Ladies and gentlemen, President Mario Mario is here to make an announcement:

Ladies and gentlemen, President Mario Mario is here to make an announcement:

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it's a me, mario. that is all.

What's up Mario

Well, to be honest Mario, I can agree with your opinion that transexual people tend to have problems in a relationship (my biological mother was MTF, after all) but I cannot, CANNOT, agree with your proposal that they despise using eggplants as a buttplug. The very notion of this idea is simply irrational, as professional and anecdotal evidence contradicts it.
I have not met a SINGLE transgender person that didn't object to shoving eggplants up their puffy asses when I asked them about it. Justine even convinced me to try it, and it was one of the most erotic and pleasurable things I have ever experienced, to the point where I blacked out cold after shooting my goo.
>b-but they don't like cis male penis, what makes an eggplant different?
HA! I imagine you typing a reply just like that to try and disprove me. Face it motherfucker, an eggplant is thicker, juicier, and harder than your sorry excuse of a penis. I would know, I've tried it myself.

Please play my Mario Maker level & give me feedback.

Course ID: J2P-LHM-T0G

do you think this is funny?

In a cosmic sort of way, yes.

Is he gonna say it?

Do you think it's not?