Streamers are leading Zoomers to Classic WoW

>Streamers are leading Zoomers to Classic WoW
>Zoomers are about to overrun the servers
>Zoomers are going to see what a game without instant gratification is
>Zoomers are going to figure out that sustained gratification earned over a long period is superior to what they've been fed before.
>Blizzard have just shown the next generation just how inferior their modern designs are.
>MFW Blizzard has unintentionally saved the next generation of gaming.

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um no.

They'll just leave after a month.

t. zoomer

why can't you call them underageb8? zoomer and boomer are suck normalfag terms jesus

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have sex

WoW vanilla was the single biggest casualization leap in MMO genre history you millennial faggot.

stop spamming this zoomer/boomer shit

>assuming zoomers are going to even play the game past two hours due to the fact it lacks instant gratifications

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the wild and ferocious - but quite tame, BlizzCuck!

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Retail cucks and trannies btfo.

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>nublizzard did this
>not classic gaymers looking to preserve old classic actually good gameplay

to like wow you need to be a nerd that is interested in fantasy or something
it's not a game you just play, you need to be invested in more ways than one

>it's another nostalgia goggles thread

Screencapping this because I've literally never seen someone be so wrong about anything. Ever.

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Okay XIV Tranny.

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I hope you dont actually believe this

>if you don't like Blizzard's shit, you MUST be a FFXIV TRANNY!

Fuck off, just call bullshit when I see it.

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>dabs on you with a cash shop
If you can't look fly with fashion why even bother with some archaic shit?

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I feel like this place will got even worse after Wow Classic release

I have never owned a WoW subscription. WoW ruining the MMO genre is why I quit playing MMOs. It's hilarious to be that you proto zoomers who were 13 when WoW came out think that classic WoW was actually a hardcore game.

>all these faggots who never played Everquest vanilla

you desperately need to people to have believed they thought it was a hardcore game

You need to understand that FFXIV and WoW have the same Console War faggotry you see with Sony and Xbox except they're both obnoxious about their game that are just reskins of each other.

Not even close.

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>you desperately need to people to have believed

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>Once these youngins consume good media like the stuff that was around when I was young they'll stop liking the new stuff and appreciate my nostalgia
>>>/dadrock youtube comments/

EQ up through Velious was the last hardcore MMO experience but only if you played on pvp servers. pve servers were carebear shit.

All you Blizcucks and XIV Trannies are going to get BTFO when pic related pushes all your shit in.

>New buy to play Archeage
>Pay to win removed
>Better security solution for bots
>improved naval combat
>expanded PVP
>Trion sent to the gas chambers by based krauts Gamingo

Tick tock faggots.

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everyone seems to forget everquest was what started the MMO craze in the first place.

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All you Blizcucks and XIV Trannies are going to get BTFO when pic related pushes all your shit in.

>buy in for $40
>Similar grind structure to Warframe. Grind for a ship or buy it with big boy money if you're a faggot.
>Part of a growing universe
>Single player campaign included
>salty poorfags call it a vaporware scam when you can play it right now.
>More cyberpunk than Cyberpunk 2077

Use my referral code please STAR-72L7-4FKR

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the only way this would happen is if transmog was in classic

Can we have one MMO that doesn't devolve into endless comparisons between WoW?
It's been 15 years, let it fucking go.

Ignore all those shits, user. I'm working on a server for Open MW that's going to turn Morrowind into a sandbox MMO. Reply to this if you're interested and I'll drop you anons a link to the discord.

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why is that black man staring at yhe white girl?

>>Zoomers are going to see what a game without instant gratification is
But even classic WoW was instant gratification compared to the MMOs that predate it. You'd know that if you weren't a zoomer.

underageb8 is a boomer term and not accurate. Most zoomers are not underaged. You're a zoomer if you between 15-25 years old, which is a decent chunk of people on this board.

t. crusty old pasty boomers

sure why not