Why do you think this controller looks so retarded?

Why do you think this controller looks so retarded?

Attached: 91qahZOIs6L._SL1500_.jpg (2000x2000, 104K)

It's retarded because it has three spokes.
You only have two hands. You can't hold three spokes at the same time. It's stupid.

because it is retarded

It was modeled after your face.

>he doesn't have a third arm

>He doesn't have three hands

>he's samefagging
Sad and pathetic.

For the first controller Nintendo designed for 3D games it was actually a pretty good idea; for 2D games you could use the left handle and have easier access to L, and for 3D games you had better access to Z.

The dualshock was the best that generation but it didn't come out until years in. 1998 in America. Until then undisputably...

N64 > Saturn > PSX

spokes connect to a rim dumbass. the n64 controller doesn't have "spokes" it has handles.

Except you never need to hold on to all three at once. You either use the middle for 3D games, and the left for anything 2D. The separate prongs add the advantage of not having to cram the Dpad and left analogue stick in the same area. Playing a 2D game on an Xbox controller sucks dick because you have to scrunch your thumb into an uncomfortable position.

That's also why I don't understand the Playstation controller. Why, for a console that's primarily 3D games, is the analogue stick in the most uncomfortable position? I fucking loved playing Dr. Mario and Kirby 64 with the N64 controller as much as I loved playing Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time. If it had the Gamecube's analogue stick and shoulder buttons, it'd be the perfect controller.

Great minds think alike, although I guess your idiotic self wouldn't understand.

Attached: sad.png (529x173, 20K)

>not having double-jointed thumbs
Playing with the stick on a PS controller feels perfectly comfortable for me

I don't; I think they hedged their bets in case people didn't actually like to use the joystick.

The controller was fine. Z trigger was cool as hell for shooters.

>the n64 controller needs three hands
What a fucking innovative joke. The goddamn room temperature superconductor of comedy. No way two retards online could come up with it individually.

Waste of plastic simple as that. The D pad is also worthless I don't get why they felt the need to shove it aside that's probably why a bunch of games barely use it.

There's nothing cool about using your left hand to pull a trigger

Why the hell did you do that?

based and 95%pilled

Because it's two controllers. One for 2D games, and one for 3D in case they catch on. It only seems silly in retrospect because 3D games completely dominated the market by EOL.