Why aren't you playing Evenicle? It even features a race of semenbrains

Why aren't you playing Evenicle? It even features a race of semenbrains.

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because it's garbage

Is this like Etrian Odyssey?

is it good? if not thats why

No, it's more like a standard jrpg with an overworld and minimalistic dungeons.

Because I'm not a pathetic loser. kys

This is the best writing ever featured in video games, it doesn't get better from there.

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I'm actually offended at how generic the MC's design is when every girl has such elaborate outfits.

Evenicle has really good lewd comedy writing and sexy girls as expected from alice-soft, but the combat system is bad and the sex scenes are so vanilla that they're boring and usually just end up with some gag about how Aster has infinite sexual stamina which gets old.

Overall a good game but pretty forgettable

Because I'm homo and that cute boy likely doesn't get his boyhole penetrated.

he's very special

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This game was so generic yet I couldn't stop playing it.

Same. The art's too generic and kinda shit to make me want to fap to it, so I really don't know what's keeping me playing.

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I admit that the sex scenes get old but the characters and music definitely aren't forgettable.

Plus there are some great stuff in there. Like the BJ milking part in the forest.

It is like eating well cooked comfort food.

Because it actually works as a parody of JRPGs while being playable enough to not get annoying

I just found it endearing.

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>first wife you get is great
>second wife is the "no fun allowed" straight man
>constantly cockblocks the MC no fucking reason other than to be annoying as fuck
>even when it comes to other wives
fucking dropped, I hate this cunt

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Riche is my favorite

It kinda gets annoying but she's pretty lewd and perverted too. Ramius is indeed based though.

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>hating the only person who understands the final solution to the hanny menace

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hannies did nothing wrong

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Uses doujin, meaning self publisher instead of doujinshi.


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>The scene where the hannies were raping the glasses girl cause she thought she was a hanny
Riche had me dying at the ending scenes there.

I didn't become a maths teacher to become someones pathetic whipping boy. I should have listened to my old man and joined the Navy, but I hate the smell of sea water and now I'm stuck. Always getting called out on the carpet by these stuck up b*ches. I would like to tell these miserable c*nts what they could do with their jobs. I am so ready for the year to end. I think at this rate I'll be non-renewed and I'm pissed because I know I have what is takes for this kind of population but my administration seems to have made it personal, that they think I can't handle this classroom. The abuse I receive from them. One of them even said to me 'You got less spine than a spina bifida victim.' I'm tired of getting pushed around by these ball busting bull dyke's. They make my life a living nightmare and I've had enough. I'm a man with a set of balls and I deserve to be treated with respect.

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>go to some nigger tower again through already traversed path
>nope, you can't go further, you must free some ugly whore
>go free the whore
>le epic ecchi scene
>whore cannot help you here, you must return to whatever you came from
>return through already traversed path
>le epic dialogue choises which doesn't affect anything (jrpg)
>we need a le boat which we already fucked ourselves for but with no success
>return through already traversed path
>NPC responsible for boat is not here
>return through already traversed path
>must have useless whore party member to trigger NPC again
>must go find some shit in some new shitty badly designed location
>you cannot enter the location because you must return and get permission from guildmaster
>return through already traversed path
>return back to the location
>le go back faec

I am quoting piece of shit game what is BoF3. At least BoF2 had whale, Warp and Exit spells.

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A man must NEVER hit a woman - NEVER - PERIOD!! God gave Eve to Adam as a gift - so striking a woman is the same as striking God!! (This is A LOT of Catholic school upbringing!!) And regardless of what they say - men are generally stronger and faster than women!! You SHOULD be smart enough to know when she is angry enough to start hitting - so when you see she is THAT angry - only 2 rules: RULE #1: LEAVE!!! Rule # 2: See Rule #1!!!) I was always taught - (by the nuns) - if she physically confronts you - walk away - if she starts hitting you FIRST - grab her hair (or some body part) and push her to the ground - NO HITTING or BITING!!! THEN quickly LEAVE!!! But striking a woman - is NEVER an answer to a problem - NEVER - it ONLY creates more problems!! And ANY judge will give you the same advice - PLUS some time in the local jail! And remember - GOD IS ALWAYS WATCHING YOU - ALWAYS!!!! DON'T BE STUPID - Leave and live to fight another day!!

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evenicle more like testicle lol

Why are you playing Evenicle when Evenicle 2 is out already?

i cant believe NX is a full VR system more advanced than any ever seen and the first game is "Samus' Little Bitch Boy Servant 3D" cant believe i joined the federation force and all im assigned to do is clean samus's laundry and cook her dinner..sigh.. its actually complete agony that i will never be samus' assistant on her ship and clean her gear and brush her ruffled pubic feathers. im never going to get my dream job, equipment cleaning bitch on samus' ship
the last manlet is in captivity in samus' bedchamber, the galaxy is at peace

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Because one simply cannot learn Japanese

Is the protagonist a woman?

>The scene where the hannies were raping the glasses girl
the only one who did any raping in that scene was aster

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Who edgelord here?

>I write "FUCK YOU" on a chocolate Easter egg
>customer buys it and asks for a replacement
>I tell everyone I did it.
>Get a call from boss "I am not going to fire you for this. You are our only over night worker we have.
I know I am the only over night worker. I am the over night worker.

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All you have to do is watch a lot of anime though

This is my story
>be 12
>Get a boner
>Tie a string around a pencil
>get the pencil in my ass (not the pointy side obviously)
>tie the other side of the string in a loop around the base of my penis so that it kind of stretches it.
>Climb on top of my mothers piano
>jump down (reminder that a piano is fucking high for a kid that age)
>climb back up again
>jump down
>repeat until I cum.
One day I forgot to close the windows and my neighboors witnessed the glory of my masturbation ritual.
It was very challenging getting out of that situation.

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>tfw you can now understand Japanese just fine but can't read anything

Just recently my Aunt called me, asked if it was OK to get my little cousin BotW since he's been asking for it. I said ya, and when she pressed me on it having mature content, I mentioned you could crossdress, and then she flipped. I'm so mad at Nintendo right now. Why was that even a feature? Why couldn't this game just be normal and not have weird stuff like that? Now a good kid I know won't be able to enjoy it, and it's all the game devs' fault

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That's what texthookers are for

The listing follows

- 1x Monster Horse Dildo (12') $89.99
- 1x Ultra HD Backdoor Sluts 9 $12.99
- 6x Magnum condoms (Small) $24.45
- 5x Bananas $7.00
- 5x Cucumbers $4.00
- 1x FeelsLikeBlood Lube Bottle 750ml $19.99
- 1x Next day shipping $45.00
- 1x Frequent Shopper Discount (15%)

Please respond back to us using your old email:
[email protected]

Thank you for your patience

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The MC is too girly, and I don't mean in a faggy way, but in a fucking attractive tomboy way. The was probably going for smug/confident, but ended up with slutty tomboy due to his sameface.

that's terrible though, I'd rather not play

was she offering?

What is going on?

the choker definitely didn't help

I don't want consensual shit.
I want to rape!!!

It's a boring slog, that's why. The only fun thing was abusing parts where other people temporarily join your party, and using them to power level.

well, there's plenty of that too, and beyond, it's just not the MC doing it much except for some joke scenes

the very first scene is also rape

It has tons of brutal rape scenes.
Which are usually the hottest ones but they make me feel bad.

Texthookers are pathetic.
Get off your lazy ass and study.

>t. ophelia

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My brain isn't made to learn thousands of characters. I'm fine with just the kanas and some of the most common kanji. For the rest I can just use texthookers or OCR programs

>studying another language's complicated alphabet to play video games
>h games at that

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You learn little by little. Nobody expects you to learn every kanji ever within 6 months or something. There are Kanji that even the Japanese don't know.

Texthookers are stupid especially when you're playing a game like a JRPG or VN where a large portion of the game is text. How are you supposed to relax and enjoy a game if every 2 seconds you're looking up every kanji or using some ghetto ass machine translation? You might as well not even play.

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The artist does not understand human anatomy to a point where I can't stand it.

Because I finished playing it 4 years ago

H games have better controls than AAA games.

I output the text to a browser window and use rikai. Takes a second to look up kanji readings

real anatomy sucks anyway, anime can surpass it


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This seems like a game that would be fun portably desu.

I'd hack my Switch in a heartbeat if it could run it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one lost here, I felt like my head was going to explode trying to understand these replies.
Has Yea Forums finally been taken over by A.I.?

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru

sequel translation when

It was a pretty cool game until it started hardcore fat shaming. Dropped it hard because of this.

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post yfw riche's dad turned out to be the bad guy

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put the twinkie down

Over my dead body you ain't getting all that food,

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Absolute freedom =/= freedom

>falling for his tricks


She is a wizard and they are immune to magic

What Trick?

I heard the protag doesn't get turned into a girl then gets fucked by his friends

I really should finish this some day. I'd just gotten to the floating island and then realized how many home sex scenes I had left to unlock by grinding and dropped it. Wives are Gurigura>Riche>Erimo>Ramius>Kathryn>Dragon sisters>Tio>the storyteller girl>Riche's sister btw.

The exact opposite of this. Everything being rape all the time gets boring in JP porn. It was nice to see a protagonist all about loving consensual sex with a cast of willing girls, for a change, and by a good artist. I'm interested in Evenicle 2 precisely for seeing more of that.

Jesus Christ you didn't even get 1 girl in the right place, worst possible taste

I am, and I'm loving every second of it, but I have to wait for the dead of night to play it so my family don't catch me

Liking boobs is perfectly normal and nothing to be ashamed about.