How come old games look so much better on old TVs?
How come old games look so much better on old TVs?
Because the narwhal bacons at midnight.
... Is this a trick question? Until you start hitting like, the Wii and stuff, games tend to look better when they're using the hardware consumers were expected to own when they came out. Developers worked with and exactly met limitations instead of just hitting them as fast as possible.
Wii looks better on CRTs. In fact, everything looks better on CRTs assuming you have the right setup.
Not EVERYTHING. At some point you start losing pixels from resolutions higher than CRTs were ever built to go.
No, everything. CRTs are better for picture reproduction.
composite cables created "half pixels" which smoothed and blended pixelated images.
Show me a CRT that makes 4K look better than an actual 4K monitor.
barco 909 reality
square vs circle pixels vs rgb rec 709 vs bt2020
Try SCART or some form of RGB combined with an OSSC. Makes shit look really good, if properly configured. It's FAR from plug and play, though.
Too expensive and doesn't recreate the same feel
This guy works with color.
There's a reason Barco is still around making CRTs.
>zoomy doesn't know about 240p & phosphor blending
How come you repost this thread constantly?
Their art and overall visual design is literally tailored to the output of CRT displays because nothing else existed.
Go to a Smash DLC thread son
>Used to have this amazing 36 in CRT
>Burned out in just the right spots that the colors warped and looked more amazing than what any emulator filter tries to do
>Put it away in my closet when I rearranged the room
>Despite his cage being in front of the closet my nigger rabbit managed to squeeze in and chewed the cord of the tv off
So sad, man. That TV was great. The only emulator filters that come close is that weird 3D warped image thing the M2 sega games do
Because you're literally retarded. Kill yourself.
Fuck off retard modern games and consoles look like garbage on a CRT.
Because they were made under the assumption that those were the TVs you'd be playing them on, and thus developers worked accordingly, designing them in such a way that the lower resolution tube displays would show a nice mesh instead of a hyper pixelated mess. CRTs also had completely different color grading than newer tvs have.
This is what tryhard indie devs don't understand. Old 16-bit games did not look like their shitty hyper blocky games do when played on the old TVs they were made to be played on.
How does this CRT magic work?
Tomboy bunnygirls are the best
Correction, average CRT.
No picture quality is worth ruining your home by having that ugly ass box in it. Depressing.
Literally everything looks better on CRTs. The only downfall is that in a lot of modern games it's impossible to read the text on a CRT because of the shitty new fonts everyone likes to use.
That's only a standard definition problem.
>Literally everything looks better on CRT!!!
>Except for the new fonts that aren't bolded pixelshit lel
Pick one you back peddling dinofaggot
There's still not an LCD/LED TV in existence that can match the response time and color/contrast reproduction of a good CRT, even after all these years.
The only thing that came close were the later plasma televisions, but no one makes them anymore. They were matching CRT quality at the end though, combined with HD resolutions and flat panels and you had the best of bother worlds, and it was glorious. Unfortunately LCDs are way cheaper to make.
composite cables
>Implying indie games can actually replicate that
>inb4 some faggot pretends shitty filters fix the issue.
If you're hooking them up to a Fisher Price 480i TV with composite inputs, then yeah.