The future that we almost got

>the future that we almost got
Imagine buying game everytime after 48 hours.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Suck it, physicalfags! This is why digital superior!

uh oh... I don't feel so good

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>so they could have more control over retails and increase prices
What a fucking moron.

Pretty interesting. Really just a more crude method of what we already do today via amazon and shit.

I'm literally watching a video about that right now

Glad I only have to read a disk once to rip it.

I really like that red color on the back, though. I miss specially colored CD and DVD backs.

it would be rental service like gamefly, but the game breaks after a week

this is just a lie it was made as a way for people that didn't have access to a rental store. You could buy them at gas stations. The packaging tells you to recycle it after it turns black. The disc itself has less plastic than a bottle of water.

Fuck this Twitter hack, that was a type of CD that would self destruct as a way of one time renting movies but it died out because they realized it's retarded. Here's a full 20 minute video about it:

Sure thing Disney fag, I presume you have proofs too

Red CDs would have been rad.

Are you retarded or blind?

Isn't this guy a pedo or some shit?

give back reee

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>Just a lie
>"It still self-destructed"

neither I hope

learn to fucking read

Not convinced

Water bottles last hundreds of thousands of uses. They single-handedly replaced the drinking glass market. Not a valid comparison at all.

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That dude's videos are great

And people say we don't have shills on this website

He's saying that the lie is the tweet's conspiratorial suggestion that Disney did it to "control rentals."

>reading comprehension

>that bus clip
I hate racing games and Ubisoft, but that's great.

That's great, but I'm playing it on my hacked PS3

>listening to a brown "man" from resetera

Watched it a couple hours ago, which is why I used that example for my shitpost. Rare that Youtube recommends me an actual good video for once

His voice sounds familiar, like a narrator but I can’t remember where I heard it.

This game was fucking great

very interesting video, i'll have to check the game out


Who cares?



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Disney weren't the only ones to do this. Almost every major media company and retail chain had a format like that at one point. Luckily for us, they all failed.

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>single-handedly replaced the drinking class market
WTF? Are there actually people out there who stock their cabinets with nothing but empty water bottles in place of cups and glasses?

it was a means to have "rentals" cheaply (read: not building a giant redbox thing) in places where it wouldn't be possible. Like gas stations and grocery stores.

Streaming rendered it invalid/irrelevant and redbox turned out to be more cost effective. Especially considering basically no one would ever just visit a gas station once and never go back there again.

Reading this thread and watching these videos, it's crazy how old the very concept of DVDs feels. It feels like a forgotten relic of the past even though I lived through their time.

I was born in the ERA of VHS, DVDs came when I was young, and by the time I was an adult DVDs had already been faded out in favor of digital and streaming.

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DVDs basically became irrelevant the second they came into existence. Because they allowed high quality rips to be distributed via the internet.

"streaming" was only ever for total fucking morons who missed the piracy boat.

I know what you mean. I was watching the Fairly Odd Parents the other day to waste some time, and Timmy's dad said "Go for the DVD player, IT'S NICE."

480p seems microscopic now.

Watched it yesterday

It's one of the last games published by Ubisoft that the developers still had complete creative control over and Ubisoft corporate basically left alone. That game would never be made today.

Don't worry, user, you can play The Crew 2 TODAY! no need to thank me ;)

Technology Connections is one of "the good ones".

I don't get why this is such a poster boy for this topic. The game is super buggy and an average beat-em up. The characters don't play very different until you get their specials way late in the game and the DLC was really half-assed.

The only things it really has going for it are the sprites, music, and I guess the tie-in but that could be hit or miss

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its funny how the push for higher and higher resolutions is basically in lockstep behind greater availability of bandwidth and better compression.

4K got cracked. They're going to start releasing 8K movies soon. Despite only a small handful of IMAX films being anywhere close to that.

I saw like, 10 of these at a thrift store the other week.
I didn't buy any, but I wanted to look them up when I got home. (But I forgot about them until now. Thanks user.)

Haha wow it's a good thing Nintendo didn't get a hold of this idea! Imagine how it'd be if there was, say, an image gallery of Nintendo art, but that image gallery required you to pay for every day you wanted to visit it, and anyone hosting similar art on other websites got C&D'd
Haha that'd be crazy, good thing Nintendo would never do that

.000000001 digital didney bux have been deposited into your account

It still amazes me people pay for this shit. Honestly anyone who pays for music and movies is a fucking moron. I'd include vidya but at least that has the multiplayer hook if you're into that.

>b-but Nintendo
Fucking grown up

I wish Limited Run Games would do a physical release of this.

even pirating video games is a bit of a fool's errand these days.

what really gets me about the resolution push is how the average person simply does not have the bandwidth for it, in the US at least anyways.
Any poor bastard with a data cap basically blows it all on half a 4k movie.

Based Ubishit keeping a classic away from normies

They might've stuck around for longer, but I don't think the old crooks in media companies really thought tech would keep accelerating like it did.
Blu-ray took over the physical market less than a decade after it was introduced. Much shorter if you start from when it became popular and affordable to replace VHS with DVD.

thankfully streamed 4k is actually upscaled 720p


physical media is still a thing retard
a 4k push is still possible for any region
streaming is not the only option

I went to GameStop today to pick this shit before there was a price increase or some shit. The employee there told me someone asked for it as well today. This vid really is doing the rounds.

This has nothing to do with the thread but knee high socks feel amazing

Piracy is against the law


What it represents is more important than the actual game. A digital-only game can just be pulled for any bullshit reason the publishers feel like. Sure, physical media can be lost or broken, but at least the publisher can't go to your house and forcibly take the disk from you

Glad I'm not in that timeline

Not really. its a civil offense. the copyright holder has to come for you personally.

I thought getting to watch Jurassic Park 3 on my neighbor's DVD player was the tightest shit when I was 9. I don't even think we had a CD player at the time.

ive had a physical copy of this game for years now. Its such a shame future people may never get to experience this quirky but well made game.

That's honestly pretty effective against most people in the US though. For as many "I never even got a letter, much less any strikes!" folk post on this board, there are just as many that get their net shut off for stupid torrenting and have to go through the shuck and jive to get it back.
It's never been that people have been "too stupid to pirate" - see Kazaa. It's that people are just smart enough to learn how to do it, but not smart enough to figure out how to do it without hassle and threats they don't want to deal with.

It was one of the earliest well known examples on what licencing issues and expiration have on a digital only media.
Beforehand, almost all licenced video games were physical so even when the licence expired, that didn't stop people from simply going to the store and buying it.

the game can still be downloaded for anyone who bought the game digitally
the only thing taken down was the store page stopping new people from buying it

>go to gamestop
>buy used game
>there’s just red dust in the box

They brought this back on iOS

this is false

what about games with huge online backends, but are still mostly single player?

PLEASE DON'T PIRATE GAMES THAT HAVE BEEN PULLED FROM STORES! If they're pulled from stores, then it's because the publisher does not want to sell it anymore, and THAT'S THEIR CHOICE! That doesn't give you the right to steal it!

Physical forever and ever until I can't do it anymore so suck my dick digital-only faggots

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If the publisher is no longer selling or otherwise providing a game, it is actually victimless to torrent it.

somebody somewhere actually believes this

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it hurts my soul there are people who legitimately think this

That would be better represented by a game like P.T. (which has been deleted from some systems WITHOUT user input), but I recognize that Scott Pilgrim occupies a similar enough niche for it to work as well.

what does corporate cock taste like?

This is why piracy is necessary.

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I've read similar things on /vr/ for pirating retro games without re-releases.

Um, how would you feel if people took something you created WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION? You think you're so high and mighty because the people you're stealing from big publishers, well guess what? Stealing is stealing, whether it's from an indie dev or a big name publisher!

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giant corporations are not people

Try me, dork.

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It was Castle Crashers for people who couldn't play Castle Crashers due to it being Xbox exclusive at the time

Konami never deleted the game from people's consoles.

That's fucking illegal.

This game motivated me to hack my PS3.
Completely worth the effort.

I had a few of those 48 hour dvds when I was younger, they damaged my DVD player and we won a lawsuit against the company. All we got was a new dvd player but still, it was pretty funny.

>be a lone person or small group of people
>have a great idea for a game, game does well and becomes popular
>become successful enough to become a larger game studio
>become so big and successful that you no longer have intellectual property rights and people unironically believe that it's morally justifiable to steal from you

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Yep, that's exactly how it works.

We already have something like that.

Oh you poor poor user...

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>still have Scott Pilgrim on my PS3
How much could I get for this? Pretty sure my PS3 is on death's door though

This is why I'm glad that Disney got fucked over with Spider-Man. Its their own fault for trying to be scummy as shit.

>giant corporations don't do whatever they want to the average joe because its 'illegal'
good joke

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Quick bro get back home there’s an actual Somali pirate trying to physically download your shitty games into his rucksack.

I wanna pirate some pussy

Nothing. Every PS3 now can be hacked

>Yea Forums keeps bashing big coporations

Yo ho Yo ho these problem's ain't for me.

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Sure thing.
It stills pollutes a fuckton

They didn't steal anything from me, though. I still have the game to sell, unless they somehow stole the IP itself which is unpossible

We had two local gas stations that had movie rentals.

it's in the download list/library of of both 360 and PS3 if you bought it before it was delisted
online still works even
people are still getting trophies

if servers are down, that's one thing. the game won't do much past the start menu
but you can still download online only games that have been delisted
I have Drawn to Death in my library and can redownload any time. but it won't connect to a server when I do since it's multiplayer only. can only do tutorial area

socialism is just getting rid of all but one corporation

P.T. still plays if you have it downloaded already

>posts 2hou
>calls ppl nerds
Sasuga baka

>technology connections
The comfiest channel of youtube, prove me wrong


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Mr. Gamestop, I don't feel so good.

Why do you faggots keep posting this faggot's tweets

>attacking the messenger
this thread is about digital/physical copyright protection

I need to replay this someday. I got it on uPlay at some point in the past and didn't even know it was delisted.

I think that's the first time I have paused a video to buy a game that was being talked about.

I want to, but I also don't want my credit card information stolen by those dubious-looking key reselling sites

It's Zhuge Liang giving us wisdom. Isn't it?
I mean, that's the actual Zhuge Liang, right?

interesting watch
the switch mechanic seems legit as fuck

I had no idea Driver SF was even delisted. It's a shame that the IP it was attached to caused it to fly so far under the radar, but at least it's getting some recognition now.

damn right they are


So this is where games have been disappearing to.

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I'm a physical fag so Amazon had my back.

I'm so glad I bought this when I got my PC going in 2012, great fucking game and it's bullshit that all Ubisoft has produced for racing are the shitty Crew and the godawful boat racing mobile game

guy is like a less-charismatic LGR

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Disney is such a woke liberal corperation! I love how they forsake the planet by dumping trillions of gallons of flame retardant into the fucking water to make plates with Goofy on them and put black people in their movies! Kill whites and kill Earth! #Disney

This is only a problem for consoles.
Once a game has a PC release, it's going to get copied and shared.

>d.gray man

my brother of african-american descent

>blaming disney for flexplay

>This is only a problem for consoles.
>Once a game has a PC release, it's going to get copied and shared.

This didn't age well

Just use a Subway card.

Who the FUCK in the US did not have access to a rental store? I lived in Mexico in a small backwater town and even we had a fucking Blockbuster and a shitload of independent rental stores, redbox and that sort of stuff was never seen around here, we just jumped from BB to Netflix, also... we have a lot of piracy, so, the poorest would just buy a pirated copy for like less than 1 USD and watch it for as long as they wanted.

how so, it's still true

Will it accept non-American Subway cards?

>not being a bootlicker for big corporations which don't have their own militaries means we should be bootlickers for corporations which do have their own militaries (States)
Fuck off.
Anyway, even if one agrees a corporation has the "right" to do something, that doesn't mean one actually wants them to do it or supports their decision.

That's bullshit it was made so they could get movie licenses on the cheap

studios wanted to be able to not need to deal with rental chains and just "rent" directly.

Why do people act like physical copies are any better than digital when physical copies become scarce and scalpers get their grimy hands on a rare game. At the very least when a digital game is taken off the market someone can put that shit on piratebay or whatever. Some old games go for thousands of dollars to people who will take them to their graves and yet somehow that's supposed to be a better alternative?

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This is why I don't give a single shit about supporting companies. They nickel and dime as much as they can possibly get away with, and if they could they would have a credit card reader on every gaming device forcing you to swipe every 30 minutes to continue playing. Death to anyone who think these boomer corporate execs have a single moral bone in their body.

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That faggot talks about the most stupid, insipid tech shit and yet I have to watch it, he can talk about rocks and make it interesting.

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Yeah it's much worse to have some games get pulled for bullshit reasons, than to have all games end up virtually unplayable due to costing hundreds of dollars for a single copy, and eventually being unplayable.
Oh wait, piracy exists so both are moot points unless you're a retard

RPCS3 emulates this pretty well these days. I got solid 60 despite having a pretty old PC.


>and if they could they would have a credit card reader on every gaming device forcing you to swipe every 30 minutes to continue playing.
Remember this thing?

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Yeah, but unlike LGR he talks about a a lot of tech subjects, not just DOS and IBM PCs.

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it never even really took off because they cost more than rentals did, would come out after rental chains had movies, and cost more to manufacture.

Jesus Christ who thought that was a good idea

dumb nigger weeb


your mission, should you choose to accept it...

Some of us aren't dirty fucking thieves who steal property we have no right to own

>game does well
>game somehow doesn't influence bank account during the time it takes to become a large company or the salary after the company is large
I'm not sure I care about your specific moral justification. Morality changes with location. There's an obligation under the grandiose scheme that is evolution to do as you are capable of doing while pumping out babies to ensure that there are varied test subjects, sufficient in number for whatever reality eventually requires of the human race. So yeah, it's especially justifiable to steal if they're an idiot who can't into fiscal responsibility. In fact, I hope they starve because of it.

>product no longer being sold
>it's now theft to commit copyright infringement on an abandoned property

wow, didn't know about this site.

Looks like Bunny Must Die! just got delisted.

its disney conditioning. they would "vault" movies for 20 years at a time and would call it theft to not respect their wishes to not sell their IP.

every single distributor stopped making reprints of their movies after a while
this wasn't unique to disney
they just marketed the return of those reprints better than any of the other studios

he does, but with the same wikipedia-level knowledge, also lmao at when he got mad when people suggested a much better solution to his "best" HDMI capture solution but he doesn't want to lrn2code

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