>$60 for a fucking gameboy game
$60 for a fucking gameboy game
It fun, if it fun I buy
Switch* game
user I have a well paying job, 60 isn't that much as long as I got the important stuff out of the way
The original Link's Awakening would be worth $60. Don't think this one would be.
It nintendo, nintendo my god, my savior, his semen is my semen, for I am his seed, his lamb.i am but a regency of cladness, feeling the joy of fun game by grandiose and unstained company. God and christ? No no, nintendo is humanity progrwss. Jesus may layer. I open wide for gushing nintendo semen. They fill me with joy in souless world. Money just physical. Fun is infinite and everlasting. There's no such thing like was gsmee.
Which is exactly why i believe Nintendo is hiding something from us about this game.
Like a new plot or something after waking the whale, similar to the actual story of Link Between Worlds
>they didn't bother to make an animation for link turning different directions
>instead you get a jarring change just like a sprite changing directions
>except the game doesn't use sprites so it looks lazy as fuck
>that socialist who complains about a price tag of a game that he isn't forced to buy
This is my exact complaint. it looks like a literal iOS game. For 60 dollars.
/pol/ is for losers like you, go there.
Show me on the doll where nintendo touched you.
Too many dollars and not enough cents
>tfw when fucking ORAS of all things is a better remake
Cents and sense are not pronounced even remotely similarly, that was embarrassing
If this was a collection of Oracle of Ages and Seasons plus links awakening, or if it was a new 2D zelda then it would be worth the $60 it for me. Too many good new games coming out in September that I can get instead.
what retarded third world shithole are you from
Bless piracy, dude. Can't wait to play it for free.
but i want to support non open world zeldas user, do you want to botw to be the norm?
Since fuck you
I can't talk shit, I'm buying the Witcher 3 purely for the novelty of playing it handheld, even though I already own it on PC
>nothing personell kid
Want to buy my copy, user?
>No Oracle of Ages or Seaso-
why are you retards always so much about portable even though we know you're paying full price for a shit, less than 720p port, this is the reason they're selling this fucking mobile port as a full $60 game.
$92 leafbucks.
Hope you're reading to be disappointed.