Post purple characters
Post purple characters
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Post bapped characters
how about green and purple?
Thanks, Doc.
So purple it's even in her name.
Gracias médico.
BASED sex maniac
Does lavender count?
What do you mean, Kero Blaster was a thing that happened?
i dunno
I'll give you purple alright
what character is this
>he doesn't know
Danke Doktor
Why is she such a cunt?
only the biggest chad in gaming history
Two of my favorite purples right there.
manlet problems and possibly rape
Hint: his name was already said ITT.
I know Shifu's a colossal dick but I think I'll need some source on that claim.
You forgot something.
bitch niggas
ara ara boya
dude trust me
Ah, yes, the always reliable source for OJ canon. Then again, everyone's backstory can be summarized as "suffering" so it's not that crazy.
I want to protect that smile
ze child of ze hat
When the fuck is Paradox part 3
and her spooky ghost best friend as well
Considering Torotoro's updates, I wouldn't expect any sooner than 2020.
Pt3 Translated? Now that Dargoth is kill, I would say around 2037.
can't believe this wasn't posted
wtf is it
>he doesnt know
purple nigger
Out of the way, best neopet coming through.
Post itchy characters
Close enough
The straightest shota.
Dumb slut. Goddess Ilias did nothing wrong.
>Cums from having his butthole impregnated
Not exactly.
I fuckin love kero blaster. Its so much fun
Paradox part 3 when?
Why is she such a bitch?
Don't talk about my wife that way.
>Marrying a bitch
Hope you kept the receipt
>That dick shaped reflection
Stop it.
Tack doktorn.
I'm sure the honeymoon was fine but you were thinking about Tamamo a week later.
save hex
Best video game couple
Tragic purple girl coming through
But how?
Giving her what she wants.
>Strongest human
>Saves all life
>World renowned hero
>Bitches everywhere wants him
>Gets pussy-whipped by bitch
Why's it always gotta be the good ones?
Forgot pic
It's a shota thing, you wouldn't understand
Foxes are purely for bullying.
Luka deserved a girl who actually loved him. Now he's stuck in a loveless marriage, subtly trying to legalize divorce without Alice noticing.
Don't be shitposting so hard, user. Some people might actually believe Alice didn't love Luka
Aubergine man
Luka is better suited as food than as a husband.
>Luka, buy me things!
The typical whore. Alice is satire.
Hi, Ilias.
>he knows
Dziękuję doktorze
>Gets pussy-whipped by bitch
>literally beats her to almost death
>everyday she lives in fear knowing he could just kill her in one move
I don't think you ever played this game.
Alice respects and loves Luka, but I don't think she particularly fears him
Purple is good
>lets herself get beat to almost death
>he cant bring himself to finish her off
>she knows that he'll never try to seriously hurt her no matter how much she molests him
MGQ would be better if you could genocide the monster girls, don't @ me.
Fuck off, Ilias
>monster girl quest was 7 years ago
>you are no longer a shota like luka
wtf no
I don't get it.
hvala vam, doktore
Best wife, marriage and sex for procreation.
>Alice's breasts apparently sway a lot while she's moving
>We will never see this properly animated
>not bestvagina tentacle vore wife
vanilla fags are the most dull
That may be so, but I'm perfectly fine with impregnating Alice and only going through story required sex scenes
Grazie Dottore
Bonzi buddy
>be me
>join this Yea Forums server called the Archive Fields
>filled with literal pedos, traps, etc
>cant report them to ToS because they delete posts that break it
>faggot called AA-1 runs the place
>bunch of people tell me to post my legs
>comply because desperate for attention
>AA-1 tells me if I write "copelets" on my body, he'll give me a special number
>stupidly think "fuck it why not"
>do it
>I send it to him
>he sees it
>I delete it
>he saves it and shows it to everyone
>bullies me all day about it and calls me a retard and idiot
>everyone in the server keeps calling me a retard
>even the fucking traps their are bullying me
>AA-1 even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
>leave the server and have massive panic attack
>AA-1 sends all of his little buddies to add me as a friend and keep trying to guilt trip me into rejoining the server
>inb4 "just ignore them"
>AA-1's friends are in other main servers I use and they keep harassing me in their as well
Please help, what do I do? These faggots is seriously ruining my life.p
Heres another purple dinosaur Barney
thr one and only
Dude, miracles LMAO
You either die a shota or live long enough to become the Guard #3
You mean snacks.
Refined taste.
Obrigado, doutor.
Absolutely based and alicepilled
Get lost greenie
God I wish I was a fox.
Local boy gets unbirthed
>Part 1 was released in March 2011
>MGQ will be 10 years old in less than 2 years
holy shit
what are some god tier /ss/ moster girl quest games that a noob should check out
>she knows that he'll never try to seriously hurt her no matter how much she molests him
Jokes on her, Luka loves to be molested.
If you're asking this I assume you already played MGQ and is at least aware of the sequel Paradox.
Three Charms is the big one, despite being a budget title that's pretty short on content it's extremely well-done.
If you don't mind a protag more on his teens rather than shota, SHRIFT is also a big one. It's kinda like MGQ meets Undertale... which kinda feels like a redundant description actually. Just... mind the insane difficulty early on.
The Violated Hero series isn't exactly "god tier" material, but it's fine for what it is - a VN/JRPG hybrid that's more JRPG on the grinding sense rather than the strategy sense like MGQ.
Finally, I'm currently playing The World A Robot Girl Dreamt Of, which fits the description but I would say it's too soon to say if it's "god tier" material. The presentation is fantastic, but the game itself is fine at best.
Cпacибo, дoктop
Great taste
Try out Domination Quest if you dont mind/are into vore, its by the Demon Angel Sakura devs
>v isn't capitalized
Imposter or illiterate
Is this game finished? I remember playing a demo a while ago, and it was decent-ish, but when I went looking for it I saw comments about the game being cut short halfway through. I already playing the waiting game on Paradox Part 3, don't want to start another one.
Yeah it ends at something of a "End of Chapter 1" deal meaning that the main conflict is solved but the bad guy is still out there. There is a very decent amount of content and the RPG gameplay is actually fun i definitely recommend it even though im pretty sure that there wont be any part 2 considering that the devs released a Endgame dungeon where you can max level your monstergirls and equipment to absurd degrees.
博士 nigger
Isn't that for like people with a PhD? I'm pretty sure you call you physician 先生 when you talk to them.
>the devs released a Endgame dungeon where you can max level your monstergirls and equipment to absurd degrees
Jesus, this dev has some beef with Torotoro or something? Or did he really decided to make the exact same game "with blackjack and hookers" for fun and profit?
>Come on, user! Just a quick drain! You're so strong, you won't feel anything, and it'll feel great!
How does Yea Forums respond?
When the fuck is her game
Coming out
Tell her to get the other two on board and I'll think about it.
I'm looking forward to it so much, the first game was really fun.
I respond by slapping her and going back for best girl.
such an improvement from her first design
But that's not Potato.
Fun and profit i guess their games are alright
ur mom is a potato
Thanks Doc
I tell her to take me to her sister so that she can sit on my face.
old hag
Mange takk, doktor
God I love level draining so much. Succubus Tamer 2 translation when?
>reminder they sway forward and back, since she slithers
Cecil, Alma Elma's tail is coming. Oh my god she has airpods in. She can't hear us. Oh my god oh shit oh fuck.
Kinda unrelated, but was it ever explained how the fuck is Cecil so strong? Long time since I played the mod.
Noncanon powers
>200 posts
>No grape flavored mommy
fuck off fateshitter
But plenty of people have posted Alice
No reasoning with gachabrains.
Did it seriously take that long for him to get posted?
>He never got THAT scene
Not vidya
>Hey, you! Wanna buy something?
I just can't take the Beelzebubs seriously anymore
I didn't because I'm not a scrub. Purging these abominations with Alice was great.
Why as dargoth kill? Someone call rogue.
>Someone call rogue.