anyone still plays with this little guy?
Anyone still plays with this little guy?
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I rarely even played with it when it was in style.
"Tanks" on Wii Play is the greatest game Nintendo has produced this century.
Stop shilling your shit, faggot. I'm not watching your video
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
yeah i play with my wii every day hehe
yep, modded and with nintendont is godsend.
waiting to get a SNES classic controller with an adapter to use it for emulation too.
I emulate on that shit because I only own a cheap notebook purely for 4chang and YouTube
I played through Project Zero 4 and the PZ2 remake last week
Are you not fond of the classic controllers?
not easy to find an official one now, all generic ones i have tested were awful.
I was playing No More Heroes today.
I still play around with my Wii fit all the time. It's not as fun as when I first got it mind you, but I still like it. I also play fishing games on it as it seems to have the best ones of any system. I wish the switch had better fishing / fitness games. Maybe I should just go outside.
Why would somone play a Wii when a Wii u upscales Wii games with hdmi?
Because HDMI2Wii exists
because i want to play gamecube games in component on my crt without buying overpriced meme cables
Because it looks like trash and 99.9% of Wii games are made to be played at 480i on a CRT
Yes, got it for $5 and modded it and now i can play any wii or gamecube game i want.
Are you OK?
it's a nifty project m machine for me and my friends
Wife uses it to play harvest moon animal parade.
Ive lost count how many playthroughs shes done, she could probably speed run it at this point.
why is the wii the best selling console ever yet the most forgotten?
I actually played my Wii yesterday, finally got around to beating Pikmin 2. It’s pretty kino.
I wish my fiance had interesting taste in vidya, all she plays is mobile games and fucking minecraft. I always try to get her into other things but she wont budge
My gf refuses to play anything other than N64 games and Just Dance on the Wii.
shes really into simulation games and all the different harvest moon clones. right now shes playing planet coaster I think autistically following one person around with no regards to anyone else in the park
mine has been sitting in a box in my closet for about 6 months now. i may break it out again soon, but i have such a large backlog and i don't play games too much anymore. I think the wii right is the best bang for your buck console to ever exist. If your not a moralfag for old games its pretty much open source.
Off the top of my head i used mine for CTGP, Project M, and playing GC and wii games off usb loader, and emulated all the classics. GBA, SNES, N64, Genesis, ect.
honestly, yea bro. Nature is beautiful. I never understood the appeal of fitness or fishing games. There are so many fun things to do in irl, and the barrier to both of those things are pretty low for most people
You should kick her in the head repeatedly so that her brain becomes normal again and she can finally play real games.
I got back into it earlier this year when the Wii Shop Channel closed down, even recorded the final moments of it being around.
I ended up playing through Super Mario Galaxy for the first time in 11 years, been tempted to start up SMG2 sometime though I need to get back in the mood for it.
I just hooked mine up again. Broke the wire off the sensor bar years ago so I got a replacement with a sticky mount for $5 on Amazon. Works great. I know The Conduit is meme here but I'm having fun. I love the Wiichuck + pointer control scheme and I'm sad it died out.
I got to play my Nintendo Wii when it was new for literally one week.
I was working a part time job when I was 16 and saved up for one, but my drunk dumbass mom brought home a guy on a weekend I was sleeping out for the evening and the guy stole it.
So basically the guy fucked my mom and me at the same time. Fucking prick.
And no, we never found him or the console.
The Wii shop channel is still up...
how hard is that to do and how big of an sd card would I need?
You can't buy anything on there nor browse the catalog anymore, it'll be shutdown completely by the end of next year most likely.
the wiimote works as a damn fine vibrator i'll tell you that
Galaxy 2 is really good user.
I would say its a little harder than adding freemcboot on a ps2. But i'm a brainlet and it took me like 30 minutes to mod my wii. I have a 32gb card but i did it with an 8gb one at first.
what game do you play to keep it vibrating?
I did it years ago on my first wii but thats when I was playing pirated games burnt onto a disc. Do you just have all of the games on the sd card as well?
Man oh man I tells ya as a kid I didn't have access to the internet beyond a PC in the living room, and my Wii which I had to mail away for the LAN adapter. Once I found out there was porn on the internet browser there my life was never the same. I think I used more batteries because of that then actually playing the game itself.