you HAVE decided on your character right user? you aren't still deciding with less than 24 hours left right user? you had years to decide user
You HAVE decided on your character right user? you aren't still deciding with less than 24 hours left right user...
Other urls found in this thread:
yes i decided for human
I'm fucked.
And this is why vanilla is great,classes are well balanced and fuck paladins definitely not gonna play paladins.
Maybe I'm going for druid or warlock.
still dunno
>tauren warrior
>orc shaman
>undead priest
>human rogue
>nelf druid
nelf mage because i'm that cool
Troll Mage and an Orc Warrior
Orc Shaman.
Indecisive faggots like you should stay with the rest of the mutts
Guild Wars 2 had the cutest girls. Too bad trannies ruined that game (the developers)
>taurean warrior
dude,orc warrior is much more based
Good luck finding RP user, genuinely. I hope the community picks up over there.
Whats more fun in World PvP? Horde or Ally? I'm leaning Horde because Redridge/boat ganking/trams
>ruined that game
what exactly did they ruin? it's a great game.
Said goodbye to your guildies yet retailtrannies?
It's more related to races than factions desu.
I played horde on Emerald Dream back when it first opened. Nobody RPd
the orange costanza hair on other screenshot you posted in a earlier thread looked better, just sayin friend
>classes are well balanced
Cringe and retardpilled
Ya but I guess it depends on what zones you link ganking more. Redridge ganking is more comfy than Stonetalon ganking
>gnome and orc is best warrior
>shaman lmao
>ud priest is gay op, human is best tho
human rogue is the only good call you have, and rogues are not very good overall ( just look at the warriors, hunter and paladins rolling )
>classes are well balanced
Just level two characters simultaneously if you can't decide.
Rested XP is a thing and it's the fastest way to level Tailoring/Enchanting/Cooking/First Aid
Christ GW2 is such an ugly fucking game
>undead priest
>tauren shammy
>undead mage
I can't frickin decide guys
haha, yeah I wish.
yeah I just can't decide on what professions to do on all of my characters
once i learned my friends are rolling alliance, my first thought was gnome rogue.
played one for a little while in my noob days i wasnt very good so i switched to warriorand leveled slowly to 60 in prot spec because noob me thought it was the only way to tank dungeons
Already made two. Human Paladin and Undead Warrior
for me? It's orc warlock
are there any downsides to leveling a NE in human zones besides the long run?
male human rogue on Grobbulus
why is literally everyone rolling horde now when back in the day most people rolled alliance?
i want to roll alliance but god damn am i going to be outnumbered
the downside is that you won't get early reputation boosts to night elves which means you'll have to grind rep later on if you want to get the night elf mount aka the tiger
according to the biggest wow classic survery its 53% horde 47% alliance. its probably a mix of a few things. Yea Forums is mostly young males and young males like horde, a lot of boomers went alliance on their first time so they're going horde now to spice it up, and horde just has a much better variety of races where alliance races are generally just humans of varying stature.
rp servers suck
Female Human Warlock on Fairbanks
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
because the Horde gets cool and fun fantasy races while the Alliance has manlets and trannies
lol wait till he finds out black people dont play wow and alliance is full of tranny paladins who cause guild drama everywhere they go
where is this tranny thing coming from? why is everything about trannies now?
Okay, I'm horny
no endgame
its the truth on /vg/
Horde always had more faction pride. Like at Blizzcon "For the Horde" is always much louder than the Alliance one, the overall balance is pretty much 50/50
i'm a male night elf guild master
i only invite other male night elves
I know my character's name, race, class, and character model options. I also am not playing until they turn layering off and the tourists leave. I do not have 24 hours left. I have a lifetime.
/pol/ and its offspring are obsessed with trannies
you know that even with layering, starting zones will be a mess, right? give it a break boomer
as all things should be
Not even true since tons prefer Ally for paladins and overall more aesthetic cities. Vanilla is the only time factions were truly balanced to have a good reason to want to play on both.
how bad are paladins really?
i want to play shaman but my dumbass friends wanna play alliance
ive never really played pally but the idea of slowly wittling people down in pvp while being invincible if i play well sounds like fun
paladins are good you just have to be a healer
this. ironforge and sw are reasons themselves to play ally
I'm rolling paladin. My friend is rolling warrior.
There's just something extremely satisfying about spamming heals and blessing of freedom on a warrior while he hamstrings some horde cuck and proceeds to give him the dick.
you cant wilt people down if they cc you then run if they're losing
pally/warrior is the ultimate world PVP duo, nothing can stop it
Anyone else going in raw? I refuse to look up anything and go by pure memory. Most has faded, so it will be quite new and confusing
How is that bad?
At least some niggas you can kill.
As a rogue I love grouping w/ them in BGs/wpvp. People are so focused on the pally and I just pop out of stealth.
You literally made me go alliance user and I want to thank you.
God I forgot how comfy SW and Ironforge are.
I'm practically going in new
Only fucked around in wow a bit as a teenager, never did a raid or anything, think I only got to level 30
Fuck the undead and Fuck horde niggers
Human Pally for fucks. Undead mage for money laundering.
if the game is just gonna be a quick nostalgia trip and not get much support then
>tauren warrior
if the game is going to get some support and modern stuff added from retail (but kept on azeroth/classic) then
>human warrior
if they're gonna bring in abilities from other expansions to try to balance classes a bit better then
>human pally
someone help me pick
im going in literally new. never played wow before. rolled priest because i assume its easy and guaranteed groups and im just taking it as it goes
>alliance gets blessing of freedom and healers with the fastest, most efficient heals who can wear PLATE ARMOR
>horde get shitty jack of all trades mail healers that can't more more than 5 feet without slapping down another set of totems
Remind me again why people say Horde is better at PVP?
I think I maybe got to 45
priests are ez to level, spec into wands/mind tap ASAP for less downtime. Shadowform at 40 is amazing and makes priests excellent at 1v1 wpvp
Feral druid. Tanking MC is gonna be fun
dwarf paladin or dwarf warrior? FUCK!
glad you could make it
*activates stoneform*
Nothing personal my child!
Post it
This is the true master race.
how do alliance premades fare in wsg?
What Tauren class can I pick that will let me raid with the boys without being dead weight?
If Tauren is fucked, how about Troll?
Tauren druid and hog all the gathering. Build yourself to guild lead and literally ban anyone who trys to gather ahead of you.
im not even on a server am i fucked lads
Troll mage but I'm not going to play classic. Private servers sated my want for this shit a long time ago.
EVERYONE is fucked at launch. It's going to be retarded on the full servers and when people inevitably reroll on the lower pops for now they'll be hell as well. This launch is going to be FUCKED.
Bitches don't know bout my Dwarf Pally
well thats a semi relief once i saw all the servers full i thought i was fucked for a while
>replies to own post for self validation.
>thinks he's actually changing people's mind
You make me embarrassed to play Alliance
Alliance for whites
Horde for niggers
This is what it's like.
if I were to play classic, it would be as a undead warlock
or maybe a dwarf pally if I went alliance
>Looks good at first glance
>realize it's flat
>it's burnt
>it's chinese
fucking chinamen painters and their burn tool
I have a mods folder that is from my time on Nostalrius. Will any of them work with the nuBlizz client or is it going to fucking break everything since they're not on 1.12?
I'm not playing Classic because the people I grew up with are no longer the target audience. Those people don't exist anymore and our internet culture doesn't either. I'm not going to taint my memories of Vanilla with zoomers and shitskins ruining the game by being horrible people in general or being streamer whores.
>I swear to god Kevin if you let paladins have anywhere close to viable damage I'll splatter your brains all over that keyboard and call Afrasiabi to detonate the bomb on your house
What the fuck was his problem?
I thought they said old addons will work. But I don't see how that could possibly be true if they remade everything.
i can't wait to floss in Classic *dabs*
Yeah it's probably going to have addons referring to data that doesn't exist in the same form. If they're already changing what mods are okay and not okay, I guarantee half the shit people want to take in will need patches from authors that are no longer alive.
Or you could just play the video game and not be a meta-thinking weirdo.
>classes are well balanced
I cannot believe you unironically said this.
lmao check out this fucking boomer
Horde get lots of cool battle cries like, "Lok'tar Ogar" and "Blood and Thunder". Alliance is mostly about honor and the light and that's boring when you're listening to Dragonforce on repeat while on your 9th hour in AV.
fuck off im a boomer too but im gonna dab on the zoomers get over yourself
MMOs not named FFXIV are almost 60% community-based, retard. If you don't have a community to form good relationships in, you're wasting time.
What do you mean they don't exist anymore? I'm right here like 14 years later. Just because it won't be exactly the same as back then doesn't mean it won't be fun.
>paladins are just priests with penis complexes
t. Kaplan
First time player, Priest or Warlock, which is funner?
Starting with Tauren Warrior. Once I get him kitted out I might either go Frost Mage for Gold Farming or Rogue for general ganking fun
Do we get the cool old AV that had 12-30 hour rounds you could fall asleep in or the neutered useless fucking shit they gave us later
because peak AV to me was late 2006
im kinda with you on this. it was a different time you cant fucking relive it no matter how hard you try.
it's not suddenly gonna be 2004 all over again. you can pretend everyone cares as much as you but thats really all thats fueling it...and th ats not what fueled the game in 2004
warrior unless you're a fan of wearing dresses
hell yeah these zoom-zoom zoomies do not stand a chance
I unironically just want to play the original WoW with people that want to do the same. I can't remember what it was like to be a teenager and I don't give a fuck I JUST WANT MY FUCKING SKILL TREES
this is what im talkin about...if paladins are going to stay the way they were in vanilla then fuck playing a pally
I can almost not believe it's finally here.
>if paladins are going to stay the way they were in vanilla
You mean based?
>I unironically just want to play the original WoW with people that want to do the same.
it's just one big circle jerk thatll go on for a month
are they even gonna add new content? or is it just gonna go up to tbc and then thats it
is human warrior unironically the most based pick?
Who /newcharactereveryweek/?
The true vanilla experience.
Undead Lock was my original main so I went with that for nostalgia but I also got a Tauren Druid
They are releasing content close to the schedule of the original
>for a month
After a month it'll be
>two months
After two months it'll be
>until the holidays are over
After the holidays are over it will be
>it won't last a year
After a year it will be
>it won't make it two year
After two years it will
but then thats it though right? the game will just slowly die off after like a year or two?
or are they gonna keep supporting it with new content but keep the same classic feel
I hope you play caster and know the pure horrifying frustration of a tauren shaman earth shocking you and stomping.
>the game will just slowly die off after like a year or two?
Thank you for proving me right
Is that you Alex? He literally played both. Was my roommate years ago.
Do i have to buy this shit again? I have all the CDs from retail.
but back then it was nice knowing it would keep getting support as long as people are playing it
so...are they just gonna let it die off and people not give a sh it anymore after they've achieved everything?
All you need is an active monthly sub
Dunno of they're going to close down Kronos or if it's down already but that's where I used to play vanilla.
Ah man so do I. No, you have to get on your account and download the client. Then you activate the game by paying the monthly wow sub.
Orc Female warrior and my girlfriend (yes they are real, have sex, seethe, cope incels) is healslutting me.
Hold on let me get my friend Nostradamus on the phone
have fun playing your dead game nobody really cares about
>my girlfriend (yes they are real
>War/Pala combo
Im going to find four paladins and force them to play with me
based chad horde btfo'ing alliancecucks AGAIN
>girlfriends are real
You lie you dirty dog. That whore I take on dates and fuck is real.
Orc Warrior because I'm a chad
I will
Dwarf priest for fear ward
based chads
Took me forever to decide what I wanted to make between a Dwarf Hunter or Rogue. Last minute decided on Rogue.
The more I thought about after the grind to 60 the more appealing it felt.
>Dark Iron Medium skin color to show red eyes will always go with gear
>Biggest black beard
>Extra bag slots
>Invisibility to explore other faction in a comfy manner
>Don't mind competing for gear since phase one might take a while
>No pet, ammo, or mana to worry about
>Might suck more in wPvP in groups but it seems more exciting to jump on someone unexpected trying to eat/drink after focusing a warrior/pally combo
>While leveling stoneform and vanish will keep me alive a lot more than FD and having to switch between so many tracking options (just herb/treasure)
>Speaking of which able to stealth to treasure before others
>Engineering at 60 to make the reflecting trinkets and bombs waiting for the right time to make a lock/mage/Hunter (with trap) fuck themselves
>Gnomish mind control hat
Yep, it feels good bros
That nigga would be on a flip phone from 2005 making chicken sandwiches with cardboard if he lived now.
FUCK fuck fuck I never played WoW what do I choose?
I play alliance but trolls/tauren/orcs are alright in my book
whatever you fucking want
whatever fucking feels right you moron
This man knows. You can be a complete obtuse fuckwad and log off in the middle of a raid and never get kicked because of how badly you're needed.
Wayne brady makes brian gumble look like malcolm x
cope, i'm using silver sword on your ass
Barrens ganking is the most comfy ganking
Forgot to mention distracting people into lava
If you're not waiting in character select 2 hours before launch you're already behind.
Why do horde players get so desperate for their racials? Are they really that bad at PvP?
Hunter or Mage, I want to raid
It doesnt matter
>I want to raid
Lol, you wont when you start
rogues for ganking - based
If you didn't start waiting when we hit the 24 hours remaining point then can you honestly say you're trying?
The Barrens isn't contested so you have to trick Horde into flagging or nail them in Ratchet though
Here's your (You)
You don't need reputation to buy your own race's mount. Don't spread bullshit.
Mage for better DPS, Hunter for having a better time
The orc and undead ones are extremely useful, borderline overpowered in pvp. Perception is a meme and stoneform is just pissing about while a rogue vanishes and starts again.
>undead mage
>not troll
bro you just posted cringe
Thats what I mean.
All the bad players go Horde because they think the racials will save them. Happens every time.
>Orc Warlock
>Orc Shaman
>Orc Warrior
>Orc Everything
easy as fuck to decide
Crossroads man.
It's going to be a bloodbath full of people that don't know what flagging is. Or at least I would hope so. That shit was hilarious back then.
Holy shit this is hilarious
Enjoy having 90% of the groups you try to join tell you that they already have a rogue or that they don't want a rogue.
is it possible to lvl with MM spec for hunter?
Alliance gets carried by their racials in PvE, Horde gets carried by theirs in PvP. It's the circle of life.
Help me anons, what server should I choose for the US realms?
WoW forums used to be so fucking hilarious. They really didn't moderate them very hard
>Alliance gets carried by their racials in PvE
You mean Humans. Also their weapon skill is only for melee and it equates to like .5% less dodge from a boss. Its good, but you're over exaggerating how good it is.
Bald Human warrior like retail.
yeah just expect to go oom a lot and your pet to not be able to tank. I'd suggest getting a high dmg pet like a cat or a Raptor. Its possible to level any spec to full in vanilla, don't let anyone lie to you. Some specs just level faster than others
Night elf Hunter (female)
Dwarf Rogue is the GOAT Rogue, Treasure Sense was never meant to be combined with Stealth
It is a decent drop in the overall cost, though.
I don't know if this patch was when they made beast mastery actually good. Otherwise you're way better off just diving your talents into marksman. Is this when they introduced bestial wrath or not? Can't really remember 1.12.
I was going to play as a tank, but someone told me only warriors can tank.
Then I was going to play a rogue, but someone told me everyone is going to play a rogue and it would be impossible to get gear.
So now I am just not going to play at all.
>it equates to like .5% less dodge from a boss.
It takes your damage from hitting like a level 60 to a 61 and with the right gear you're the equivalent of level 62.
But this is all irrelevant, Alliance is the best because of their zones and music.
My group consists of
>undead priest played by metagamer
>tauren warrior played by lovable dope, named his guy ChuckTaurus
>??? played by total scrub
>orc hunter played by priests gf, no idea how useful she'll be
I'm an orc shaman just to fill in the gaps. How boned are we?
>only warriors can tank
Are you a cynical poop-socking douche that basically has to show up to a raid like it's a job? If not, do not go tank in vanilla. Those guys were so weirdly bitter.
Stop listening min/max assholes who theorycraft everything but can barely clear the MC.
Paladins are hour long cancerfests for both players in a 1v1. But the second the paladin gets a warrior he can heal and spam blessing of freedom on, he becomes godlike. Paladins and warriors have the greatest synergy out of any class.
He's right. Obviously, just about anything can tank a dungeon, I tanked scholo as enhance, but no one is going to want a fucking bear or prot when like a third of the server are superior warriors.
Adding to this with a pic
Hell yeah it is
I'll be ok, just level fast and find a guild
Female NE druid like usual
>tfw find out at your first guild meeting 18 hours before classic launch that your guild is a bunch of sjw cucks and you'll have to pretend to be someone else if you want gear
Humans, and Dwarves, and Dwarves with Fear Ward. Weapon Skill also takes substantially more than .5% off the glancing table to the point that it is the most substantial DPS (or threat per second if you're tanking) stat you can get to its soft cap of 315 overall skill.
how do i check the ally to horde ratio on teh servers
I'm going to be completely silent, only talking to people when absolutely necessary for raid/dungeon encounters.
I realise now that if I try to socialise I'll just come off as desperate or annoying.
There was nothing I enjoyed more with my pally than going for an enormous amount of time in a fight 1v1, then bubble-hearthing. kek came form somewhere
>Me and two friends rolling lock/sham/war
>Dungeon groups will practically make themselves
>Will run an absolute train in same-level wpvp
I pity solo players.
You are literally taking advice from people who cry when their boss kill #747 took a minute longer than the last one because they didn't have optimal tank/dps/healer.
Unless you are in a super HC guild who are seriously going for first week clears etc you can play pretty much whatever you want and still get a raid spot and groups.
I'm gonna be bold and unique and make a Human Paladin. Maybe to shake things up I'll make a Human Mage later on.
henlo blameux fren
Distraction makes people stop. For lava shenanigans you want shadow priest for mind control (preferably elf due to based shadowmeld ambushes).
You only need Fear Ward if your tanks are too stupid or lazy to stance dance the fears.
Undead Mage
Orc Warrior
Dwarf Priest
Tauren Hunter
Human Rogue/Warlock
>not joining a epgp guild and do what the fuck you want
You brought this upon yourself
>inb4 muh lc optimal loot distribution
Literally only the true reason if you are in a top tier guild, in all other cases its just greedy lootwhores and their circlejerk orbiters.
I'd rather farm the extra 50 gold i'll miss from not having darnassus rep than do quests in darkshore.
actually no. it's a human, but I don't have a class.
I know you're being silly but they're honestly quintessentially Warcraft choices, which is very much in the spirit of the era. Same with orc warriors and shamans.
Then leave? The game hasn't even launched nigga, your options are LITERALLY limitless.
I want me a tiger mount but fuck being a night elf.
>paladins can tank!
That's a big human.
Distraction also changes the way they are looking/running to, it's pretty easy to Distract people off from the chains that lead to MC etc.
I respect you user.
Not him but you're a dumb fucking retailcuck, druids, warriors and paladins can all tank everything from 1 to 60.
Night elves are based, human cuck
Here's your quest hub bro.
considering pala population will be below 5%, good luck user
You can get one from the quest chain.
Thanks man.
I want a draenei wife and I want it now
No, it literally does nothing. If they're on autorun it just makes them stop and turn. If they're running manually it doesn't even make them turn.
There will be a ton of Mages and they don't need any skill at all.
Hunters will be needed for Tranq shot and occasional ranged pulls. Shit Hunters will be found out and replaced and shit Hunters are more common than shit Mages.
The Kargath Expeditionary Force NPCs had more SOUL than most players
was it wintergrasp? I can't remember
Too bad, he played warlock like those Korean dudes did. Too bad I was a Shaman with this. Fuck Alterac Valley. How many goddamn times did I have to summon the wolf riders or that earth elemental jesus christ.
Ahh yes, because 1-60 dungeons are where the meat of gameplay is at, not the raids. Got it monglor.
Your options then are get Exalted with Night Elves, do the Winterspring grind, or wait for ZG and suck off a Leprechaun for the luck to get a Zulian Tiger to drop and win it
I'm stuck on Male or female orc shaman
she would divorce you the first day so why bother?
What are the best 3-man wpvp comps?
>not the raids
yes. not the raids. fuck off to retail.
rogue warrior hpal
words hurt sometimes bro
do you think it will fill past medium? I want to be on a decently high server but I dont want to wait on release!!!!!!!! also what faction did you pick on Blaumeux
Welcome to the club
Go be gay on your RP server there are no futa horse demon things in classic. We fuck orcs like respectable gentleman here.
He's right
>better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in
And even Shamans can! I thought it was a meme too until I saw it for myself, the threat on those fuckers is insane
Fear Ward is the most over rated spell in the game. Everybody always creams their pants talking how great it is and so on, but it's literally just a crutch for the shitty tanks who can't figure how to use the Berserker Rage.
Fire bomb mage with +spell damage trinkets. I think one drops off the second-to-last boss in molten core.
Of course.
Yeah brah fuck raiding hitting those 5 mans for blues is where it's at! Also fuck PVP because fucking raiders keep owning me in their purples!
>I'll take an orcfu too but BC is my true home, classic is a pit stop for me
what eu servers are you chads rolling?
Shaman can tank some encounters, but it requires that your healers are geared way above what that encounter requires with real tanks.
I legit don't even know what server I'm playing on yet. I haven't reserved names or anything yet.
Anyone have a run down of what the major servers are going to be?
Or you know, the non-Warrior ones
I know but you're still going to have them
I did not mean to greentext
Because only literal children and trannies play alliance.
There was the pvp tiger too, but can't remember how to get that.
Pool's closed
Tanks aren't the only units who get feared bro
Ru PvP, it's going to be comfy without streamer fags, trannies and soccer moms
Faerlina will have the highest pop and strongest guilds.
I mean for dungeons, in raids they aren't viable because there isn't any itemization for them to get enough defense skill and a lot of their tricks are invalidated, and some bosses like Garr are just straight up immune to 95% of their damage
Yeah the rundown has been posted in every thread in existence since name reservations of have begun. Best get started looking through them.
based confused warcraft 3 chad
With all the full servers having queues to play, my guess would be there's going to be a lot of people switching to the lower populated servers so it'll even out either way. And I went with Alliance
We don't even know how many peoples are gonna sub on launch day and after. It's gonna be fucked all around.
Supposedly high pop is going to have long queues as well. Don't be surprised if even mediums have a short queue.
the whole week going to be a mess, blizzard most likely didn't expect this
just shows how out of touch they are
Ill explain it slowly so even your retarded lilzoom brain can understand:
If you dps, your dps is so low that a warrior dps could die with the boss at 80% and you STILL wouldnt be able to beat him
You are so worthless, that a holy priest spamming smite until he is oom and then wanding the rest of the fight will do more than you could ever hope to achieve
If you tank, you will never tank anything other than dungeons. You cant be unhittable, you cant rangepull and you need to drink after every pull.
Your only use is being a buffbitch and standing out of combat, ressing actual useful players
Or if the shaman is exceptionally good at the class and is actually using the totems and healing control. My paladin once basically kept a gnomer run together by both healing and doing DPS. The priest was really good but the other three in the party were retards. It was basically like babysitting but with a computer.
can i get a run down on the servers? is blau gonna be a comfy server?
Troll or Undead for a Horde Priest? Technically Trolls have better racials at least for PvE, but I like the Undeads more as a race.
>low settings
shit nigger lmao
So asshurt, where did the mean Paladin touch you? Show us on the doll
Did Horde dominate PvP in vanilla like they do in live right now?
>Fork over 5 dollars for joanasworld guide since I figured the cost of a beer for the dude to save me time was worth it
>Saved PDF of one class
>Website crashes (and will stay down the next two and a half days supposedly) when I decide to do something else
>Technically Trolls have better racials at least for PvE
Undead have DP. Its literally an extra spell for DPS. They are the best Priests bar none.
>standing out of combat, ressing actual useful players
That was fixed even before the BWL came out.
nobody knows anything. it's all guess work and wishful thinking
For about 15 minutes after launch when all those who didn't sub before release come streaming in and notice that one medium server like it's a pure aryan virgin in darkest Africa.
Gnome mage
>once more, with feeling
>Fork over 5 dollars for joanasworld guide
This is the point where you fucked up. Now live with it.
>dude everyone knows the meta the game will be dead in a few months
Like 5% of the playerbase is that level of autistic
The vast majority of the people returning from vanilla didn't know the meta before BC came out, and the rest never played vanilla. For the vast majority of people, the game will be basically brand new.
No, it was actually Alliance favored for a long time even though Horde had the advantage in AV for years. It was more equal in BC and Wrath. Then Alliance dominated in Cata because of Every Man for Himself, then Human racials got shit on a month later and WotF got OMEGA BUFFED and was way more OP then EMfH and Horde became the dominate racial faction, even to this day.
Devs are huge basedbois and Horde biased. Alliance aren't allowed to have an edge anymore.
literary me. I quested in vanilla and did couple dungeons but hell if I know what meta was like
and I dropped playing in cata to this day.
thanks again user, now i just gotta pick a class. what race/class you playing so maybe I can run into a fren, and youre character name if you want
This, during the vanilla I was a stupid as fuck kid who wanted to play enhancement shaman. Needless to say I was only taken into the raids when actually useful players didn't show up so I missed like 70% of the content.
hey im ally blau too frens
>For the vast majority of people, the game will be basically brand new.
The seething from retailfags has only begun
>I was a stupid as fuck kid who wanted to play enhancement shaman
sounds like you were a chad and the other virgins couldn't handle it
I had full arcanist, but some dickless piece of shit hacked my account and vendored it.
Sounds just like prot pala and feral druids to me.
Human male warrior.
>tfw still have my arcanite reaper with crusader on it in my bank in retail
god i was so fucking nervous the guy was gonna run away with my arcanite but he was a total bro and didn't even ask for a tip
I hope that you tipped the bro anyways.
I'm tempted to make nelf male warrior just to spite you all.
fren, post your name or race/class combo if u want too. i have no other frens to play classic with
Good choice, user.
i'm going human warrior but i'm still not 100% on my final name yet cuz my name from back in the day is taken
im either playing a Dwarf Rogue or Human Mage. my mage's name is Garak, can't decide on a funny name for the dwarf
Rolling Horde on Herod. I'm going Orc Warrior and I'm gonna fucking kill all of you alliance faggots.
I went Horde on Zandalar Tribe (EU RP-PvP) after 15 years of Alliance. No idea if my old name is taken but I would legit think it funny in a surreal way if I could dunk on a player using my old name/race combo.
Just think of how fast you're going to get back to your corpse every time you die!
lmao a warrior ganking alone is like a fly trying to annoy someone
>rank 1 frostbolt 0.4 second cast
>50% slow for 15 seconds, and a 20% to CC
>laugh and dance around you as you try to get to me
what about Lilchungus, and alright i'll write the name down
man i've literally had that happen before but just the same name
>night elf priest
>not sure what to name her
>in b4 tranny
>my name from Northdale is too lewd/suggestive for a blizzard rp-pvp server
Same here by the wa do they have shoes with bare toes asking for a friend haha
I'm doing one of every class. Just pick 3 to start off with.
>in b4 tranny
>my name from Northdale is too lewd
dumb tranny
kys tranny
yeah get the initiates sandles or w/e from starting either a mage or warlock female then mailing it over. that also gives the neophyte's shirt
>human warrior
try and see if "boringfaggot" isnt taken
Have you played druid before?
Imo druid is just fun to play and warlock is antifun in anything but pvp.
thanks for the bully user
>human fire mage
>troll hunter
>undead warlock
orc warrior
>Just rolled an Orc warlock and Tauren druid on Grobbulus with RP-appropriate names
Time to get comfy when I'm able to actually play
no problem brother
based rp-pvp chad
>tfw xxtheDilatorxx is considered "mature language"
Not RP friendly thx ;^)
Im going to roll dwarf paladin!
>all these buffs!
>wisdom casters and healers for less downtime
>heal/ off heal if healer is oom, bubble mages that are going ham, freedom tanks
>can tank dungeons, im going to farm kobold candles and hoard grenades for ranged pulls
>dab on rogue's poisons and bleeds for 8 seconds thanks to stoneform (also blind removal + hunter's viper sting immunity)
I really wanted to roll UD mage or orc/troll hunter for easy leveling experience but I just like to be able to do tons of things to my allies and be somewhat versatile.
>not using races that know more than one language
Get fucked orc/humans
*mana burns u*
The price of excellence
Decided on undead priest, but which gender has better animations?
It's well established that female has some of the best animations in the game.
Personal prefs man. I played male undead priest for years and loved it.
this, tbdesu
good day to be a brainlet
or at least not a perpetually analytical cynic
What should i make my 3rd guy?
I'm Horde
I have a Warrior and Priest.
I came here to fap to night elves
Shaman. Enjoy that Horde exclusivity.
seconding shamans. watch as other casters panic when you earth shock them constantly. any caster that doesn't know how to feint his spells to bait out interrupts will be dominated by you
Some sort of ranged DPS, so hunter, warlock or mage.
>two months minimum to reach 60
Bye bye life
i just made a gnome mage named zorp
What is better for priest
Troll or Undead
>Everyone can do everything
>Invisible walls everywhere
I mean, it's good fashion simulator but as MMO it's fucking trash compared to wow
>Summarizing the Winterspring Saber grind as "a quest chain"
Talk about a fucking understatement.
>60 in two months
It took me two years to reach 40
>two months
This has always been exaggerated, you can get to 60 with 2-4 hours played each day in less than a month.
I literally plan to watch Netflix while spamming Consecrate as a prot paly in 5 mans
Need a warlock gigachad
>spamming Consecrate
hey bro don't forget to taunt if you lose one
oh wait
*HoTs and casts travel form*
Try ta' keep up dr. robuttnik
what's so good about vanilla wow lol
For pvp undead. For pve I still went undead since I like to throw inner focus and devouring plauge together in a macro and do more damage that way.
Thats what Exorcise is for in undead dungeons
Otherwise it teaches people to manage their aggro
Its gonna be so much fun to tankadin, its not like I expect my guild to get to raiding before losing interest
its fun
>1 hour until final sleep
hope i don't die bros
fun things are fun
Human female, doesn't matter what
>That night, user died in his sleep.
It's fun and has SOUL, something which Blizzard ripped from Retail piece by piece
undead rogue
>Multiple reposts of the same threads with the same img IDs
What's the point of this rule?
Are you playing with addons or without?
please no
Nothing much. Literally just nostalgia.
No first day addons. Gotta get my feet wet first. Then only the bare minimum, like a threat meter and something to sort out the bags.
Minmaxing and meta autism was barely existent back in the day
If you have that mindset going into classic it's not going to be fun. No one cared that I was a prot paly back then
who /boomer/ here who actually played on launch
Gotta get that quartz cast bar and my undead hand cursor
are you me? I was planning on sleeping then too for maximum sleep
Yeah I got 60 in about a month on my very first character and that was not knowing what I was doing.
wanna sleep together?
there's room for two
I'm just bored, douchebag
Same. I'll download addons later when needed rather than loading up on unnecessary ones.
without at first, but ill probably pick up Bartender or something like it near 40 when i start needing to get organized
scoot over! I hope you don't mind if i give you a goodnight kiss
God I want some cactus apple surprise right now.
God I hate discord faggots like you so much.
How much is heroic strike going to confuse wrathbabies?
I decided when they announced the release of it.
Gnome master race reporting.
Imaging actually playing horde and having to spend months of your life looking at brown landscapes and the most ugly races and armor of all time
If you're not a boomer from 15 years back or a private server autist, you're gonna be confused by a lot of things.
gimme another (you), because I don't use discord. I'm just a fag
The last several days I saw this, it's never been funny. Shekelstein has you beat.
That's why I'm going to undead land at lvl 1
People lacking in social skills tend to roll Horde due to the “For the Horde” autistic screeching.
>Shekelstein has you beat.
Just like his dad
That really does look like a face you'd love to beat
>why is literally everyone rolling horde now when back in the day most people rolled alliance?
Except that isnt true at all, WoW has always had a 45/55 split on PvP servers
WAIT blaumeux is pacific never mind frens i need an eastern server
Lets go
And i'm going to continue to post it and you can just deal with it.
ill take a gay good night kiss too
they actually are. not in the retard sense of "hurr durr everyones equal and the same" but in the sense that classes tend to have a direct counter in other classes. it's an mmo, it's not meant to be balanced 1v1
oh shit fren, i'm eastern too. I just switched to Skeram since it's in EST
Is rogue OP in vanilla bros? I want to pvp
me too
ive never played world of incels and never will
Depends if you're dwarf or orc with engineering respectively
for me it's Nelf male Druid the most Lore Filled race class combo of the game
I already kissed the other user, im not a slut user sorry
Femhuman rogue on Stalagg
Sweety, be glad I don't know you in real life or me and my
fish de-boning knife would have a lot of catching up to do.
What would that help with?
Dwarf priest, question now is male or female? Dwarf females are thicc.
>WoW forums used to be so fucking hilarious. They really didn't moderate them very hard
You really think the devs didn't see that and laugh their fucking asses off? They used to be able to take a joke.
jesus fucking christ my sides
I don't understand why the fuck would someone actually pay money to play something like WoW
Tauren warrior tank.
paladins are pretty strong. They are great in 5 mans and good in pvp. Very strong once they get their tier 2. You basically just auto attack and cast buffs and heals though, i think they are fun in 5 mans but gridning mobs can be a bit of a slog.
night elf warrior tank
were do people get the addons for classic anyway
What is the Swing Timer addon called?
how do i check the characters i used to have on my regular wow account without installing it again
Orc Shaman -> MALE
Orc Warlock -> MALE
Orc Warrior -> FEMALE
Undead Mage -> FEMALE
Undead Rogue -> MALE
Troll Priest -> MALE
Troll Hunter -> MALE
Tauren Druid -> FEMALE
This is peak race/class performance. If you pick otherwise, you are wrong.
One way is to go on and go to wow account and do character transfer then look at your character list per server.
Im thinking human male warrior, black with a flat top
or a rogue / hunter dwarfy.
>no shoes niggers
Is there a good bag addon for classic?
i use to use BagOn but it doesn't exist.
Of course I did:
>Male Worgen Druid
>Fem Night Elf Death Knight
>Male Human Priest
I'm even planning to max them all and get the bis slot gear from m+ raids and bgs.
it says some ingame shop shit
>Why yes, I am going to use the LFG addon. What gave it away?
I feel sorry for random party members who have to refer to you in text chat
>"Uh... Priest more heals"
rate my name "lilchungus" for my gnome mage
It's my priest for later when i do alt runs so i can Shadow or MC people off stupid shit.
not so sure about that i just remember something dumb like all in one bag
zoom zoom
funny thing is i'm a boomer
Can someone post that art of a Dorf and a Human bros greeting one another in Goldshire? Can't find it.
lucky for you boom and zoom are states of mind
Currently 7:50am in the UK. Gonna go to bed at 1pm, wake up at 9pm, shower, take dog for walk, then get ready for a 24 hour sesh of Classic.
Life is good.
The success of WoW over the years turned the whole company into a soulless behemoth and their employees are just wagies that have no passion for work they do. It's really sad.
tfw a boomer zoomer
It's rouge
DW Grobbros. I'm gonna singlehandedly keep the Horde RP scene alive.
Go enjoy your last hot week of Summer, user. Classic WoW is not going anywhere.
I've already got a decent tan and I live in a village. All my irl mates are also getting ready for Classic so there's nothing to do until I go back to uni in October.
when are we able to make more than 3 characters
Tomorrow 10ampdt
UD female rogue is better because they do ninja flips with every eviscerate, you know I'm right
If it's not free to play i'm not touching it.
>They can't outnumber us they're fucking niggers that live in mudhuts blizzard stop them they're going to camp me non stop PLEASE DONT ROLL HORDE PLEASE DONT FUCK MY ASSHOLE PLEASE
Thank God
you guys /logout at the end of the day at an inn, right?
lads westfall is top comfy i can't wait
/lay in one of the beds
Classic still has based Worgen, right?
It does. As enemies.
guys i cant wait to dab on horde nigs i cant sleep
A man of taste I see.
how do u unlock void elves in classic
Might as well go female since you're going to be a faggot in a robe bringing shame to your ancestors.
A man who's truly skilled can look quite good in twill.
>clothie cope themesong
I'm just disappointed that I have to kill my niggas
You could just not quest in Silverpine/SFK since that is the only area in classic they appear.
Yiff in hell, furfag
Fair enough. I was thinking of Horde since I have played an Alliance character in vanilla in 14 years.
Of course I will go Human Paladin for the /comfy/ kino experience
In NMS will I lose my analysis scanner upgrade if I get a better tool? I found it in a chest but am not sure if I can swap it over or build another upgrade to replace it.
>mcconnellret namedrops Yea Forums
he's here boys
Took me until like 40 before I discovered that as a noob. I first realized I got more rested xp when I logged out anywhere inside a capital.
Deciding between dwarf or UD rogue, literally have the perfect name for UD but I hate Horde cities minus undercity. Dwarf would be comfier but I would regret not using the name. What do I do?
This is for retail, not classic. At least make an attempt to look into this shit before you start trying to drum up bullshit.
>undead or orc warlock
Orc is frankly superior in every way except starter zone and feel.
Why would retail downtime appear on the classic title screen?
Have shoes
I-i'm Ready.
man Yea Forums is pretty uncreative with most of their names
lot of these are just retarded unfunny faggotry
Best server?
You know it bro. Shit gonna be lit senpai.
>Using /logout instead of /camp
Fucking casual
dudemassage was my boomkins name during most of wow.
>tfw no dark irons in classic
It hurts bros.
what do you think the black skin option is faggot
They are taking the servers down just before it opens up?
>lot of these are just retarded unfunny faggotry
wow just like the board members
You mean slightly gray? Also the lack of red eye options bother me.
There will be server restart 30min before launch to kick out all the bots that are waiting in the character screen.
good, they are cucked in the alliance
t. Furor
yeah. i guess the male combo looks better
Of course, for me it's an undead rogue. Jokes on you I'm going to roll an orc rogue
Nope. In fact you can sit on the character select and the enter world button should un-grey at 3:00pm PT.
yeah it's just ironic edgy / meme names.
is an example of a good name imo
You get booted from the character select screen after 30min regardless.
>Get booted while picking character customization
Because that's just how it is nigger.
Only if you afk. If you switch between characters or something, it won't boot you.
ud females have the best MELEE animations famalam
Do warlocks/sh priests stay relevant once people start rolling with asscandy/mom/sulfuras
>that combo
Fuck the Horde indeed
male orc or undead warrior bros or continue playing a male troll named hardgay?