I just want to go home...
I just want to go home
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Does anyone still play Halo Custom Edition?
anytime now
I still play it from time to time. Not that good at it anymore though, so I just do mostly BTB. Just wish I could go back to those early 2000s, and replay the entire series again. Just in an alternate universe where the main series stopped at 3, and the dumbfucks at 343 were never created at all.
>I still play it from time to time. Not that good at it anymore though, so I just do mostly BTB. Just wish I could go back to those early 2000s, and replay the entire series again. Just in an alternate universe where the main series stopped at 3, and the dumbfucks at 343 were never created at all.
Can someone give me the run down on 343 and Halo 4?
Halo 4 was alright, Halo 5 was fucking retarded
343 were a group of idiots that were created by MS in order to continue the Halo series after Bungie split. People like the claim that the studio was staffed by mostly ex Bungie guys, but in reality you couldve counted the number of ex Bungie devs in like one hand. For their first game, Halo 4, the absolute geniuses at 343 decided to copy a lot from COD to make Halo not feel Halo anymore in all their infinite wisdom. As a result, the population of the game severely declined, and the game was the first sign these big brains at 343 were trouble. Also, theres some memers that say the campaign was the ''best'', but I assure you, its just memers.
that shit was gross
as someone who played the og trilogy all on xbl (except for h1) you pc players have the shittiest standards honestly
You aren't going to really get a straight answer since there's too much asshurt, but here's my attempt to be neutral
Halo 4 has an alright campaign, with some legitmately good atmosphere; and it tries to have an emotional story but most people feel the story's plot is confusing and poorly written and I tend to agree. The MP introduced loadouts, perks, and killstreeaks a la CoD. The AI is also bad and a lot of the art design is changed for no reason.
It's not a "bad" game, but for a Halo game this late into the series it's a step back by a big degree. Around Halo 4's launch you also had the Forerunner and Kilo 5 novels. Reception on the forerunner novels is generally postive, a lot of people love them and consider them the best written novels in the EU, others dislike how it goes against the apparent intended explanation that forerunners were humans )(even though bungie themselves retconned this as of halo 3) or that it rveals too much, while the travis books are universally considered some of the worst novels.
Their first few comic lines, Initiation and Escalation, were also pretty bad. So 343i had a poor first impression. MCC's networking was broken on launch and took a few months to fix, longer for some players, which ruined the goodwillt he announcement had built up. Thankifully over the nexxt year (2015) 343i started to put out good novels, though most people haven't read them.
If you mean as far as cmapaigns, yes, but overall5 is the better game since 5 had a meh campaoign and shit MP, but 5 has a shit vcampaign and outright great MP
Uh, you can bro. I was playing MCC on my Xbone yesterday.
5 is... bipolar. The campaign is even worse then 4's and the story is is a waste of time and ruins the little neat narrative impact 4 did have. The MP is online only as well, ands it launched without core modes and features, NEVER got new BTB maps, instead favoring the large scale new Warzone mode which has microtransactions... but the gameplay returns to even starts, no loadouts and shit; the movement, aiming, and shooting is super responsive, and it had some of the best weapon balance in the series. The new movement systems are controversial, but IMO the hate for them is moreso just due to people being tired of new systems after reach and 4 even if in 5 most of them are well implemented; i've yet to see somebody actually outline a legit rational for them being "un-halo" unlike armor abilities and shit in 4 and reach; though I people do have valid issues in that most of them disable your firing so you can't shoot and move efficiently at high level at once at the same time. The forge, once it got added, is also EASILY the best in the series, better then 3, reach, 4's, and H2A's combined. (Speaking of H2A the H2A MP; which is it's own game basically, is pretty solid, it's basically a refined halo 2 with forge, theater, and some other modernization stuff, tho I wish it went further to fix 2's balance issues); and 343i has done a great job with postlaunch supporting, adding outright new guns, keeping in community loved glitches, etc. Warzone largerly avoids being P2W as well despite having microtransaction elements
in short 4, 343i's early EU stuff, and then finally MCC totally kiled people's faith in 343i. Even though they got their shit together to an extent for the EU by 2015 and 5 shows promising signs of improvement, 5 was still too flawed in a lot of areas to make up for it and honestly even if 5 had been the best game in the series easy, people still would have likely shat on it: 343i had used up all their chances by then.
>he didn't drop nukes on caterpillar tanks with the longsword fighter on coldsnap
eject yourself from Yea Forums
thats fucking gay LOL
>in short 4, 343i's early EU stuff,
What's wrong with 343i's early EU stuff?
> Around Halo 4's launch you also had the Forerunner and Kilo 5 novels. Reception on the forerunner novels is generally postive, a lot of people love them and consider them the best written novels in the EU, others dislike how it goes against the apparent intended explanation that forerunners were humans )(even though bungie themselves retconned this as of halo 3) or that it rveals too much, while the travis books are universally considered some of the worst novels.
>Their first few comic lines, Initiation and Escalation, were also pretty bad.
They've gotten their shit together since and their halo novels and comics since 2015 have been consistently good, but the damage to the state oif the unuiverse is sort of done.
With regards to Halo 4, it’s not even really a follow-up to Halo 3. It’s a follow-up to the Kilo 5 and Forerunner novel trilogies.
The theme of Halo 4 was the consequences of prolonged war. The idea with Chief is that for his entire life he was a child soldier endlessly fighting wars that he barely wins. Now that the war is over, Chief struggles to except a life beyond war. Cortana is a mother figure to Chief comforting and aiding him in war but she is dying. The Didact is one of the best villains I have seen in awhile and he is quite compelling. He is the continued failure and unresolved conflict of the Forerunners. He fights a war 100000 years over and suffers the trauma of war. Now released he continues the failure and suffering of his people's ignorance. The Didact and the Master Chief are both victims of war. Halo 4, 5, 6 were supposed to be Chief's journey in coping with being a forgotten veteran and living life beyond atrocities of war.
Cortana going crazy was going to be the plot of Halo CE, but Bungie decided that the crazy AI trope was too cliche. Also, they already did it with Durandal and Tycho in Marathon, although Durandal does pull through in end.
Frank O’Connor is a fucking hack and shoehorned Cortana’s rampancy into Halo 5 because he had an irrational obsession with their relationship. Cortana and chief’s relationship has always been one of the most poorly written parts of Halo because chief could never express emotion properly due to Bungie’s obsession with the silent protagonist.
no one is reading this.
it'll come out
i started on halo 3 though
Speak for yourself nigger faggot
I am.
>The Didact is one of the best villains I have seen in awhile and he is quite compelling
>Halo 4, 5, 6 were supposed to be Chief's journey in coping with being a forgotten veteran and living life beyond atrocities of war.
What the fuck are you talking about? How do you know the second one in particular? Even before Halo 4, it was established that everybody knew who the Master Chief was, including all the damn covies. How could he have been forgotten?
>What the fuck are you talking about? How do you know the second one in particular? Even before Halo 4, it was established that everybody knew who the Master Chief was, including all the damn covies. How could he have been forgotten?
Did you know that the original plan for the Halo 2 multiplayer wasn't even what we ended up with, they wanted to do a Halo 5 Warzone like mode?
Max Hoberman had to argue to get the normal multiplayer mode in. Bungie didn't really take it seriously though, they all nicknamed Max's version of multiplayer "party game".
Max Hoberman was the lead Multiplayer designer on Halo 2 and Halo 3. Max Hoberman is MVP of H2 multiplayer. He and his team designed the whole thing in the crunch time of h2 release like map dual wielding, design and all that stuff. (Although, he left Bungie 9 months before shipping). He is the head of Certain Affinity, a studio that did map packs for Halo 2, 3, Reach, 4 and the maps for Halo 2: Anniversary's multiplayer. They also co-created Halowaypoint with 343i.
Max and his team kept working on the multiplayer while everything else fell apart. The people working on Warzone ended up getting nowhere so Bungie decided by dump it and make Max's multiplayer mode the main multiplayer.
>"Gephyrophobia, fear of bridges. Yeah, another map, if I recall, with super verticality. A lot of people fall into this trap, which is people think bigger is better. I mean, hell, it happened even on the warfare stuff we were talking about for Halo 2 in some ways. Its just not always the case. In a lot of those maps they had this mandate, and I don’t remember where it came from, but we had to do bigger because bigger is better." -Max Hoberman
Basically, the only reason the multiplayer turned out fine was because Max and his team kept on working while the rest of the studio was in a crisis.
Halo 2 pretty much invented matchmaking as we know of it today.
When the Xbox 360 released, the Xbox Live dashboard was clearly HEAVILY influenced by Halo 2.
I think claiming Bungie standardized a handful of multiplayer features is a pretty safe thing to say, at least on consoles
It was by accident for Halo 1, 2, and 3. The Halo trilogy turned out as good as it did because of Microsoft Game Studios, time constraints, and hardware limitations killing Bungie's crappy ideas. People on Yea Forums and reddit should really stop sucking them off, we got lucky that Halo CE-3 were as good as they were, Bungie are hacks.
>rebuilding Halo
And thats where they failed. The franchise was already there, Halo didnt even need to be rebuilt. But fucking mission failed all around. Also, that vid show nothing about what you were talking about.
stop being racist, what's going so wrong in your life that you have to say such hateful words?
>I think claiming Bungie standardized a handful of multiplayer features is a pretty safe thing to say, at least on consoles
you literally pointed out in your own fucking post that bungie is retarded and should not be getting any credit for what Max and his team did while the rest of the studio was busy doing fucking bullshit that got canned anyway.
Not him but the Bungiefags really need to look into who actually made Halo CE-3 so good instead just saying Bungie as a whole did it because those guys were fucking idiots.
Nigger kike spic wetback jigaboo coon zipperhead gook nip chink faggot queer aids bucket pozbot tranny
you forgot "cumskin" sweaty
I also forgot sandmigger and dilate
it's "sandnigger" and Durka Durka is more offensive
I blame autocorrect
Derka derka Mohamed johiad
why the hell is this not out.
when they announced this in march, i always assumed it was the kind of game that would be shadowdropped. like 6 months later, and even the first part isn't out? wtf
god yes
Fucking how? Also won't they get banned for modding?
yeah this is taking way fucking longer than it should, i honestly estimate this top drop at the end of 2021 not even fucking kidding.
They announced it early for the purpose of transparency and wanting the community involved.
>gamecheat gets into the flights each time
im amazed he isnt blacklisted after he threatened to leak the halo wars 2 soundtrack after he got banned that time.