarding the game and that they were intended to discuss the game and only the game, they always got invaded by political posters and derailed.
If Yea Forums genuinely "respected others opinions", those threads would have been left alone while the controversy people stayed on the controversy thread.
Literally every Warframe thread
They are all bait threads made by the same retard, literally using the same image over and over again and they are filled with absolute shitters
Every post in this thread feel like watching a rerun. I think some people here are actually just regarded and can’t live without the posting and the same shit over and over again.