Why yes, I'm the best JRPG of all time, how could you tell?

Why yes, I'm the best JRPG of all time, how could you tell?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Based thread.

Because you're Chrono Cross.
>god tier soundtrack
>god tier visuals
>40 characters with different scenes (not talking about the accent algorithm, there are also unique scenes)
>actual choices (you can beat the whole game without kid)

Based trips of truth.

If it's the best then why hasn't it been ported or remade? Checkmate, faglords.

OP confirmed for BASED
Fuck the Trigger haters. Also I have no idea why Squeenix hasn't revived this series given what a cash cow it would be. Everyone else is reviving old franchises.

That's weird. You posted the best JRPG of all time's shitty sequel picture.

Why would you want to remake it? It's peak low poly kino.

Attached: chrono-cross-day-3-screenshot-2016-11-22-00-18-14.png (1200x941, 1.06M)

The fact that FF7 even needed a full scale remake in the first place is proof that it aged like shit

Will they ever revive the Chrono series again?

I remember seeing the boxart for this and thinking "wow, what even is going on in this. It looks wild." Wasn't disappointed. Sure it's way different than Trigger, but the visuals are stunning and the music is just as good as Trigger, if not better at times. Most of the fuckhuge cast are pretty cool and there's a lot of variety in building a team that you think is fun. I really liked the element system too. made a good balance of needing to have physical power and casting magic


It doesn't "need" one. It's a cash grab.


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I like Chrono Cross, but it's hardly the best JRPG ever.

Not him, but the game was incomplete at launch. It needs to be remade not for graphical improvements, but to add in half the story it's missing, give 3/4 the characters an arc, have less hidden junk and generate hype for a new Chrono game.

Chrono Trigger should NEVER be remade though.

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Why is the JAP cover so much better than NTSC?

Attached: 191724-chrono-cross-playstation-front-cover.jpg (800x685, 151K)

It did need one, it aged horribly & people demanded a remake due to how outdated the gameplay, graphics & pacing is.
> Video Game industry /=/ Film Industry

Haven't played this. How is it different from Chrono Trigger?

because you're retarded

What should I know before I start this game? I bought it when PS1 was just being phased out. It's easily the oldest game on my backlog. Should I play Trigger first? Is there any level scaling I should watch out for?


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No seriously, you think that Square Enix is in the practice of remaking games because they need it?
If that were the case, Xenogears would have gotten a remake years ago, but it does't have one, and it isn't ever going to get one, because remakes aren't about improving the lackluster aspects of old games.
Remakes are about selling you the same product twice.
And what products are most likely to sell twice? The ones that are already good.

Literally just play it and go with the flow. Don't looks shit up.

>Video Game industry /=/ Film Industry
Kind of a hard case to make when Square has been trying to copy Hollywood movies for 25 years. And Sony went all in on the movie industry. And even Nintendo is getting into it this gen.

Better to go in completely blind. Maybe look up how combat works because it made no fuckin sense to me when I first played. It's not a hard game though

Because it's a very specific hand-picked team of all stars who no longer work at the company + Akira Toriyama on character designs. At least that's what I heard.

Also, what exactly would it be about? Would it be a sombre interquel depicting the events of Chronopolis leading to the time crash? Another Sequel about Kid looking for Serge and the ramifications of the time tampering related to that?

The writer spitballed the idea of the cast of Trigger and Cross teaming up to kill Lavos at its origin point to save every planet that ever got infected by it.

It hasn't been ported or remade because normalfags hate it because it's not like Chrono Trigger. I'd love a remake where the only difference is better character balancing and some more Dual and Triple techs

It's so different that people resent it for being a Trigger sequel even if they like it.

Play Trigger first, Cross's plot all boils down to a grand scheme to address the remaining plot strand from Trigger.

>accent algorithm
Wait what.

The stupid accents weren't written, all the dialogue was made normally and a program fiddled them around.

>Because it's a very specific hand-picked team of all stars who no longer work at the company + Akira Toriyama on character designs. At least that's what I heard.
That's the excuse various board members and vice presidents have given. People who weren't even in Square when Chrono Trigger was made and don't know shit. But notice how they don't have any problem greenlighting endless Final Fantasy, Mana and other remakes/sequels, despite not having the original team working on it.

It's also really fucking stupid because Square and Enix merged. And now the Dragon Quest team, the most important element that made Chrono Trigger so unique, works under the combined company. Furthermore, Square employees have worked on half a dozen Dragon Quest games now.

The only reason they're not making more Chrono games is because Squenix management don't think it will sell 4-10 million copies. Yet they keep pushing these Studio Tokyo RPGs which sell like shit and calling them "the spiritual successor to Chrono" in the advertising.

tl;dr It's being blocked by management.

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A really fucking grand scheme.
Like how many hours of gameplay can you wring out of a single missing person case? Apparently ~40 if your solution is convoluted enough.

Look up Richard Honeywood. He's the cancer that set SquareEnix down a dark path of dialect crap for two decades.

"Schala and Lavos became unified into one even more powerful entity that would evolve into the Devourer of Time. Filled with the hatred and sadness of Lavos, half of Schala's mind became set on destroying all of existence. Yet at the same time, the other half of her mind desired to save the universe and to be rescued herself. As Schala fell through the time gate in this condition, she heard your crying echoing through time... That is when her story and yours began to intertwine..."

"Led by the pitiful crying the young Serge made as the panther demon's poison took hold of him... Princess Schala traveled ten thousand years in time to try and make contact with this dimension! This caused a raging magnetic storm that resulted in FATE's system malfunction, which led Serge to the Frozen Flame. Yes, Serge... The sound of your crying touched the heart of Princess Schala..."

"Schala left her baby daughter-clone with her ancient pendant, possessing magical powers. This was to safeguard her daughter-cone in life-and-death situations. The pendant would rewind time a little, sending her daughter-clone into a safer point in the immediate past."

"That's right... Kid is Schala's daughter-clone!"

there's a number of scenes that have to occur no matter what party members you have, so any of the side characters could say the lines in those scenes, except with an "accent."

>Cross's plot all boils down to a grand scheme to address the remaining plot strand from Trigger.
If you ignore the dozens of other connections to Trigger, plus 90% of the story not having to do with Schala. Sure, you could boil the plot down to that.

I found BoF 3's first act to be incredibly stronger than BoF 4's.

>plus 90% of the story not having to do with Schala

... literally everything in cross is because of schala.

Poor Schala

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Ok I'll play Trigger.

I dont really play JRPGs I just bought the game because it was anime shit back in the day. Glad to hear it's not hard because I dont know what I'm doing.

FYI the extra content in the DS version of Trigger spoils the shit out of Cross so you might want to drop it after the final boss. New content is shit anyway.

I still blast the ost to this day, and it gives me goosebumps every time


Her being the "trigger" doesn't mean every side quest and event is about her. The fact that you don't even learn about her until an hour before the end of the game should tell you something. It's like claiming everything in Final Fantasy VII was planned and set on course by Hojo.

>The fact that you don't even learn about her until an hour before the end of the game should tell you something
Yeah, it tells you the pacing and delivery of the plot are both bad

We don't need her for that, we know that from 3 ghosts appearing right before the end to explain what the fuck was going on.

I wonder what the term in japanese is. It's weird that they'd make the point of calling her Schala's child when at the end they become one entity who goes by Schala now.

>has to ruin over Trigger to tell it's story

that alone makes it a sub-par game

the entire split reality, through which you constantly jump back and forth, was caused by schala.

so yea, she's the game.

1) That's why we need a remake. To add in the huge amount of story that got left out of the original.
2) Schala isn't part of the missing story. Her being revealed at the end would remain the same. The problems with the story are mostly Opassa Beach and the lack of development of various characters.

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She also created the only plot relevant party member. I do wonder if the Magus plotline was finished and could easily be inserted into a remaster.

Then by that logic, Hojo is the entire game of FFVII. Despite Sephiroth and tons of other characters doing most of the actions that create the events, Hojo is the "entire" game because he triggered one event in the past that allowed Sephiroth to exist.

>save a civilization from certain destruction
>that civilization is not only not grateful, but pretty angry a bunch of kids are the only reason the apocalypse didn't happen
>thus civilization starts fucking around with time travel/manipulation so they not only won't have any other close calls, they won't even have that close call.

If you didn't love this you're a faggot.

It needs like 90% less characters. That way you can focus on the important ones to develop actual unique abilities, progression, and you know, characterization.

Hojo didn't make the entire world, he's just a mad-bastard meddling with forces outside of his control. Schala is the opposite.

Imagine still being a trigger(ed)fag in 2019

They originally planned for you to be able to recruit anyone but obviously that wasn't happening.

>Final Fantasy VII was planned and set on course by Hojo.
But it was.

Imagine being this retarded.

I enjoyed it as part of the fact that stopping one future doesn't necessarily stop every future.

Bad example, most people do thing FFVII is Hojo's fault.

Schala didn't invent the entire world either. She just created two clones of herself which influenced an already tangent timeline. Even if Schala never existed, the timeline would exist and keep going to the bad end it was headed for. Because the "Another World" timeline is the actual timeline of Chrono Trigger. And the bad end was triggered by events not related to Schala. Schala's clones just help Surge (you) clean up the events. But she didn't cause them.

Why yes, OP is a faggot who sucks dicks

Hojo just planned to clone people. He didn't plan for the following events to happen. He even says that in his final lines, that he never dreamed Sephiroth could be so powerful or influence the world. But then he takes credit for it after the fact.

The point is, Hojo didn't cause everything in FFVII. Half a dozen antagonists and Cloud did. Hojo just helped make sure one of those characters existed.

Actually, most people forget Hojo even exists. And I have to remind people in FFVII threads about him.

That's not exactly a high bar.

>Hojo didn't cause everything in FFVII
He literally at it all in motion.

schala merging with lavos is the cause of the "bad end" you're talking about. Its also what caused the split timeline. Singular. Because it wasn't just "many worlds," it was an aberration caused by the paradox of schala being in two impossible places at once.

A quest to go kill the first Lavos using the power of time travel and friendship.
Or, more likely to allow sequels to be set up, more prepared protagonists functioning as "Lavos exterminators", hopping between planets, systems, and entire galaxies to eradicate Lavos in droves.

Wait, the DS version contains stuff "after" Cross so it's the actual end of the story? That's fantastic. Is it only the DS version?

>most people forget Hojo even exists
I don't think that's possible after the scene where he tries to breed Aeris and Red and the other scene where he's surrounded by beach babes.

>"Lavos exterminators"
You can't just turn your "warps the fabric of reality just by existing" godlike entity into something a bunch of people go around and regularly clean up, yo.

No, it just pre-drops that schala and lavos get merged and then "oh god its too powerful we can't do anything against it!" then credits.

The new content is in the post DS ports and it doesn't take place after Cross, but it's new content connecting the two games better but assumes you already played Cross. To be more direct, the DS version added the final boss of Cross sort of.

When you've already killed one, where the fuck is left to escalate to? And a sequel after all these years would have to escalate.

What's his endgame? Seems like he just sits in a void and gorges himself on dead timelines.

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Fighting all of them at once.

You go to Lavos home planet in the past and destroy them before they ever leave which leads to a single Lavos escaping and heads to Earth to destroy it in 1999.

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Oh. That sounds stupid. I was hoping it'd let the party in Trigger address the bullshit in Cross.

His endgame was to exist. He saw that he was going to be destroyed in any possible future, so he went to a place that was suppose to not exist to hide.

Well, if you aren't hacks, you escalate the core themes, not the final boss/antagonist.

Multiply and invade other planets. Its a very base level animal

At most there's smacking around Dalton in 1000 A.D only for him to say he'll raise an army in Porre and crush Guardia.

I beat the game three times never got the good ending, because I never realized that you are supposed to attack with certain elements in a certain order.

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So what was people's problem with Chrono Cross? I heard the actual game was good.

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I'm still not completely sure how to recruit Luccia. I read that shit at the time but it didn't work somehow.

Why yes, I did defeat Dario in my playthrough, how did you know?

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>man this fight is easy he's not doing anything
>wow this ending sucks
>years pass
>read faq
>"if you've read this you should already know the sequence ;-)"

And the faggot actually raises an army, crush guardia and becomes King-General of the world. All with the might of that one town near the church

Because it's so easy to exploit his AI even kid me figured it out?

Pretty sure it was Serge who caused the split timeline. At least, they spend half the game shoving that idea down your throat. And this is also why FATE was trying to destroy Serge the whole game. The Time Devourer isn't even in the divergent timeline. He's in the Darkness Beyond Time.

According to one source, it's Balthazar who planned everything.


Though this is just a random website, so who knows if they're using actual content from the game or making up their own theory. But it does make more sense with all the events that happen in the game. The Chrono ghosts blaming Serge (you) for ruining everything, instead of Schala.

But this is why Chrono Cross needs a remake with a more polished story. If Balthazar really did plan everything, it needs better development. because you only see him once in the game and he gets casually referenced in Chronopolis. It doesn't explain it clearly.

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Based fellow Crosschad. CC was so ahead of its time that triggertrannies are STILL trying to figure out what the game was about, let alone why people liked it.I give 20 years before the last of them finally admits CC was superior all along.

It was the 90's so the only reason I can think of having such a hidden ending was to sell strategy guides. I heard it was mentioned in game somewhere but I never figured it out.

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yes, serge is what causes schala to split.

It's a mixed bag to a lot of people, focusing on negatives

>People don't like the combat
>Went from fast paced simple story to slow shit so convoluted they had to have 3 ghosts explain what was going on before the final boss
>So many characters they couldn't characterize any of them
>Bad ends for the Trigger cast
>Cut content fucked up the pacing harder

when you get the chrono cross it'll play a color sequence. I can't remember if it plays it for you again if you go back.

I like how Chrono Cross is either completely hated or loved.
I never see a mid term on these threads.

Maybe someday...

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This user is sadly correct. SE is so fucking mediocre these days to the point they remaking FF7, splitting it up into at least three game and charging $60+ for each game.

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why would people with no strong feelings remember something over 20 years old?

best girl

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It "plays" it quite a few times actually
>The solution to the Criosphinx is the pattern
>As you mentioned it plays when you get the Chrono Cross
>At some point in Terra Tower, crystals will shine in the pattern while climbing the stairs
>The elevator will shine with the pattern before fighting the dragon god
>The Dragon God's different phases are the pattern
There's probably more but those are the ones I remember.

It's a really bad sequel to Chrono Trigger even the largest Cross fans admit it.

Reminder that the plot of Chrono Cross happened because the super advanced time traveling city with a computer that predicted the future didn't have a backup generator during a thunderstorm.


Because you are SOFT

I love how no one gives a shit about Radical Dreamers.

Odds are they did but the storm was so strong it took that out and they didn't feel the need to explain that.

they thought they could just do some time travel and fix any problem

It's a shit sequel it should of been a spiritual successor with only a wink and a nod to Trigger.

>I love how no one gives a shit about Radical Dreamers.
It's such an awkward game to even exist where it existed.
Learned that this was from it originally though, that's cool.

That's what it was though.

>Odds are they did but the storm was so strong it took that out and they didn't feel the need to explain that.
That's not what happened. FATE reboots in like five minutes. If they bothered to install a backup generator in case their super computer ever went down, 90% of the plot could have been avoided.

Actually to be fair, Lynx didn't end up doing that much anyway.
>Goal for the first 1/3 of the game is to get Serge's body
>Gets it
>Literally all he needs to do is just go unlock a door in Chronopolis that he can access at any time but he spends his time antagonizing random villages instead for no reason
>Waits until the literal last minute after Serge gets his body back to do anything.

we used to have standards. text-only games needed to be creative as fuck, radical dreamers wasn't.

>Radical Dreamers
Why would anyone that isn't retarded give a shit about a japanese VN?

Actually, Kid makes the split timeline because the single event that causes the Another World/Home World split is if Kid steps out of a time portal to save Serge from downing or not.

Of course, Serge dying or living is only important to preserving the good timeline because he happenstance became Arbiter of the Flame.
And he only became Arbiter of the Flame because Schala's actions, creating the storm that knocked out Chronopolis' power, allowed him to be.

With no Schala, Serge isn't important.

kid = schala, yo

The sequence is actually peppered all over the game.
Including the order of the color guardians you fight in Dinopolis, in the story sequence right before the end game
It's just that fucking no one picks up on that shit because who expects minor background details to be integral to getting the good ending?

But we got FFXII and Fran's sexy accent out of it

Is there truly any other way to play the game?

Shame due to last minute cuts we have some random purple haired cut who looks exactly like Magus but isn't him running around.

I stopped and wondered if I should note the sequence when you get the chrono cross, and considered reloading save to see it again... but that save was like 5 hours old. whoops.

This is what a Breath of Fire is? It's beautiful. Now I wanna play it.

It has great music and gorgeous backgrounds and everything else is shit. The combat is easily broken right from the get go, character progression sucks, 4/5ths of the cast have zero development and the bulk of the games plot is found in an awkward exposition dump towards the end of the game. I really dont get the love for this game

Not even close.

Pic very unrelated

You said so right in your post though
>It looks and sounds good.

Also, some of the game mechanics are great like:
1: Only get "hard" level ups when beating bosses, which eliminates the possibility of grinding and allows for a more finely tuned difficulty curve
2: Using leftover combat resources that only exists inside battle to get "free" heals afterward
3: Run from basically any encounter, including bosses, to fine tune your loadout, allowing you to scout out an enemy and strategize, and to avoid blow outs

>one good example means the hundreds of band ones are justified
No. Yangus being good doesn't make the 50+ other shit voices in DQVIII excusable. And it's even worse in games without voice acting, like Chrono Cross and Dragon Quest IV. Writing out accents in text is just a shit idea, no matter how you spin it. It only works with spoken dialogue. And even then, most of the time they fuck it up.

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>It has great music and gorgeous backgrounds and everything else is shit.
So, just like every other Squaresoft game on PS1?

I gotta agree with . What you listed is nice, but ultimately amounts to QoL.

Hey faggot there's the door, why don't you slam your head in it

seems like you're just upset that you're barely literate

Seems loch yoo're jist upsit 'at yoo're barely literate.

Jesus Christ, i knew limsa pirates were bad, but comparing them to the other two, i have to stop at almost every word, just to make sure i read it right. where as the other 2 slow down the reading, but it at least flows...
fuck FF14s pirate bullshit.

yes, that's what I said.

Och aye, that's whit Ah said.

parroting me isn't making any point

I'm impressed people like this game, it was terrible and had a cancerous localization. Even if it wasn't a letdown as a sequel the game itself doesn't stand on its own.

Ah yes, the same parroted argument. And I'll give you the same answer I always give. I can read it just fine. It still comes off as amateurish shit. When you're playing Final Fantasy XII, the characters speak with an accent in voiced dialogue, but the written text doesn't phonetically write out the accent. That's doing it correctly. Later games started writing out accents phonetically, which is cheesy as hell. And not only that, it's not even done correctly.

If you honestly think the OP is right, you have pressing personal problems you should take care of first.

Parrotin' me isnae makin' onie point.

voice acting is a bane on video games and has only reduced content.


Shitty translators don't realize that conventions in written text don't carry over between languages, so while writing せやな is normal in Japanese, writing "Y'er right!" in English is unnatural. That's to say nothing of the inaccurate nature of most accent localizations.

Looks loch Ah win

What do you think of that, Mr. Pajama-Wearing, Basket-Face, Slipper-Wielding, Clype-Dreep-Bachle, Gether-Uping-Blate-Maw, Bleathering, Gomeril, Jessie, Oaf-Looking, Scooner, Nyaff, Plookie, Shan, Milk-Drinking, Soi-Faced Shilpit, Mim-Moothed, Sniveling, Worm-Eyed, Hotten-Blaugh, Vile-Stoochie, Cally-Breek-Tattie?

Sadly, later Dragon Quest games are just as bad as Limsa. The use of dialects has gone down, but when they appear, they dial it up to eleven. Dragon Quest XI for example. You'll go ten hours with no dialect. Then suddenly one character appears and has more apostrophes than actual letters in his dialogue.

Thank god Dragon Quest XI has a Japanese voice option and now I know what the guy is actually suppose to be saying. And people can no longer claim the horrible translations are "accurate" since we can compare them to the original Japanese dialogue.

nah thats suikoden 2

I agree. But in this case, the voice acting is more accurate than the horrible written text. Because the localization team works overtime to alter it further.

i've played trigger and i've played cross. cross is better in every aspect, pure improvement. this isn't a case where it's like Mario RPG/Paper Mario or Paper Mario/Thousand Year Door where they're so different or one is clearly the worst (thousand year door is by far the worst) even though they seem similar. Trigger (Shit battle system) turned into Cross (Okay battle system with good music)

the only reason someone would complain about this stuff is because they had trouble reading it

oh god. i think ill avoid buying DQ11 then.
fuck that shit.

I guess if your goal was to get some random person to reply to you, then yea, congratulations on your "win."

Ah guess if yer goal was tae gie some random bodie tae reply tae ye, 'en yea, congratulations oan yer "win."

I guess scottish is all you can do.

Oi guess scottish is al' yer can chucker.

Are you having a giraffe user?

The only reason someone would defend the accents is if they were an idiot.


Little bit, yeah.

The accents didn't bother me. Stating this is not the same as defending them.


I felt Guile was too baller to tag along with some random scroungy kids too early in the game.


I rest my case.

youre more of an idiot if you have a problem with accents since you cant understand them


but yea I don't get what point you were trying to make. Because its clear you were just shitposting.

But yea Ah dornt gie whit point ye waur tryin' tae make. coz its clear ye waur jist shitpostin'.

gosh i sure do love having a good game's story spoiled for me

its 20 years old yo

I too click on threads for 20 year old games I haven't beaten and then cry when spoilers get posted.

You had decades to play it nigger

You are more of an idiot because you can't come up with any comeback besides "you can't understand them." Even overlooking how I said I could read them and someone else was mocking you by writing out the accents.

bite your tounge fag, honeywood was the juggernaut who single-handedly translated xenogears

don't worry. the games still has a lot of "story" left to digest.

Fuck off you reddit tier double nigger, you've had 20 fucking years to play it.

Its simply the only imaginable reason someone would have a problem with text. Why bother pretending you had zero trouble reading them in such cases?

Square is fucking dumb for abandoning the Chrono series it's the only good franchise they have. But maybe it's better that they did. Chrono could have turned into FF13

QQ more faggot

>it's okay when a localization changes already western names for other names on a whim
>it's okay when there's only one good voice actor and every other voice in the game is shit
>it's okay when accents change the entire personality and dialogue of a character
>Waat 'eez 'eet? Aure yuu fond of ze stench down 'eere?
It's like listening to the dubfags on Yea Forums. Except even they don't like shitty accents.

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It's pathetic how far JRPGs have fallen to the bottom of the barrel nowadays. They used to be THE games to showcase technology proggress, mainly through their top tier graphics and insanely high quality soundtracks with vast worlds to explore. Now you have chibi shit and animu garbage as far as the eye can see with some of the most bland soundtracks of the industry. I remember going insane when I first saw footage of of FF8, FFX, Chrono Cross and the like. Nowadays the only jrpg worth a shit since the last decade was persona 5, which doesn't come close to the quality JRPGs used to have up until the ps2, and that's it.

CC's accents were great you fucking weeb dicksucker

sqaure died yo. enix is all that remains, wearing square's severed head as a codpiece.

you should've said it was an autistic/purism thing hours ago. You'd have signaled yourself as autistic rather than simply retarded.

Not him, but since when is wanting an accurate translation autistic?

Try reading the thread where I said it wasn't a problem with reading. But that it makes the product look cheesy and amateurish. Imagine if in the FFVII remake, Cloud started pushing a Scottish brogue all over, complete with incomplete and made up words. The FFVII fans would cry murder and claim the character was completely different from the original. But it's okay when someone does it to Chrono or Dragon Quest because "flavor."

But it's pointless bringing any of this up. Because you're just going to ignore it all and once again repeat the same shit. Because you have no argument.

Blame COD. Nips can't compete with Activision/EA budgets, and the rise of multiplayer means today's add drug addled players can't handle an epic, sweeping narrative that takes longer than 8 hours to get through and has to be literally explained to them.

Since that one guy has been repeating the same "you just can't understand it" defense for some six posts in a row. Almost like...he's the autistic one.

That's just saying "its not that I didn't like it, its that i didn't like it!" which is essentially saying nothing and sounds as if you're making excuses for something deeper.

>old JRPGs didn't have chibi or anime shit
Another idiot who uses terms he doesn't understand.

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>That's just saying "its not that I didn't like it, its that i didn't like it!"
Sure. If you ignore my entire point about how the accents change the characters personality and often huge swaths of the text. But hey, I did say you would ignore my point. So good job following through on that.

The post you quoted looked like he just hates over the top localizations.

except they really don't and you wouldn't really know what they were being changed from in the first place, as its not like you read japanese.

So its just autism/purism. I get where you're coming from. I just don't care. Because I have no baseline beyond thinking its just gotta be wrong, its just gotta be, without any sort of baseline for comparison.

Seeing Kid in a remake would make it worthwhile. I loved those cutscene images of her. I wanted to be Serge so that I could inject my grey poupon into her when I was a preteen.

>except they really don't and you wouldn't really know what they were being changed from in the first place, as its not like you read japanese.
I'm not him, I'm
and localizations butcher tone, intent and characterization more often than not, especially when it comes to accents.

This and Suikoden 3 were the best RPG's.

The point stands though. You didn't read japanese and you didn't play the game in japan, so its not like you know if there's any truth to your statements.

>You didn't read japanese and you didn't play the game in japan, so its not like you know if there's any truth to your statements.
Are you illiterate? I just fucking said I was different poster who actually knew Japanese.

Then play the Japanese version and don't worry about it.

The point still stands though.

>except they really don't
I say it, so it is so!

>and you wouldn't really know what they were being changed from in the first place, as its not like you read japanese.
First of all, I do. But second of all, we have plenty of games which have Japanese audio. And you don't even need to understand Japanese to notice the rediculous discrepancies between translations.

>Japanese audio: "Saa, ikou."
>English 'translation': "Well storm the crows, I reckon we outta mosey on outta here while the Sun's still fetchin' the daylight and get us some grub, eh [protagonist]?"

In the Japanese, the character not only said 1/10th the amount of words, but they also didn't speak with an accent, didn't say the protagonists name and didn't add in a bunch of cliche idioms. They said the most basic line ever that should have been translated into English as: "Anyway, let's go."

So you're not only wrong, but it's easily provable. Which you will now come up with more deflections to avoid.

>So its just autism
>I get where you're coming from. I just don't care.
The irony.

So when people are having arguments about translations in games and someone actually knows what they're talking about, your response is to tell them to stop paying attention and weighing in?

But it doesn't. I'm telling you that what he said is right regarding what happens to changes in personality. Your point does not stand, his does.

>you should just give up on trying to get a good translation if you know Japanese
If everyone took that attitude, then Japanese games would never get translated.

We're not talking about modern/later localization, which are easily verified to be garbage. We're talking about a text-only game, from before they got crazy with localizations.

The point does stand, in this case, because most characters in chrono cross didn't have a personality to change.

Please don’t try to reason with these retards, they just don’t want to lose their jobs.

That's for the best.

People should stop arguing about non-issues and just fucking relax instead.

Great argument.

What jobs?

I like Crono Cross but not even fucking close, pal.

>Great argument.

Thanks. And just to reiterate, I don't support over-localizing. But this is a case where nothing really could be changed. The characters were built to be interchangable and ultimately didn't matter, because everyone was playing to find out what the fuck happened to chrono, marle, and lucca, and those characters were given no accent filter.

>We're not talking about modern/later localization
HAHAHA. You're deflections are getting so sad, user. This topic started when people were comparing Chrono Cross and FFXII to Dragon Quest VIII and XI. Come on, do another one! This is priceless.

negro, this is a chrono cross thread, a 20 year old game. You projecting your feelings of later localizations onto something that does not matter at all is just autism.

>I seem these characters unimportant so a butchered localization is okay
You're not a smart person.

I'm fairly sure that there are people in this thread who completed the game, but didn't know about this part because the game doesn't spell it out.

again, nothing was butchered, because there was nothing to butcher.

Unless you've got some proof otherwise, you're just getting yourself into a tizzy over nothing.

Except that's not what I said, you complete fucking retard with the IQ of a plant. Learn to read, you demented monkey.

Not even the same user you're arguing with, you are incredibly dumb.

Damage control harder, buttblasted retard.

Chrono Cross, like any JRPG, their personality came from their actions and their dialogue. They all had unique personalities. From the overbearing mother to the Tsundere girl to the genki airhead and so on. These are all holdovers from anime, as JRPGs are literally just video game versions of anime. So if you played the game in the original Japanese, you would instantly recognize common phrases and actions and associate them with the corresponding trope.

However Chrono Cross and other games with heavy alterations muddy these signals. A character who is a typical Tsundere might come off as just a straight bitch, because all she does is complain in the English translation. See Maribel in the PS1 version of Dragon Quest VII. Whereas in the later 3DS translation, her Tsundere personality comes through much more clear and obvious, as they throw in those typical Tsundere phrases "I-it's not like I like you or anything" and so on. As well as the added body animations visually show her personality.

When accents get thrown into the mix, things get even worse. Even if a character is saying and doing things that would identify their trope, the accent overrules it. Take for example Alena in Dragon Quest IV. She's a genki airhead tomboy. Pretty darn clear in the Japanese version. However, in the western translation, they throw a ridiculous Yoda/Russian speech impediment on her. Reversing the order of her words AND make her sound like some bad Yakov Smirnoff impersonator. What hints you would have gotten to her personality are completely lost because they've been replaced by "lol she's Russian, get it?!" This is the same shit that they did to Kid and Harle in Chrono Cross. Kid just comes off as a cockney bitch and Harle comes off as a bad French stereotype with the only scene showing her actual personality is the final scene where she leaves.

This is how localizations and accents completely change and ruin characters.

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nigger, you trying to move the goalposts to ignore examples that don't fit with your narrative is priceless. Especially since there's plenty of examples from 20 years ago of the same shit I described. Chrono Cross being one of the biggest. You just cover your ears and claim it doesn't exist.

said it doesn't count because he said so.

Friend, I was never talking about anything other than chrono cross and I'm not even sure why you would start.

>god tier soundtrack
and yet it has the worst common battle theme

Because you entered a conversation that had started long before, talking about half a dozen games both recent and old. You trying to retroactively claim "we're only talking about Chrono Cross because I say so!" is just sad.

And you still avoided who explained with details how Chrono Cross did all the same shit. As you will deflect with your inevitable reply to this post.

Again, you're talking in general terms mostly about some games that did ruin something.

Do you have more examples from chrono cross or not?

Played the game four times and never had a problem with the battle theme. I can name plenty of other games where the battle theme got old. But Chrono Cross wasn't one of them.

>Because you entered a conversation that had started long before
No, I didn't. I just ignored your citations of other games because they really were not relevant to chrono cross. You interpreted this as acquiescence, despite the fact I only ever pressed you on chrono cross.

>Again, you're talking in general terms
>extremely specific examples from four different games
So as I said, you didn't read my examples and just deflected from them.

>Do you have more examples from chrono cross or not?
I already posted two. Respond to those first or fuck off.

It's the only game with an otherwise incredibly strong OST that has this sharp of a difference in quality between the battle theme and the rest of the OST.

But only one thin example from chrono cross.

I get that you hate localizations, and you've mistaken me for a person defending localizations in general, but I've really only ever pressed you on chrono cross.

>No, I didn't. I just ignored your citations of other games because they really were not relevant to chrono cross.
>We're not talking about modern/later localization, which are easily verified to be garbage. We're talking about a text-only game, from before they got crazy with localizations.
Yup, you got called out and now you're moving the goalposts, again.

we, as in you and I and that other dude. in the conversation the three of us are having.

you're really just lending credence to the idea you didn't like the accents because you can barely read.

>But only one thin example from chrono cross.
>two examples
Are you blind and retarded? I'm asking seriously. Because EVERY single post you make, you find some way to alter or ignore part of it.

you said their personalities were changed, but only indicated how for harle, and its a very thin example as well.

>you can barely read
>this coming from the guy who has misread literally every post he responded to

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Every example for you is thin, because you ignore 90% of the persons post and only respond to one sentence at a time.

You don't know any Japanese, do you?

gee, it might be because I was only ever talking about chrono cross.

If it's not the best, you must argue in favor of that which you consider supreme.

>well you only gave one example and that doesn't count because of reasons
Holy goalpost moving batman. You are lucky you are still getting (You)s at this point lmao.

Just enough to know when a localized translation is wrong when the voice acting doesn't match the subtitles, but we're not talking about a game with voice acting.

The prequel was better.

Attached: Chrono_Trigger_cover.jpg (857x600, 522K)

>you said their personalities were changed, but only indicated how for harle
You see, there's this thing called context. I created an example of Maribel and Alena from Dragon Quest. Then I provided examples of Kid and Harle from Chrono Cross, which were similar. You get the context of my point by reading the entire post and linking the points together.

But yeah, I'm sorry. I wasn't taking into account your inability to read. As you have shown you can only retain a portion of one sentence per post and only respond to that.

So what was harle's and kid's personality in the japanese version?

>gee, it might be because I was only ever talking about chrono cross.
And I was talking about more before you even responded.

>b-but only my points matter! The topic goes where I say it goes!
Yeah, I figured that out long ago. To use your own words, I just don't care.

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I'm sorry if I have this habit of ignoring tangents and unrelated examples in this thread, about chrono cross. citing dragon quest as examples of bad localization is like citing water for being wet, as its ridiculously notorious.

But we're talking about chrono cross.

negro I started this fucking conversation.

I see you continue to have no examples from how chrono cross US was changed from the japanese.

>I can recognize a few common spoken words, so I can tell when-
No. The answer is no.

>blocks your path

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>negro I started this fucking conversation.
Fucking idiot. I started it up at .

>I haven't countered a single example you've given me but I demand you give me more!
This is your first day on Yea Forums, isn't it?

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I always just smile and shake my head at comments like that. These people are not even in the "I know enough to know how little I know" phase, yet their voices are usually the loudest when criticising localization in games.

So you have no examples of how chrono cross was changed by localization.

Its funny that you've taken such a "there's a giant stick up my ass" stance on this, when I'm actually curious at this point. Everything I've read on the subject is the characters weren't really defined or developed, as like is documented, the game was pretty rushed and incomplete, so the accents weren't changing anything.

Are you taking such a "I'm a huge autistic faggot" stance on this subject because you feel chrono cross set some sort of precedent?


How can any other game compete?

>give one very thin example
>get pressed for elaboration

>I-it doesn't count, give me an example that will count!
>n-no, not that one either!
Do you think there is even a single person who will bother playing your stupid games? Get real.

You should never ignore an idiot confident in their ignorance here. Always let them know that they're an idiot whose opinion doesn't hold weight.

>N-No, I just want to learn and you're not answering me now!
Sorry, you don't get to be that obstinate and then pretend you're open to learning. You're not fooling anyone.

What was harle and kid's personality in the japanese version? You never indicated this.

I have you a dozen examples over multiple games. Your responses were

>I'm only talking about Chrono Cross!
>no, that one Chrono Cross example is too thin! Even though you actually gave me two
>I demand more examples!
You've moved the goalposts so far, you're out of the conversation. Bye.

The burden is on you to prove their personality. I can tell you now, it's not Cockney and French.

Mostly because I'm only curious about chrono cross. I know about localization. You're telling me anything new. You've given one very thin example (harle) and that plays off pretty well, as she specifically makes the point that running around the world was pretend/fun as she drops the accent.

My opinion of chrono cross' localization is informed by the idea the most (if not all) of the characters didn't really have personalities, so the accent script didn't change anything. I'm usually bothered, intensely by localization, but once I read about chrono cross' issues, I wasn't bothered. You are acting like you have new (to me) information (that isn't anywhere else on the intenret) about DRAMATIC changes to chrono cross in localization. But when pressed on this subject, you dodge, deflect, etc.

So what was harle and kid's original personality in the japanese version?

>the burdern is on you to answer the question you're asking

yea that isn't how it works. I asserted there wasn't anything to change. You said there was, but then never elaborated.

>I asserted there wasn't anything to change.
And I provided examples of how that's wrong. You discarded my examples then demanded more. That's also not how it works.

You didn't actually provide an example from chrono cross. You just said they changed them, but never from what, and mentioned the scene where harle drops the accent, but never anything about kid.

>You've given one very thin example (harle)
>Chrono Cross, like any JRPG, their personality came from their actions and their dialogue. They all had unique personalities. From the overbearing mother to the Tsundere girl to the genki airhead and so on. These are all holdovers from anime, as JRPGs are literally just video game versions of anime. So if you played the game in the original Japanese, you would instantly recognize common phrases and actions and associate them with the corresponding trope.
>Kid just comes off as a cockney bitch and Harle comes off as a bad French stereotype with the only scene showing her actual personality is the final scene where she leaves.
I gave you five examples in that post alone. Macha, Leena, Janice, Kid and Harle. You can keep saying they don't exist or demand more explanation, but I'm not going to give it to you. Because I gave you a mountain of material, and all you say in response is "those don't count" or "it's too thin, give me more examples." It's your turn to provide your own examples. Put up or shut up.

>dude I gave you five examples! three of which I didn't mention at all


I also don't understand why you're writing like you're talking to someone who's never watched an anime or, ya know, played a JRPG.

>I need you to spoonfeed me their names
So...you're saying that you can't recognize them from the tropes I mentioned. Thereby proving my point about the localization covering it up. Or that you're not familiar enough with the characters to recognize them. Good job.

My questions are to do with what was changed, so, yea, character name, japanese peronality, and localized personality, would be pretty helpful.

The closest you've come to this is harle, and, like I've said, is thin, because when she drops the accent, she makes a point about how she's dropping an act as well.

That shit barely makes any sense to someone who has completed and replayed the game a few times. I couldn't spoil CC to someone even if I tried because every twist needs at least 4 paragraphs of context to explain.

>I couldn't spoil CC to someone even if I tried because every twist needs at least 4 paragraphs of context to explain.

and thats how you tell something is truly great.

Good? Absolutely. Dabes? Comes close, but not quite.

There's not enough paragraphs in this universe to explain why a panther demon needs poison to kill a baby (and still fail).