Someone once said that you can't go home again...
WoW Classic Home
Other urls found in this thread:
>19 hours away from home
anyone else finna roll zandalar tribe alliance? leave your bnet
See you on the other side, I'll be horde on that server.
good, good
more alliance to kill makes my zug become the zugzug
No bones or corpses because of the likely situation in which an African American man sees bones forming the letter "N", then "I" and his heart sinks as he realises it's probably not going to spell out N-I-C-E-T-O-S-E-E-Y-O-U
that's a gross misrepresentation of a paladin's auto attack damage and you know it
What's the first thing you bros are going to do?
I'm thinking I'm going to first do a couple of quests and try to get a few levels, and yourselves?
Stare at login queue for 4 hours
Probably quest until I hit level 60, but idk this might just be me.
wait what?
when did skeletons stop being a thing in retail?
are they gone now? i could have sworn skeletons were a thing, like in raids after wiping.
Man this is literally the only gnome that I want to pin down and face fuck. What an absolute cutie, look at those dicksucking lips, if you wouldn't deep throat that until she's a gagging mess then you're not a man.
Is she anybody important or just a random character thrown together for the trailer?
dilate gnome tranny
Fish off the coast of Durotar, watching the teeming masses of players run past me in a mad dash for levels and glory.
skellys are gonna remain in instanced areas, just not in the open world. Your'e limited to only 1 skelly that disappears after 5 mins.
>I'm thinking I'm going to first do a couple of quests and try to get a few levels, and yourselves?
what else would you do?
Run from Dalaran to Elwynn, obviously. Then aim to get Deadmines done in day 1 or 2 at the latest. Comin' for that ass, Edwin!
Been set on Orc hunter for a minute but now I feel like I should roll Undead Mage or Orc Rogue instead. Thoughts below:
>Pets might still feel shitty like they did in Beta.
>Mages and Rogues do more damage later on.
>Have never leveled a rogue or mage to 60.
What do boys?
Disregard that I suck cocks, I meant Darnassus. This is your brain on elf.
oh no no no no
>grab quests if I can
>grind mobs to level 5
>escape zoomer starter area
>pick up BS and mining
>comfy grind until 10
i thought they were fixing swoop ganks
At what point do vanilla raids get somewhat tough, to the point that meme specs will be excluded?
>inb4 'never'
If they never got even remotely tough then any class would be added to raids, just answer properly without bein a snidy bitch, nobodies gonna praise you for gloating on an anonymous imageboard
>the virgin autistica versus the Chad Viola Dorito
a man of culture i see
fucking kek
>oh yes yes yes yes
quest hard to get to 15, run deadmines, then chill, do some fishing, crack a beer and hang in stormwind for a bit.
wtf magebros..
Is Herod the server with the least amount of trannies?
So fabled.....World...of...Warcraft...Classic...............pvp scene.....incredible...just incredible....
Skip the quests and run for the mobs; Grind until lvl 5; Then I slow the fuck down and start enjoying things
So all my irl pals are going alliance, and I wanted to play paladin. Is holy any decent at dungeon healing while leveling? I pretty much plan on leveling as holy. I know at endgame I'm just going to be passing around buffs with the occasional single target heal, which is boring but class intensity really isn't the reason anyone should be playing classic
King's honor, friend.
wrong wrong wrong, you need to hit questing hard to get ahead of the bottleneck
noshoes hordenigger gets BUTTBLASTED by alliance chad
she's very important yes, since the beginning
what was wrong with pets in beta?
>starts bopping him with the staff
no enjoying yourself into lvl 10...15 to be absolutely sure
Essential Classic addons?
I've already got Questie.
Yep, now THIS is open world pvp.
> addons
Go back to retail Zoomer
and let's not forget she's probably a male dragon that just uses a female gnome form, given bronze naming conventions
Blizzard fucked up bigly releasing this so late
the virgin horde undead rogue
The Chad Shining Human Paladin
Found the thirsty incel
>that fucking laugh
Based boomer
Weapon swing timer if you're a warrior or hunter, otherwise literally nothing
based original dev
meant for
Is that a fucking Grand Marshall paladin he opened on?
Why are horde niggers so low IQ? Why would you ever engage on that? Jesus christ just let him ride past you.
>Heh, guys I'm a mage, I'm going to be so good in pvp
We are the Horde /vg/ guild on Grobbulus RP-PVP
We are a guild dedicated to having fun, doing weekly raid progression, PvP/WorldPvP, and some light RP-events. New to the game? Come join us and chill while you level. Coming back? Good, we need people with knowledge of the game. We welcome all who browse Yea Forums and /vg/, just don't be an attention seeking tranny or a sperg.
We aim to keep a drama-free environment and to keep the sperging at a minimum. We have a relaxed environment with no elitism, no rush to endgame, and no pressure on what class you'll play. Feel free to join as any class, we're happy to have you here.
maybe chromaggus too
>Grand Marshall
Nice reading bro. Also, that rogue is in Tier 3.
Apparently they just felt sluggish to use with commands and whatnot. Supposedly they felt better in the last stress test.
>Why would you ever engage on that?
Fun? A challenge? To see how much you can do to him?
Why are you such a beta bitch that you're terrified of dying in a video game?
Oh right because you're alliance
This is the man responsible for designing the classes. He knew exactly what he was doing.
>RP/PVP server
You are riding that line of getting your shit renamed, especially if they see you aren't RPing. Mods are taking that stuff absurdly serious this time around.
stop posting if you don't know something, just some advice
because he has even better gear you retard?
>roll on an RP server
>'PVP/World PVP, raid progression, and maybe some light RP'
Thank fuck /vg/ is sticking to Horde you colossal retards.
>Watches Rougecraft once
I'll make sure to gank any Clown I see on my ice mage, thanks user. I'll do a /laugh just for you.
For the whole raid? AQ40
for certain bosses? as early as vael/chromagg/nef
What am I wrong about retard? The fact that his title is clearly Knight-Lieutenant, or the fact that that rogue is clearly wearing Tier 3 gear?
The server is going to be a shitshow with how many people are going there specifically to not RP and just because it's a lesser-played server due to the taboo of the server type
Wait they let clicker designt classes? That explains alot
i thought rets were bad?!
Do you have a source on RP naming rule being enforced on grobbulus?
I want to know if I can namegrief report any (all) epic shitters who rolled there for rppvp meme instead of actual roleplay
for him to be wielding that sword requires grand marshal rank, which the guy you replied to was alluding to. nobody stays at that rank for long, once you get the gear, the grind is over, and you keep the loot, but quickly lose rank.
I just want to say that I'd actually consider making a Gnome female if they actually looked anything like that in game.
The chad boomer playing a boomkin
>Wasted my entire day sitting in these thread talking about WoW and crying because I can't decide on a class
>Still haven't decided despite being in these thread for 12 hours today
>Haven't even decided on a server, probably gonna go on Zandalar Tribe though, horde side
>All of the Yea Forums players that are on that server are going alliance
No matter how much I wanna join you fags, I'm not rolling a gay as fuck alliance character.
I want to roll on the RP-PVP server too, how is it? I've never been in a place like that before.
Do I have to be in character all the time?
bros, we are going home
Blaumeux will be full tomorrow too.
Go join your safespace hordetrannies at , user. They seem like a swell and politically correct bunch. :)
>Haven't even decided on a server, probably gonna go on Zandalar Tribe though, horde side
You best be rolling a troll
There's a blue sword that's exactly the same model and only requires honor/marks to get.
Avoid Yea Forums players at all costs. Trust me
Never play with anyone from /vg/, Yea Forums or Yea Forums in general. Trust me.
no, just don't be obnoxious and refer to IRL stuff all the time in public chats. read the room, like if you're in a party it's probably chill and you can relax. but if people wanna RP, either join in or let them live their life.
This has to be bait, no one is this dumb.
>Yank server
I'm just worried about not getting any endgame action if I don't pre-emptively join a group. I'm not planning on speedrunning through the game either so it'll probably be even harder to get a group to raid with.
there's no way in hell anyone would willingly join a Yea Forums guild if they've ever done it before
It's not bait, please explain to me how I'm being dumb.
No, you don't need to be IC at all times. But you also cannot make a name like Icyveinz or Speedykillz or Dorfmongler in a guild called .
That shit is reportable on RP/RP-PVP. There's also less lenience for trolling and being a spergy twitchfaggot.
I just do not know the etiquette, in a way it feels like it would be a cool experience, and servers seem balanced too, but I don't want to ruin the experience for anyone.
>I'm just worried about not getting any endgame action if I don't pre-emptively join a group.
This isn't BFA, there's no to gatekeep you, there's no ilvl, you'll be in a large guild with friends by the time you're level 40 if you're not a total social retard/asshole
>t. gnometranny
like i said, just stop
don't worry so much, you will meet people constantly, flip a coin on the class decision, it has less bearing on how much fun you'll have than you think. you just have to participate. you will bring good stuff to whatever class you choose.
I just want a chill server, where everybody plays the game, nobody is doing stupid shit like twitch chat, and I do want the game to feel like a "game".
Am I gonna have a good time in Grobb? Do I need to read any ruleset? It feels like it would be an amazing time to have something like that and experience a bit of light-RP.
fine i'll take the bait
enjoy your you
lmao this is great the fucking luck though
mage spell didnt hit and then HE FUCKING CRITS for 300 dmg what the hell.
Jesus christ what a retard
everyone feels that way at first. just don't sweat it. be yourself, but be your character too. it's easy with some practice. lots of others will feel the same as you. you can RP as a quiet type for a while, just observing. that is totally valid.
RPPVP is fine for what you want, alternatively just a regular PVP server that isn't for tryhard private server retards like Herod or streamer zoomzooms like Faerlina to avoid some really fucking edgy and awkward RP
Have an RP-server appropriate name and keep IRL stuff out of /say and /yell. That's literally it. Just behave and let people play pretend if they want. You don't need to engage anyone in RP if you don't want to. Roleplayers are generally a pretty chill bunch.
Here's your ruleset:
1. Make a character and give it a light backstory
2. Ensure said character has a non-meme name
2. Don't spam memes in chat
3. If someones roleplaying in a dungeon, humor them and play along. It won't be autistic RP like a pure RP server, at worst a dwarf talking in first person about his journey.
4. Relax and have fun
if that sounds good, then grobbulous is for you. itll feel less of a MMO game game than a regular pvp server, but more of an mmo game game than a pure RP server.
I thought it was in classic. My b
>Barely play multiplayer games so never joined a Yea Forums guild before
Part of me wants to try but I can see why it's a bad idea
Really wish there was an EST RP-PVP server. It sounds like the kind of environment I'd want to play in, but I can't justify giving up 50-60ms ping just to play on Grob.
i did it for TERA release. it was fun until the game completely died in under three months.
Arugal or Remulos? I've never played WOW before torn between troll mage or priest.
Well it sure helps to know all this stuff.
I'm still indecisive, but it does feel like the server will be more unique and people will be playing the game for fun and not for world-firsts.
>Try to watch the '''''''''''''''''''experts'''''''''''''''''''''' of classes I want to play on youtube
>Cannot stand watching them, they're either full of themselves or cringy as fuck
I don't give a fuck if they're good at the class, I can't deal with that shit.
those are some 10/10 names
>Total Downloads 209,483
You don't have to be IC at all times, no, but generally you shouldn't go to an RP server unless you plan to RP. A fuckton of people tend to migrate there because RP servers tolerate way less bullshit and twitch-faggotry, but it isn't just a hidey-hole. General chat is still full of shitposting but once you get to /say, it is either roleplay or OOC shit in dungeons typically. You will get weird looks if you're talking about real-life stuff in /say for sure.
Do I have to speak like a Jamaican if I pick a troll on an RP server? Obviously I want to RP but will everybody expect me to have that sort of dialect? I would want to be more savage sounding honestly.
ya mon
BASED and lightpilled
That's Chromie.
It's a dragon (male), I'm dead serious with you right now. Chromie just chooses to appear female.
Troll rogue or undead warlock? Looking to wpvp and comfy leveling and dungeons.
>It's a dragon (male), I'm dead serious with you right now.
Well if you're not trolling I guess I'm gay. What the fuck.
Yea Forums guilds are fine, and usually full of decent players.
This is last expac, full guild from /vg/
THis is rad.
you say that like it changes anything.
>won't be autistic RP like pure RP
You realize it will be functionally identical to pure RP, 'RP/PVP' does not mean 'lower quality RP' or 'RP lite', it means 'exactly the same as RP but with PVP'. Expect to see Goldshire full up, expect RP on the streets in Stormwind, and interfering with it is a quick ticket to shitsville given how hardcore the mods were about it. Generally, if you don't plan to participate, you should avoid going there. But if you want to go there and just not use /say and avoid interfering with them, it will be more chill and less cringy in general. Just expect to see people doing all kinds of crazy shit in /say and /emote
I'm EST also but so many people from all over are gonna be playing Grob that I don't feel like I'm at an isolated disadvantage.
If you're worried about ruining muh immersion, you're not going to, only the biggest sperg in the world (which, granted, has a larger than average chance of playing on the same server as you) will round on you because you were jumping around in the background of his epic exposition
For some who don't care for writing the accent you can just type normally or however you plan to, sometimes it's better to simply imply the accent instead of going full retard on your apostrophes.
No. You don't have to talk like an illiterate Scotsman if you play as a dwarf either. It's your character my man. He can be whatever you like.
Imagine being that mage.
Imagine getting embarrassed by a slow as fuck, minimal reaction, spell clicking boomer who is laughing at your tryhard ass as he melees you down with his staff.
Fucking imagine.
What you say is true, but most ERPists are huge carebears. I've played 2 games with them and they wouldn't survive a life on a pvp server.
The moonguardians already all rolled on the RP-PVE server.
I knew a guy who ACTUALLY believed that during server maintenance, a team of Blizz workers signed into specialized characters, which proceeded to run through every map deleting all the skeletons as a part of "cleanup maintenance."
>mfw some goober emotes a massive wall of text
nah, chronormu is just a girl dragon with a masculine name
t. lore autist
The mage was probably a boomer too, based on their level of play.
Somebody should host WoW Classic bum fights, but call it boomer fights instead.
>jumping around in the background ruining his epic exposition
This actually happened on RP servers and people were tempbanned or warned for it. I'm not sure if you played RP servers in vanilla but mods do not fuck around. For small 2-5 person scenes, no, you might get a complaint but most RPers will ignore you. If there are 30+ people gathered up and you decide to start bouncing around nude or just dancing in the middle of things period, you WILL get into shit for it. Non-RPers should know that before joining these places and there are plenty of RP spergs who will spam complaints if they see it. RP servers are chill if you behave but it's 'chill' because unlike PVP or PVE, the rules are enforced there.
Do you think they will bring back GM island and the white room?
but aren't they kinda shit in dungeons or are they serviceable
>white hit bonk from his staff crits almost as much as wrath
>going Horde for RP
Good luck mate, community is already confirmed half the size of Alliance RP and you have no actual buildings or locations to RP in. Note this is before any kind of guild-housing so you are stuck with what they give you, and they give Horde huts and NPC-filled cities with no empty spaces.
God this look so fucking tedious, now i know what tinrosed glasses are
You just reminded me how I used to RP a Dwarf with the most garbled excuse for Common, sometimes misspelling simple words ludicrously (like bombs as 'beuums') but whenever I spoke in Dwarven I was a perfect scholar.
Whenever someone called me out on how difficult I am to understand, I'd just shoot back "M'common's roite shitty bu' yer dorven's way worse"
This. Typically you only type out incredibly phonetic accents if your character is supposed to be hard to understand or you're deliberately wanting to annoy other people IC, which is valid depending on the character type.
>work the first two days of launch
Damn son, I really wanted to enjoy it. Somebody offered to let me work tomorrow and they'd take my wednesday shift but I just got done working 3 12s and need a bigger break
absolutely based
You can RP where ever you want. Confining it to cities is just fucking boring. Traveling around the world and taking your RP with you is much cooler.
That sounds pretty awesome not gonna lie.
>you have no actual buildings or locations to RP in
Well that simply isn't true, even if you're creatively defunct and your only idea of an RP location is a tavern you have two great ones in Orgrimmar and Brill
I also decided against Grobb for this reason
Going Stalagg instead
here's the right version
It's a mix, both WrA and Moonguarders rolled in both the RP and RP/PVP. But keep in mind the biggest influx will be non-retail players from other RP games who are coming to these servers. It isn't about 'won't survive life on a PVP server', they'll be spending 90% of their lives in capital cities openly RPing while people are in the auction house or milling around in the streets where they are perfectly save. Being on a PVP server doesn't scare away anyone but shitter RPers, if anything only the MORE dedicated RPers will come there because they are willing to PVP for roleplay areas and do events when they have the chance to be ganked in the open world. I'm just saying you shouldn't tell people 'Oh yeah it'll just be a minimum-RP server that's just more chill'. There's only two RP servers, both will be loaded with full on RPers around you at all times and you should prep for that before maining those servers.
that's Chromie from HotS
>Got an Orc in Fairbanks and a Dorf in Blau
I might end up rolling in Baul, but I just want to make sure.
PVE servers become ghost towns on oceanic everytime.
Arugal is where the fun's at. Also pick mage or rogue if you're unsure of what class.
Eww what the fuck
>You can RP where ever you want.
Unless you're on RP-PVP. There is no rule saying that you and your buddies can't gank a gathering of 3 hordies RPing somewhere in the middle of STV. And again when they resurrect. And again after that because your backstory is that your town was pillaged specifically by trolls, of which there are 3 here.
or, they can RP there, but they better be ready to defend yourself.
It will be a minimum RP server, though. That's what every single soul has been parroting on Reddit and the WoW forums. They're all going there because its "more mature" of a pvp server. You yourself may be in for an awakening when it isn't like your retail RP-PVP servers.
Queue times are the great equalizer.
Dwarves are one of my favorite races to RP as I even LARPed as a monk/smith who repaired peoples' armor by punching it back in place, another favorite I did on a since-dead private RP server with extra races and skins, I was a Dark Iron Dwarf Paladin (it's lore-friendly, look at the Marshals in BRD) who essentially was the Anti-Dorf, with a snobbish noble attitude, close-cropped stubble and a love of tea over booze (he was Dark Iron so he still mixed some black powder in the drinks). Ended up ruining an entire RP-raid on the Thandol Span by the Alliance pretty much single-handedly.
Very nice ass.
ok that caught me off guard lol
Nice try but Chromie's dragon model ingame is the male variant of the bronze dragons, with the long hair by the jaw.
Orgrimmar has a total of four empty buildings. Two are in the drag, one is in Valley of Honor, one is on the northern path leading to the exit. All are circular hut-type buildings. Every single other building in Org has NPCs for quests or vendors. Thunder Bluff has zero empty buildings and they are all tents. Undercity doesn't even have buildings, and the only non-NPC or vendor area is above the city itself where there are a few cool areas in the castle and moat area but those are highly situational.
In comparison, Stormwind has two separate taverns, one of which is fully emptied of NPCs but fully decorated, two empty crypts, five empty houses, two empty shops, an empty alleyway leading to an empty house, empty catacombs under one half of the Cathedral, and generally uninhabited streets in two districts where there are almost no quest NPCs.
The straight fact is that Alliance has access to much more fantasy-centric locations to roleplay in without running into other players, and one city has more utility than all three Horde capitals. That's not even counting the empty houses and locations around Elwynn and Westfall or Ironforge itself.
that is so fucking good
Why does paladin get so much stuff? It's not fair hordebros
- invulnerable bubble
- 6 second stun
- infinite healing mana
- huge buffs
- cleanse
- disable escapes
- blessing of freedom
who thought this was okay?
Bootybay, home...
Don't forget the free level 40 mount.
There's still time to take the pally pill.
paladin is shit fuck off
The vast majority of RP will restrict to cities and the starting areas no matter if it is RP or RP/PVP because RPers always want a hub. That's how it always is.
>Reddit forums
Forums are absolutely nothing to go by and half of it is pure shitposting. I'm not saying at all you're wrong that there'll be more PVPers than RPers, I'm just saying there'll still be a ton of RPers that will be around you in your capital cities that you'll have to tolerate cause it's the server type you rolled on, and you should tell people that before encouraging them to roll there as well.
GM Island has always been there, it's just a matter of getting to it.
Because Paladins traded their attack buttons for utility spells.
Silithus, home...
I am ignorant, what patch did Silithus start getting quests? It will be empty in phase 1 right?
are you niggas using addons? which ones?
based bugbro
Twitch Emotes, Questie, and LFGClassic :)
I'm going to grind Bloodsail Buccaneers rep at 60 while killing all the questgivers and there's nothing you can do about it.
i'm so hyped merely for actual difference in day and night, watching the sun rise and set. the contrast in atmosphere. it's so much easier to be immersed when the day/night cycle matches reality i think. gives it a sense of legitimacy. like a fantasy parallel that you can visit each day.
Hey, that's mine!
Matches reality? I thought it's on a 4 hour on, 4 hour off rotation?
Ah I see, you want full-on empty places even devoid of NPCs, I don't think that's vital to a good RP location though necessarily unless you're trying to establish a base of operations for your Guild
yeah no quests until phase 3
>Twitch Emotes
>it's real
They made it so the LFG addons don't work unfortunately :(
Which old zone/area are you looking forward to seeing again the most?
I'm really gonna enjoy seeing Darkshore and Auberdine again.
There are a couple of rudimentary starting quests there off the bat, but the Cenarion Circle doesn't move in until AQ
ret is a leveling/pvp spec
this is the first revelation that has me truly considering how zoomers will corrupt
Screenshot dump
It isn't vital, but it certainly helps with the atmosphere. RPers love gravitating to those locations because it lets them fill in with whatever they want. I have nothing against Horde, I just remember RP on it being utterly absent in Classic and didn't pick up at all until TBC when Silvermoon was introduced and became the overnight hotzone for it. Whereas Stormwind and Ironforge were flooded with RPers a year before TBC came out.
cheers thank you.
please no
STV is the best zone in the game
you're right, thats clearly an SoC crit.
it's always matched our time, afaik. don't know about later expansions. some people did complain, especially as night time was darker than later WoW, and some people only played at night.
>less than 24 hours before we finally go home
>BFA kiddies and FF14 trannies reaching maximum cope&seethe
It's time, bros.
who /going to bed exactly 9 hours before servers come up/ here
going to maximize my queue efficiency
...You do know that there are no HotS-original characters, right? The whole point of HotS is that it's a collection of Blizzard characters
Chromie has been in WoW since Vanilla
best single target heals in the game, just spam flash of light for illumination procs and consume 0 mana
holy shock is kind of a meme spec for pvp as well
t. seething EnhShamshitter
at last
>Have a cool RP name
>It's both a first and second name though but WoW doesn't allow you to use spaces or a second capitalization
Not based.
I know that there's apparently some add on to fix that but I still don't like the idea that 99% of the server who dont use it will see my name looking ugly as fuck, two names scrunched into one.
I know it's pretty autistic but it irritates me to no end.
holy shock is a fucking garbage talent in general, it sucks as a heal and sucks as a damage spell, mostly because it has a 30 second cooldown and awful scaling
I just fucking died
fucking flashbacks man
Just use the first name as your char name and then you can set your RP first and last name through the TotalRP addon
For me it male nightelf druid the most lore accurate ravmce class combo
What's the point of RPing as Alliance if there's no Horde RPers?
I hope you guys enjoy this
I truly do
Its a sad state when people want others to fail rather than enjoy different things.
Zoomers corrupted the entire video game industry years ago. Where have you been?
it's just seething BFA kiddies who are buttmad because BFA is a dumpster fire that everyone agrees is the worst expansion WoW has had so far, while Classic is getting more and more hype with each passing hour
I can't wait to get home from class 1.5 hours after launch and then sit in a queue all night
>Note this is before any kind of guild-housing
Tell me more about this... guild housing you call it?
Literally no pally was ever able to beat my enh shaman. And no bubble hearthing doesn't count as a tie, I forced you to leave your questing area and reset your hearth not only inconveniencing you, but forcing you to admit you would have got destroyed by my windfury procs
enjoy your ban :)
i honestly don't believe its just seething retards, they literally post the same 20 iq garbage in EVERY classic thread, no one even mentions streamers and shit till they start bitching
makes more sense there are just some classic fanboys bumping the threads with pure autism becouse they cant control their hype
both please kys
Are grid and clique going to work? If they are then they're no brainers for a priest.
Oh yeah? What private server did you play on bud?
Don't scrunch two names into one, that's actually against their naming policy and you could get smacked for it.
Alliance politics, Noble RP, mercenary RP, general sort of shit. The factions can't interact, it isn't like saying 'On Horde you're going to be RPing all about the Alliance'. Most RP will be about inter-faction bullshittery while events against NPCs or DM'd events will be 'your faction vs NPCs of the enemy faction'.
Where my druid chads @
who /going to use minimal amount of addons to preserve the classic aesthetic and experience/ here?
of course. Not sure theres an addon i would even bother using besides a swing timer.
Home soon...
>tfw no Chromie gf
where did you get questie from? i'm afriad to click suspicious links
1.12 addons won't work on 1.13 right....
I'm not against addons, but I'm not going to get most of them for awhile. Only ones I'm going in with are OmniCC (number timers on cooldowns) and Gatherer. I imagine I will want Bagnon pretty quickly though, because I've played with Bagnon since forever
It's the BFA client, 1.12 addons won't work.
>this is going to be standard fare on Faerlina
god bless containment servers
BFA client? I guess I should have paid more attention my classic version says 1.13
Solid post tranny
It's not a straight-up Vanilla client, it's a modified version of a more modern client.
Yes but it's using the BFA client.
Druid alt here, hybrid classes best classes
That man is too pure for this world
Technically I think it's a modified Legion client.
>i can't believe i'm resubbing to WoW after giving it away in Wrath
nostalgia is a terrifying drug
>Tfw spending the rest of the time until classic shitposting in retailfag threads about its imminent demise
Akama motherfucker, I been around since vanilla
Gonna be enjoying the 3440:1440 landscape this time around. The only question left is are you going to be joining me as well, or simply playing on “immersion lite”?
I never used any addons despite being server first sunwell clear on Jaedenar Ally side back in BC
4:3 800x600, full size UI, titan bar.
me too bro
gonna miss this when classic hits and i'll be too engrossed in the game to shitpost
No one can be this retarded. I applaud your trolling sir.
It legit feels like Christmas is tomorrow, I can't wait.
>want to play, but gonna be wageslaving tomorrow with my two jobs back-to-back
At least Tuesday I have all day off.
Why wouldn't they just limit it to 3 skeletons instead, you can't write anything with that
it's all the sweeter when you get to look forward to playing while doing something boring
>no drive to play any other video game because classic is launching tomorrow and I won’t finish any games I pick up now for god knows how long
Tomorrow is going to be largely filled with massive queues for most servers anyways. Just think about how you're missing out on sitting at a login screen
I bet you could do N
Iktf, I almost started FFXII and FE3H but know I won't get around to them until December so I didn't even bother.
Can't wait to gank alliance cucks with my troll buddies
You can skip FF12, the story is largely rushed because square changed the protagonist mid way through the game’s completion so everything after a specific event is gonna feel rushed and completely out of character.
I finished Deus Ex on Wednesday and didn't want to start anything new because of this. It's been hell trying to fill time. Some days I can literally sit around doing jack all and be fine, but knowing this was coming prevented that from happening I guess
Yeah, i think we're gonna make it
no shoes
Fuck I'm on Stalagg too. Wtf were Blizz thinking? They seriously underestimated how much demand there would be for Classic.
Fuck, i haven't finish yet to watch and comment all of them
i legit have done everything in my power to smack all those suggestions off my youtube and i still randomly get a new channel just dedicated to him.
The last time i looked up a WoW related video was like legion. But, because he looks at random Youtube videos they relate that to other shit and they pop back up.
It's insane how many channels exist just to recast his every move.
They’re launching more servers tomorrow as well
>easy brain-dead levelling
>endless fetch quests and kill five bears all the way to max level
>have to stand in town for hours shouting for a party to do a dungeon
>group disbands halfway on the journey to the dungeon because someone got lost/ganked/mom shut their internet off
>pvp is just gankshit were tryhards corpse-camp lowbies for hours
>90% of the population plays Rogue or Warrior
>raid bosses have one mechanic and drops a single loot piece which is split between 40 people (but always goes to the RL or his gf)
>no transmog so you can't even look cute
This shit is dead in less than 2 months.
>tfw i am not getting his ass faggot recommended to me and i only know him from the Yea Forums shitposting
Feels good
I fixed this problem by watching a lot of live jazz shows, now my feed is just jazz and bossa
yup Im thinking pallies are based
one in a hundred chance of this happening
retri is the literal slot machine
jackpots feels nice but mostly you lose money.
I have NEVER looked up anything by him. He just has 1000 different zoomers that record him doing everything from WoW to Cleaning his room and watching YouTube videos that other people i watch make and in so YouTube just MUST recommend him.
I only use YouTube to listen to music and watch stupid debates.
But sometimes i get the random video and if i reload there will be another,
awwww the retailfags panicking, don't worry I'm sure your mom will still appreciate your bikini transmog and pokemon collection you worked so hard on
Why are blizzard so incompetent
>endless fetch quests and kill five bears all the way to max level
ez b8
Why you think he does his "Assmongoloid react to an horse taking a shit" videos?
Exactly so Google algorimth spread him all over the Youtube servers for FREE
>”I have shed off all the societal distractions. Eliminating all mortal whims; as such needs were unnecessary to my true goal. There is only me, and mine enemy before me now...”
Beast mode unlocked
>>easy brain-dead levelling
Real big brain stuff here
>get crit 4 times
>blow up a clothie
>>have to stand in town for hours shouting for a party to do a dungeon
Only if you were a retard not using Call to Arms (now named ClassicLFG) addon like every normal human being did
I did it for the Cosmic Break beat
It was fun
Never in my life playing WoW though
Nice gonna steal your guild name, thanks!
enjoy your auto-ignore
>land down unda
>cucked by 550ms ping eternally
>uptight acne oil everywhere
>own private billabong
>no queues on launch day
>chill cunts all round
Can't wait for 0 queues and free shrimp on the barbie.
Go home bro
it's fucking amazing
Bliz can't get you fags to play retail but they're getting you to pay the same monthly fee to play classic which used to be FREE. The state of you MMO cucks giving money to Activision, fucking Activision. lmaoing at your life.
>which used to be FREE.
servers being swapped with chinks and russians is not free, I'd rather pay monthly to keep them out
>tfw found a guild that’s all shitposting and autism
>was afraid at one point I’d go too far with a joke and offend everyone
>this eventually happens
>they all laugh
Jokes on you, I enjoy both. Not retail though, that shit is irredeemable.
Because they were kept out of the actual game since vanilla, right?
>comfy brain-dead levelling
>comfy endless fetch quests and kill five bears all the way to max level
>comfy standing in town for hours shouting for a party to do a dungeon
>comfy group disbands halfway on the journey to the dungeon because someone got lost/ganked/mom shut their internet off
>comfy pvp pure gankshit and it's fucking hilarious
>comfy 90% of the population plays Rogue or Warrior
>comfy aid bosses have one mechanic and drops a single loot piece which is split between 40 people (but always goes to the RL or his gf)
>comfy no transmog so you all look like pimp-ass clowns together
I pretty much haven't met any non english speakers until cross realm became a thing, correct
Yes? Ruskies are non-existent on retail realms the chinese gold farmer presence is MASSIVELY reduced since they're hunted down like the rats they are.
Whitemane - NA - Alliance
Looking for a Casual guild to share the Classic experience with? Then you should take a look at this rad funcore guild.
What you CAN expect:
>Cool bros to level with and run some dungeons
>A steady, pressure free progression toward raiding with people trying to have fun with the game
>A place to learn the game without being rushed to accomplish X task by Y date or be kicked from the guild
>Memespecs trying to be viable and having fun along the way
>Silly smash bros themed banter from time to time
>Instant removal of any degenerates and cringeposting
What you can NOT expect:
>To be rushed to reach the level cap since we want everyone to enjoy the classic experience in the best way they can
>Looting favoritism
>To be told exactly what you should be specing into and how you should be playing your game. We make it a policy to work around your idea of fun.
>Guild Drama and general autism
You want to play your meme spec as best as you can? Hop on in, buddy.
Want to a fun group of people to level, pvp, and gear up with? Just step right up
Don't be cringe
How much harder/annoying is it to level on a PvP server compared to a PvE one?
Depends, on one hand you can get fucked in the ass until you're forced to leave, on the other hand you can fuck other people in the ass until they're forced to leave instead of having to compete against them for claims
not looking for a guild right now but glad to see some bros on whitemane alliance
hope it goes well for you all
just make the skeleton position be randomly decided upon death
problem solved
Thanks, buddy. Enjoy your Classic experience. I know I will.
>Rolling on the chad Zandalar Tribe server
This..looks fun...
PvP server is the way the game was intended to be played. Playing on a PvE server is like admitting that you're a bitch.
>classicfags will defend this
Based. See you there bro.
Based, me too
Literally EZ mode. They never used to let PvE characters transfer to PvP servers because devs knew it to be true... Until retail became babbys mode.
only questie. anyone who kills their griffin hotbars deserves to be ganked
I was going to but I get the feeling people will prioritize RP over PvP. I want to make twink alts for lots of different level groups to play in BGs with other twinks and I just don't see that happening on an RP/PvP server.
Can't wait to see you faggots wallow in your disappointment once again after getting fucked by the kikes at activision blizzard
Yup. I hear a group of chinks are planning on colonizing whitemane but I'm actually a little hyped for that, fighting goldfarmers in tyr's hand was my jam.
I'm so hyped right now can't wait to play a resto druid on the rp-pvp server.
i really hope they do classic+ or BC because resto only gets stronger as time goes on
/skeram/chads WW@? no seriously where are you guys im starting to get nervous
I'll see you in Moonglade, brother, and I pray not on the field of battle in another pointless conflict.
does anyone have a link to that google doc that showed the populations of each server
Druid chads represent
I will absolutely fucking defend this. Mind your surroundings, zoom your camera out. If the mage saw the paladin coming he wouldn't have taken any damage, considering he knows what he's doing at all.
We running a 7 man on alliance to kill the normies
Skeram boyos we’re almost home
Warlockbros were you at
Why did you pick Skeram?
It was low pop at the time and I wanted to reserve my name. Then it blew up overnight and became high pop
Damn looks like ally will be out numbered alot
It'll be full with a 2k queue tomorrow, don't you worry.
EU version of this?
Grobbulus is the only based server with a near 50/50 ratio.
People who want to PVE go Alliance and roll on a PVP server
People who want to PVP go Horde and roll on a PVP server
What are you taking about those are good splits. Retail has shit like 90% horde 10% ally
>...You do know that there are no HotS-original characters, right?
This is incorrect.
> will be out numbered alot
> a miserable 10% difference
this is as balanced as it gets fag
unless its 2:8 ratio, this is nothing
You can't.
That's the problem with nostalgia and things like WoW Classic. People get wrapped up in experiencing something that they hold fond memories off...yet is it the activity itself, or a specific event or time that the activity evokes that really draws the person in?
Those things can never be re-created. They can never be remembered perfectly, or make to happen in the same way they once did. You're older now; you have more grey hair and more worries than you did back then. That's really what this is about, isn't it? Finding a way back to somewhere where we may never walk again.
I'm making a human Mage. You guys?
This looks fun, why the bitching?
you say that, but the games with classic servers like ragnarok are more popular than the actual servers themselves
This close to go time and I donno what to make. I want shaman but every cunt and his mother knows that even if you can go back it won't be the same. I don't wanna heal, I wanna be the enhance beatstick
Should I just go warlock?
Guess I'm rolling Druid after all
Human paladin
Forget it. None of these guys are aware mmos other than wow exist.
Close fights like these are always amazing.
first time playing
>male dwarf
will this be fun or am i wasting my money?
>Hydraxian Memelords server
>75% alliance
You can't convince me that a significant chunk of those aren't going to be night elves and human females erping
Configuring my addons
>i-it won't flop, just look at OSRS!
Hunter has been the retard class since day one
>t. guy who mained a hunter from Vanilla to WoD
Late but just use twitch client, unironically, if youre so afraid
Im considering hunter but the fact that you can permanently lose your pets if you dont feed them sounds mega cancer to me especiaply consideringnthat some of the best ones in the game are rares, otherwise i have no issues with ammi management and shit
Clvssic b-bros..?
>What's the first thing you bros are going to do?
Its not hard to keep pets fed
Go on
Post the rest
Okay, it started going up because they added NEW CONTENT. Wow!
Any Firemaw niggas up in here?
>doesn't post the whole chart
Can't wait for Classic+
We're literally gonna overtake retail once the post Naxx content hits
Isn't going to happen, bro.
>I'd actually consider making a Gnome female if they actually looked anything like that in game
They do, though, ever since the model updates. Just won't be in classic.
Im gonna fuck you till you live me faggot
I have this same problem. Don't think I want to re-make my first character. Was thinking warlock but my buddy is going mage and I don't want to fight him all the time for gear. We have a warrior and shaman to so I'm stuck.
Why not?
The game's trash but man I wanna fuck Chromie
just give me a WoW Gnome GF please
Jump from Durotar to Ratchet and hope the chest by the waterfall in up, easy 5-20s
It's much easier for them to just release TBC, and even if Classic+ did happen the content they add will most likely be shit.
Nobody wants TBC and i'm willing to give Classic+ content a shot.
TBC is literally just a watered down Retail at this point
>have to stand in town for hours shouting for a party to do a dungeon
>group disbands halfway on the journey to the dungeon because someone got lost/ganked/mom shut their internet off
Warframe to this day still requires you to camp chat to recruit people for content and it's never ever been a problem, it's a system that still works just fine to this day in games. Try not to panic
vivi will get paw paw fruit and rejoin the crew
>Russian server is called Chromie
What did Blizzard mean by this? What are they trying to tell us about the red menace lads?
What do you even want from Classic+ may I ask? A new raid? New items? Adding those would most likely completely invalidate all the stuff that's currently in classic right now.
I played hunter in in vanilla and this only happened once when I was below lv 20. A rouge kept saping me and killing my pet over and over and like the dumb fuck 15 year old that I was I just kept reviving it.
Where are you guys getting your addons?
do 6 missions of killing 10 boars and 20 spiders and run from point A to point B just to talk with some NPC's and realize what a fucking snoozefest the game is and quit and never come back and rue the loss of 15 dollars which I could've used to buy some good food
as someone whos gonna play WoW for the first time when classic launches, I would be much more inclined to keep playing if classic+ was a thing, experience NEW content at the same time with all the boomers and zoomers removes the regret of not playing vanilla when it was a thing. Blizzard knows this.
Comes down to if you wanna tank or do you wanna heal pretty much. Unless you're gonna be a rebel and fury or enh.
No faggot, the game was just plain better.
Took me a while, holy shit.
>Activision literally calling Commys the fuck out
>two different groups of friends want to play
>both want to play different factions
Something will happen or Classic will die, and that's a fact, there is infinite amount of content in classic. Jagex knew this and it's why OSRS gets its own new, exclusive content now
Hope they're not on the same server.
>You realize it will be functionally identical to pure RP, 'RP/PVP' does not mean 'lower quality RP' or 'RP lite', it means 'exactly the same as RP but with PVP'.
No it doesn't you delugional boomer. RPPVP always turns into just PVP.
suck my dick
A finite amount*
Prob not, the only for sure is Fairbanks Alliance
not ready for the 30 hour gamer session
You'd need down syndrome and alzheimer's to lose a pet, don't sweat it.
I've put a lot of thought into it, I may wind up typing it all out and posting it somewhere for Blizzard's eyes.
1. Let's finish the unfinished zones, particularly Azshara which is extra unfinished. Have a Naga invasion event with a new 20 man raid in the zone.
2. Add Hyjal as an entire zone teaming with Elite Legion enemies, add in a tough 5 man dungeon or 2 at the top that requires you to do some clearing just to reach. Add a Green/Red Dragonflight reputation as you assist them in healing the World Tree
3. Don't usurp Naxx's ilvl. Naxx geared players were basically gods to regular level 60's, we can't just powercreeping ilvl or the game will become stupid. We can add new 40 man raids but Naxx should be the peak of player power barring some Legendary item forging
4. New zones, new factions, new world events, get the people out in the world. Eventually there could be so many world events they can literally rotate between them like "seasons"
I could go on but you kind of get the idea.
is there anything terrible about duo leveling with classes that use the same gear? mage and lock
Y’all realize this shit isnt going to work for anyone but streamers for a week, right?
>but man I wanna fuck Chromie
Chromie's the old shit. Now Gila Crosswires is best gnome.
Just questie. Looking for a mailbox addon and an addon that says sell prices of items as well, but I don't really care about those until later when I start using my bank alt
I'm considering it but I just can't decide between it or Firemaw
I don't want it to be a ghosttown once all the cancer decides to leave the game
No, you're wrong. Please try again.
hey, same here bro. I have a 5 PM class when it releases at 3. I'm pretty sure the /afk doesnt keep you logged in for 90 minutes
>tfw arugal
lmaoing at you americans living under streamer dictatorship
you have to go out of your way to get pet to abandon
>got over 10 addons primed and ready
B-bros... D-don't beat me up
Its just shit like swingTimer, energy and shit like that.
Gatherer for my herbalism. Not sure if I should keep the herb location database from my time in Elysium, or just start fresh.
everything is soul bound except the first. few levels, you can’t share gear, if that’s wha your after
Oh yes, vanilla PvP
Eh, Only really in dungeons I'd say. World drop greens aren't gonna be a make or break type of thing. Blues are pretty rare outside of dungeons and they'll probably be money rolls if you get a BoE drop anyways.
>just remembered languages are an actual thing back in vanilla
god I can't fucking wait to be in that queue for 5 fucking hours now, I need to find a way to sneak in this shit at work
Resubscribed, addons installed, ready to go. I am hyped.
>going to be outnumbered
>playing rogue
>just more bodies to kill
feels good being alliance
That's purple, mine's blu.
t. hunter
Is this a sleper daily dose?
They still exist they just dissapear much faster
I'm going to westfall to pick magebane all god damned day.
>private server
How many rogues when compared to other classes?
we dont have the retail subscriber numbers but the chances are its still the same as when we knew the game was dead as fuck
it also caters to whales
you could piss in the wind and be better than retail
Lads, I have my snacks ready for the next 5 days
I am ready
BASED boomerkin druid
>private server
At this rate it would be good if half of the players quit
People have talked a lot about how other mmos have classic servers. Here's the catch: every game has a "golden age" of content past which people all leave the classic servers. So the servers have to reset and start over from the beginning to keep people playing. This leads to slow attrition as people get bored of the content (it takes many years though and people might come back after a few years break.) Classic+ is a way to break that cycle, but whether it's worth the cost is an unanswered question as far as I know. I guess they started developing new content for runescape's classic server but I don't know anything about that.
no he is right everybody will be doing the quests sitting around trying to tag mobs best bet early early levels is to run to any area with mobs at all that doesn't have many people. the first 5 levels go incredibly fast questing or just killing mobs and you are for sure to at least get exp if you can find mobs too kill. If you sit around trying to do the first few quests in the first zone tomorow you will literally never finish them and be wasting time. You would level faster just picking up flight paths.
Say this is bad all you want, but it's a million times better than retail. Retail PvP is fucking terrible.. it's nothing but stuns, silences, and other CCs constantly
Yeah, at least you can tell what your character is doing. You can clearly make out every single action that each character takes. In retail, it's just a mess of numbers of notification icons.
It really feels like I'm back in the early-mid 2000s.
Free to play or go home.
What's the best server if I want to play horde on a PVP server?
>wanting your game to be flooded with third worlders
American game, american company, american servers, created by Americans.
>you americans
Go play fish and chips or whatever you third worlders do
>Shaman is my favorite class
>But I always roll Alliance
I probably won't enjoy tbc as much as classic but I guess I'll have to get over it and roll priest for now
name a SINGLE good free to play online game
protip: you can't
Do I go with my brain and play an orc priest or go with my heart and play a troll priest?
Nani? I just wanted to roll a troll hunter on a pvp server.
Your kind is not welcome.
Come join Grobbulus with me
sorry user, meant for
>orc priest
and there it is
I'm actually bullying people on bfa trade chat, hope i wont get banned.
>brain is a class/race combo that doesn't even exist
Just delete the game. No one wants morons playing with them.
>zoomer who has no money but also willing to dish out for lootboxes
>Tfw to learn how to smelt elementium you have to go to blackrock, have a priest mind control the goblin that knows how to do it and have him teach you
Man, retail and other modern mmos really fucking suck compared to vanilla
retailfags and ffxiv erp trannies don't like the RPG portion of MMORPG, which is why modern "MMORPGs" have more in common with diablo than wow.
I wish we get classic+ and more shit like that
Resto was so good in BC and so fun rainds and arena. I remember I had my f1-f5 keys setup for 5 different focus targets mainly the tanks or others depending on raid mechanics. In raids I would f1 life bloom f2 life bloom f3 life bloom if i needed to heal or cast something else choose which ones to drop always keep the f1 and f2 up and when stabilized get back into that rotation. if we only needed lifebloom stacks up on 3 players then i would just cast it on anyone who took damage while keeping the stacks up on the tanks then it would pop on the random and top them off. Always topped healingg charts it was crazy.
Also big erection when swift mend crits mmmmmm.
It'll become heavily alliance unbalanced once they realize horde are the literal shit unfinished faction of vanilla.
They're literally just in it for the racials
Free to play games have no longevity unless they were released with a minimum buy in.
>wall of no
you are definitely wasting your money pet classes are shit don't waste your time with lock or hunter.
>Classic is never gonna happen!
>Classic+ is never gonna happen!
>They'll never shut down retail!
Not long now.
Warlock is alright though.
This classic plus meme is so fucking stupid and it just reveals how little people care about the actual design of vanilla. The power gap between nax gear and aq40/bwl is already massive.
You are an idiot, both Hunter and Warlock are perfectly fine.
thanks doc
have one of you go tailoring and share cloth with them and craft the best gear for each other should be swamped in decent stuff and wont worry much. Have one person go tailoring enchanting.
>Sub 15 hours remaining
>In another hour or two or three (at most) I'll be going asleep
>Will get to wake up, refreshed as fuck, with Classic to play
Yep, this is gonna be based as fuck.
>Classic+ means more 40 man raids for the .1%
No, give me world events and some tough 5 man dungeons, basically what
There are already world events in vanilla.
My dude. Gonna order a takeaway to be delivered for when I wake up at 9pm. Gonna be so good.
Thats what I thought. man... I am fucked.
>I just want to play the exact same game forever
this has to mental illness
And it's time for MORE
Literally the reason classic even exists right now.
Yeah, they could have a huge range of dungeons, 5, 10, 20 man dungeons.
I also think that it should be "Classic+ PvP focus" Much more PvP orientated stuff. That way you don't have to expand the game vertically. You don't have to worry about powercreep while still introducing new stuff for people to do and fight over.
>You get to live in the age of Uber
I dont even have to leave my house for food
yea because it's better than what we have now.
Now just imagine if you can keep the quality of it while providing new content, hmmm almost like how vanilla acted when it was new
Consider suicide
>Now just imagine if you can keep the quality of it while providing new content
What fucking timeline do I live in where literal retards who shit on retail want the exact same people to continue a vanilla version of the game for them?
I'm only saying that if they absolutely have to do something. I'm perfectly happy with just leaving classic, classic.
>exact same people
That was hilarious.
>Fags worrying about the queue while I'll just login now and leave it on until launch
The classics can't be beat. Hamlet and Othello and MacBeth are some of the most retold tales on the planet but they're still good and people love to hear them.
WoW is timeless but Blizzard has been guilty of the crime of burning their best version of their game.
they will disconnect you
so it launches 11pm tonight uk bros?
Haven't subbed yet
Is there gonna be any issues with me subbing like an hour before the it comes up?
They're probably going to reset the servers at 10 AM when they remove the 3 character limit. After that you'll probably be able to stay on as long as you click around to different characters. Actually, I'm not really sure you can not get kicked off when you're on the character screen...
I don't know, seems to me it could benefit from OSRS's take on it, the voting system
but it really needs to be restricted
Did you notice the number of literal NPCs of color has increased by 20% or so?
You get kicked from the character select screen no matter what after 30 minutes
How long until retail Zoomers use leveling guides to no life to level 60 and then start complaining about lack of content that they skipped?
You're never going home.
Game design by democracy is always a dumb idea. Those fucking idiots voted for the Grand Exchange back.
why would you not just do it now
Hope not. I'm doing the same thing.
because it was east and not full
Fairbanks the most English speaking server. Based.
first week.
>that they skipped?
but you don't really skip a lot of content, do you?
Unless they're skipping dungeons, then yea
>le reddit emoji shirt
>tranny image
Kill yourself
and according to polls done on the fucking internet there is 50% people who will just sub today
imagine the masses of people NOT frequenting reddit or sites where the polls were made
being cautious is one thing
still clinging to the idea of there not being a massive demand for classic is outright retarded
1-60 IS the content.
Dialate retail zoomer
So apparently rogues are really good at pvp, however it seems like they can only really reliably kill shit every few minutes when their CDs are up? Are they just duelist focused?
>getting oneshotted by a fucking keyboard turning retard
what server should I pick for EU?
Call me a zoomer or whatever, but this shit is going to be huge. So many streamers I follow who never touched WoW or had any interest in WoW are going to be playing. I'm kind of excited to see people's reaction to playing Vanilla for the first time.
yes I get that, but most of the leveling guides get you through a lot of quests, it only skips the very tedious ones that waste too much time.
And there's a lot of dungeons to do while leveling, you idiot, those are the ones which I had in mind
well they're all Full now so pick your poison
I'm personally going to firemaw and making a character on other ones just to test the queues
so far VendorPrice and ECastbar
blizzard not allowing spell IDs in combat log is a shame but I cant remember if this was a thing back then or not
I think castbar addons were more reliable back then but I might be wrong
For long fights requiring sustained dps, yeah
>the fucking kamehame ha
So how do PvP titles work, do you get to keep them or do you lose them when you lose the rank?
>mcconnellret namedrops Yea Forums
he's here
fuck you mccuck, stop being asmon's puppet and stream more independently
what did he say
I think there's something to be said about just being the friend of a famous streamer and not leeching off of them and streaming yourself, asmongold might not understand how unironically lucky he is to have mccuck as a friend
I remember Reckful mentioning how a big source of his depression was how he can't make friends anymore because too often people who would get close to him would be people just looking to jumpstart or steroid their own streaming careers through him
>implying giving names to generic mobs/units from other blizzard games makes them unique
i unironically enjoy mccuck. him bodying asmon constantly was quite entertaining.
feel free to seethe about this but being angry isn't gonna change shit, you're just gonna give yourself high blood pressure
He told me to go back to Yea Forums because I told him ret has to put on the fucking dress.