Name a better indie game

Name a better indie game.
Pro tip: you literally can't

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Cave story

that was quick

Hotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2 are both better than this game.

Hotline Miami


Furi, but Hollow Knight is fantastic


Shovel Knight

I see you're a man of taste as well

i just made a thread on a better one almost the same time as you made this one
check the catalog


Cave Story, HM1+2, Nuclear Throne, fuck you

>Nuclear Throne
Based. Great taste.

No; you're really not welcome anywhere. People just put up with you until you end up killing yourself when your mental disease escalates. Well, that's the wrong word because I have severe mental issues like PTSD from war but I still would never play god on myself and mutilate myself. No one accepts you. No one wants to fuck you except for other mentally ills. You not being wanted by women, and then becoming a faux-woman in the process, didn't solve your issue. Real men don't want you either and they'll probably put you in the hospital if you're one of the 1/1000 good looking trannies (which you aren't) and trick them into the sack. And you'd deserve it. Because it's basically sexual manipulation, IE - rape. Can't wait for the hammer to come down on you pathetic sacks of waste and for it to kill you off, either before or concurrently and aiding by your mental illness. Fuck you, freak.

literally anything, you dumb fucking retard

IDK where that pasta came from? Are Yea Forums chinks editing my posts and controlling my narrative?

Wait a second though
Is Furi or Hollow Knight the Dark Souls of indies?

Not specific enough since hollow knight's lore is literally just dark souls

Nex Machina
Talos Principle
Return of Obra Dinn

bitch you aren't even the best 2D Souls clone.

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>only one weapon

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Hollow Knight was better than this, and I loved both but Furi is definitely the best IndieSouls as has been said so far although it's kinda more indieDMC

For all intents and purposes, spells+the charms that change the way they function are the extra weapons.

>Hollow Knight

name one reason that doesn't have to do with the artstyle

Fine taste my friend

Any indie game I enjoyed more than HK is a better indie game.

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sub weapons don't change the fact that the thread needle is basically the equivalent of beating an entire Iga game with a rapier.

Step aside.

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nex machina's fantastic but i suck balls at it.


My nigger.

Why, La-Mulana (2005) of course.