Star Citizen holds some dinner for high paying supporters

but why
for what purpose

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It's a cult.

It's a sex cult.

did they even get to eat or was it all just samples

>but why
>for what purpose
to fleece them for more money, what else?

Those who ordered chicken got a chicken sampler.
Those who ordered beef were allowed to look at a model of their meal.
Those who ordered fish were told it would come out when it's done and, in the mean time, were asked if they'd like to purchase any additional dinners.

I can only think of this as a good thing. At least they're getting something out of their investment. That something may well never be the actual game, but hey, it's SOMETHING.

>At least they're getting something out of their investment
user, they had to pay for their ticket, a ticket they were only allowed to buy after having sunk $1000+. The dinner itself was just a sales pitch for their latest $650+ ship.

this, you essentially spent more for something you couldhave gotten cheaper if you spent for yourseld

>they had to pay for their ticket

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The only thing SC offers is opportunities to pay more. I bet these fags have financial domination fetishes.

is the game out?

Yeah, out of legitimate reasons for anyone to ever buy it!

Depends on how you define "out". If a complete game, then no. It's yes if you count the horribly buggy perpetual paid alpha.

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no one took them hostage? I heard that's the only way to get your promised refund.

Here are the current player titles.
$1k, High Admiral
- Concierge subform/chat
- In-game tophat, monocle, whiskey, and gold skinned energy pistol
$2.5k, Grand Admiral
- Gold skinned Arrowhead sniper rifle
$5k, Space Marshal/Lt. Commander
- Gold skinned RSI Venture spacesuit
$10k, Wing Commander
$15k, Completionist
$25k, Legatus Navium
- Gold skinned LTI F8C Lightning

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How long until the Star Citizen shills def-

these fags don't know sunken cost

>Company holds dinner for their highest paying supporters while begging for more money
>And that's a good thing!

I'm a backer of Star Citizen and I've gotten my value out of backing it just from the community and all of the content that keeps coming out on the game. It's been $2500 for me for hundreds of hours of entertainment and friends in the community so far, much better value than a first class airplane ticket.

I do believe that there has been some issues with development, which is a shame, but I still look forward to playing it sometime within the next 5-10 years. Development is on going and active. Progress is transparent (which is why I don't pay attention- I like the surprise). Milestones have been reached, and expectations have been met. Do I think I've gotten $2.5k of enjoyment from the game? Yes and more.
No game has ever been as ambitious as the scope of what Star Citizen aims to do.

>275 bucks for a meal
honestly the guy behind star citizen is a pretty lucky guy

>must spend Concierge class (spend $1k+)
>must buy dinner ticket ($275)
>special dinner only Mine Laying ship ($675)

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About $2200 spread over 5 years, which equals to approx. $8,4 pr. week.

For that money I've had more fun than with any other released game in my Steam library (except one). I've met new friends, and been engaged with the best gaming community ever. And I've learned a lot about projects, development and more from following CIG.

For me, this has been a simple, cheap, no-brainer deal. I don't regret supporting CIG with one. single. penny!

Take your shill post and fuck right off.

Nice bait. Mind if I save it for later?

At this point, it seems like money laundering
Keep the game in continual development
Keep ranking in the dough until people start catching on
When the gravy train stops rolling in, release it and scatter like cockroaches when people start crying scam

Fucking nobody furries have done the same scam--what's to stop fucking corporations from doing the same.

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they should start an actual cult

are those the typical star citizens? holy shit they all look like cuckolds

That was sarcasm. Should I have included a smug anime girl or a Wojak to better get my point across? I didn't sink a penny into this thing.

what the fuck? It has to be a crime to scam people with autism.

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They already did, it's called Star Citizen

why do poltards not know what money laundering is
unless you think the suckers funding this shitpile have been secretly trying to hide illicit sources of income it's not money laundering

It feels too fucking real at this point. Star Citizen shills are THAT crazy.

Yes. They're all gonna be on the older side and dorks.
>hasn't kept up with gaming
>remembers old space games fondly
>has career/business so money to blow
>no time to actually play games so just likes reading patch notes and imagining space game

why are they all overweight

That's what happens to dorks when they turn 30.

I'm nervous guys.
The devs will keep doing their thing as long as they get money to do so, and eventually, after x months of delay, we'll get something pretty good (as we did with planet tech, OCS, ships, etc.). But if the community turns on CIG after another 1-2 years of sparse gameplay content we could risk jeopardizing everything that has been built up over the last 7 years. And, unlike 2017, this time around CIG will have to push a lot more concept ships because that 200M is dwindling, and it's hard to convince people that don't yet see results that something is worth investing in. Definitely going to be a test of patience.

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i wonder how think the people who are buying ships are going to feel when modders start finding ways to put in the ships for free?

You can bet your ass most who donated that much didn't have to earn any of that money.

you're one of the people that needs to read up on sunken cost

figuratively raped is the closest thing

it needs a mythology, rituals, getting members to do unpaid labor, etc
i want to see weirdos getting snared into some story about believers escaping ecological disaster inside of star citizen or something. this is still amateur, and the way their "customers" never stop opening their wallets makes me think they can transition to the big leagues.

It's probably a good money-making strategy to rope these people in even deeper, but I really wouldn't want to see the gross spergs that are spending tens of thousands of dollars on my space game.

>what purpose
>$275 USD

They are man-children. Adults in body, children in mind. They grew old, but not up per se.
Remember how you wanted to buy ALL the legos when you where a child? Then you grew up and maybe you just bought a lill set to remind you of your childhood, to put on your desk and enjoy.
They grew up and never left the "I wanna buy ALL the Spaceships" phase, they nurtured it, carried it, never asked themselves if they should maybe rethink their stance on that. And then they suddently could buy all the spaceships, at least the pretty pictures. Their inner child took over and never left after that. I sometimes ask myself how some of these people, who own more dollars in worthless jpgs than others do in real money, how do they function in normal life?
There are people in there that have a wife, kids, a family, home, car, job. How do they do this, tasks that require SO MUCH critical thinking and rethinking decisions, valuing money and time, yet they spend thousands of hours on the internet gawking over nonexistant ships in a tech demo. How does someone like this function in a society, let alone one where you should weigh your expenses?

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to pump the whales for more cash, obviously

Star Citizen is legitimately like one of those MLM schemes they sucker people into to sell vitamins or whatever

Will Billy be there?

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to be fair, I like legos but rather than the "destroy to rebuild" I'm more of the build something to last mentality and only bought a few models meant for display

i'm not sure he's allowed into germany

>they can transition to the big leagues
that would be amazing, image releasing star citizen replacing drink the kool aid

Lets assume star citizen comes out and is a 10/10 game. More ships will be added to the game over time and will outclass the older ships to entice people to buy limited editions.

>ywn be a paypiggy that gets rewarded by being invited to secret meetup where Sandi sucks & fucks each backer in turn until everyone has dumped their load in her while Chris watches sipping joe from his $10,000 coffee machine

>look up the definition of money laundering
Eh, you're right
All the same, most banquets are people just collective circle-jerks, people patting themselves on the back as they squander money for some charity or another, rather than actually applying it to said cause.

How long as it been now--seems like almost a decade now.

for a dinner that's probably only $50 per head


And let's be honest, any retard who was willing to buy the dinner ticket, which does not include travel or hotel fees keep in mind, would drop another $675 on the ship just because otherwise it would feel like a wasted trip

i mostly only wanted lego technic parts when i was a kid
the standard lego were too limited past age 8

sad part is a lot of them probably believe that

I don't even imagine human beings donating to this. I just imagine these half-sentient protoplasms of pure soi fused to their computers.

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Do you have to buy the ticket or was it given to them?

to be fair there are worse things they could be wasting their money on

Same reason politicians do, but at least they deliver tax benefits and bill amendments to their corporate paypigs.

I'd prefer that she feed me delicious food and allow me to seed her womb.

they could be wasting it on heroin, but they could also save for retirement or provide funding for something that isn't battlecruiser 3000ad

that's a fucking weak defense

Required viewing.

The biggest lego set my parents bought me was the lambda shuttle. I remember thinking how crazy people must have been to buy those 500+ dollar millennium falcon ones.
Well, there you have it. The people who had their parents buy them the giant millennium falcon grew up, are adults, and are now buying imaginary ships in a nonexistent game for the same price.

I like how the idea of having expendable income is just this unfathomable thing to you and the only possible explanation is being childish.
People who gave money to Chris Roberts are retards for sure, but having spare money for hobbies and niche interests is fine and normal. Adult men have been doing things like this forever.

it's not even a defense

But when you spend 675 bucks for a guitar (on the cheap side) or a woodworking set or a giant model ship or whatever, you actually get it and do something with it. These cucks are just shoveling money into roberts' account.

Bloody hell

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>Lieutenant Commander and Wing Commander are higher ranks than High Admiral and Grand Admiral

You can tell that they never expected anyone to donate that much and had to bullshit new titles up.

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Wing Commander was probably just a tongue-in-cheek reference to the only point in Chris Roberts' career when he didn't turn everything he touched into shit. Also doubles as nostalgia bait because many of the bigger whales remember playing Wing Commander when they were younger and still view Roberts favorably because of it.

but what about pork

he's the guy responsible for turning cool cat into a turncoat right? fuck that guy

Yeah and you spend it on tools, trips, recreation, etc not vaporware jpegs.

damn Incel Billy realy upset.
All this new tech he swarms about, all those buzzwords redifining technology. Yet 270M and 7 years there is nothing of that every remotely available and will never be available. Random generated worlds I believe seen that before many many times. Calculated quantum omega ultra drive path with calculations do exist too, it's a flght path from a to b.

Meanwhile Elite: Dangerous just revealed a ton of new content being added by the end of the year.

>The reward for backing Star citizen is being able to eat

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Previous thread died. What's the name of this game again? It looked good:

>Pay money
>For the opportunity to pay money for an event
>At the event you have the opportunity to pay money
>At no point in this process will you get any sort of tangible product or benefit
i don't understand

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i still cant believe people fall for this shit
this shit its like the apex legends axe bs
>here spend X amount of money on ships so you have the chance to spend another x amount of money to get this item/dinner
i know people dont know what common sence is but jesus how much money do you need to lose to understand you are getting more like PAYING to get fucked

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House of the dying sun

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>CIG had to BUILD a polynomial quantum drive calculator
But did it have polymeric falcighol derivation?

>fuck right off

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Go back, paypig.

I'm sorry to break this to you, user, but there's no light at the end of this tunnel.
You can collect a tasteful barrel to live in on the way out of Chris Roberts' Wallet Cleaning and Rape Parlour

>Polynomial Quantum Drive Calculator
Recalibrate the proton torpedoes, the enemy has flipped the polarity of their neutron-quark shields!

>tfw i can live like diogenes without first paying thousands of dollars to a scam artist

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Imagine the smell

The waiters came around with a flip book of pictures of food, then asked us if we wanted to buy other flipbook pictures of food. We could all smell food cooking, but no food ever actually appeared.

We're still trapped here, please send help, Roberts has lost it, he's forcing us to input our credit card information at gunpoint, please, you have to get the word out, he has to be sto

>Lets assume star citizen comes out and is a 10/10 game.
user you need to have your initial premise be at least remotely related to reality.

why do people love getting scammed

I only ever hear about the mega whales that play this game, is it even good? surely they can't just be playing because of the sunk cost fallacy.

Thanks. Gonna have to give it a try.


The REAL question. What will get finished first: Star Citizen or Yandere Simulator?

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>tfw you can't even eat each other

Cube world has a title screen now.

They just wanted to get something to eat!

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This is the most elaborate findom scheme ever.

Literally what T E C H N O L O G Y did they invent again? Last time I checked they shoehorned shit we have seen before into a giant mess of a project into an engine that was designed for shooters.

They built an engine. That's it. That's all they did. They're not pioneers, they are moderately talented developers. *were* moderately talented developers. I have no doubt that anybody with any actual passion and drive has long since abandoned ship when Dread Captain Roberts revealed that his plan all along was to run the ship aground on an island made of whale carcasses held together with money.

Weak b8 m8

No other game engine has a polynomial quantum drive calculator.

I just made a concept for an engine that has a omninomial super-quantum overdrive graphing calculator
wheres my 250 million

why does it sounds like a redneck talking

Pretty sure they're just licensing amazons lumberyard engine currently

Star Citizen couldn't be a more perfect example of buyer's remorse. Not only did they sink so much money into this game, but they're also sinking even more money into it just to justify their donations. I call it a "donation" because they're never going to see a return on their money. They got scammed hard and they just can't accept it yet.

Do you have any jpegs to back that ambitious project up

They were shown a series of photographs of food and promised that if they would invest 200 dollars, they would get to eat the best meal in their entire lives.

no other forum besides forum 2000 had its somads powered by the patented quadratic search algorithm

a big recession would kill cloud imperium faster than a single loser living in his mother's basement, so they will eventually "finish" first

i do, thatll be 500 dollars for looking by the way

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going to go out on a limb and guess you've never interacted with a redneck

I suppose, what's the stereotype on the image then

that's just classic neckbeard with a dollop of explicit racism because of 8gag poisoning

>Fun activities
Like fucking what?

oh shit I confused neckbeard for redneck, my bad

giving money to chris roberts

I wonder if these people are actually kids with access to mom's card

for how much the event costs to get in you better be getting a good meal outta it

Whoever highlighted this missed a "niggers" in the last paragraph.

i'd pay 300 to eat teppanyaki with the right guests, but since this is scam citizen, it's certainly extremely sad

If this isn't pasta then I will make sure it will be since now.

I'm gonna burn this whole restaurant down with all JPG's of your spaceships.

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When the only one actively calling out this scam is a nigger in a sea of white men then you know things are really fucked up.

Just like slavery